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意大利文艺复兴发展史 - 意大利Symphonic Folk Metal乐队Cremisi专访

Writer's picture: Volcano MagazineVolcano Magazine

今天采访到的是来自意大利的Symphonic Folk Metal乐队Cremisi,组建于2016年的Cremisi今年也来到他们的第九年,由Rolando Ferro,Francesco Messina,Federico Palmucci,Davide Tomazzoni四名成员组建,2016年到现在乐队一直保持着最初的稳定阵容,也让四名成员彼此建立了身后的友谊和非常高的创作默契,2017年发行的EP专辑开始,乐队一直受到了意大利歌迷的关注,每一张专辑都给所有歌迷带来了不一样的感受,2019年乐队在Volcano Records & Promotion厂牌发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“Dawn of a New Era”,也是2019年最精彩的作品之一,2022年乐队发行了他们的最新EP专辑“Iustizia”,这张专辑依旧保持着高水准的创作和制作,在前不久杂志与乐队的吉他手Fede取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 F: 代表Fede)

Today's interview is with Cremisi, a Symphonic Folk Metal band from Italy, formed in 2016, Cremisi is also coming to their ninth year this year, formed by four members Rolando Ferro, Francesco Messina, Federico Palmucci, Davide Tomazzoni four members to form, 2016 to now the band has maintained the initial stable lineup, but also allows the four members to build each other behind the friendship and very high creative understanding, 2017 release of the EP album began, the band has been by the attention of the Italian fans, each album has brought a different feeling to all the fans, in 2019 the band in the In 2019 the band released their first official album “Dawn of a New Era” on Volcano Records & Promotion, one of the most exciting works of 2019, and in 2022 the band released their latest EP album ” Iustizia”, an album that still maintains a high standard of writing and production, and not long ago the magazine got in touch with the band's guitarist Fede for an interview!

(V: for the author F: for Fede)



V: 你好,兄弟。很高兴认识您,非常感谢您参加这次采访。我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国的杂志的采访吧。首先,让我们向所有的中国歌迷问好。Cremisi乐队成立于2016年,是一支历史悠久的老乐队。最初是谁提议组建这个乐队的?

Hello, brother. Nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview. I think this is the first time for your band to be interviewed by China magazine. First of all, let's say hello to all China fans. Cremisi band was established in 2016, and it is an old band with a long history. Who originally proposed to form this band?

F: 大家好!我的名字是Fede,我是Cremisi的吉他手,在此感谢您邀请我的采访并向所有中国金属乐迷问好。是的Cremisi明年就10岁了,这段旅程很漫长。我记得第一次Rolando(鼓手)发短信给我的时候,他在一个古老的意大利网站上找吉他手,这个网站的意思是连接全国各地的音乐家。他有一个老朋友(Fra)弹贝斯,我有一个愿意在金属乐队唱歌的家伙(Davide)。不用说,从2016年初开始就是我们四个人。

Hi there! My name is Fede and I am the guitar player of Cremisi, I’d like to thank you for this interview and greetings to all China metal fans.

Yeah, Cremisi is turning 10 yo next year, it was quite a ride. I recall the first moment when Rolando (drums) texted me on an old italian website which means to connect musicians from all over the country, looking for a guitarist. He had an old friend (Fra) playing bass and I had a guy (Davide) willing to sing in a metal band. Needless to say it was the four of us since the beginning in 2016.

V: 你的乐队一直保持着原始阵容,这对很多乐队来说是非常困难的。你们是如何一直保持原始阵容的?

Your band has always maintained the first-generation lineup, which is very difficult for many bands. How do you always maintain the first-generation lineup?

F: 很高兴看到这个问题与我第一题答案有些联系。也许我应该告诉你,我们定期给乐队添加一种秘密成分,但相信我从一开始我们就确信这支乐队会保持多年不变。当我们必须做出一些决定或者写新歌的时候,你可以看出来:我们总是有四个不同的想法来解决一些问题,但这四个想法总是融合在一起,产生了我们一起做的所有东西,从歌曲开始,但也决定了选择什么厂牌和管理,录音的道路,演出的音乐会,更不用说我们总是在需要的时候互相帮助。

Happy to see how this question relates to my previous answer. Maybe I should tell you there’s a secret ingredient we add periodically to this band, but believe me, since the beginning we were totally sure this band would stay the same for years. You could tell it when we had to make some decisions, or to write new material: it was always four different ideas about how to solve something, but those four always kinda melted together and gave birth to all of the stuff we did together, starting from songs, but also deciding what label and management to chose, what path for recording, what concerts to play. Not to mention also how we always help each other in the time of need.

