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耻辱的年代 - 法国Black Metal乐队Eternal Hunt专访

今天采访到的是一支来自法国的Black Metal乐队Eternal Hunt,组建于2017年的Eternal Hunt今年也来到了他们的第七个年头,由Aegir和Gelgjer组建,随后其他成员加入乐队,2018年Hecatoncheire加入乐队,2019年乐队的第一张EP专辑“Primary Instinct”发行,阴暗,大气的氛围仿佛进入了世界末日一样,乐队非常注重整体音乐的氛围,歌手冰冷无情的演唱也让Eternal Hunt乐队的做更加引人入胜,今年乐队在法国厂牌Drowning in Chaos Records发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“An Era of Shame”,这张专辑发行之后就受到很多歌迷的关注,同时也受到了更多的演出邀请,在前不久乐队的创始人Aegir与我取得联系进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 A: 代表Aegir)

Today's interview is with Eternal Hunt, a Black Metal band from France. Formed in 2017, Eternal Hunt is now in its seventh year of existence, formed by Aegir and Gelgjer, followed by other members of the band, and then Hecatoncheire in 2018, and then in 2019, the band's first EP, "Primary Instinct", was released. The band's first EP "Primary Instinct" was released in 2019, with a dark, atmospheric atmosphere as if entering the end of the world, the band paid great attention to the overall atmosphere of the music, the singer's cold and relentless vocals make Eternal Hunt's work even more fascinating, and this year the band was released on the French label This year the band released their first official album "An Era of Shame" on the French label Drowning in Chaos Records, which has received a lot of attention from fans and more invitations to perform, and the band's founder, Aegir, contacted me for an interview a while ago! I was contacted by Aegir, the founder of the band, for an interview!

(V: for the author A: for Aegir)

采访对象:AegirEternal Hunt乐队创始人)


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,也非常感谢你联系我接受这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中文杂志的采访,首先跟中国的粉丝打个招呼吧,Eternal Hunt乐队成立于2017年,是一支有着7年历史的乐队,是谁发起成立这支乐队的?Eternal Hunt这个名字的含义是什么?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for contacting me for this interview, I think this is the first time your band has received an interview from a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to Chinese fans, Eternal Hunt was formed in 2017 and is a band with a history of 7 years, who initiated the formation of this band at the beginning of the Eternal Hunt? What is the meaning of the name Eternal Hunt?

A: 你好!感谢你们的邀请,同时也向我们所有的中国歌迷致敬!乐队是在我和Gelgjer相遇之后成立的。我当时在我们地区待了一年,想组建一支Black Metal乐队,而他刚开始在那里生活,也在寻找一个项目。Eternal Hunt这个名字来得很快,意思是永恒的狩猎需求是一种主要的感觉或本能。

Hi ! Thanks for having us, and a big shout out to all our Chinese fans ! The band started after Gelgjer and I met. I was in our region for a year, looking to start a Black Metal band and he had just started living there and was looking for a project. Eternal Hunt has come as a name quickly, meaning the perpetual need to hunt as a primary feeling, or instinct.

V: 你们基本上保留了乐队的第一代阵容,当然我相信你们也更换过乐队成员,为什么要更换成员?新成员是如何加入乐队的?你对他们的工作满意吗?

You guys have basically kept the first-generation lineup of the band, and of course I'm sure you've changed band members, why did you change members? How did the new members join the band? Were you happy with their work?

A: 我们的实际阵容多年来一直很稳定,有一个第一任鼓手,他开始了他的金属之旅(哈哈)我们换了一个更强一点的人。我们的第一位贝斯手离开了这个世界(RIP)......所以......我们遇到了Zhand,他成为了我们的鼓手,Aegaeon成为了我们的贝斯手。我更喜欢有主唱的乐队。Zhand在另一个项目中与Achlys合作,他邀请他加入我们,然后......我们就完整了!"他说!是的,我们非常高兴。Achlys的声线非常棒,我很高兴他能加入我们。

Our actual line up has been stable for years, there was a first drummer, he was kind of beginning his journey into metal (haha) and we have changed for someone who was a bit stronger. Our first bassist has left this world (RIP)… so… we met Zhand who became our drummer and Aegaeon, who became our bassist. I prefer bands with a frontman, a lead singer. Zhand was playing with Achlys in another project, he invited him to join us, and then… we were complete !! Yes, we are very happy. Achlys has such great vocal lines. I’m glad to have him with us.

