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死神的坐骑 | 骷髅战马 - 芬兰Death Metal乐队Purtenance专访

Writer's picture: Volcano MagazineVolcano Magazine

芬兰作为Death Metal一个很重要的国家,在这个国家孕育了大量的优秀乐队,杂志在之前也采访过很多支来自芬兰的乐队,今天我们继续介绍来自芬兰这个国家的一支乐队,同时也是一支芬兰一支非常重要的乐队Purtenance,1989年Juha和Harri组建了这支乐队,不久之后乐队的贝斯 / 歌手Timo加入乐队并且1990年以Purtenance Avulsion的名义发行了第一张Demo作品,1991年乐队再次以Purtenance Avulsion发行了第二张Demo作品,这张虽然在录音方面比较粗糙,但是并没有因为粗糙埋没了乐队的才华,一张伟大的Demo诞生,同年乐队在西班牙厂牌Drowned Productions发行了一张EP专辑“Crown Waits the Immortal”,这张EP的发行距离上一张Demo发行仅仅过去了6个月,但是这张EP得发生了很大的变化,首先可以感受到的是录制效果更加的精致,依旧还是保持着Death Metal与Grindcore的混合体,有着饱满的的颗粒感和大量的失真,这张专辑的录音效果比之前的Demo有着很明显的提高。鼓点厚重,低音肮脏,人声有轻微的回声,这种重低音音效正是Terrorizer或Napalm Death等老牌Grindcore乐队所使用的。这种制作方式也适用于Old School Death Metal音乐。1992年一张伟大的,经典的作品“Member of Immortal Damnation”在Drowned Productions发布,这张专辑的伟大我相信很多人都知道,也正是这张专辑开始奠定了Purtenance乐队在芬兰Death Metal的地位已经他们在世界舞台上的地位,当然很多中国歌迷也是从“Member of Immortal Damnation”这张专辑开始认识Purtenance乐队的,这张专辑发行之后乐队并没有选择继续演奏音乐,相反乐队则是选择了解散,就此一段伟大的历程结束,2009年美国The Crypt厂牌发行了一张Purtenance乐队早期作品的Boxed set的作品合辑“MCMXCI - MCMXCII”,其中包含了乐队1991 - 1992年期间发行的“Demo 1 '91”,“Crown Waits the Immortal”,“Member of Immortal Damnation”三张经典作品,以限量300份vinyl发行,2012年乐队宣布重新组建并且在西班牙的著名厂牌Xtreem Music发行了一张EP专辑“Sacrifice the King”,如果你认为Purtenance乐队离开舞台太久怀疑这张EP的水平,那么你一定翻了很严重的错误,这张依旧是典型的芬兰Death Metal风格,将快速的爆破和缓慢的节奏结合在一起,而贝斯和黑暗的旋律则与粗鲁、低沉的咕噜声交锋并加入了一些病态的旋律感。吉他声铿锵有力,虽然这张作品无法达到90年代的Purtenance的水平,但是依旧还是一张佳作,这张EP的发行也促成了乐队与Xtreem Music长期合作关系,随后乐队在2013 - 2023年期间发行了四张正式专辑,EP专辑和两首单曲,同时乐队收到大量音乐节和巡回演出的邀请,2025年Purtenance接受了中国主办方Huangquan Records的邀请即将访问中国,开始他们第一次的中国巡回演出,在中国巡回演出之际杂志通过Huangquan Records厂牌的主理人GUT的协调为Purtenance乐队进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 P: 代表Purtenance)

