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冥想 - 意大利Symphonic Black Metal乐队Heruka专访

今天采访到的是来自意大利的Symphonic Black Metal乐队Heruka,2000年由Valdemar和Adranor创建成立,2001年发行了第一张Demo作品“Doxa Epicurea”,四年之后乐队发行了EP专辑“Leggenda”,这张EP专辑发行之后乐队并没有马上发行新专辑,而是在2018年才在葡萄牙的Vacula Productions厂牌发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“Deception's End”,这张专辑发行之后便收到了歌迷和乐评人的好评,这是纯粹的黑金属,没有任何妥协,制作清晰,每件乐器都清晰可闻。尤其值得注意的是低音的可听性和突出性,贝司技巧娴熟,具有创造性和复杂性。吉他的旋律混合了颤音拾音、中速旋律。在快速、急促的节奏中,也有很多缓慢的片段,为音乐带来变化,形成对比。虽然音乐整体上颇具旋律性,但我不会将其归类为“旋律型黑金属”,因为它具有强烈的冲击力和内涵。Nemuri Shi的鼓声紧凑而多变,在混音中恰到好处,给音乐带来了额外的侵略性,但又不会过于突出,淹没其他乐器的声音。歌词娓娓道来,深奥莫测。随后乐队发行的每一张专辑都受到更多的关注,2024年乐队刚刚发布了他们的最新单曲“Francis Bacon”,在新单曲发行之际杂志通过Rude Awakening Records厂牌的协助与乐队的创始人Adranor取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 A: 代表Adranor)

Today's interview is with Heruka, an Italian Symphonic Black Metal band, founded in 2000 by Valdemar and Adranor, who released their first demo “Doxa Epicurea” in 2001, followed by an EP “Leggenda” four years later. Four years later the band released the EP “Leggenda”, which was not immediately followed by a new album, but in 2018 the band released their first official album on the Portuguese label Vacula Productions, “Deception's End”. Deception's End”, an album that received rave reviews from fans and critics alike upon its release; this is pure black metal without any compromises, with clear production and every instrument clearly audible. Particularly noteworthy is the audibility and prominence of the bass, which is skillful, inventive and complex. The guitars have a mix of tremolo picking, mid-tempo melodies. Amidst the fast and furious rhythms, there are also many slow moments that bring variety and contrast to the music. Although the music as a whole is quite melodic, I wouldn't categorize it as “melodic black metal” because of its impact and substance; Nemuri Shi's drumming is tight and varied, and it's just right in the mix to give the music that extra aggression, but it doesn't stand out so much that it drowns out the rest of the instruments. The lyrics are unflinching and profound. With each subsequent album the band has received more attention, and in 2024 the band has just released their latest single “Francis Bacon”, and on the occasion of its release the magazine got in touch with the band's founder, Adranor, through Rude Awakening Records for an interview! On the occasion of the release of the new single, the magazine contacted the band's founder Adranor through Rude Awakening Records for an interview!

(V: for the author A: for Adranor)



V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访。我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访。Heruka乐队成立于2000年至今已有24年历史。最初是谁发起组建这支乐队的?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time that your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to your Chinese fans, Heruka was formed in 2000 and has been around for 24 years now, who initiated the idea of forming this band in the first place?

A: 大家好,我是Heruka乐队的Adranor,我代表乐队所有成员回答大家的问题。我们很荣幸知道我们的音乐已经传到了中国,我们非常感谢你们的支持。Heruka项目诞生于2000年,这是我和Valdemar的共同想法,我们都被对黑金属的共同热情所驱使。都想通过音乐表达人类生存中深邃而晦涩的一面。我们希望创作出真正符合该流派精神的音乐,同时又具有独特的个人风格。随着时间的推移发展,但始终坚持最初的理念。

Hi, I'm Adranor from Heruka, I'll answer your question speaking for all the guys in the band. We're very honoured to know that our music has reached China and we're very grateful for your support. The Heruka project was born in 2000 and it was my idea and Valdemar's to put it together, we were both driven by our mutual passion for black metal and because we wanted to express the deep and obscure aspects of human existence through music, we wanted to create something true to the spirit of the genre but with unique and personal touch at the same time. With time the band grew up and evolved but always maintaining the initial vision.

