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变异 - 加拿大Grindcore/Goregrind乐队Grotesque Organ Defilement专访

Updated: 4 days ago

今天采访到的是来自加拿大的Grindcore/Goregrind乐队Grotesque Organ Defilement,2006年创始人Riley一个人组建了这支乐队,其实早在2004年Riley已经有想法组建这支乐队了并且发行了一张Demo作品,这是只有 myspace 时代才有的纯粹的卧室音乐。音质低劣得令人发指,鼓机声音没有任何攻击性。在Demo发行之后Leezus和Danargh加入了乐队,分别担任鼓手和贝斯手,,这样让Grotesque Organ Defilement从一支单人乐队变成了一支拥有完整正如的乐队,随即乐队和很对乐队合作发行专辑,2015年乐队在澳大利亚厂牌Blastasfuk Grindcore发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“Body Horror”,这张专辑发行之后收到了广泛的好评,尤其是鼓手给人留下了深刻印象,干净,快速,会让你想起Last Days Of Humanity乐队,吉他和贝司的声音非常失真和粗糙。这张专辑中的Riff非常具有侵略性,是典型的碾核Riff。但音色却让它们更胜一筹。最后他们的人声非常棒,而且多种多样。他们通常使用咆哮声、变调声和尖叫声,让这张作品更加的Scik,肮脏。这张专辑发行之后乐队还发行了大量的作品,如果你喜欢Dead Infection, Regurgitate, Napalm Death, Impetigo,Last Days Of Humanity这类老式Grindcore/Goregrind乐队的话,那么Grotesque Organ Defilement乐队的作品绝对是你不能错过的,在前不久我与乐队的创始人Riley联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 R: 代表Riley)

Today's interview is with Canada's Grindcore/Goregrind band Grotesque Organ Defilement, which was formed in 2006 by founder Riley, who had the idea for the band back in 2004 and released a demo that was only available in the myspace era of pure bedroom music. It's the kind of pure bedroom music that only the myspace era can offer. The sound quality was abysmal and the drum machines had no aggression whatsoever. After the demo Leezus and Danargh joined the band on drums and bass respectively, which turned Grotesque Organ Defilement from a one-man band into a full-fledged band, and the band released albums with a variety of bands, and in 2015 the band released their first album on the Australian label Blastasfuk Grindcore released their first official album “Body Horror” in 2015 on the Australian label Blastasfuk, the album was well received, especially by the drummer, who impressed with a clean, fast sound that reminds you of Last Days Of Humanity, with a very distorted and rough sound on guitar and bass. sound is very distorted and rough. The riffs on this album are very aggressive, typical grindcore riffs. but the tones make them even better. Finally their vocals are great and varied. They usually use growls, variations, and screams to make this production more Scik, dirty. The band has released a ton of material since this album was released, and if you're into old Grindcore/Goregrind bands like Dead Infection, Regurgitate, Napalm Death, Impetigo, Last Days Of Humanity, then Grotesque Organ Defilement is something you can't afford to miss, and not too long ago I got in touch with the band's founder Riley for an interview!

(V: for the author R: for Riley)

采访对象:RileyGrotesque Organ Defilement乐队吉他 / 歌手


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向中国的乐迷问好,Grotesque Organ Defilement乐队成立于2006年,是一支历史悠久的老牌乐队,当初是谁发起成立这支乐队的?是谁想出Grotesque Organ Defilement这个名字的?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time that your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all, hello to Chinese fans, Grotesque Organ Defilement was formed in 2006, it's a band with a long history of veteran bands, who initiated the formation of this band in the first place? Who came up with the name Grotesque Organ Defilement?

