今天采访到的是来自芬兰的Black/Thrash Metal乐队Beatrix,成立于2019年的Beatrix乐队,由主唱 Markus 'Suffy' Leppänen、吉他手 Aapo Härkönen、吉他手 Alois Weimer、贝斯手 Sakari 'Röppä' Juurijoki和鼓手Matias Rinnetie,Beatrix以其猛烈的能量和毫不留情的态度而闻名。Beatrix令人惊讶的舞台表演却给观众带来了刻骨铭心的体验。演奏快速、激进的黑色重金属,并受到英国新潮重金属的影响。乐队此前最著名的作品是2023年与日本传奇Black / Thrash乐队Abigail的Spilt专家级“Sacrificial Black Metal Bitch”,如果你喜欢80年代的old black / thrash / death风格的话,那么Beatrix乐队你一定不能错过,前不久杂志与乐队歌手Suffy取得联系进行了一次专访!
(V: 代表笔者 S: 代表Suffy)
Today's interview is with Beatrix, a Black/Thrash Metal band from Finland.Formed in 2019, Beatrix consists of vocalist Markus 'Suffy' Leppänen, guitarist Aapo Härkönen, guitarist Alois Weimer, bassist Sakari 'Röppä' Juurijoki and drummer Matias Rinnetie, Beatrix is known for its fierce energy and relentless attitude.Beatrix's surprising stage show however, is a bittersweet experience for the audience. Playing fast, aggressive black heavy metal with influences from British new wave heavy metal. The band is best known for their 2023 spilt expert “Sacrificial Black Metal Bitch” with the legendary Japanese Black / Thrash band Abigail, and if you're into the old black / thrash / death style of the 80s, then Beatrix is the place to be. If you're into 80's old black / thrash / death then Beatrix is a band you can't afford to miss, and the magazine got in touch with the band's singer Suffy for an interview a while back!
(V: for the author S: for Suffy)


V: 你好Suffy很高兴认识你,非常感谢你接受本次采访,和中国的朋友们打个招呼吧。Beatrix是一支成立于2019年的乐队,当初乐手们是怎么认识的呢,又是什么原因走到一起的呢?
Hello, Suffy, nice to meet you, thank you very much for this interview, say hello to your Chinese fans. Beatrix is a band that was formed in 2019. How did the musicians meet and why did they get together?
S: 大家好很高兴见到你,来自芬兰地狱冰天雪地的问候!我于2019年开始创建乐队,我们尝试过很多人,但有一段时间很难找到一个合适的阵容,但最终我们从芬兰音乐人论坛等各种渠道找到了合适的人选。从一开始我们的态度就是组建一支无情无义的现场乐队,粉碎那些无聊无趣、毫无态度、毫无激情的乐队。
Hailz! Nice to meet you. Greetings from the icy blizzard of Finnish hell! I started founding the band in 2019, we tried a bunch of people, but for a while it was difficult to find a working lineup, but eventually we found the right guys from various sources like Finnish forums for musicians. The attitude from the beginning was to form a relentless unforgiving live band to crush the boring and uninteresting no attitude zero passion bands that I have unfortunately witnessed way too many times.
V: 你们新的EP里的音乐十分暴躁,快速的riff使得音乐变得更有攻击性,我被你们的疯狂的歌曲所吸引了,你觉得你们的音乐怎么样。
The music in your new EP is very angry, the fast riff makes the music more aggressive, I am attracted by your crazy songs, what do you think of your music?
S: 我们非常愤怒!一旦你不再愤怒,你就会开始制造垃圾,失去激情。我们的音乐反映了很多东西,旋律快速而沉重,可以让人们在摩西池里尽情发泄。歌词讲述的是一个黑暗幻想的故事,但灵感也来自我自己的生活经历。
It is very angry, we are angry! Once you stop being angry you start making shit and lose your passion. Our music is a reflection of many things, the riffs are fast and heavy for people to blow off some steam in the moshpit. The lyrics follow a story of dark fantasy, but they also have inspiration from my own life experiences.
V: 能谈谈你们创作EP中的歌曲的过程吗,其中遇到了什么困难呢,我想这应该是一个很有意思的过程。
Can you talk about the process of writing the songs on your EP? What were the difficulties you encountered? I think it was a very interesting process.
S: 写歌可能是比较容易的部分,麻烦是在我们本该进录音室的时候,却和鼓手闹翻了。之后我们不得不寻找新的鼓手并花了一些时间教他唱歌。EP录制完成后,我们在艺术品方面遇到了一些延误,因此专辑的发行被大大推迟了。最后当我们拿到CD时,才意识到工厂对小册子的粗心大意,所以每一张封面上都有褶皱!发行前出了很多差错,所以感觉有点像 “脊背踏步”,只是没人在笑。
Writing the songs was probably the easier part, the trouble came after when we were supposed to head into the studio and had a falling out with our drummer. Then we had to search for a new drummer and teach him the songs which took some time, after the EP was recorded we had some delays with the artworks so the release of the album was delayed quite significantly. Finally when we got the CD we realised the factory was careless with the booklets so every single one of them has a wrinkle on the cover! Many things went wrong before the release so it feels a bit Spinal Tap-esque, except no one's laughing.
V: 你们和日本乐队Abigail发行了Spilt专辑"Sacrificial Black Metal Bitch",你们是如何联系上他们的呢,又是如何决定发行这个Spilt的?你对这次合作满意吗
You have released split ‘Sacrificial Black Metal Bitch’ with the Japanese band Abigail. How did you contact them and decide to release this sacrificial Black Metal Bitch? Are you satisfied with this cooperation
S: 我很高兴能与我最喜欢的乐队之一合作发行这张合辑!我曾读过一篇对Abigail乐队的Yasuyuki Suzuki的采访,他在采访中谈到他喜欢通过发行合辑来帮助新乐队,所以我就直接问了他,他答应了。他们都是很棒的人,我去日本参加音乐节时见到了Yasuyuki和Jero,非常激动。
I was happy to work with one of my favourite bands for this split! I had read an interview with Yasuyuki Suzuki of Abigail where he talked about how he likes to help new bands by doing split releases so I simply asked him and he said YES. They are fantastic guys I was excited to meet Yasuyuki and Jero when I went to Japan for some festivals.