V: 能描述一下你们的创作过程吗?你们的专辑在录音方面非常出色,你们是在哪个录音棚录制的?哪位工程师制作了你们的专辑?

Can you describe your creative process? Your albums are great in terms of recording, what studio did you record your albums in? Which engineer produced your album?

A: Gelgjer是我们的主要作曲家,Zhand帮忙打鼓,Aegeon和我有时也帮忙或者在某些部分我们也有自己的想法。歌词主要由Achlys撰写,Aegeon在必要时帮助完成他的部分或更多。乐器(吉他和贝司)和人声都是在The Shape Studio(我们的歌手工作室)录制的,所以录制过程既简单又酷。然后一切都交给了Henosis Studio的大师Frédéric Gervais,他负责重新录音、混音和母带制作,我必须承认......他的工作真的令人难以置信。

Gelgjer is our main compositor, Zhand helps with drums, Aegeon and I sometimes help, or we had our touch on some parts. Lyrics are written mainly by Achlys and Aegeon helps for his parts or more when needed. Instruments (Guitars and bass) and vocals have been recorded at The Shape Studio (our singer studio) so it was an easy and cool process. Then everything got in the hand of the master Frédéric Gervais from Henosis Studio who has worked on reamping, mixes and masters and I must admit… His work is really incredible.

V: 你们的音乐主题是什么?你们为什么选择这样一个音乐主题,你们想通过这样一个音乐主题表达什么?你们有歌词部分吗?这些歌词是谁写的?

What is the theme of your music about? Why did you choose such a musical theme and what do you want to express through such a musical theme? Do you have a lyrics section, who wrote these lyrics and what was his inspiration?

A: 主要是Achlys,因为他融入了乐队(除了之前写的“Arrival”和“Spirit of Wendigo”中的一些改动)他的灵感来自南美神话(雪怪是一种在黑暗时代降临的生物,会带来寒冷和饥饿)他曾在法属圭亚那生活过,所以这是他成长的一部分。尼采哲学也是他的灵感来源,如”On the Genealogy of Morality”或“the Übermensch”等书以及虚无主义理论。

Mainly Achlys since his integration (Except on Arrival written before and some changes in Spirit of Wendigo) Aegeon writes his parts for backing vocals. His inspirations are from South American myths (the Wendigo is a creature coming in dark times to bring coldness and hunger) he has lived in French Guyana, so it’s something he grows up with. Nietsche philosophy too, with books like On the Genealogy of Morality or the Übermensch and by theories about nihilism.

V: 你们的logo设计很有意思,以鹿头骨为灵感,是谁为你们设计了这个logo?你们的专辑封面设计也很独特,是谁为你们设计了这个封面?

You have an interesting logo design that uses a deer skull as inspiration, who designed this logo for you, and your album artwork is uniquely designed, who designed this artwork for you?

A: 第一个版本是我们和Gelgjer一起想出来的,鹿头骨从我们乐队成立之初就一直伴随着我们,就像我们的名字和背后的主题一样。Yharnam(Silhouette 的歌手)设计了新版logo,我们与他合作完成了“An Era of Shame”的美术设计。我给了他一些我们想要的想法,他的才华完成了剩下的工作!他是个了不起的人,也是我们的好朋友!

The first version has been done after ideas we got with Gelgjer, the deer skull has been with us since the beginning of our band, like our name and the themes behind. Yharnam (Silhouette’s Singer) has worked on the new version of this logo and we collaborated with him for the artworks for An Era of Shame. I gave him some ideas of what we wanted, and his talent has done the rest ! Incredible person and a good friend !

V: 你们与Drowning in Chaos Records唱片公司合作发行了第一张正式专辑“An Era of Shame”,你们是如何与这家唱片公司联系合作的?

You released your first official album “An Era of Shame” with Drowning in Chaos Records, how did you get in touch with the label to collaborate?