R: 你说得没错,这绝对是我们第一次接受中文杂志的采访,所以这很酷,很高兴你能与我们联系。我(Riley)是乐队的创始人,名字也是我想出来的。我只是觉得用god这个缩写来拼写goregrind这个词会很有趣。实际上我从2004年开始就想好了这个名字,两年后才开始使用。2006年乐队还只是一个个人项目,我做了第一张小样(self-titled)。这是只有Myspace时代才有的纯粹的卧室音乐,音质低劣得令人发指,鼓机声音没有任何攻击性。实际我还对乐器和人声进行了音高变换,使其更加荒诞不经。此外每首歌都是在不同但相似的录音过程中,按照创作过程逐一录制的。录制的结果非常卡通,但其中的旋律大多源于老派乐队的风格,比如Dead Infection、Regurgitate、Napalm Death、Impetigo等。 在我完成这首小样之前,我联系到了 Leezus(他曾是 Forever Annihilating The Obese 乐队的成员,又名FATO)给他看了我做的前两首歌并开始讨论他加入乐队打鼓的事。在此期间他提出要为我们的一些作品演唱,于是他为第三首歌曲“Brain Damage”录制了一些人声。2006年末或2007年初,我们开始进行即兴演奏,然后开始制作下一首小样“Neurofibromatosis",这首歌给我和(我想大多数乐迷)的感觉是我们第一首真正的Demo,我也是在这个时候加入FATO担任吉他手的。

You're right it's definitely the first time we've been interviewed by Chinese zine, so this is quite cool and happy you wanted to get in touch. I (Riley) started the band and came up with the name as well. I simply thought it would be amusing to name a goregrind band with gorey words that spell 'god' as an acronym. I actually had this name in mind since 2004, two years before I did anything with it. In 2006 the band was only a solo project, and I did the first demo (self-titled). This was pure bedroom gore like only the myspace era could produce. Ridiculously lo-fi sound. No attack on the drum machine sound. I actually pitch shifted the instruments as well as the vocals just to make it all the more absurd. Also, each song was recorded one at a time, as they were written, in different but similar sessions. The result was very cartoonish, but the riffs most mostly rooted in the old school styles of bands like Dead Infection, Regurgitate, Napalm Death, Impetigo etc. Before I finished that demo, I got in touch with Leezus (who was in the band Forever Annihilating The Obese aka: FATO) and showed him the first 2 songs I had done and started talking about him joining the band on drums. In the meantime, he offered to do some vocals on something, so he recorded some vocals for the third song 'Brain Damage'. In late 2006 or early 2007 we started jamming and then working on the next demo 'Neurofibromatosis", which to me and (I think most of our fans) feels like our first 'real' demo. I also joined FATO on guitar at this time.

V: 这些年来你们乐队的阵容是如何保持不变的,当然也有一些临时加入乐队的成员,但他们最终还是退出了乐队,这些临时成员是如何加入乐队的?他们又为什么退出乐队?

How has your band's lineup stayed the same over the years, of course there have been some members who joined the band on an ad hoc basis, but eventually they quit the band, how did these ad hoc members come to join the band? And why did they quit the band?

R: 实际上,我们的阵容一直很稳定,但这些年来也有一些变化。首先Leezus加入了乐队,担任鼓手,我们当时是一个二人乐队(吉他、鼓、主唱)这个阵容出现在我之前提到的“Neurofibromatosis”乐队的Demo中。2007年晚些时候贝斯手Esteve Decalisse(Esteve Decalisse刚刚离开Fuck The Facts乐队)加入了乐队,我们开始参加演出。2009年我们的三人乐队录制了一盘宣传片,后来被收录进“Entartete Grind Kunst”4-way合辑(与Putrescence/Grotesque Organ Defilement/Rotgut/Violent Gorge合辑)同年晚些时候,我们的朋友和乐队成员(FATO 贝斯手)Michal Majewski不幸去世,我们决定不再继续FATO。这时Danargh(FATO 的主唱)作为主唱加入了G.O.D.,这一时期是G.O.D.唯一的一次四人组合。这个阵容录制了“Destroy Your Life For Capitalism”EP以及与Archagathus和Wadge 的合辑。 2011年Esteve Decalisse离开了乐队,搬到魁北克市加入了Mesrine。部分原因是他想加入一支能进行更多巡演的乐队(我们从未真正进行过巡演)对于这个决定我们并不感到为难。Danargh一直在我们的副业Avon Dealer中担任贝斯手,因此他接手了G.O.D.的贝斯手工作,这才有了我们现在的阵容。Riley(吉他/主唱)、Danargh(贝斯/主唱)和 Leezus(鼓手)。

