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不朽,经典,传奇 - 美国传奇Death/Thrash Metal乐队Master贝斯 / 歌手Paul Speckmann专访

今天采访到的是来自美国传奇Death/Thrash Metal乐队Master的创始人贝斯 / 歌手Paul Speckmann,Paul Speckmann是一位来自伊利诺伊州芝加哥的美国贝斯手和歌唱家。他目前居住在捷克共和国,他的第一支乐队是成立于1982年的War Cry。1983年他组建了Death/Thrash Metal乐队Master。由于内部问题该乐队被搁置,Paul Speckmann组建了另一支名为Death Strike的乐队。Abomination在Nuclear Blast唱片公司获得合约后,Master也在同一时间与他们取得联系,Master重新出现并录制了一张全长专辑。录制结束两天后,乐队以原班人马解散。不久后鼓手Aaron Nickeas和吉他手Jim Martinelli取代了他们的位置。在这之后乐队与Abomination开始巡演,Death Strike录制了首张同名专辑,实际上是与Martinelli和Nickeas一起重新录制了Master乐队的歌曲。但是Nuclear Blast拒绝了这一要求,2004 年Krabathor乐队解散,Master与吉他手Alex Nejezchleba和鼓手Zdenek Pradlovsky重新组建。Paul Speckmann曾两次参加芝加哥传奇乐队Trouble的面试并在第二次面试时被录取。不过他拒绝了,因为他觉得Master乐队会更强大。当然Paul Speckmann除了这些乐队之外还参加过很多乐队,比如Cadaveric Poison, Johansson & Speckmann, Speckmann Project, Solutions, Walpurgisnacht, Blunt Force Trauma, Funeral Bitch, Assaultt等乐队,由此可见Paul Speckmann的一生都在为极端金属事业做出了自己重要的贡献,前不久突然收到Paul Speckmann的来信希望杂志能采访他们本人,本人也是非常的惊讶,没有想到Paul Speckmann能够与我主动联系进行采访!

(V: 代表笔者 P: 代表Paul Speckmann)

Today's interview is with bassist/vocalist Paul Speckmann, founder of the legendary American Death/Thrash Metal band Master, an American bassist and vocalist from Chicago, Illinois. Currently residing in the Czech Republic, his first band was War Cry in 1982, and in 1983 he formed the Death/Thrash Metal band Master, which was shelved due to internal problems, and Paul Speckmann formed another band called Death Strike. After Abomination secured a deal at Nuclear Blast Records and Master contacted them around the same time, Master reappeared and recorded a full-length album. Two days after the recording session, the band disbanded with the original lineup. Drummer Aaron Nickeas and guitarist Jim Martinelli took their place shortly afterward. After this the band began touring with Abomination, and Death Strike recorded their self-titled debut album, actually re-recording Masters songs with Martinelli and Nickeas. But Nuclear Blast refused the request, and in 2004 Krabathor disbanded and Master reformed with guitarist Alex Nejezchleba and drummer Zdenek Pradlovsky.Paul Speckmann auditioned twice for the legendary Chicago band Trouble and was accepted at the second interview and was accepted. He turned it down, however, because he felt that the Masters would be a stronger band. Of course Paul Speckmann has been in many other bands besides these, such as Cadaveric Poison, Johansson & Speckmann, Speckmann Project, Solutions, Walpurgisnacht, Blunt Force Trauma, Funeral Bitch, Assaultaulttrap, and many others. Funeral Bitch, Assaultt and many others, so it is clear that Paul Speckmann's whole life has made an important contribution to the cause of extreme metal. Not long ago, I suddenly received a letter from Paul Speckmann, hoping that the magazine could interview them, and I was very surprised, I didn't think that Paul Speckmann would be able to contact me for an interview! I was very surprised and did not expect Paul Speckmann to contact me for an interview!

(V: for the author P: for Paul Speckmann)

采访对象:Paul SpeckmannMaster乐队贝斯 / 歌手


V: 你好Paul Speckmann先生,感谢你联系我接受这次采访,我知道你和中国有一些接触,但我猜这是你第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向中国的粉丝们问好吧!