V: 你们彼此很熟悉,我想在写歌的时候会很方便,因为你们都知道对方想写什么样的歌。你能谈谈你的创作过程吗?

You are very familiar with each other, and I think it will be convenient when writing songs, because you both know what kind of songs each other wants to write. Can you talk about your creative process?

F: 在之前的回答中有一点我没有提到:我们都有不同的音乐背景,但当然我们也有很多共同的乐队。2017年我们决定在Sebastian Levermann的录音室录制我们的第一张专辑,他是Orden Ogan的歌手。原来乐队在博洛尼亚有一场音乐会,那是Davide和我住的城市,所以我们决定一起去听那场音乐会。我想那是除了我们自己的演唱会之外唯一一场我们四个人一起出席的演唱会。我们确实有一些共同的乐队,如同Amorphis, Wintersun, Sabaton, Symphony X一样,只是举一些例子。所以有时候我想出一个吉他的Riff,我给他们看,说:“嘿,我有一个Amorphis风格的即兴片段,看看吧。”有些想法也来自Davide的故事。

There’s something I didn’t mention in the previous answer: all of us have different musical backgrounds, but of course we also have many bands in common. There was a moment in 2017 when we decided to record our first album at Sebastian Levermann’s studio, he’s the singer of Orden Ogan. It turned out that the band had a concert in Bologna, the city where Davide and I were living, so we decided to go together to that concert. I think it was the only concert where the 4 of us were present except for our own concerts. We definitely have some bands in common such as Amorphis, Wintersun, Sabaton, Symphony X, just to mention some. So sometimes for instance I come up with a guitar riff which I show to the guys saying “Hey, I have an Amorphis style riff, check it out”. Some of the ideas also came out from Davide’s stories.

V: 你的每张专辑的录音效果都很好。你是在哪个录音室录制专辑的?谁为你制作的专辑?

Each of your albums is excellent in recording effect. In which studio did you record the albums? Who produced the album for you?

F: 正如我之前提到的,第一张专辑是由德国的Seeb Levermann制作的。我们在Seeb的工作室跟踪和录制鼓,但我们在家里录制了其余的线条。至于第二个EP我们邀请了Filippo Rambelli,他是Rolando的亲密朋友,当他听我们的音乐时,他喜欢前奏的每一个音符。不用说,他想成为我们EP的一部分,他完全钉住了我们在这张专辑中寻找的东西:巨大的管弦乐队,现在自然的鼓,沉重的吉他和钉住的人声。他做了一件我无法从这个世界上任何人那里得到的事情,在我看来,他取得了一个最接近完美的结果。在制作期间,他一直与我们保持联系,他完全适合作为Cremisi家族的临时第五名成员。我们确实欠他很多。

As I mentioned before, the first album was produced by Seeb Levermann in Germany. We tracked and recorded drums at Seeb’s studio, but we recorded the rest of the lines at home. As for the second release we used the talent of Filippo Rambelli, he’s a Rolando’s close friend and when he listened to our music he was loving every note of the preprods. Needless to say he wanted to be part of our EP and he totally nailed what we were looking for in this album: massive orchestra, present natural drums, heavy guitars and nailing vocals. He did something I couldn’t expect from anyone else in this world, obtaining a result which in my humble opinion is the closest to perfection. He was in contact with us the whole time during the production time and he totally fitted as a temporary fifth member of the Cremisi family. We definitely owe him a lot.

V: 你的音乐主题是悲伤、战争、故事、意大利历史和文艺复兴。为什么选择这样的音乐主题?你想通过这样一个音乐主题表达什么?你还写了歌词。这些歌词是谁写的,又是什么给了他灵感? 

Sorrow, War, Tales, Italian History and Renaissance are your music themes. Why do you choose such a music theme? What do you want to express through such a music theme? You also wrote the lyrics. Who wrote these lyrics and what inspired him?