A: 录音结束后,我开始寻找合作的唱片公司,Drowning是一个年轻的唱片公司,但他们从一开始就在我们的名单上。他们对音乐的看法和对“An Era Of Shame”的主张与我们不谋而合。我可以说我们并不后悔,他们在这张专辑上的工作令人难以置信。我很高兴能与他们合作!

After recording sessions, I’ve started looking for some labels to work with, Drowning is a young label but they were on our list from the beginning. Their vision of music and their proposition for An Era Of Shame was the same as ours. And I can say, we don’t regret it, their work on this album is incredible. I’m glad to work with them !

V: 首先祝贺你们今年发行了第一张正式专辑“An Era of Shame”,这是一张黑暗、冷酷的作品,你们的作品非常注重气氛的营造,节奏缓慢而无情,人声冷酷而无情,就像世界末日一样,你们对节奏的控制非常准确,鼓手的表现非常稳定,速度不是很快,但在一些细节上你们的速度更快,歌手的唱功在Black Metal中是非常优秀的歌手,你们对自己的作品怎么看?

First of all, congratulations on the release of your first official album “An Era of Shame” this year, it's a dark, cold piece of work, your work is very concerned with the atmosphere, slow and relentless rhythm, cold and relentless vocals, like the end of the world, your control of the rhythm is very accurate, the drummer's performance is very stable, the speed is not very fast, but in some details you are faster, and the singer's vocals are very good singers in black metal, what do you think about your own work?

A: 我们为自己在“An Era”中的工作感到骄傲,也为Frédéric和Yharnam的工作感到骄傲。一切都在我们的预料之中,也许在某些方面还更胜一筹!

We are really proud of our work on An Era, and proud of the work of Frédéric and of Yharnam. Everything is like what we expected and maybe more in some ways !

V: 你们乐队参加过的音乐节庆有哪些?哪些音乐节给你留下了深刻的印象?能描述一下当时的气氛吗?

What are some of the music festival that your band has been to and what festivals have impressed you? Can you describe the atmosphere?

A: 在经历了covid和这次发行之后,我们已经很久没有演出了。我们只是在当地的一个小地方举办了一个发行派对。所以......对我们来说,还没有音乐节,但我们愿意接受预订 ! 就我个人而言,我曾与另一支乐队在la Bourse Noire演出过,那是一次令人难以置信的经历。

After covid and our work on this release, we haven’t played for a long time. We just did a release party at a small local place. So… for us no festival yet, but we’re open for booking !! As a personal opinion, I’ve played with another band at la Bourse Noire and it was an incredible experience.

V: 2024除了新专辑之外,你们乐队还有什么其他工作吗?有什么可以向大家透露的吗?

2024 Is there anything else your band is working on besides a new album? Is there anything you can reveal to the crowd?

A: 问得好,发行之后,歌词视频......我希望夏天之后我们能做一个视频短片。如果能在视频中扩展我们的传说,那就太好了。我们的演出也会有一些新内容。

Good questions, after the release, the lyrics video… I hope we can do a video clip after summer. It would be really nice to expand our lore in video. We’ll have some new things for our shows too.

V: Eternal Hunt是一支伟大的黑金属乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,也希望通过这次采访能有更多的中国乐迷关注和支持你们的乐队,在最后你有什么想和中国歌迷朋友们说的吗?

Eternal Hunt is a great black metal band, I will always support and follow your band, and I hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will follow and support your band, is there anything you would like to say to your Chinese fans at the end of this interview?

A: 谢谢!这对我们很重要,我希望在中国有更多的人聆听我们的音乐。虽然我们相距甚远,但我们都热爱音乐,尤其是Black Metal!来自法国的问候

Thank you ! It’s something important for us, I hope more people will listen to our music in China. It's incredible to know that we live so far from each other but we share our love for music, especially Black Metal ! Greetings from France !

Eternal Hunt乐队主要作品:

Eternal Hunt - Primary Instinct(2019)

Eternal Hunt - An Era of Shame(2024)

Eternal Hunt乐队官方Bandcamp网站:

Eternal Hunt乐队官方Facebook网站:

Eternal Hunt乐队官方Instagram网站:

Eternal Hunt乐队官方Spotify网站::

Eternal Hunt乐队官方YouTube网站:

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