Finland is a very important country for Death Metal, and has bred a lot of good bands, the magazine has interviewed many bands from Finland, today we continue to introduce a band from Finland, but also a very important Finnish band called Purtenance, which was formed by Juha and Harri in 1989, and soon after that the bass/singer Timo joined the band and released their first demo in 1990 under the name Purtenance Avulsion. In 1989 Juha and Harri formed the band, soon after bassist/vocalist Timo joined the band and released their first demo in 1990 under the name of Purtenance Avulsion, and in 1991 the band released their second demo under the name of Purtenance Avulsion, which was a bit rough in terms of recording, but the roughness of the demo didn't bury the band's talent. In the same year the band released “Crown Waits the Immortal”, an EP on the Spanish label Drowned Productions, only 6 months after the release of the last demo. It's only been 6 months since the release of the last demo, but the EP has undergone a lot of changes. The first thing that can be felt is that the recording is much more polished, still maintaining a mix of Death Metal and Grindcore, with a full grainy sound and a lot of distortion, the recording of this album has improved significantly compared to the previous demo. The drums are thick, the bass is dirty and the vocals have a slight echo, a bass-heavy sound that is used by old grindcore bands like Terrorizer or Napalm Death. The same approach was applied to Old School Death Metal, and in 1992 a great, classic “Member of Immortal Damnation” was released on Drowned Productions, an album that I'm sure many of you know is one of the greatest of all time. I believe a lot of people know that this album has established the position of Purtenance in the Finnish Death Metal and their position on the world stage, of course, many Chinese fans also know Purtenance from the “Member of Immortal Damnation” album. After the release of this album, the band did not choose to continue playing music, instead the band chose to disband, and a great journey came to an end. In 2009, The Crypt label in the US released a compilation of the Boxed set of the band's early works, “MCMXCI - MCMXCI”, which is a compilation of the early works of the band. MCMXCI - MCMXCII“, which contains the band's 1991-1992 releases ‘Demo 1 ’91”, “Crown Waits the Immortal “Demo 1 '91”, ‘Crown Waits the Immortal’ and ‘Member of Immortal Damnation’ were released in a limited edition of 300 copies on vinyl, and in 2012 the band announced that they were re-forming and releasing an EP on the famous Spanish label Xtreem Music. The album “Sacrifice the King”, if you thought that Purtenance had been away from the scene for too long and doubted the quality of this EP, you must have been seriously mistaken, this one is still in the typical Finnish Death Metal style, combining fast blasts and slow rhythms, while bass and dark melodies are in the background. together, while the bass and darker melodies meet gritty, low grunts and add some morbid melodicism. The guitars are powerful, and while this work doesn't quite reach the level of 90's Purtenance, it's still a masterpiece, and the release of this EP led to a long term relationship with Xtreem Music, which was followed by four full length albums, an EP and two singles between 2013 - 2023, while the band received a slew of festival and In 2025, Purtenance accepted an invitation from Chinese organizers Huangquan Records to visit China for their first ever China tour. On the occasion of the China tour, the magazine coordinated an interview with Purtenance through Huangquan Records' label manager GUT! An interview was conducted with Purtenance through the coordination of Huangquan Records label manager GUT!

(V: for the author P: for Purtenance)



V: 嗨兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你的乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向所有的中国歌迷问好,Purtenance成立于1989年,是一支历史悠久的乐队,是谁提议成立这个乐队的?你还记得当时发生了什么吗?最初你们被称为Purtenance Avulsion,但在1991年你们改了名字,是什么让你们改了名字?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for taking part in this interview, I think this is the first time that your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to all the Chinese fans, Purtenance was formed in 1989 and is a band with a long history, who proposed the formation of this band and do you remember what happened at that time? Initially you were called Purtenance Avulsion but you changed your name in 1991, what made you change your name?

P: 大家好,我的所有中国粉丝!是的,这是我们第一次接受中国杂志的采访。很荣幸能这样做。乐队成立于80年代末,当时尤哈和哈里开始一起演奏。不久之后,Timo(原主唱和贝斯手)加入了乐队并于1990年以Purtenance Avulsion的名义发行了第一张试听专辑。1991年的下一张Demo专辑也以Purtenance Avulsion的名义发行,当时Toni也加入了乐队,担任贝斯手。名字缩短成Purtenance,是因为Purtenance Avulsion听起来太长了,哈哈!