Hello Mr. Paul Speckmann thank you for contacting me for this interview, I know you have had some contact with China but I guess this is your first interview with a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans!

P: 朋友们好,我看到Hypnos的Bruno接受了你们的采访,因为我们住在同一个城市,又是好朋友,所以我想也许我应该联系一下这本杂志,看看能不能接受采访!正如你们所说,我以前从未接受过中国杂志的采访,我想这将是一个绝佳的机会。

Hello my friends, I saw that Bruno from Hypnos did an interview with you guys and since we live in the same town and are good friends, so I thought maybe I should contact this magazine and see about an interview! As you said, I never did an interview for a Chinese magazine before and thought this would be the perfect opportunity.

V: Master乐队是一支传奇乐队,这么多年来你和乐队经历了很多故事,我非常感兴趣你和Master乐队的故事,你能和中国的歌迷分享一下这些故事吗?你们是如何组建乐队的?

Master is a legendary band, how come over the years you and the band have gone through a lot of stories, I'm very thankful for your story with Master, can you share these stories with your fans in China? How did you form the band?

P: 乐队成立于八十年代初,当时的想法是成为最酷、最重型的乐队!当时我们的鼓手Bill Schmidt甚至为我和他制作了服装,但这个阵容只维持了很短的时间,只录制了Demo并拍了照片。Demo录制完成后,乐队立即解散了!之后我开始为我的新乐队Deathstrike创作和录制歌曲,虽然这支乐队也是昙花一现,只维持了几个月,但我们录制的Fuckin' Death demo却影响了全球的新音乐流派!

The band was formed in the early eighties with the idea of being the coolest looking and heaviest looking band out there! Our drummer at the time Bill Schmidt went as far as making outfits for he and I, but this lineup lasted a short time, getting as far as recording a demo and taking pictures. The band broke up immediately after the demo was recorded! I then began writing and recording songs for my new band Deathstrike, which also was short-lived lasting only a few months, but the Fuckin’ Death demo we recorded would influence and new genre across the globe!

V: 你是一位才华横溢的贝斯手和主唱,同时也是一位经验丰富的词曲创作人,能和我们分享一下你的词曲创作经历吗?我相信你的创作经验会激励更多的音乐家!

You are a very talented bassist and vocalist, you are also a very experienced songwriter and experience, can you share your songwriting creations? I'm sure your songwriting experience will inspire more musicians!

P: 在我看来,这没什么特别的!我很少在家里的小办公室里用木吉他写歌!对我来说,关键是要让音乐来找你,强迫写作至少对我个人是行不通的!在生活中保持音乐的流畅性,练习也非常重要!

It’s nothing special in my opinion! I write songs very infrequently on the acoustic guitar in my small office at home! For me the key is to let the music come to you, forcing writing does not work for me personally at least! Practice is also very important to maintain the flow of music in your life!

V: 你现在住在捷克共和国,离开美国已经很长时间了。你在捷克已经生活了超过24年!你们的新成员也来自捷克。他们是如何加入乐队的?你也是乐队中唯一的第一代成员。我知道大师乐队已经更换了很多成员。第一代成员为什么要退出乐队?

You now live in the Czech Republic and have been away from the United States for a long time. I have lived in the Czech Republic for more than 24 years already,! Your new members are also from the Czech Republic. How did they join the band?

P: 这些年来,Master乐队只换过几次阵容。在过去的16年里,我一直拥有一个稳定的阵容,包括吉他手Alex Nejezchleba和鼓手Zdenek Pradlovsky,当然还有我自己的贝斯手和主唱。16 年后由于个人生活上的差异,这个阵容解散了。这有点像长期残酷婚姻后的离婚。然后是一个短命的美国阵容,大约维持了两年!因为Covid解散了美国阵容,因为他们想留在美国,而我住在捷克共和国!但毫无疑问,鼓手Ruston Grosse和Pat Shea也同样是才华横溢的演奏家,与他们合作非常愉快!原来的成员很早就被替换了,Bill Schmidt由于缺乏安全感和经常吸毒而被淘汰。Bill害怕自己的影子,至于Chris Mittelbrun这位吉他手对异性比对乐队更感兴趣。他的几位前妻可以证明这一点!