Our line has actually been faily consistent but there have been a few changes over the years. First Leezus joined the band on drums, and we were a 2-piece (guitar, drums vocals). That line up is featured on the Neurofibromatosis demo as I mentioned before. Then later in 2007, Esteve Decalisse (who had just left Fuck The Facts) joined on bass and we started to play gigs. We were a 3 piece for 2-years that line up recorded a promo in 2009 which was later for the Entartete Grind Kunst 4-way split tape (with Putrescence / Grotesque Organ Defilement / Rotgut / Violent Gorge). Later that year our friend and bandmate (FATO bassist) Michal Majewski sadly died, and we decided not to continue FATO. That is when Danargh (who was FATO's vocalist) joined G.O.D. as a vocalist. This period was the only time G.O.D. has been a 4-piece. That line-up recorded the Destroy Your Life For Capitalism EP and the splits with Archagathus and Wadge. In 2011 Esteve Decalisse left the band to move to Quebec City and join Mesrine. This was partly because he wanted to be in a band that toured more (we've never really toured). There were no hard feels about that decision. Danargh had been playing bass in our side project Avon Dealer, so he picked up the bass duties for G.O.D. and that resulted in the line up we still have to this day. Riley (guitar/vocals), Danargh (bass/vocals) and Leezus (drums).

V: 你们三位成员彼此都很熟悉,知道对方想创作什么样的歌曲,能介绍一下你们的创作过程吗?

All three of you members are very familiar with each other and know what kind of songs the other wants to create, can you describe your creative process?

R: 你说得对,在这一点上我们是多年的好朋友,彼此影响很大。从一开始我们就对Gerindcore和Death Metal有着相似的兴趣和品味。我们在创作和其他方面都非常信任彼此。 如果我们中的任何一个人有想法,几乎都不会被拒绝。如果Leezus在新的旋律中使用了与我预期不同的鼓点或者对歌曲的结尾有想法,我都不会质疑,因为结果总是比我想象的要好。这样一来歌曲就会更有活力,更令人难忘。有了这些简单、短小的研磨歌曲,你往往只需添加一个稍稍出乎意料的部分,就能让歌曲听起来与众不同得多。大部分的器乐歌曲创作一直都是由我来完成的,但多年来也有几首歌是由鼓手Leezus首先创作的,在这种情况下我会根据他的鼓点部分来写一些旋律。在写歌词方面,Leezus总是给我很多帮助。通常情况下我们都会为不同的歌曲写歌词,直到全部完成。 Danargh写的歌不多,但如果他愿意,我们欢迎他多写几首。我想他写的唯一一首 G.O.D. riff 就是我们的歌曲“Psoriasis”中的最后一段。因此我们的工作流程基本上是,我们中的任何人都可以参与歌曲创作,但对Leezus和Danargh来说,这是可有可无的。可以说我是确保我们拥有发行所需的素材的人,但如果我的乐队成员有什么贡献,我也会确保将其包括在内。

You're right, we are long-time best friends at this point and have influenced each other a lot. From the beginning we've shared similar interests, and taste in grindcore and death metal. We have a lot of trust in each both creatively and otherwise. If any one of us has an idea it is almost never shut down. If Leezus uses a different drum beat for a new riff than I was expecting or has an idea for how to end a song etc., I don't question it, the result is always better than whatever I had in mind. This makes the songs a lot more dynamic and memorable than they would be if it was only my ideas. With these simple, short grind songs, you can often just add one slightly unexpected part and make a song sound much more distinct. I have always done most of the instrumental songwriting but several songs over the years have been written by Leezus on drums first, in which case I'll write riffs to go with his drum parts. Leezus has always helped me a lot with writing the lyrics. Usually, we both work on writing lyrics for different songs until they are all done. Danargh has not done much songwriting, but he would be welcome to do more if he wants. I think the only G.O.D. riff he wrote was the last riff in our song 'Psoriasis'. So, our process is basically, anyone of us can contribute to the songwriting but for Leezus and Danargh it's optional. You could say I’m the one who makes sure we have the material we need for releases but if my bandmates have something to contribute, I make sure it is included.