Hello to all Chinese fans! Yes, this is indeed the first time we have been interviewed by Chinese magazie. It's an honor to do this. Band started in the late eighties when Juha and Harri started to play together. Soon after Timo (original vocalist and bass player) joined the band and the first demo was released in 1990 under the name Purtenance Avulsion. Also the next demo in 1991 was under the name Purtenance Avulsion and Toni had joined the band at this point to play bass. Name was shortened to just Purtenance because Purtenance Avulsion sounded too long hah ha!

V: 现在乐队只剩下Juha Rannikko和Harri Salo两位原始成员,其余成员都被替换了,为什么第一代成员要退出乐队?新成员是如何加入乐队的,你对新成员的表现满意吗?

Now that the band is down to the two original members, Juha Rannikko and Harri Salo, and the rest of the members have been replaced, why did the first generation members quit the band? How did the new members join the band and are you happy with what the new members are doing?

P: 在发布了“Member of Immortal Damnation”专辑后,我们在芬兰各地演出了一段时间并在排练室里度过了时光。后来生活开始变得忙碌,每个人都忙于工作、家庭等事情。我们进入了冬眠状态,但从未真正放弃。2006年Harri开始与Ville(新/旧主唱)一起演奏,2011年Juha加入了乐队。那时,Purtenance从冬眠中醒来,Ville开始演奏贝斯并演唱。Ville和Harri是表兄弟,所以Ville最终加入了Purtenance。这些年来与我们一起演奏的所有其他人都是朋友,即使他们现在不再与我们一起演奏,他们仍然是朋友。

After the release of Member of Immortal Damnation we played shows around Finland for some time and spent time at rehearsal space. Then life just got in way and everybody was busy doing something else like work and families. We kind of went to hibernation and never actually quit. Harri started to play with Ville (new/old vocalist) in 2006 and Juha joined the group in 2011. That time Purtenance woke from the hibernation and Ville started to play bass and do the vocals. Ville and Harri are cousins so that how Ville ended up to play in Purtenance. All others that have played with us during the years have been friends and still are even thou they are not playing with us anymor

V: 你们乐队的每张专辑在录音方面都非常出色,你们都是在哪个录音室录制的专辑?哪个制作人制作了你的专辑?

Each of your band's albums have been excellent in terms of recording, what studio did you all record your albums at? Which producer produced your albums?

P: 几乎每一张专辑或EP都是在不同的地方录制的。第一张EP“Crown Waits the Immortal”由Timo Tolkki在TTT-studios于1991年录制和制作(是的,来自Stratovarius的Timo Tolkki)。“Member of Immortal Damnation”在MDM-studios录制,由Erkki Salo(与Harri无关)制作。他不知道Death Metal应该是什么声音。这可能就是为什么“Member of Immortal Damnation”听起来像它的原因之一。说真的这些Demo和第一张EP听起来不太好。从沉睡中醒来后,Ville在我们的排练空间录制和混合了Sacrifice the King EP、Awaken from Slumber LP、 Spread the Flame of Ancients LP和Paradox of Existence EP。它们都是由我们自己制作的并在Virtalahde Mastering由Jaakko Viitalahde母带处理。Buried Incantation在Dream House Studio由Jyka Ahola录制、混合和母带处理。最新的专辑The Rot Within Us在Ville加入乐队之前,在我们的排练空间再次录制和混合并由伟大的Jaakko Viitalahde再次母带处理。它们听起来都有些不同,但它们听起来像我们。它们都有自己时代的味道。

Almost every album or EP has been recorded in different places. First EP "Crown Waits the Immortal" was recorded and produced by Timo Tolkki at TTT-studios way back in 1991 (yes, Timo Tolkki from Stratovarius). Member of Immortal Damnation was recorded in MDM-studios and was produced by Erkki Salo (not related to Harri). He had no idea of how death metal should sound. That is propably one of the reasons why Member of Immortal Damnation sounds as it souds. Seriously the demos and first EP does not sound that good. After the awakening from slumber Ville recorded and mixed Sacrifice the King EP, Awaken from Slumber LP, Spread the Flame of Ancients LP and Paradox of Existence EP in our rehearsal space. They all were produced by ourselves and masterered at Virtalahde Mastering by Jaakko Viitalahde. Buried Incantation was recorded, mixed and mastered at Dream House Studio by Jyka Ahola. Latest album The Rot Within Us was recorded and mixed again at our rehearsal space by Ville before he joined the band back, it was mastered again by the great Jaakko Viitalahde. All of them sound little different and they sound like us. They have flavors of their time in them.

