今天采访到的是来自巴西的Black/Death Metal乐队The Host,成立于2004年的The Host是巴西的一支老牌乐队,不久之后乐队发行了第一张Demo作品“Dark New Age”,虽然只有四首歌曲,但是这种作品却是一张非常经典作品,音乐非常具有侵略性,重而快的Riff,Blast Beats和黑暗的气氛,最后一首歌曲还翻唱了巴西的著名Black/Thrash/Death Metal乐队Sarcófago的作品“Midnight Queen”,可以看出来The Host乐队受到Sarcófago乐队的影响很深,随后乐队在2005 - 2006年发行Demo和EP专辑之后由于鼓手离开了乐队,导致乐队宣布解散,直到2009年乐队才重新组建并且在2009年发行了最新的Demo作品“Blasphemare”,这张Demo发行之后乐队也开始进入了很多年的“休眠期”,直到2024年乐队才发行了两首新作品“Blasphemare MMXXIII”和“The Origin Through the Void”,其中"Blasphemare MMXXIII"是一首老歌曲重新录制的版本,这首新版本的“The Origin Through the Void”,不仅保留了歌曲的核心部分,新的混音效果也让这首歌曲获得了新的生命,更具有侵略性,更浓重的黑暗氛围,如果你喜欢Dissection, Behemoth, Emperor, Deicide, Immortal, Sarcófago, Sepultura和Morbid Angel等乐队的话,那么请一定要留意这支来自巴西的The Host乐队,前不久乐队的歌手W.A.R.与杂志取得联系进行了一次专访!
(V: 代表笔者 W: 代表W.A.R.)
Today's interview is with Brazilian Black/Death Metal band The Host. Formed in 2004, The Host is one of Brazil's oldest bands, and soon after the band released their first demo, “Dark New Age”, which is a classic, albeit only four songs long. Although it's only four songs long, it's a classic, with aggressive music, heavy and fast riffs, Blast Beats and dark atmospheres, and the last track is a cover of the famous Brazilian Black/Thrash/Death Metal band Sarcófago's “Midnight Queen”. it's clear that The Host were heavily influenced by Sarcófago, but after releasing demos and EPs in 2005-2006, the band split up due to the departure of their drummer, only to reunite in 2009 and release their latest demo, ‘Demo’, in 2009. After the release of the demo “Blasphemare”, the band went into a “hibernation” period for many years until 2024, when they released two new tracks ”Blasphemare MMXXIII” and ‘The Origin Through the Void’, which was a reworking of an old song, "Blasphemare MMXXIII" is a re-recorded version of an old song, this new version of "Blasphemare MMXXIII" not only retains the core of the song, but the new remix gives the song a new life, more aggressive and darker. If you like bands like Dissection, Behemoth, Emperor, Deicide, Immortal, Sarcófago, Sepultura and Morbid Angel, then be sure to check out Brazilian band The Host, whose singer W.A.R. got in touch with the magazine for an interview!
(V: for the author W: for W.A.R.)
采访对象:W.A.R.(The Host乐队歌手)
V: 你好,兄弟!见到你很高兴。也许这是你第一次接受中文杂志的采访,所以让我们先和你的中国朋友打个招呼吧。你能把你的乐队介绍给中国歌迷吗?
Hello, bro! Nice to meet you. Maybe this is your first interview with a Chinese magazine, so let's say hello to your Chinese friends first. Could you introduce your band to Chinese fans?
W: 嗨,范明汉和火山杂志的所有工作人员!我们向你和所有的中国朋友致敬!能和你交流是我的荣幸。我们是The Host一支来自巴西的Black/Thrash/Death Metal乐队,成立于2004年。我们的音乐结合了侵略性,重而快的Riff,Blast Beats和黑暗的气氛并探讨了混乱的主题,人性的短暂本质以及强加的信仰和宗教狂热的对抗。我们很高兴与你分享我们的作品并希望它能与你的经历产生深刻的共鸣。
Hi Fan Minghan and all the staff at Volcano Magazine! We salute you and all our Chinese friends out there! It’s a pleasure and an honor to connect with you. We are The Host, a Black/Death Metal band from Brazil, spawned in 2004. Our music combines aggression, heaviness, fast riffs, blast beats, and dark atmospheres, delving into themes of chaos, the fleeting nature of humanity, and the confrontation of imposed beliefs and religious fanaticism. We’re excited to share our art with you and hope it resonates deeply with your experiences.