V: 你们目前参与了哪些演出呢,哪场演出使你印象最深刻
What livehouse or festival have you been involved in so far? Which one impresses you most
S: 去年的演出有点慢,但我们在芬兰的几个城市举办了几场很棒的地下演出。赫尔辛基可能是我的最爱,还有我们最近在家乡坦佩雷的演出。我们过去参加过的其他演出还有 Speed Metal Party,Whiplash是主演。现在我们有了更多的新材料,所以我希望我们能尽快在芬兰以外的地方演出!
Last year was a bit slow, but we played some great underground shows in several cities in Finland. Helsinki was probably my favorite along with our latest show in our hometown of Tampere. Other shows we have played in the past was Speed Metal Party where Whiplash was the headliner. Now we have more new material so I hope that we can play outside of Finland for the first time soon!
V: 你们的音乐受到了某些乐队的启发吗,有什么特别喜欢的乐队吗?
Is your music inspired by any bands? Are there any bands you like in particular?
S: 我们有很多灵感来源,每个人都有自己的最爱,但主要是Nifelheim、Bathory、Tormentor(匈牙利)Celtic Frost、古老的Destruction、Kreator和Sodom以及Sabbat、Abigail和Evil 等日本乐队。我们还受到一些NWOBHM的影响,如Angel Witch和Venom。
We have many inspirations and all of us have our favorites, but the main ones are Nifelheim, Bathory, Tormentor (Hungary) Celtic Frost, old Destruction, Kreator and Sodom and Japanese bands like Sabbat, Abigail and Evil. We also have some NWOBHM influences like Angel Witch and Venom.
V: 你们在2025年有什么新的计划或安排吗,比如发行新歌,参加演出之类的。
Do you have any new plans or plans for 2025, such as releasing new songs, performing, etc.?
S: 我们的全长专辑已接近完成,因此在接下来的几个月里,我们将继续努力,一旦准备就绪,就会进入录音室。当然我们也会尽我们所能进行现场表演!
Our full length album is close to written so in the following months we are going to keep working on it and then head into the studio once we are ready. Of course we will also play all the live shows that we can!
V: 你们是一支很有潜力的乐队,我会一直关注你们乐队的,你们有什么想对中国乐迷们说的吗?
You are a band with great potential. I will keep an eye on your band. What would you like to say to Chinese music fans?
S: 让火焰继续燃烧,永恒的螳螂崇拜!
Keep the flame burning, ETERNAL MANTIS WORSHIP!

Beatrix - Deathsent Ceremony(2025)