V: 你们乐队只剩下你一名原始成了,其他成员都被替换了,这当然是正常的。作为一支老乐队更换成员是很正常的事情,为什么原成员会退出乐队?新成员是如何加入乐队的,你对他们的工作满意吗?

You only have one original member left in the band, your, and the rest of the band has been replaced, of course it's a normal thing for an old band to replace members, why did the original members quit the band? How did the new members join the band? Are you satisfied with their work?

A: 在20 多年的活动中,我们只失去了Valdemar,他是吉他手,我和他一起录制了第一张试听唱片“Doxa Epicurea",他因为个人原因离开了。在不同时期加入乐队的新成员(起初是Moha,后来是Nemuri Shi 和Nekrom,最后是Rude Awakening Records厂牌的老板Cruz)他们为乐队带来了新的想法和技巧,促进了乐队的发展。我们有了这些新能量,我们才能保持乐队的活力,使其在地下Black Metal舞台上继续发挥作用。Heruka项目继续其音乐历程,在保持与过去的联系的同时探索新的方向。

In more than 20 years of activity we only really lost Valdemar, the guitar player with whom I recorded the first demo "Doxa Epicurea", he left because of personal reasons. The new members who joined the band in different moments in time (at first Moha, then Nemuri Shi and Nekrom and finally Cruz, owner of “Rude Awakening Records” label) brought to the band new ideas and skills which contributed to the evolution of the band. With all this new energy we could keep the spirit of the band alive allowing it to remain relevant in the underground black metal scene. The Heruka project has continued its musical course maintaining the bond with the past but exploring new directions at the same time.

V: 你们乐队的每个成员都参与过很多乐队,在创作Black Metal这一流派方面都是经验丰富的音乐家。你们是如何创作歌曲的?能描述一下创作过程吗?我相信你们的经历会激励很多年轻音乐家!

Each member of your band has been involved in a lot of bands, and you are experienced musicians in writing black metal as a genre, how do you all write songs? Can you describe the creative process? I'm sure your experience will inspire many young musicians!

A: 通常,创作过程是从一个中心思想或主题开始的。从那时起我们开始用一些试探性的旋律来奠定结构。一些暂定的旋律。一旦结构确定并达成一致,我们就开始添加节奏元素,所以我们特别注重氛围和连贯性,因为我们希望每首曲子一方面都有自己独特的个性,另一方面又与专辑的整体氛围完全一致。歌词与音乐深深地交织在一起,形成了一种合力,扩大了歌曲的影响力。我们的经验使我们能够在保持Black Metal精髓的基础上,将实验推向极限本质。此外我们还从过去和其他项目中吸取经验教训,不断改进我们的声音。对于所有年轻的音乐家,我们的建议是在创作过程中要有耐心,要对合作持开放态度并随时准备挑战自己的极限。我们认识到,纪律和创作自由才能创造出最好的音乐。

Normally the creative process starts with a central idea or a theme. From there we begin to lay down the structure with some tentative riffs. Once the structure is established and agreed upon we start adding athmospheric elements, to refine the guitar parts or the rhythm section, we put special attention on athmosphere and coherence because we want every track to have its own distinctive identity on one side and completely in touch with the general vibe of the album on the other. The lyrics are deeply entwined with the music creating a synergy which amplifies the impact of the song. Our experience allows us to push the experimentation to the limits of the genre remaining true to the black metal essence. Furthermore we draw from our past and from the lessons learned while playing in other projects to evolve our sound constantly. To all the young musician our advice is to be patient with the creative process, to be open to collaborations and to be ready to always push their limits farther. We have learned that discipline and creative freedom make the best music.

V: 乐队的音乐主题从早期的幻想到现在的超现实主义,你们为什么选择这样的音乐主题?为什么选择这样的音乐主题?你们想通过这些音乐主题表达什么?你们也写歌词,歌词是谁写的?歌词的灵感来源是什么?

band's musical themes range from early fantasy to current surrealism, why did you choose such musical themes? What do you want to express through such musical themes? You also write lyrics, who writes the lyrics and what inspires them?

