哥伦比亚作为极端金属最重要的国家之一,很多世界知名的乐队都来自哥伦比亚,同时哥伦比亚的乐队也有自己独特的风格,干燥,野蛮,粗鲁,今天我为大家介绍一支来自哥伦比亚新成立的乐队Blutgore,2023年成立的Blutgore乐队,名字采用了德语中的单词Blut与英文的Gore的结合,乐队的鼓手Dilson Xavier是哥伦比亚非常活跃的一名乐手,不仅仅组建了很多乐队,还成立了一家名为Xhumer Records的厂牌,为一些经典的乐队发行了专辑,也为自己很多的乐队发行了专辑,今年Blutgore乐队的EP专辑“Clostridium Boogie Woogie”就是在Dilson Xavier的厂牌发行,在新专辑发行之际Blutgore乐队的贝斯手Manuel进行了一次采访。
(V: 代表笔者 M: 代表Manuel)
Colombia is one of the most important countries for extreme metal, many of the world's most famous bands come from Colombia, and at the same time Colombian bands have their own unique style, dry, savage, brutal, and today I would like to introduce you to a new band from Colombia called Blutgore, which was formed in 2023, and its name is a combination of the German word Blut and the English word Gore. Gore in English, the band's drummer Dilson Xavier is a very active musician in Colombia, not only forming many bands, but also founding a label called Xhumer Records, releasing albums for some classic bands, as well as many of his own, and this year's Blutgore EP album This year's Blutgore EP "Clostridium Boogie Woogie" was released on Dilson Xavier's label, and on the occasion of the release of the new album Blutgore's bassist Manuel gave an interview.
(V: for the author M: for Manuel)
V: 你好Manuel很高兴见到你,非常感谢你联系我接受你们乐队的采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中文杂志的采访,首先向所有的中国乐迷问好,Blutgore乐队成立于哪一年,Blutgore这个名字的含义是什么?
Hello Manuel nice to meet you and thank you so much for contacting me for an interview with your band, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all greetings to all the middle-aged fans out there, what year was Blutgore formed and what is the meaning of the name Blutgore?
M: 你好,很高兴Blutgore能接受你们的采访。我们成立于2023年。乐队的名字来源于德语中的Blut,意思是血和英语中的gore,意思差不多但听起来很残忍不是吗?这是我们最先想到的名字。
Hi it’s a pleasure from all Blutgore to have this interview with you guys. We were formed in 2023. The bands name comes from the german word Blut that means blood and the English word gore, it means almost the same, but it sounds pretty brutal, isn’t it? That was the first idea that came to our minds.
V: 你们乐队有多少成员?你们的创作过程是怎样的?能描述一下创作过程吗?
How many members are in your band? How does your creative process work? Can you describe the process?
M: 我们有四名成员,鼓手、主唱、贝斯手和吉他手。创作过程来自我们每个人,我们从很小的时候就开始听极端音乐,我们混合了我们的影响,从brutal death metal, slamming, grindcore, goregrind, death metal。这是一个高效的过程,因为我们有不同的想法,但都汇聚到同一个方向。每个成员都有自己的天赋并受到乐器或嗓音的影响,因此我们将彼此的想法融为一体。这是一个充满活力、快速而高效的过程。
We are 4 members, drummer, vocalist, bassist and guitarist. The creative process comes from each one of us, we have been listening to extreme music since we were very young, we mix our influences, from brutal death metal, slamming, grindcore, goregrind, death metal. It is an efficient process because we have different ideas but they converge into the same direction. Each member includes their talent and influences from their instrument or the voice so we mix each other’s ideas into one. It is a dynamic, fast and efficient process.
V: 你们今年刚刚发行了第一张EP专辑,这张专辑在录音方面非常出色,你们是在哪个录音室录制的?哪位工程师制作了你们的专辑?
You guys just released your first EP album this year and it was a great album in terms of recording, what studio did you record the album at? Which engineer produced your album?
M: 我们分几个部分录制了这张专辑,鼓是在一个叫Dirty Eye的录音棚录制的,弦乐和声音是在我们自己的地方录制的,EP的混音和母带是由我们的鼓手Dilson Xavier完成的。
We recorded the album in different parts, the drums were recorded in a studio called Dirty Eye, the strings and voices in our own place and the mix and master of the EP was done by our drummer Dilson Xavier.
V: 你们的专辑封面设计得很漂亮,是谁为你们设计的?你们的Logo也设计得非常漂亮,是谁为你们设计的这个Logo?
Your album artwork is beautifully designed Who designed this artwork for you? Your logo is also beautifully designed, who designed this logo for you?
M: 徽标是由我们的吉他手 Javier Martin 设计的,而艺术品则是由我们的鼓手 Dilson 利用人工智能完成的,其中包括所有成员的想法。
The logo was designed by our guitarist Javier Martin, and the artwork was a process done with artificial intelligence by our drummer Dilson including ideas from all of the members.
V: 你们乐队的音乐主题是什么?你想通过这样的音乐主题来表达什么?你们有没有创作歌词?这些歌词是谁写的?他的灵感来源是什么?
What is the theme of your band's music about? What do you want to express through such musical themes? Do you have a lyrics section? Who wrote these lyrics and what was his inspiration?