V: 你的乐队成立于2004年,但2009年解散了,然后在2022年重组。这么长时间你在做什么,为什么你决定重组?
Your band was formed in 2004 but broke up in 2009. Then you reorganized in 2022. What were you doing for such a long time, and why did you decide to regroup?
W: 2009年之后,我们的鼓手离开了乐队,寻找替代者成了一场没有结果的斗争。我们尝试了几种选择,但都没有成功,生活最终让我们走上了不同的道路。我们中的一些人追求其他音乐项目,而其他人则专注于个人成长和探索不同的生活经历。尽管中断了但The Host背后的想法和激情从未真正消退。在2022年我们觉得是时候给乐队注入新的活力了,我们有了更成熟的视角和更好的工具。现在的技术使我们能够远程协作,高效地制作音乐,甚至可以跨越距离;这在2009年可不那么简单。The Host的余烬一直在那里,等待着被重新点燃。现在The Host归来了,而且比以前更强大。
After 2009, our drummer left the band, and finding a replacement became a struggle without results. We tried several options, but nothing worked out, and life eventually led us down separate paths. Some of us pursued other musical projects, while others focused on personal growth and exploring different life experiences.Despite the hiatus, the ideas and passion behind The Host never truly faded. In 2022, we felt it was the right time to breathe new life into the band, armed with a more mature perspective and better tools at our disposal. Technology now enables us to collaborate remotely and produce music efficiently, even across distances; something that wasn’t as simple in 2009. The embers of The Host were always there, waiting to be reignited. Now, The Host is alive and stronger than ever.
V: 在重组之后你觉得创建一个全球性的乐队有困难吗?
Do you find it difficult to create a global band after regrouping?
W: 这绝对是一个挑战,但也是一个难得的机会。这个机会是因为我们能够接触到全球各地的粉丝,无论身处何地,如果我们愿意或需要,我们还可以与来自世界各地的音乐家和艺术家合作。这使我们能够扩大The Host的覆盖面,并与不同的听众分享我们的音乐,这在过去是很难做到的。虽然科技使与世界各地的观众联系和远程制作音乐变得更加容易,但这并非没有挑战。作为地下金属场景的一部分,意味着我们仍然严重依赖于一个充满激情的社区来蓬勃发展,即使有技术的帮助,这也是一个缓慢而艰难的过程。但这也是让它如此值得的原因。最难实现的,往往是最令人满意和最有意义的。
It’s definitely a challenge, but also an incredible opportunity. The opportunity lies in being able to reach fans across the globe, regardless of location, and to collaborate with musicians and artists from all over the world if we want or need. This allows us to expand The Host's reach and share our music with a diverse audience, which was far more difficult to achieve in the past. While technology has made it easier to connect with a worldwide audience and produce music remotely, it’s not without its challenges. Being part of the underground metal scene means we still rely heavily on a passionate community to thrive, and that's a slow and difficult process even with the help of technology. But that's also what makes it so rewarding. What’s hard to achieve is always the most gratifying and meaningful.
V: 你能谈谈你的创作过程和它与过去有什么不同吗?
Can you talk about your creative process and how it differs from the past?
W: 我们今天的创作过程更加精细且有目的。在过去一切都是为了捕捉当下的原始的动机。在排练期间,我们会提出想法,新的想法经常会自发地出现。我们在现场即兴创作和合作,把歌曲塑造得栩栩如生。现在我们更注重细节,更注重氛围、层次和抒情深度。拥有自己的工作室让我们有时间真正完善我们的想法,我们也获得了制作知识,将我们的声音提升到一个新的水平。
Our creative process today is much more refined and intentional. In the past, it was all about capturing the raw energy of the moment. During rehearsals, we would present ideas, and new ones would often emerge spontaneously. We improvised and collaborated on the spot, shaping the songs as they came to life.Now, we approach songwriting with more planning and attention to details, focusing on atmosphere, layers, and lyrical depth. Having our own studio gives us the time to truly refine our ideas, and we have also gained production knowledge that takes our sound to the next level.
V: 我听了你的新单曲"Blasphemare MMXXIII",这是一首重新制作的老歌,讲了一些故事。此外音乐制作与以前相比有了很大的变化,你能详细说一下吗?
I’ve listened to your new single, "Blasphemare MMXXIII," which is a reworked old song telling some stories. Besides, the music production has changed a lot compared to before. Can you talk about it in detail?