Master has had only a few lineup changes over the years. For 16 years I had a stable lineup consisting of Alex Nejezchleba on guitars and Zdenek Pradlovsky on drums, and of course myself on bass and vocals. After 16 years this lineup broke up due to personal difference in our live. Sort of like a divorce after a long brutal marriage. Then there was a short-lived US lineup for roughly two years! The Covid epidemic dissolved the US lineup as they wanted to stay in America and I live in the Czech Republic!! But without a doubt Ruston Grosse on drums and Pat Shea were also equally talented players and a pleasure to work with! You are also the only first-generation member of the band. I know that Master has replaced a large number of members. Why did the first-generation members quit the band? The original members were replaced early on in the game. Bill Schmidt fell by the wayside, due to his insecurities and frequent drug abuse. Bill was afraid of his own shadow. As for Chris Mittelbrun, the guitar player was more interested in the opposite sex than playing in a band. He has several ex-wives that can vouch for this!

V: 你参加过很多乐队,我看到你曾经参加过一支名为Solutions的荷兰乐队。你是如何加入这个乐队的?

You have participated in many bands. I saw that you once participated in a Dutch band called Solutions. How did you join this band?

P: 事实上,这是一个由Master吉他手 Bryan Brady、我和荷兰鼓手Lex van Wanrooij组成的项目!在与Malevolent Creation、Master和捷克乐队Krabathor一起进行“欧洲巡演”之后,Bryan和我决定在荷兰逗留几天,录制一个Punk项目。Solutions应运而生!我们用16个小时完成了排练、录音和混音!

Actually this was a project with Master guitarist Bryan Brady, myself and Dutch drummer Lex van Wanrooij! After a ‘European tour with Malevolent Creation, Master and the Czech band Krabathor, Bryan and I decided to stay in Holland for a few days and record a Punk Project. Solutions was born! We rehearsed, recorded and mixed the masters in 16 hours complete!

V: 你们曾在F.D.A. Records、Pulverised Records、Twilight、From Beyond Productions、System Shock、Nuclear Blast、Hammerheart Records等唱片公司发行过专辑。这些厂牌都是非常优秀的厂牌。你们是如何与他们联系合作的?我知道Master乐队在中国与Awakening Records合作重新发行了你们的专辑。Awakening Records在中国也是一个非常好的厂牌。你是如何与Awakening Records联系合作的?你们对Awakening Records的工作满意吗?

You have released albums with F.D.A. Records, Pulverised Records, Twilight, From Beyond Productions, System Shock, Nuclear Blast, Hammerheart Records, etc. These labels are all excellent labels. How did you get in touch with them to cooperate? I know that Master band re-released your album with Awakening Records in China. Awakening Records is also a very good label in China. How did you get in touch with Awakening Records to cooperate? Are you satisfied with the work of Awakening Records?

P: 对于所有的唱片公司,我们都是在录完歌后发一两首,然后得到唱片合约。至于 Awakening我是在网上看到他们的,不久之后我们就签了约!这是个昙花一现的合约,因为我与荷兰的Hammerheart Records签订了一份大合约,他们同意重新发行我的全部唱片,这显然与Awakening不太相符,对此我深表歉意。Hammerheart提供了一份我无法拒绝的合约,直到今天,他们还在为我的乐队和项目出谋划策。

As for all labels, we sent a song or two after recording and got a record deal.

As for Awakening I saw them online and shortly thereafter we inked a deal! It was a short-lived deal because I landed a big deal with Hammerheart Records in Holland and they agreed to reissue the entire catalogue, this obviously didn’t sit well with Awakening and I really apologize for that. Hammerheart offered a deal I couldn’t refuse and till this day they are kicking ass for my bands and projects.

V: Master乐队的Logo设计非常简单,但我个人非常喜欢这个Logo。这个Logo是谁为你们设计的?你的专辑封面设计非常独特,谁为你们设计了这些专辑封面?