M: 我们认为当你问话题时不仅仅是歌词而是音乐本身,因为你可以通过和弦、节拍和你的声音来表达事物。但我们试图在歌词中表达的主题包括恐怖、幽默、昆虫学以及与非常规主题或幽默相关的各种内容。
We think that when you ask about topics is not only the lyrics but the music itself, because you can express things though chords, beats, and your sound. But the themes we try to express in our lyrics include horror, humour, entomology, and all kinds of stuff related to non conventional topics or humour.
V: 你们乐队的EP专辑是以数字形式发行的,你是否考虑过寻找唱片公司发行CD或其它版本?
Your band's EP album was released digitally, have you considered looking for a label to release it on CD or something else for you?
M: 我们的鼓手经营着Xhumer Records厂牌,因此我们发行了一些带有该厂牌的实体唱片。这是我们目前的厂牌。
Our drummer runs the label Xhumer Records so we released some physical copies with the label. It is our current label.
V: 首先恭喜你今年第一张EP专辑“Clostridium Boogie Woogie”的发行,这是一张很棒的Deathgrind专辑,你的速度也不算太快,这与现在很多乐队有很大的不同,整齐的Riff,你的鼓手很棒,打击乐很扎实,而且你也有一些Groove的元素,所以你在旋律方面非常擅长,你对自己的作品有什么想法吗?
First of all, congratulations on the release of your first EP this year, "Clostridium Boogie Woogie", it's a great Deathgrind release, you're not too fast, which is a marked difference from a lot of bands nowadays, neat riffs, your drummer is great, his percussion is very solid, and you've also got a bit of groovy elements, so you're very good in terms of melodic sound, do you have any thoughts on your own work?
M: 我们对结果和观众的反应感到非常满意,我们收到了当地和其他国家人们的好评,我们捕捉到了我们的想法,声音符合我们对音乐听起来如何的想法 所以我们对结果非常满意。
We are really happy with the result and the response from the audience, we have received good comments from people in the local scene and also in other countries, we captured the ideas we had and the sound fits our idea of how our music must sound so we are really satisfied with the outcome.
V: 你们参加过哪些音乐节或现场表演吗?哪些音乐节或现场表演给你留下了深刻的印象?你能描述一下当时的气氛吗?
Have you guys been to any of those festivals or live shows? What festivals or live shows have left a lasting impression on you and can you describe the atmosphere?
M: 我们在波哥大市参加了3场当地演出。今年我们还计划举办一场演出,那就是“Horrible Cannibal Tales Festival”,我们将与Necrovile、Clitgore、Anal Arcade 等出色的乐队一起演出。
We have played in 3 local shows in our city in Bogota. We have one more show planned for this year which would be the Horrible Cannibal Tales Festival in which we are going to play with amazing bands such as Necrovile, Clitgore, Anal Arcade among others.
V: 2024年你的乐队有什么新的工作吗?比如写作、录制一些新歌,你能提供一些相关信息吗?
Are there any new endeavors coming up for your band in 2024? Like writing, recording some new songs, can you want to give some info on that?
M: 今年我们计划了几个Spilt,一个是来自奥地利和匈牙利的出色国际乐队,另一个是一些哥伦比亚乐队,我们预计今年会发布这些Spilt并开始制作我们的第一张完整专辑。
For this year we have a couple of splits planned, one with amazing international bands from Austria and Hungary and another one with some Colombian bands, we expect to release these splits for this year and to start working on our first full length album.
V: 你们还组建了一些Black Metal乐队,这与你现在所在的Blutgore乐队的风格不同,你是怎么加入那个乐队的?
I've seen you in some Black Metal bands, which is a different style than the Blutgore band you're in now, how did you get involved with that band?
M: 我们所有人都曾在其他乐队中演奏过Black Metal,这对所有乐队都有不可否认的影响,吉他手和我自己是贝斯手,我们在你提到的Black Metal项目中彼此认识。
All of us have played black metal before in other bands, it is an undeniable influence in all the band, and the guitarist and myself the bassist we knew each other playing in the black metal project you mention.
V: Blutgore是一支非常年轻的乐队,虽然你们在中国知名度不高,但是你们是一支非常优秀的乐队,我希望通过这次采访让更多的歌迷了解你们,关注你们的乐队,最后你们有什么想对中国粉丝说的吗?
Blutgore is a very young band, although you are not well known in China, you are a very good band, and I hope that through this interview, more fans will know about you and pay attention to your band, in the end, do you have anything you would like to say to your Chinese fans?
M: 们更喜欢朋友这个词而不是粉丝..但我们可以向我们在中国的朋友传达一个信息,那就是享受这张EP听听它,在我们的社交媒体上关注我们,我们实际上很喜欢中国的Goregrind乐队,比如Rectal Wench, Cave have、Impure Injection, Pig Cage, Globularcyst等等......继续用我们Sick的曲调爆破和跳舞!
We prefer the word friends rather than fans.. but we can give a message to our friends in China and it would be to enjoy the EP, give it a listen, follow us on our social media, we actually enjoy Chinese goregrind bands such as Rectal Wench, Cave have rod, Impure Injection, Pig Cage, Globularcyst among others.. Keep on blasting and dancing with our sick tunes!
Blutgore - Clostridium Boogie Woogie(2024)