F: 我们通常会说自己是意大利文艺复兴时期的故事讲述者,但这通常只是一种借助酷炫的意象来表达人类共同感受和状况的方式。歌词部分大部分是Davide写的,然后我们把这些概念和音乐结合起来,调整节拍等等。

We usually introduce ourselves by saying that we are tales-tellers of the Italian Renaissance, but it’s often just a way to express common human feelings and conditions with the aid of cool imagery. The lyrics concepts are written for the most part by Davide, then we adapt together those concepts to the music, adjust the metric and so on.

V: 你的Logo设计很简单,但是这种设计形式是我个人最喜欢的形式,因为我很容易记住你的名字。谁为你设计的这个Logo?你的专辑封面设计也很漂亮。谁为你设计了这些艺术品?

Your logo design is very simple, but this design form is my personal favorite form, because I can easily remember your name. Who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also beautifully designed. Who designed these artworks for you?

F: 我们的标志是由Davide设计的,他创造了第一个版本。它有点僵硬,所以最终在一些细节上进行了调整,最终形成了最终的形式。一些专辑封面是由Davide绘制的,比如“Iustizia”的封面以及单曲“Fuga nel Vento”和“Battle of Lepanto - Orchestral Version”。第一张专辑的封面是由Manuele Ascari绘制的,他的作品非常出色,非常注重细节。此外第一件T恤是由Wind Rose的吉他手Claudio Falconcini设计的,第二件是我们自己的Francesco设计的,最后一件是Jordan Barlow的美丽画作。所有这些物品都可以在我们的Bandcamp页面上购买:

Our logo was designed by Davide, who created the first version. It was a bit more rigid, so eventually it was adjusted in some details and finally took its final form. Some artworks are drawn by Davide, such as the cover of “Iustizia” and for the singles “Fuga nel Vento” and “Battle of Lepanto - Orchestral Version”. The first album cover was drawn by Manuele Ascari, who made an amazing work, with so much attention to detail. Furthermore, the first T-shirt was designed by Wind Rose’s guitarist Claudio Falconcini, the second one is a design made by our own Francesco and the last one is a beautiful drawing of Jordan Barlow. All of these items are available to buy on our Bandcamp page:

V: 你在2019年与Volcano Records & Promotion合作发行了这张专辑。你们是如何接触到这个厂牌并联合发行这张专辑的?你对这个厂牌的工作满意吗?

You released the album in 2019 in cooperation with Volcano Records & Promotion. How did you get in touch with this brand to jointly release the album? Are you satisfied with the work of this brand?

F: 有趣的问题,谢谢!在2018年底制作完"Dawn of a New Era"的全长专辑后,我们开始将我们的音乐发送给不同的厂牌和推广商,所以我们发现了Volcano,他们从一开始就相信我们的产品并帮助我们在社交媒体和一些电台和网络上传播我们的音乐。我们很高兴选择他们作为我们的第一次合作。

Interesting question, thank you! After producing the full length of “Dawn of a New Era” at the end of 2018 we started sending our music to different labels and promoters, so we found out about Volcano, they believed in our product since the beginning and they helped us spreading our music on social medias and some radios and web

V: 首先祝贺你们乐队2022年发行新EP专辑“Iustizia”。这是一部伟大的作品,你的作品中有很多交响乐的元素。美妙的吉他旋律给人留下了深刻的印象。鼓手快速而精准的打击也是最大的亮点,歌手清亮干净的嗓音也非常吸引人。你认为你的作品怎么样?

First of all, congratulations on your band's release of the new EP album "Iustizia" in 2022. This is a magnificent work, and there are a lot of symphonic elements in your work. The beautiful guitar melody has left a deep impression on people. The drummer's quick and precise strike is also the biggest highlight, and the singer's clear and clean voice is also very attractive. What do you think of your work?

F: 这张专辑是分开录制的,当Rolando为这张专辑录制官方鼓轨时我并不在场,但我不得不承认他的工作非常细致,直到最后一个音符响起。在第一张专辑和“Iustizia”之间,Davide一直在努力提高他的声乐技巧,他确实为这张专辑录制了一些很棒的曲目,我记得我们努力在他录制的曲目中找到“最完美”的曲目。

This album was tracked and recorded separately, I wasn’t there when Rolando recorded the official drum tracks for the album, but I have to admit his job was meticulous until the last note played. Davide has been working a lot on his vocal technique between the first album and “Iustizia” and he did record some tremendous tracks for this one, I remember we struggled to find “the most perfect” tracks, between the one he recorded.

