今天采访到的是Melkor组建的一支Death / Doom Metal乐队Cadáver Eterno,2023年组建的Cadáver Eterno乐队最初是Melkor和一名歌手共同创建,但是由于歌手的个人原因并没有参与乐队,2024年Melkor决定自己完成所有接下来的工作并且还邀请了钢琴家Salvador Tenebris加入乐队协助完成专辑的创作过程,忧郁且极具氛围,仿佛参加了葬礼一般,其中Salvador Tenebris演奏的钢琴部分提升了整张专辑的氛围,再加上凶狠的Death Metal元素,让这张专辑在悲伤和忧郁之中透露着浓重的死亡气息,前不久杂志与乐队的主创人员Melkor进行了一次交谈!
(V: 代表笔者 M: 代表Melkor)
Today's interview was with Cad á ver Eterno, a Death/Doom Metal band formed by Melkor. The band, formed in 2023, was initially co founded by Melkor and a singer, but due to the singer's personal reasons, he did not participate in the band. In 2024, Melkor decided to complete all the following work on his own and also invited pianist Salvador Tenebris to join the band to assist in the creation process of the album. It was melancholic and atmospheric, as if attending a funeral. Salvador Tenebris' piano performance enhanced the atmosphere of the entire album, and with the fierce Death Metal element, the album revealed a strong sense of sadness and melancholy. The breath of death, recently the magazine had a conversation with the band's creator Melkor!
(V: represents author M: represents Melkor)

V: 你好Melkor我又见面了。这次我要采访你组建的Cadáver Eterno乐队。这个乐队是什么时候成立的?这个名字有什么意义吗?
Hello Melkor, I'm meeting again. This time I'm going to interview the Cadáver Eterno band that you formed. When was this band formed? Does this name have any meaning?
M: 你好很高兴再次来到这里。Cadáver Eterno最初成立于2023年,其想法是创作一张令人难忘、忧郁且极具氛围的专辑。最初我们计划由另一位歌手录制人声,但由于个人原因,他无法完成这个项目。到2024年我决定把事情掌握在自己手中,完成剩下的事情,确保专辑"Entre Sombras e Lamentos"最终能看到光明,或者更确切地说,看到阴影。Cadáver Eterno的名字翻译为“永恒的尸体”,象征着悲伤的持续、未解决的悲剧的重量以及从未真正安息的迷失灵魂的回声。乐队深深植根于爱、失去和超自然的主题,编织着死者和生者永远交织在一起的叙事。我们的声音同样令人难忘,将黑暗的旋律与唤起哀悼和超越的氛围融为一体。
Hello! Great to be here again. Cadáver Eterno was originally formed in 2023 with the idea of creating a haunting, melancholic, and deeply atmospheric album. Initially, we had planned for another vocalist to record the vocals, but due to personal matters, he couldn't complete the project. By 2024, I decided to take things into my own hands and finish what was left, ensuring that the album Entre Sombras e Lamentos would finally see the light of day, or rather, the shadows. The name Cadáver Eterno translates to "Eternal Corpse," symbolizing the persistence of sorrow, the weight of unresolved tragedies, and the echoes of lost souls that never truly rest. The band is deeply rooted in themes of love, loss, and the supernatural, weaving narratives where the dead and the living are eternally intertwined. Our sound is equally haunting, merging dark melodies with an atmosphere that evokes both mourning and transcendence.
V: 你是如何邀请Salvador Tenebris以钢琴家的身份加入乐队的?你对他的工作满意吗?
How did you invite Salvador Tenebris to join the band as a pianist? Are you satisfied with his job?
M: Salvador Tenebris是我们的老朋友,尽管由于生活环境的原因,我们一直很疏远。他是一位非常有才华的钢琴家,但他的承诺让他几乎没有时间专注于乐队或项目。此外由于他所处的环境,他更喜欢在这种音乐活动中保持匿名。当我为"Entre Sombras e Lamentos"定稿时,我知道这张专辑需要一位能够为作品带来正确深度和情感的钢琴家。Salvador是一个完美的选择,他创作令人难忘的忧郁段落的能力是无与伦比的。虽然这需要一些说服力,但他最终同意捐款,条件是他的参与保持谨慎。我对他的作品感到无比满意。他的钢琴线条为音乐增添了一种空灵而悲伤的层次,完美地补充了Cadáver Eterno的失落和超自然主题。他的演奏为歌曲注入了生与死的气息,使专辑更加身临其境,令人难忘。
Salvador Tenebris is a longtime friend, though we’ve been distant due to life’s circumstances. He’s an incredibly talented pianist, but his commitments leave him with very little time to dedicate to bands or projects. Additionally, he prefers to remain anonymous in this kind of musical endeavor due to the environment he lives in. When I was finalizing Entre Sombras e Lamentos, I knew the album needed a pianist who could bring the right depth and emotion to the compositions. Salvador was the perfect choice, his ability to craft haunting, melancholic passages is unmatched. Although it took some convincing, he eventually agreed to contribute, under the condition that his involvement remained discreet. I couldn't be happier with his work. His piano lines add an ethereal, sorrowful layer to the music, perfectly complementing the themes of loss and the supernatural that define Cadáver Eterno. His playing breathes life and death into the songs, making the album even more immersive and haunting.