The logo design of Master's band is very simple, but I personally like this logo very much. Who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork design is very unique. Who designed these album artworks for you?

P: 至于最初的Logo,它是由最初的鼓手设计的,但Nuclear Blast Records重新设计了它,这就是你们今天看到的Logo。我们现在使用的Logo是1989年发布的!至于封面我们每次都使用不同的艺术家。最新发行的唱片是由荷兰的Richard Schouten设计的,到目前为止“Saints Dispelled”的封面是我最喜欢的!

As for the original logo it was designed early on by the original drummer but Nuclear Blast Records re-designed it and this is the logo you see today. The logo we use still today, was released in 1989! As for the covers, we use different artists every time. The latest release was designed by Richard Schouten in Holland, so far the cover for Saints Dispelled has to be my favorite!

V: 你参与创作的每个乐队的作品都非常经典,我相信很多人都非常熟悉您的作品,我就不在这里详细介绍了,你觉得这些作品怎么样?你今年的新专辑非常出色和以前的专辑相比有什么变化吗?

The works of every band you have participated in creating are very classic. I believe many people are very familiar with your works. I will not introduce them in detail here. What do you think of these works? Your new album this year is really outstanding. Is there any change compared with the old albums?

P: 老实说,正如你所说,我的工作风格从未改变过,我做的事情始终如一。这次的不同之处在于,Hammerheart Records为新专辑做了很好很成功的宣传,人们有机会听到它!以前发行的唱片宣传不力,很多时候都因为这一周的宣传而被淘汰。

To be honest I never change anything in my working style as you so well put it. I do things always the same. The difference this time is that Hammerheart Records did a great and successful promotion for the new record and people have a chance to hear it! Previous releases were not well promoted and many times the albums fell by the wayside due to this week promotion.

V: 你们乐队参加过很多音乐节,相信很多音乐节都给你留下了深刻的印象。能介绍几个你最喜欢的音乐节吗?当时的气氛是怎样的?如果有一天中国主办方邀请你们乐队来中国巡演,你们是否愿意为中国歌迷奉献一场精彩的演出?

Your band has participated in many music festivals. I believe that many music festivals have left a deep impression on you. Can you introduce some of your favorite music festivals? What was the atmosphere like at the time? If one day the Chinese organizer invites your band to come to China for a tour, would you be willing to give a wonderful performance to Chinese fans?

P: 捷克的Obscene Extreme等音乐节以及德国的Protzen Open Air和Masters of the Unicorn等小型音乐节,都为试图在现场一展身手的老牌乐队和年轻乐队提供了良好的氛围!

Festivals such as Obscene Extreme in the Czech Republic as well as smaller fests like Protzen Open Air and Masters of the Unicorn also in Germany provide a great atmosphere for older as well as younger bands trying to make a break in the scene!

V: 除了在2024年发行新专辑之外,你们还会做哪些新的工作?比如作曲、录制一些新歌或者为你参与的其他乐队作曲?能向大家透露一些信息吗?

In addition to releasing a new album in 2024, what new work will you do? For example, composing, recording some new songs or composing for other bands you are involved in? Can you reveal some information to everyone?

P: 我很快就会开始为下一张专辑编曲。正如我之前说过的,我不喜欢操之过急,我觉得花时间才能写出好的新专辑!

I will soon begin arranging songs for the next opus. As I said previously, I do not like to rush things, I feel taking time is the better way to achieve good writing for a new album!

V: 你是如何学习贝司乐器的?你是如何开始接触极端金属音乐的?能谈谈你的个人经历吗?哪些乐队影响了你对极端金属音乐的兴趣?

How did you learn the bass instrument? How did you get into extreme metal music? Can you tell us about your personal story? Which bands influenced your interest in extreme metal?