A: 除了“No Sun Dared Pass Our Windows”之外,所有的歌词都是我写的。Nemuri Shi他的贡献在几乎所有其他版本中都很重要。主题的选择和演变,主题的选择和演变是一个完全自然的过程。在那些被定义为“幻想”的歌词中(我猜想你指的是“Deception's End lyric”吧)中,已经有了隐藏的一面,真正的个人化和内在化。“No Sun Dared Pass Our Windows"则是通过受精神疾病影响的人的视角来讲述精神疾病的未知深度。总的来说所有专辑的歌词都在谈论人类生存的徒劳和生活的不适。

I wrote all the lyrics with the exception of "No Sun Dared Pass Our Windows" which have been written entirely by Nemuri Shi. Anyway his contribution has been relevant in almost all the other releases. The choice of the themes and their evolution has been a totally natural process. Already in those lyrics which are defined "Fantasy" (I presume you're referring to "Deception's End lyrics), a hidden side is present, really personal and intrinsic. "No Sun Dared Pass Our Windows" instead is about the unknown depths of mental illness seen through the eyes of those affected by them. Generally the lyrics of all the albums talk about the futility of human existence and about the discomfort of living.

V: 你们的乐队刚刚发行了最新单曲“Francis Bacon”,你们的每张专辑在录音方面都非常出色。哪位制作人参与了你们专辑的制作,最新单曲的录制过程如何?

Your band has just released your latest single “Francis Bacon”, which is a very good recording, and each of your albums have been very good in terms of recording, which studio did you record the album in? Which producer worked on your album and how did the recording of the latest single go?

A: 我们希望对我们的录音室和制作过程保密。制作过程保密。

We would like to maintain confidentiality regarding our studios of reference and the process regarding our productions.

V: 你们曾与Rude Awakening Records、Narcoleptica Productions、Vacula Productions合作发行过专辑,你是如何与这些唱片公司建立联系的?你对他们的工作满意吗?

You have released albums with Rude Awakening Records, Narcoleptica Productions, Vacula Productions, and all of your later works were released with Rude Awakening Records, how did you connect with theselabels? How did you get in touch with these labels? Were you satisfied with their work?

A: 与唱片公司的联系是通过网络社交媒体进行的。一般来说,我们对他们的工作非常满意、尤其是Rude Awakening Records,我们已经与他们合作发行了多张专辑。

Contacts with labels happened through the social medias on the web, after having contacted the labels and having received a positive answer we reached an agreement on the releases, generally we've been very pleased of their work, especially of Rude Awakening records with which we've released more than one product.

V: 你们乐队的Logo非常独特,是谁为你们设计了这个Logo?你们的专辑封面设计也很精美


Your band's logo is very unique, who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also beautifully designed mostly in the form of oil paintings, who designed the album artwork for you?

A: Heruka的Logo是由优秀的平面艺术家Sandro Di Girolamo设计的。Girolamo为各种极端乐队创作了大量作品。封面作品由不同的艺术家完成,例如“Deception's End”的封面由Nekrom制作,“No Sun Dared Pass Our Windows”的封面由Daniele Paternostro。在“Memorie”的封面上,你可以欣赏到意大利艺术家Salvatore Rosa,1615 - 1673 年的杰作。而Francis Bacon的单曲则采用了英国画家Cecil Watson Quinnell (1868 - 1932)的艺术品

The Heruka logo has been deisgned by the excellent graphic artist Sandro Di Girolamo who created and still creates lots of artworks for various extreme bands. The artworks for the covers have been realized by various artists, for example, “Deception's End” cover was realized by Nekrom, the cover of "No Sun Dared Pass Our Windows" is by Daniele Paternostro. On the cover of “Memorie” you can admire a masterpiece by the italian artist Salvatore Rosa (1615 - 1673), for the Francis Bacon single instead we used a painting by the english painter Cecil Watson Quinnell (1868 - 1932).

V: 首先祝贺你们乐队今年刚刚发行了新单曲 “Francis Bacon”,虽然没有使用太多的键盘乐器(前奏有一个风琴演奏)但基本上只有人声、贝斯和鼓。你作品的氛围常常是如此古色古香、充满诗意,气氛却非常强烈。吉他强劲有力,即使在颤音部分也不会过于高亢。而低音则很微妙。他们共同编织了一些听起来很古典的曲调,也有一些激进、咆哮的曲调也有一些激进、咆哮的Black Metal曲调。吉他增添了某种阴森恐怖、深不可测的黑暗气息。当然这也是技术层面的东西。你对自己的作品有什么看法吗?新单曲和以前的作品相比有什么变化吗?