V: 你们乐队参加过哪些音乐节?哪些音乐节给你留下了深刻的影响?你能告诉我们当时的气氛吗?2025年你还会被邀请参加哪些音乐节?

What music festivals did your band participate in? What music festivals left a deep influence on you? Can you tell us about the atmosphere at that time? What other music festivals will you be invited to attend in 2025?

F: 在19年的夏天,我们在意大利的两个音乐节上演出:“Celtic Days”和“Explosion VibeZ”,第二个是我家乡的小伙子们组织的一个小音乐节,我很高兴我们能为我一生的朋友们演奏。如果我没记错的话,我们只在2023年参加了另一个音乐节,也在意大利叫做“Gangband festival”,在山上从现场看到的景色非常壮观,我们作为“Punkreas”的支持,一个著名的意大利朋克摇滚乐队,我们对那一天有了美好的回忆。说到2025年,我们正在和来自IDIA的出色的May和Melissa一起制定许多不同时段的约会,我们希望我们能尽快发布一些关于我们下一个约会的消息。

During the summer of ‘19 we played at two festivals in Italy: “Celtic Days” and “Explosion VibeZ”, this last one was a minor fest organized by my hometown lads, I was so happy we could play for my lifetime folks. If I recall correctly we only played another festival in 2023, called “Gangband Festival” also in Italy, up on the mountains, it was a splendid view from the scene and we played as support for “Punkreas”, a well known punk rock italian band, we have beautiful memories of that day. When it comes to 2025 we are working on a lot of different slots of dates with our wonderful May and Melissa from IDIA promotion, we hope we can release some news about our next dates as soon as possible.

V: 2025年你们乐队有什么新工作要做?比如写一些新歌,录制一些新歌或者发行一张新专辑,你能告诉我们一些信息吗?

What new work does your band have to do in 2025? For example, writing, recording some new songs or releasing a new album, can you tell us some information?

F: 不久前,我们开始创作新歌,我们对下一张专辑有明确的概念,我们对每首歌都一丝不苟地工作。当然,到目前为止我们还不能透露任何细节,但我们可以保证你一定会发现我们的新音乐很有趣。我们也在计划一些与我们的EP Iustizia更相关的东西。

Not so long ago we started the process of writing new songs, we have a defined concept for the next release and we are working meticulously on every song. Of course we can’t reveal any details so far, but we can promise you’ll definitely find our new music interesting. We are also planning something more related to our EP Iustizia.

V: Cremisi乐队是一支非常优秀的乐队,我会一直支持和关注你的乐队。我也希望通过这次采访,让更多的中国歌迷关注和支持你们的乐队。最后你有什么想对你的中国粉丝和朋友说的吗?

1. Cremisi band is a very excellent band, and I will always support and pay attention to your band. I also hope that through this interview, more China fans will pay attention to and support your band. Do you have anything to say to your fans and friends in China at the end?

F: 非常感谢你们有机会让我们与中国的金属爱好者接触,我们很惊讶你们能成为我们的音乐和当地歌迷之间的桥梁。这意味着我们在未来的音乐会中一定会想到你们可爱的国家,因为中国充满了艺术和历史,你可以相信这对我们来说是最感兴趣的事情。我们真的希望有一天我们可以把意大利文艺复兴时期的金属钥匙带给你,和你一起玩。我们也要感谢我们的经纪公司IDIA给我们这个机会,让我们出现在你们的网络杂志上,最后但并非最不重要的是,非常感谢你们每一个听我们音乐的人。能出现在你们的播放列表上是我的荣幸

Thank you very much for the opportunity to get in touch with China metal lovers, we are amazed how you guys can be our bridge between our music and local fans. This means we will definitely keep in our minds your lovely country for our future concerts, as China is full of arts and history, which you can believe is for us a matter of greatest interest. We really hope one day we could bring to you the Italian Renaissance in a metal key and have fun with you. We would also like to thank our management IDIA for the opportunity they gave us to be on your webzine and last but not least many thanks to everyone of you who will be listening to our music. It’s a true honor to be on your playlists


Cremisi - First Draw(2017)

Cremisi - Dawn of a New Era(2019)

Cremisi - Iustizia(2022)






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