P: 我是听着其他乐队的唱片自学贝司的!这并不是一件容易的事,但经过多年的练习,我找到了加入一支名为WarCry的乐队的方法,这支乐队就在我长大的郊区!我们的亮点是为Twisted Sister和皇后乐队Queensreich、Joe Perry Project以及Lesley Wes和Corky Laing的乐队做开场演出!当然后来我们自己的演出也取得了一些成功。

I taught myself to play bass by listening and playing along with other bands on LP’s! It was not an easy thing to do, but with years of practice I found a way to join a band called WarCry, in the suburb I grew up in! The highlights were opening for Twisted Sister and Queensreich, as well as the Joe Perry Project and Mountain with Lesley West and Corky Laing! Of course we had some of our own shows later on that were also a bit successful I guess.

V: Paul Speckmann你是一位伟大的音乐家和歌手。能接受到你的采访邀请,我感到非常惊讶和惊喜,我从未想过能与你这样一位伟大的音乐家交谈,我现在的心情非常复杂和激动,我相信这次对你的采访会对我的杂志有很大的帮助。我想这次采访会让更多的人对你感兴趣,也会让更多的人对你参与的所有乐队感兴趣。最后你有什么想对中国歌迷说的吗?

Paul Speckmann, you are a great musician and singer. I am really surprised and astonished to accept your invitation for an interview. I never thought that I would have a conversation with such a great musician like you. I am feeling very complicated and excited now. I believe that this interview with you will be of great help to my magazine. I think this interview will make more people interested in you, and also in all the bands you are involved in. Finally, do you have anything you want to say to Chinese fans?

P: 是的,支持你们的本土乐队,因为他们可能是你们这一代的下一个超级巨星,乐队当然需要追随者,如果谁能为Master争取到巡演机会,请联系我或经纪公司、


Yes support your local bands as they may be the next superstars of your generation. Bands need followers of course. If anyone can get a tour for Master, please contact me or the agency,

Also for more info please contact

Paul Speckmann参与乐队的主要作品:

Master(Death/Thrash Metal):

Master - Master(1990)

Master - On the Seventh Day God Created... Master(1991)

Master - Collection of Souls(1993)

Master - Faith Is in Season(1998)

Master - Follow Your Savior(2001)

Master - Let's Start a War(2002)

Master - Unreleased 1985 Album(2003)

Master - The Spirit of the West(2004)

Master - Four More Years of Terror(2005)

Master - Slaves to Society(2007)

Master - The Human Machine(2010)

Master - The New Elite(2012)

Master - The Witchhunt(2013)

Master - An Epiphany of Hate(2016)

Master - Vindictive Miscreant(2018)

Master - Widower(2019)

Master - Saints Dispelled(2024)

Cadaveric Poison(Death/Thrash Metal):

Cadaveric Poison - Fight for Evil(2014)

Cadaveric Poison - Cadaveric Poison(2016)

Death Strike(Death Metal):

Death Strike - Fuckin' Death(1991)

Death Strike - Live at Thrash Nightmare Vol. 10(2024)

Johansson & Speckmann(Death Metal):

Johansson & Speckmann - Sulphur Skies(2013)

Johansson & Speckmann - Mask of the Treacherous(2015)

Johansson & Speckmann - Edge of the Abyss(2016)

Johansson & Speckmann - From the Mouth of Madness(2018)

Johansson & Speckmann - The Germs of Circumstance(2020)

Johansson & Speckmann - Beneath a Bleeding Sky(2023)

Speckmann Project(Death Metal):

Speckmann Project - Speckmann Project(1991)

Speckmann Project - Fiends of Emptiness(2022)

Martyr(Death Metal):

Martyr - Murder X: The End of the Game(2000)

Solutions(Thrash Metal/Crossover):

Solutions - Solutions(1997)

Walpurgisnacht(Black/Death Metal):

Walpurgisnacht - Live / Demo '97(1997)

Abomination(Death/Thrash Metal):

Abomination - Abomination(1990)

Abomination - Tragedy Strikes(1991)

Abomination - The Final War(1999)

Krabathor(Death Metal):

Krabathor > Unfortunately Dead(2000)

Krabathor - Dissuade Truth(2003)

War Cry(Power/Doom Metal):

War Cry - Forbidden Evil(2016)

Funeral Bitch(Death/Thrash Metal):

Funeral Bitch - Demo 1 (1987)

Funeral Bitch - The Demos(2011)

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