V: 你是如何创作歌曲的?你能介绍一下创作过程吗?
How do you create songs? Can you introduce the creative process?
M: 我的创作过程通常从MIDI键盘开始,在那里我创造了环境声音和旋律,这些声音和旋律将定义曲目的氛围。一旦我对旋律有了坚实的基础,我就开始为所有歌曲编程鼓,设定节奏,以补充我建立的情绪。鼓就位后,我录制吉他,将一些键盘旋律直接融入吉他部分。然后我添加低音以填充声音。此时我将这个项目交给Salvador,Salvador添加了钢琴,为歌曲赋予了更丰富、更动态的质感。最后我专注于歌词,我写歌词是为了捕捉我想传达的情感和故事。最后一步是录制人声,确保一切自然流畅。这是一个构建和完善的过程,直到一切都一层一层地到位。
My creative process usually begins with a MIDI keyboard, where I create the ambient sounds and melodies that will define the atmosphere of the track. Once I have a solid foundation with the melodies, I move on to programming the drums for all the songs, setting the rhythm that complements the mood I’ve established. After the drums are in place, I record the guitars, incorporating some of the keyboard melodies directly into the guitar parts. Then, I add the bass to fill out the sound. At this point, I pass the project over to Salvador, who adds the piano, giving the songs a richer, more dynamic texture. Finally, I focus on the lyrics, which I write to capture the emotions and stories I want to convey. The last step is recording the vocals, making sure everything flows together naturally. It’s a process of building and refining until everything falls into place, layer by layer.
V: 这张专辑是你自己录制的,录制得很好。你是怎么做到的?
The recording of this album was done by yourself, and the recording was excellent. How did you do it?
M: 秘诀其实很简单:新的琴弦、高质量的乐器和良好的线缆对于从一开始就获得最佳声音至关重要。最重要的是要有一个坚实的信号链和可靠的声音接口,以便进行干净准确的录音。一旦基础到位,就要有耐心。将所有东西混合在一起可能很耗时,但这就是魔法发生的地方。我花了很多时间确保每个元素都能完美地融入组合中,调整水平、均衡器并在需要的地方添加效果。然后掌握是最后一步,我会完善整体声音,以确保它具有正确的平衡和能量。这一切都与细节有关并为每一步提供所需的时间,使其听起来完全符合我的设想。
The secret is actually quite simple: fresh strings, high-quality instruments, and good cables are essential for getting the best sound right from the start. The most important thing is to have a solid signal chain with a reliable sound interface for clean and accurate recording. Once the foundation is in place, it’s all about patience. Mixing everything together can be time-consuming, but it’s where the magic happens. I spend a lot of time ensuring each element fits perfectly in the mix, adjusting the levels, EQ, and adding effects where needed. Then, mastering is the final touch, where I refine the overall sound to make sure it has the right balance and energy. It’s all about the details and giving each step the time it needs to sound exactly how I envision it.

V: 这个乐队的音乐主题是什么?你为什么选择这个音乐主题,你想通过这个音乐主题表达什么,你也创作了歌词部分吗?这些歌词的灵感是什么?
What is the music theme of this band about? Why did you choose this music theme, what do you want to express through this music theme, and did you also create the lyrics section? What is the inspiration for these lyrics?