V: 疾病、恐怖电影、社会暴力是你的一些音乐主题,你为什么选择这些主题?你想通过这些主题表达什么?是谁写的歌词,他的灵感来自于什么?

Disease, Horror films, Violence in society are some of your musical themes, why did you choose them? What do you want to express through these themes? You also wrote the lyrics, who wrote the lyrics and what inspired them?

R: 正如我所说Leezus写了很多歌词,尤其是从2013年左右开始。实际上他为我们与Pancreatectomie的合辑写了所有歌词。 总的来说我写的歌词更多一些。当然我们的歌词有几个不同的方向,时而严肃,时而幽默,通常是两者的结合。刚开始的时候,我们的歌词大多是典型的恐怖(goregrind)风格,其中有很多关于恐怖电影的歌曲。后来我们又写了一段时间的严肃/政治性歌词,这些歌词其实完全不是以恐怖为导向的。但有时这些歌词也会像恐怖片(动物活体解剖、污染等)一样。那基本上就是“Destroy Your Life For Capitalism”EP和与Violent Restitution乐队的合辑。 这些歌曲有些Crustcore的感觉。在那之后歌词又开始以血腥为主并不时加入政治主题。我们开始对血腥歌词的概念有了更多的创造性,将我们脑海中的几乎所有东西都融入其中,同时也使用了很多幽默的语言。现在我们的歌曲可以是关于任何事情的,包括奇怪的新闻/科学、工作中发生的事情、我们经历过的伤害/疾病、历史上奇怪的故事、动物医疗方面的东西以及一些随机的愚蠢的东西,比如一首关于Leezus的宠物狗吃自己的屎的歌(Autocoprophagus (Dio the Pug))哈哈。我们在很大程度上已经远离了政治性歌词,但我认为我们现在做的也更有趣、更独特。

As I said, Leezus has written many lyrics; especially since 2013 or so. He actually wrote all the lyrics for our split with Pancreatectomie. Overall, more lyrics tend to be written by me. Our lyrics have gone in a few different directions, for sure, at times serious, at times humorous, usually a combination of both. In the beginning it was mostly typical goregrind stuff with many songs about Horror Movies. Then we had a period of writing serious/political lyrics that were not really gore oriented at all. But at times this stuff can be like gore (animal vivisection, pollution etc). That was basically the Destroy Your Life For Capitalism EP and the split with Violent Restitution. Those songs what somewhat of a crustcore feel. After that the lyrics started to get mostly gorey again with the political themes coming in from time to time. We started to get more creative with concepts for gore lyrics incorporating almost anything in our heads and using a lot of humour as well. Now our songs could be about anything from weird news/science, things that happened at work, injuries/illness we experienced, weird stories from history, animal medical stuff, and random silly stuff like a song about Leezus’ pet dog eating his own shit (Autocoprophagus (Dio the Pug)) ha-ha. We have largely moved away from political lyrics, not as a rule, but I think what we are doing now is more fun and unique too.

V: 你们的Logo设计非常简单,但这种设计形式是我个人最喜欢的,因为我很容易就能记住你们的名字,而且你们的专辑封面设计也很独特,大部分都是真实照片和卡通设计,这些作品是谁为你们设计的?

Your logo design is very simple, but this form of design is one of my personal favorites because I can easily remember your name, and your album artwork is uniquely designed, most of it is in the form of real photographs and cartoon designs, who designed these artworks for you?