V: 你的乐队的所有成员都是经验丰富的Death metal作曲者,你的编曲非常用心,你能给我们讲讲你的创作过程吗?我相信你的创作经验会激励很多年轻音乐家!

All the members of your band are experienced musicians in writing death metal and your arrangements are very well thought out, can you tell us a little bit about your creative process? I'm sure your creative experience will inspire many young musicians!

P: 老实说,我们不是那么有经验,也没有系统地学习过音乐。我们或多或少都是自学成才的音乐家。通常我们都会带来一些想法,然后把这些想法组合成歌曲。在90年代纯粹的热情指引着我们,写歌要容易得多,因为世界上没有那么多乐队在做这件事。现在完全不同了,年轻的音乐家比我们更优秀,更聪明的演奏者。今天的乐队水平真的很高,我们指的是Death Metal乐队。

Well to be honest we are not that experienced or we haven't studied music overall. We are all more or less self-taught musicians. Usually we all bring some ideas to table and we combine these ideas together to songs. Back in the nineties it was pure passion that guided us, it was much easier to write songs 'cos there was not that much bands in the world doing this. Nowadays it is totally different and young musicians are much better and more clever players than we have ever been. The level of bands today is really high and we just mean now the death metal bands.

V: 仇恨、痛苦是你的音乐主题,你为什么选择这样的音乐主题,你想通过它们表达什么?你还创作了歌词,歌词是谁写的,灵感来自于什么1?

Hate, Suffering are some of your musical themes, why did you choose them and what do you want to express through them? You also wrote the lyrics, who wrote the lyrics and what inspired them?

P: 仇恨是我们人类最强烈的情感,不幸的是,它可能会驱使我们做出超乎想象的恐怖行为。它是歌词的无尽源泉。通过仇恨带来痛苦,因此也保持着永不停止的灵感流。我们确实自己写歌词。大多数时候,我们现在的主唱写歌词。这反映了那个人的经历和思想,而且至少在我们看来,多年来保持了连续性,尽管我们在那些年里有过不同的主唱。

Hate is the most powerfull feeling in us humans and it unfortunately can drive us to do horrors beyond imaginable level. It is endless source for lyrics. Through hate comes suffering so it also keeps never ending stream of inspiration floating. We do write our lyrics by ourselves. Most of the times our current vocalist writes the lyrics. It will reflect the experience and thoughts of that individial and still we have at least in our opinion to maintain an continuity through the years and despise that we have had different vocalist during those years.

V: 你的乐队的Logo很漂亮,是谁为你设计的这个Logo,你的专辑封面也很漂亮,尤其是第一张专辑的封面,是谁为你设计的这个封面?

Your band's logo is beautiful who designed this logo for you, and your album artwork is beautiful, especially on the first album the artwork is so beautiful, who designed this artwork for you?

P: 我们的Logo是由Turkka G Rantanen以Chaos Graphics的名义设计的(这实际上让我们有点争论并迫使我们努力记住非常古老的东西)。“Member of Immortal Damnation”的艺术作品是由传奇人物Chris Moyen完成的。它仍然是我们拥有的最好的专辑封面。他还为我们做了所有的其他专辑封面,为什么要修复一些不坏的东西呢?

Our logo is designed by Turkka G Rantanen under the name Chaos Graphics (this actually got us debating little bit and forced us to try and remember really hard, really old things). Artwork for the Member of Immortal Damnation was done by legendary Chris Moyen. It is still the best album cover that we have had. He has also done all other album covers for us. Why fix something that isn't broken?