M: 这个乐队的音乐主题围绕着强烈的情感、悲惨的爱情故事和黑暗、大气的叙事。我选择这个主题是因为我一直被吸引去探索人性的黑暗面,那种消耗你的爱,失去的悲伤以及未实现的欲望带来的痴迷。这些主题与我产生了深刻的共鸣,通过这首音乐,我想表达人类灵魂的内心挣扎、关系的复杂性,以及在爱情消失很久之后仍然存在的挥之不去的爱。是的,我也创作了歌词。歌词的灵感来自个人经历,也来自对过去古诗词和故事的广泛研究。我探索了各种黑暗故事、传说和历史人物,深入研究了爱情的悲剧和经常被诅咒的方面。这些故事帮助我编织了一个叙事,它不仅传达了痛苦和渴望,还突显了爱情是一把双刃剑,美丽但具有破坏性。通过这些歌词,我想与听众建立一种情感联系,邀请他们进入一个悲伤和反思的世界。
The music theme of this band revolves around intense emotions, tragic love stories, and dark, atmospheric narratives. I chose this theme because I’ve always been drawn to exploring the darker side of human nature, the kind of love that consumes you, the sorrow of loss, and the obsession that comes with unfulfilled desires. These themes resonate deeply with me, and through this music, I want to express the inner struggles of the human soul, the complexity of relationships, and the haunting presence of love that lingers long after it's gone. Yes, I created the lyrics as well. The inspiration for the lyrics came from a mix of personal experiences, but also from extensive research into old poems and stories from the past. I explored various dark tales, legends, and historical figures, diving into the tragic and often cursed aspects of love. These stories helped me weave a narrative that not only conveys the pain and longing but also highlights the idea of love being a double-edged sword, beautiful yet destructive. Through these lyrics, I wanted to create an emotional connection with the listener, inviting them into a world of sorrow and reflection.
V: 这个乐队的Logo设计很简单,但这种设计形式是我个人最喜欢的,因为我很容易记住你的名字。专辑的艺术品设计非常漂亮,这些艺术品至今仍
The logo design of this band is very simple, but this design form is my personal favorite because I can easily remember your names. The artwork design of the album is very beautiful, and these artworks are still
M: 乐队的Logo设计实际上是一种字体。我无法为这个项目想出任何令人满意的东西,但有一天,我偶然发现了这种特殊的字体,它立刻与我想要传达的氛围产生了共鸣。它感觉非常适合这个项目,简单而难忘,这正是我所需要的。至于艺术品,我再次转向人工智能寻求灵感,但在我找到真正有效的东西之前,我进行了相当多的实验。经过多次尝试和错误,我终于设法用Photoshop获得了我设想的颜色和我想要的几乎漫画书般的美学。最终的结果反映了音乐的氛围,捕捉了主题的精髓,同时增加了我想要的视觉效果。
The logo design of the band is actually a font. I couldn’t come up with anything that felt satisfactory for this project, but one day, by chance, I stumbled upon this particular font, and it instantly clicked with the vibe I wanted to convey. It felt perfect for the project, simple yet memorable, and that’s exactly what I needed. As for the artwork, once again, I turned to AI for some inspiration, but it took quite a bit of experimentation before I found something that truly worked. After a lot of trial and error, I finally managed to get the colors I envisioned and the almost comic book-like aesthetic I wanted using Photoshop. The end result reflects the atmosphere of the music, capturing the essence of the theme while adding that visual impact I was aiming for.
V: 你仍然选择自己发行这张专辑吗?您希望如何发布此专辑的数字版或实体版?
Do you still choose to release this album yourself? How do you want to release the digital or physical version of this album?
M: 我决定以数字方式发行这张专辑,因为我发现这是接触听众的最直接和最容易的方式。数字格式使我能够与世界各地的粉丝联系,流媒体的便利性使人们能够轻松地按照自己的节奏体验音乐。然而我总是对物理释放的建议持开放态度。如果有足够的需求,我很乐意探索制作限量版黑胶唱片或CD的可能性,其中包含独家艺术品,也许还有一些额外的内容,比如一本对项目有更深入了解的小册子或一首奖励曲目。我认为实体发行真的可以为专辑增添一个特殊的维度并为那些想拥有一首音乐的人提供一些有形的东西。
I decided to release this album digitally, as I find it to be the most immediate and accessible way to reach my listeners. The digital format allows me to connect with fans all around the world, and the convenience of streaming makes it easy for people to experience the music at their own pace. However, I’m always open to proposals for physical releases. If there’s enough demand, I’d love to explore the possibility of creating limited edition vinyl or CDs with exclusive artwork and perhaps some additional content, like a booklet with deeper insights into the project or a bonus track. I think a physical release can really add a special dimension to the album and offer something tangible for those who want to own a piece of the music.
V: 首先祝贺你2024年发行首张官方专辑"Entre Sombras e Lamentos"。这张专辑以强烈的后启示录氛围、残酷的Death Metal风格Riff和Doom metal的氛围为特色。这张专辑最好的部分是钢琴演奏,这使它更加耐听。你对你的作品有什么看法?