R: Pierre De Palmas(Braindead Zine、Blue Holocaust、Vomi Noir)为我们制作了目前的Logo(以前的Logo是我用photoshop制作的,字体是血腥风格的)Pierre为我们制作了一个Logo,灵感来自原版,但更加细致和独特。




- Pierre De Palmas: split with Violent Restitution, Body Horror

- Adam Kindred: split with Archagathus

- Matt Sidney: Split with Ahna

- Corey Smith: Destroy Your Life For Capitalism

- Maciej Kamuda: split with Agathocles

- Freja Nygård: split with Domesticated

Pierre De Palmas (Braindead Zine, Blue Holocaust, Vomi Noir) did currently logo (the old logo was just done by me in photoshop with gorey stylized font). Pierre made us a logo that is inspired by the original but is much more detailed and unique.

All the cover art which does not feature original artwork (i.e.: photoshopped images taken from other sources) was done by me.

For the rest of here are the artists we've worked with;

Cover artists:

- Pierre De Palmas: split with Violent Restitution, Body Horror

- Adam Kindred: split with Archagathus

- Matt Sidney: Split with Ahna

- Corey Smith: Destroy Your Life For Capitalism

- Maciej Kamuda: split with Agathocles

- Freja Nygård: split with Domesticated

V: 你们发行了很多作品,当然也与很多厂牌合作过,你们是如何与这些厂牌联系合作的?你对这些厂牌的作品满意吗?

You've released a lot of work and of course you've worked with a lot of labels, how did you get in touch with those labels to collaborate? Are you happy with the work of the labels?

R: 我们非常感谢地下唱片公司对我们的支持。特别是Grindfather Records,他们帮助我们发行了很多作品。我们的前贝斯手埃斯特维-德卡利斯(Esteve Decalisse)发行了我们的第一张专辑(与 Archagathus 的合辑 7 英寸),3 年后又发行了我们与 Wadge 的合辑 7 英寸。他发行这些唱片无需说服,因为他是乐队成员。Archagathus已经拥有了一批强大的追随者,Wadge则是加拿大Grindcore乐队中深受喜爱的经典之作,这就是Spilt的力量。唱片公司在为其他乐队寻找唱片的同时也找到了我们。从那以后我们开始收到来自唱片公司的Facebook消息和电子邮件,询问我们是否要发行新专辑,也有其他乐队要求发行合辑。

I can’t stress enough how much we appreciate the support we have gotten from underground labels. In particular Grindfather Records has helped release so much of our stuff. What helped us get interest from labels is that our former bassist Esteve Decalisse released our first release (split 7” with Archagathus) and 3 years later our split 7” with Wadge. He didn’t need convincing to release those records because he was in the band. Archagathus already had a strong following and Wadge is a beloved cult classic when it comes to Canadian grindcore. That’s the power of a split. Labels sought out those records for the other bands and found us at the same time. After that we started getting Facebook messages and emails from labels asking about doing releases, and other bands asking to do splits.

V: 你们当时玩的是grindcore/goregrind,鼓点非常完美。尤其是小军鼓的声音,鼓手敲得又快又准。在这种情况下,鼓手让音乐听起来更好。在爆破节奏时,鼓声会明显变得松散。但正如我所说的,这让一切都变得更加混乱和动听。吉他和贝司听起来非常失真和粗糙。这张专辑的旋律非常激进,是典型的Grindcore作品。但音色使其更加出色。最后你们的人声也很棒而且变化多端。他们通常使用咆哮、变奏和尖叫。你对自己的作品有什么看法吗?

You guys were playing grindcore/goregrind and the drumming was perfect. Especially the snare sound, the drummer was fast and precise. In this case, the drummer makes the music sound better. During blast beats, the drums get noticeably looser. But like I said, it makes everything more chaotic and better sounding. The guitars and bass sound very distorted and rough. The riffs on this album are very aggressive and typical Grindcore work. But the timbre makes them even better. Finally, their vocals are great and varied. They usually use growls, variations and screams. Do you have any thoughts on your work?