V: 你的乐队与许多优秀的唱片公司合作发行了专辑,你是如何与这些唱片公司联系进行合作的?你对这些唱片公司的工作满意吗?

Your band has released albums with a lot of great labels, how did you get in touch with these labels to collaborate? Are you satisfied with the work of these labels?

P: 事实上,到目前为止我们所有的唱片都是通过Dave Rotten的唱片公司发行的:Drowned Productions和Xtreem Music。我们是通过磁带交易认识Dave的,从那以后我们就一直合作。

Actually we have released all our records so far through Dave Rotten's labels: Drowned Productions and Xtreem Music. We found Dave way back through tape trading and have ever since done collaboration.

V: 你们在1992年发行了"Member of Immortal Damnation",之后很长一段时间没有发布任何新作品,而且似乎在这段时间内乐队解散了,直到2012年你们才发行了EP"Sacrifice the King"。是什么让你们解散的?又是什么让你们重新聚在一起的?

You released ‘Member of Immortal Damnation’ in 1992 and didn't release any new material for a long time, and it seemed like you broke up during this time, until 2012 when you released the EP ‘Sacrifice the King’. Sacrifice the King’ in 2012. What made you break up? What brought you back together?

P: 正如之前所说,我们刚刚进入冬眠。我们当时还有其他责任。2011年,Harri和Juha重新聚在一起,把Ville带到乐队,是时候醒来,重新开始做音乐了。Dave Rotten听说了这件事,建议我们达成协议,我们做音乐,Xtreem Music将把它公之于众。

As stated earlier we just went to hibernation. We had other responsibilities in our lifes back then. Time was right to wake up and to start to make music again in 2011 when Harri and Juha got back togerher and took Ville to band. Dave Rotten heard this and suggested a deal, we make music and Xtreem Music will put it out to the public.

V: 首先祝贺你们在2023年发行了最新专辑,你们是一支非常出色的Death M etal乐队,融合了Daeth和Grindcore元素,有着美丽的颗粒感和多汁的失真效果。我喜欢这张专辑的制作。鼓声厚重,贝斯脏乱,主唱有轻微的混响,增加了恶魔般的效果。这种重低音的声音让我想起了像Terrorizer或Napalm Death这样的老碾核乐队。这种制作风格也适用于Old School Death Metal音乐。优美的旋律和经典的重金属riff开始演奏,然后加速进入双鼓点,特别是在Blast Beat部分的高速加速。多样的鼓手风格。他是乐队的主要驱动力之一。吉他声音有力,充满紧迫感和原始感。贝斯手的声音很残酷,你对自己的工作怎么看?新专辑和老专辑相比有什么不同?

Firstly congratulations on the release of your latest album in 2023, you are a very good death metal band, it's a mix of death and grind with beautiful graininess and juicy distortion. I love the production on this record. The drums are thick, the bass is dirty and the vocals have a slight echo for that extra demonic effect. The bass-heavy sound reminds me of old grindcore bands like Terrorizer or Napalm Death. This production style also applies to Old School Death Metal music. Beautiful melodies and classic riffs start off the track and then accelerate into a double kick, especially the fast acceleration during the Blast Beat section. A varied drummer style. He is one of the driving forces of the band. The guitars sound punchy, full of urgency and rawness. The bass player sounds brutal, what do you think of your work? How does the new album compare to the old one?

P: 谢谢!我们也很喜欢Terrorizer(第一张专辑)和Napalm Death。我们对如何录制声音也很满意。这是我们迄今为止声音最好的唱片。当然所有专辑都有它们自己的声音,反映它们制作的时代。Ville在制作方面有很大的自由去做他想做的事情,我们其他人则专注于为它作曲和编曲。实际上人声录了两遍,第一轮是某种实验,第二轮是为了为歌曲创造完美的灵魂和精神。

Thank you! We also like Terrorizer (the first album) and Napalm Death a lot. We are also happy about how to record sounds. It is best sounding record to date by us. Of course all albums have their own sound that reflect the times the were made. Ville pretty much had freedom to do what he wanted with the production, rest of us concentrated on composing and arranging the songs for it. Vocals were actually recorded twice, first round was sort of experiment and the second round nailed to create perfect soul and spirit to songs.