W: 谢谢你的聆听!"Blasphemare MMXXIII"是对我们2009年Demo曲目的重新录制,具有完全更新的能量和改进的安排。从歌词上讲这是一个强有力的宣言,反对天主教会几个世纪以来强加的信仰,反对其对祖先文化的压制,反对将传统用于权力和操纵。在音乐上制作有了显著的变化。我们保留了核心的侵略性,但扩展了编排,添加了更多动态的声音并创造了一个更黑暗,更丰富的氛围。这反映了我们作为音乐家的成长,也是我们回归的象征。
Thank you for listening! "Blasphemare MMXXIII" is a reimagining of a track from our 2009 demo, with a completely renewed energy and improved arrangements.Lyrically, it’s a powerful manifesto against centuries of imposed beliefs by the Catholic Church, its suppression of ancestral cultures, and the appropriation of traditions for power and manipulation. Musically, the production has evolved significantly. We preserved the core aggression but expanded the arrangements, added more dynamic vocal lines, and created a darker, richer atmosphere. It’s a reflection of our growth as musicians and a symbol of our return.
V: 2025年你有什么计划吗?你现在正在制作新专辑吗?你能给我们透露一些信息吗?
Do you have any plans for 2025? Are you working on a new album now? Can you tell us about it?
W: 绝对!2025年将是激动人心的一年。我们正在敲定我们即将发行的专辑"ARS TENEBRARUM"。它的特点是新的作品与未发布的重新编配的作品。这张专辑探讨了黑暗、内在和宇宙混乱的主题以及人类最糟糕的历史方面,特别是那些由宗教干涉造成的。这里没有“美好”的信息,只有原始的现实。音乐上你可以期待强大的重复,萦绕的旋律,无情的爆炸节拍和身临其境的气氛,这个发行计划于2025年下半年发布。
Absolutely! 2025 is going to be an exciting year. We’re finalizing our upcoming album, ARS TENEBRARUM. It features new compositions alongside unreleased and reimagined tracks from our pre-hiatus days. The album explores themes of darkness, inner and cosmic chaos, and humanity’s worst historical aspects, especially those caused by the interference of religion. There are no "nice" messages here, just raw reality. Musically, you can expect powerful riffs, haunting melodies, relentless blast beats, and immersive atmospheres. The release is planned for the second half of 2025.
V: 你的很多歌词都包含反基督教的主题。你怎么看这个主题,为什么选择它?
Many of your lyrics contain anti-Christian themes. What do you think about this topic, and why did you choose it?
W: The Host的歌词并不是简单地说去他妈的基督徒或者毫无目的地攻击人们的信仰。我的目的不是进行无意义的挑衅;我不会在那上面浪费时间。许多与我们的歌词产生共鸣的人已经与我表达的大部分内容保持一致,所以采取纯粹的对抗性方法是毫无意义的,因为我们批评的预期目标甚至不会注意到它。我的目标是表达我对生活的反对、观点和感受。如果有人与我所说的有共鸣,或者通过歌词中的信息对他们生活的某些方面有了清晰的认识,那就太好了。如果没有,也没关系;这只是我的观点和想法。没有人应该被迫遵循它。我不在乎别人相信什么,只要他们不试图把它强加给我。如果有人尊重我的思维方式,我也会尊重他们的。否则去他的,我们可以忽略对方。我不是来给任何人传福音的;这就是恼人的基督徒的角色。我的很多朋友和家人都是基督徒,他们不会把自己的信仰强加给我。当然我不希望他们受到伤害或死亡,因为他们是基督徒;这样的想法是疯狂的,非理性的,幼稚的。我们生活在一个基督教是主要宗教的国家,我们每天在我们去的每个地方都与基督徒互动。这没有问题;这很正常。我关注的是更广泛的人类背景和宗教对社会的有害干预。如果有人坚持自己的信仰,而不把他们强加给别人或造成伤害来证明他们的信仰,我对他们没有意见。我们的重点是质疑强加的信仰,文化的历史操纵,思想的限制以及教会如何为自己的利益塑造人类历史。我们批评那些用来控制和剥削社会的谎言。我们探索寻求自由存在的古老传统与旨在统治的教条之间的冲突,我们还讨论了有组织的宗教如何压制个性、科学和文化遗产。最终我们鼓励自我意识、批判性思维和知识自由。
The Host’s lyrics are not about simply saying "fuck Christians" or attacking people's beliefs without purpose. My aim is not to engage in meaningless provocation; I don't waste my time on that. Many of those who resonate with our lyrics already align with much of what I express, so taking a purely confrontational approach would be pointless because the intended target of our critique wouldn’t even notice it. My goal is to express my sense of opposition, opinions, and feelings about life as I see it. If someone connects with what I say or gains clarity on certain aspects of their life through the message in the lyrics, that’s great. If not, that’s fine; it’s just my perspective and thoughts. No one should feel compelled to follow it. I don’t care what others believe as long as they don’t try to impose it on me. If someone respects my way of thinking, I’ll respect