R: 很高兴听到你对音乐的看法!我知道你说的越来越松散是什么意思但并不是坏事。我们从未按照点击轨演奏过以后也不会。节奏会有一些波动这是好事。这样歌曲的流畅性会更好。如果演奏得太死板,就会失去Punk的感觉,听起来也会太金属(不是说我们不金属,但这不是Tech Death)我为我们的作品感到骄傲。我认为我们有自己的声音并以一种好的方式为 Goregrind/grindcore流派做出了贡献。

Nice to hear your take on the music! I know what you mean by things getting looser but not in a bad way. We have never played to a click track at never will. The tempo can fluctuate a bit and that is a good thing. The flow of the song can sound better that way. If you play to rigidly you lose the punk feel and start to sound too ‘metal’ (not that we aren’t metal, but this shit is not tech death). I’m proud of our work. I think we have our own sound and contribute to the goregrind/grindcore genres in a good way.

V: 你的乐队在2024年有什么新作品吗?你能透露一些信息给大家吗?我期待你的新作品

What's new for your band to work on in 2024? Can you reveal some information to the crowd? I'm looking forward to your new work

R: 目前我唯一能透露的是,我们正在为与Flux Capacitor乐队的合辑完成新的录音(约 9 分钟)我们对新歌非常期待!

At the moment the only thing I can reveal is we are finishing up new recordings (about 9 mins of stuff) for a split with Flux Capacitor. Very excited about the new songs!

V: 你们乐队参加过哪些音乐节,哪些音乐节给你留下了深刻印象,你能描述一下音乐节的氛围吗?

What festivals have your band played, what festivals have impressed you and can you describe the atmosphere and what festivals are you planning to play in 2024?

R: 我们参加过的音乐节有Maryland Deathfest、Obscene Extreme Canada、Earslaughter(魁北克)、Quebec Deathfest、Grind Your Mind(魁北克)、Rapid Decay Fest(纽约)、Toronoise(多伦多)和Anti-Music Fest(美国)所有这些音乐节都非常棒,现场气氛总是让人热血沸腾,尽情享受美好时光。其中一些音乐节的举办地点也很有趣,比如反音乐节在室内滑板公园举办,而Grind Your Mind音乐节则在户外农场的一块大地上举办。就印象而言,我必须说Earslaughter的组织者做得非常出色。

We have played festivals like Maryland Deathfest, Obscene Extreme Canada, Earslaughter (Quebec), Quebec Deathfest, Grind Your Mind (Quebec), Rapid Decay Fest (NY), Toronoise (Toronto), and Anti-Music Fest (USA). All these festivals were awesome, and the atmosphere is always just a lot of grinders ready to let loose and have a great time. Some of these were in interesting locations like Anti-Music fest at an indoor skate park or Grind Your Mind outdoors in a big field on a farm property. In terms of which ‘impressed’ me I must say the organizers of Earslaughter do a fantastic job.

V: Grotesque Organ Defilement是一支伟大的乐队,我是你们乐队的忠实粉丝,我会一直支持和关注你们乐队,也希望通过这次采访能有更多的中国乐迷关注、支持和了解你们乐队。最后你有什么想和中国歌迷朋友们说的吗?

Grotesque Organ Defilement is a great band, I'm a big fan of your band, I'll always support and pay attention to your band, and I hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will pay attention to, support, and get to know your band, what would you like to tell your Chinese fans at the end of this interview?

R: 我们非常感谢你们的支持!很遗憾,我不认为我们会去中国演出,但想到中国的人们会听 G.O.D.的歌,我觉得非常酷。拥有国际听众是我们不可轻视的荣誉!你们激励着我们继续创作新歌。

We appreciate your support! Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll ever make it to China play a show, but it is very cool to think that people in China would be listening to G.O.D.. Having an international audience is an honor we don’t take lightly! You help motivate us to continue making new material as long as we can.

Grotesque Organ Defilement乐队主要作品:

Grotesque Organ Defilement - Destroy Your Life for Capitalism(2014)

Grotesque Organ Defilement - Body Horror(2015)

Pulmonary Fibrosis / Grotesque Organ Defilement - Trigonous Tonotopic Terro(2022)

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