V: 作为一支伟大的乐队,你们参加了许多音乐节并前往许多国家进行特别音乐会,哪些音乐节或特别音乐会给你们留下了深刻的印象,你们能描述一下当时的环境吗?我知道你们很快就要来中国了你们有什么期待的?

As a great band you have played many festivals and have travelled to many countries for special concerts, which festivals or special concerts have left a deep impression on you and can you describe the atmosphere at that time? I know you're coming to China soon, what are you looking forward to?

P: 在捷克共和国举办的Obscene Extreme Festival是我们参加过的最好的音乐节。那里的一切都令人惊叹和完美:乐队、人们、工作人员。一切都井井有条,空气中弥漫着和谐的氛围。墨西哥之旅也是一次特别的经历,给我们留下了美好的回忆。2015年的Finnish Death Metal Maniacs Festival也是我们一生中难忘的一次活动。我们确实第一次来到中国,对此我们非常兴奋。我们期待着演奏我们的歌曲,无论是旧的还是新的,都会为1我们的中国粉丝演奏,这样我们就可以向他们传播Old School Finnish Death Metal信息!希望这能让我们那里的听众满意。

Obscene Extreme Festival in Czech Republic has gotta be the best experience for us regarding festivals. Everything there is just amazing and perfect: bands, people, the crew. All just works and there is atmosphere of harmony in the air. Also the Mexican tour was something special that left great memories to our minds. Finnish Death Metal Maniacs Festival in 2015 was really one of a kind event also that we will remember fondly for the rest of our lives. We are indeed coming to China for the first time ever and we are really exited about that. We are looking forward to play our songs, old and new, to our Chinese fans so we can spread the message of old school Finnish death metal to them! Hopefully this will satisfy our listeners there.

V: 你们是一支非常优秀的芬兰乐队,也是一支国际知名的乐队,我是你们的铁杆粉丝,一直在关注和支持你们的乐队,我也希望那些还不认识你们的中文粉丝能够通过这次采访来关注和支持你们的乐队,不久之后我就会在中国相见了,我希望这次中国之行会给你们留下深刻的印象,最后你们有什么话想对你们的中文粉丝和朋友们说吗?

You are a very good Finnish band and an internationally known band, I am a big fan of yours and I have been following and supporting your band, I also hope that Chinese fans who don't know you yet will follow and support your band through this interview, and I hope that this China show will leave a deep impression on you, so that I can meet you there, and in the end, is there anything you would like to say to your Chinese fans and friends?

P: 感谢你的美好话语和支持,我们期待与你见面。我们确信这些中国演出将给我们的人生留下永恒的印记,我们将永远珍惜这些记忆。对于所有的中国粉丝:请来看我们的表演,请来和我们交谈,让我们一起度过愉快的时光!保持真实,保持自我!在天津或上海的三月见!

Thank you for your kind words and support, we are waiting to meet you. We are certain that these Chinese shows will leave an everlasting impression to our lives and we will cherish the memories forever. For all of our Chinese fans: Please come to see us play, please come to talk to us and let's have a great time together! Stay true, stay you! See you at March in Tianjin or Shanghai!


Purtenance - Crown Waits the Immortal(1991)

Purtenance - Member of Immortal Damnation(1992)

Purtenance - Sacrifice the King(2012)

Purtenance - Awaken from Slumber(2013)

Purtenance - Spread the Flame of Ancients(2015)

Purtenance - Paradox of Existence(2017)

Purtenance - Buried Incarnation(2020)

Purtenance - The Rot Within Us(2023)







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