theirs. Otherwise, fuck it, we can simply ignore each other. I’m not here to evangelize anyone; that’s the role of annoying Christians. Many of my friends and family members are Christians, and they don’t try to impose their beliefs on me. And of course, I don’t wish harm or death upon them because they’re Christians; such thoughts would be madness, irrational, and childish. We live in a country where Christianity is the dominant religion, and we interact with Christians daily in every place we go. There's no issue with that; it’s completely normal. What I focus on is the broader human context and the harmful interference of religion in societies. If someone holds their beliefs without imposing them on others or causing harm to prove their faith, I have no issue with them.Our focus is on questioning imposed beliefs, the historical manipulation of cultures, the restriction of thought, and how the Church has shaped human history for its own benefit. We criticize the lies used to control and exploit society. We explore the conflict between ancient traditions seeking to exist freely and the dogmas aiming to dominate. We also address how organized religion suppresses individuality, science, and cultural heritage. Ultimately, we encourage self-awareness, critical thinking, and intellectual freedom.
V: 你认为哪些乐队影响了你的乐队风格?
What bands do you think have influenced your band's style?
W: 很多乐队都给了我们灵感,尤其是Black和Death Metal乐队,主要影响包括Dissection, Behemoth, Emperor, Deicide, Immortal, Sarcófago, Sepultura, and Morbid Angel,仅举几例。我们也从Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal属甚至更令人不安的极端金属中汲取灵感,将这些元素融合在一起,创造出我们自己的声音。
Many bands have inspired us, particularly from the Black and Death Metal scenes. Major influences include Dissection, Behemoth, Emperor, Deicide, Immortal, Sarcófago, Sepultura, and Morbid Angel, to name a few that come to mind. We also draw inspiration from classic rock, heavy metal, thrash metal and even the more disturbing extremes of metal, blending these elements to create our own sound.
V: 你们是一支非常优秀的乐队,我很期待你们未来的作品。最后你想对你的中国朋友说些什么?
You are a very good band, and I’m looking forward to your future works. What would you like to say to your Chinese friends in the end?
W: 非常感谢你提供这个空间和你的支持!对于我们的中国朋友,我们非常感谢你们对我们音乐的兴趣。金属是一种将我们团结在一起的通用语言,我们希望The Host成为你旅程的一部分。忠于你的激情让音乐指引你穿越内心的黑暗。在我们的平台上关注我们并在YouTube上观看我们的最新视频"The Origin Through the Void"。它带有一种身临其境和内省的信息,会把你拉进去。保持强劲吧!
Thank you so much for this space and your support! To our Chinese friends, we are incredibly grateful for your interest in our music. Metal is a universal language that unites us, and we hope The Host becomes part of your journey.Stay true to your passions, and let the music guide you through your inner darkness. Follow us on our platforms, and check out our latest video, The Origin Through the Void, on YouTube. It carries an immersive and introspective message that will pull you in. Stay strong!
The Host乐队主要作品:
The Host - War, Chaos and Blasphemies...(2006)
The Host - The Origin Through the Void(2024)
The Host乐队官方Bandcamp网站:https://thehost.bandcamp.com/
The Host乐队官方Facebook网站:https://www.facebook.com/thehostblackdeath/
The Host乐队官方ONERpm网站:https://onerpm.link/246331990310
The Host乐队官方SoundCloud网站:https://soundcloud.com/thehostbd
The Host乐队官方Spotify网站:https://open.spotify.com/artist/30PRsnBRLrUpTN1g5C4gFB?si=bRvxQjdCQveUCQY8G7DpFw&nd=1&dlsi=bf6cb92cafbf4550
The Host乐队官方YouTube网站:https://www.youtube.com/@TheHostbd