First of all, congratulations to your band for releasing the new single “Francis Bacon” just this year, the atmosphere of your work is often so quaint and poetic, and although not much keyboards are used (the intro has a scary organ), it's basically just vocals and bass and drums. The atmosphere of your work is often so quaint and poetic, even though you don't use too many keyboards, but basically just vocals, guitars, bass and drums, the atmosphere is very strong. The guitars are strong and powerful without being too high pitched even in the tremolo parts, and the bass is subtle. Together they weave together some classical-sounding tunes, as well as some aggressive, rip-roaring black metal tunes. The guitars add a certain eerie, unfathomable darkness. This is of course the technical side of things as well. Do you have any thoughts on your work? Has the new single changed at all compared to your old work?

A: 我们在“Francis Bacon”这首单曲和其他已经完成但尚未发行的曲目上做了很多工作,以完善声音,使其更加鲜明。这些歌曲将继续保持我们标志性的大气氛围和强烈的声音冲击力。我们希望通过这两个元素将听众带入我们的黑金属理念中。

We have worked on the single Francis Bacon together with other already finished and still unreleased tracks to refine the sound to make it sharper, these songs will continue to have our trademark athmospheric vibes together with a strong sonic impact, with these two elements we'd like to transport the listener towards our idea of black metal.

V: 除了发行新单曲之外,你们乐队在2024年还会有什么活动?能否透露一下信息吗?

What does your band have coming up in 2024 besides releasing new singles? Can you shed some light on that?

A: 除了即将发行的与Infernal Goat和Orcrist合作的Spiit,我们还在创作新歌,这些新歌将成为新专辑的一部分。此外我们还计划在选定的俱乐部举办一系列演出,以便与乐迷建立更直接、更亲密的关系。例如10月中旬我们将与Selvans、Infernal Angels和Werewolf乐队进行现场表演。Infernal Angels和Werewolf乐队同台演出。在我们的社交媒体上,你可以关注我们并获得未来演出日期的信息。

Beside a split record coming up made together with Infernal Goat and Orcrist we're working on new songs that will be part of the new album, furthermore we're planning a series of shows in selected clubs to create a more direct and intimate relation with our fans, in mid october for example we'll play live together with the bands Selvans, Infernal Angels and Werewolf. On our social media contacts however you can follow us and receive informations about future dates.

V: 你们的乐队参加过很多音乐节,哪些音乐节给你留下了深刻印象?2024年乐队还将受邀参加哪些音乐节?

Your band has played a lot of festivals, which ones have impressed you, can you describe the atmosphere and what other festivals your band has been invited to in 2024?

A: 我们参加的每一个音乐节都有其独特的氛围,每一个都给我们留下了难忘的回忆。下一个音乐节将于2025年初举行。

Every festival we played was drenched with its very particular athmosphere and every one has left us with unforgettable memories, the next ones will be at the beginning of 2025.

V: 你们在意大利是一支非常有经验的乐队,在中国也有一些粉丝。我希望通过这次采访能有更多的歌迷关注和支持你们的乐队。最后你们有什么想对中国歌迷说的吗?

You are a very experienced band in Italy and you have some fans in China, I hope that through this interview, more fans will pay attention to and support your band, do you have anything you would like to say to your Chinese fans at the end?

A: 我们要感谢所有中国歌迷对我们的支持,尤其要感谢火山杂志的每一位编辑对我们的关注。知道我们的音乐能传到如此遥远而迷人的地方,这简直令人难以置信,这对我们来说是巨大的动力。我们希望更多的人能有机会通过这次采访了解Black Metal项目Heruka并希望他们能加入我们的音乐之旅。

We would like to thank all our fans in China for their support and in particular everybody in Volcano magazine interest in us. To know that our music has reached such a distant and fascinating place is unbelievable and it's a great motivation for us. We hope that more people will have the chance to discover the black metal project Heruka through this interview and we hope that they'll join us on our musical journey.


Heruka - Leggenda(2005)

Heruka - Deception's End(2018)

Heruka - Turning to Dust(2019)

Heruka - Memorie(2022)

Heruka - Francis Bacon(2024)







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