First of all, congratulations on the release of your first official album "Entre Sombras e Lamentos" in 2024. This album features a strong post apocalyptic atmosphere, a brutal Death Metal style Riff, and the atmosphere of Doom Metal. The best part of this album is the piano performance, which makes it even more enduring. What is your opinion on your work?
M: 非常感谢你的祝贺!我真的为Entre Sombras e Lamentos感到骄傲,因为它标志着我作为音乐家的旅程迈出了重要的一步。后启示录主题、Death Metal即兴重复段和Doom Metal氛围的结合是一个非常慎重的选择,因为我想创造一些感觉原始而强烈,但令人难忘和身临其境的东西。尤其是钢琴,我知道它必须在增强这种氛围中发挥关键作用。它增添了一层忧郁和紧张,否则很难捕捉到。至于我对这项工作的看法,我对结果很满意,但我总是看到改进的空间。我觉得我做的每一个项目都促使我进一步提高自己的技能。这张专辑是对氛围和构图的一次伟大实验,将残酷与微妙的时刻融为一体,我认为我通过这种融合创造了一些独特的东西。总的来说,这反映了我在创作过程中的那个时刻,我很高兴看到它与其他人产生共鸣。但是,像往常一样,我已经在思考下一步是什么,以及我如何继续发展。
Thank you so much for the congratulations! I’m really proud of Entre Sombras e Lamentos, as it marks a significant step in my journey as a musician. The combination of post-apocalyptic themes, Death Metal riffs, and Doom Metal atmosphere was a very deliberate choice, as I wanted to create something that felt raw and intense, yet haunting and immersive. The piano, in particular, was something I knew had to play a key role in enhancing that atmosphere. It added a layer of melancholy and tension that would’ve been hard to capture otherwise. As for my opinion on the work, I’m satisfied with how it turned out, but I always see room for improvement. I feel that each project I do pushes me to refine my skills further. This album was a great experiment with atmosphere and composition, blending brutality with moments of subtlety, and I think I managed to create something unique with that blend. Overall, it’s a reflection of where I was at that moment in my creative process, and I’m happy to see it resonate with others. But, like always, I’m already thinking about what’s next and how I can continue to evolve.

V: 这个乐队在2025年有什么新的工作要做?你能和大家分享一些信息吗?
What new work does this band have to do in 2025? Can you share some information with everyone?
M: 老实说,目前我还不完全确定这个乐队在2025年的下一步会是什么。我深度参与了其他几个项目,无论是独奏还是与其他音乐家合作,这自然会占用我大量的时间和精力。对于这个特定的乐队来说,Salvador的可用性将是一个重要因素。没有他这个项目对我来说没有意义,因为他是一位如此出色的音乐家,我无意与其他人合作这个特定的项目。也就是说,我总是对新的想法和合作持开放态度,所以一旦我们有时间思考下一步要去哪里,我相信我们会想出办法的。目前重点是培育当前的项目并确保它们继续朝着正确的方向发展。但请放心,无论我们决定做什么,都会让人感受到乐队的精髓。请注意时机成熟时我们会透露更多信息!
Honestly, at the moment, I’m not entirely sure what the next steps will be for this band in 2025. I’m deeply involved in several other projects, both solo and with other musicians, which naturally takes up a lot of my time and energy. As for this particular band, a big factor will be the availability of Salvador. Without him, the project wouldn’t make sense to me because he’s such an exceptional musician, and I have no intention of working with anyone else for this specific project. That said, I’m always open to new ideas and collaborations, so once we’ve had some time to reflect on where we want to go next, I’m sure we’ll figure it out. For now, the focus is on nurturing the current projects and ensuring that they continue to grow in the right direction. But rest assured, whatever we decide to do, it will be something that feels true to the essence of the band. Keep an eye out, as we’ll reveal more when the time is right!
V: Cadáver Eterno是一支非常年轻的乐队,我将永远支持和追随你们的乐队。我也希望通过这次采访吸引更多的中国歌迷关注和支持你们的乐队。最后你有什么想对你的中国粉丝说的吗?
Cadáver Eterno is a very young band, and I will always support and follow your band. I also hope to attract more Chinese fans to follow and support your band through this interview. Do you have anything you want to say to your Chinese fans in the end?
M: 我还要衷心感谢Volcano Magazine给我机会展示我众多项目中的另一个。你的平台在让像我这样的乐队和项目曝光方面发挥着至关重要的作用,我真的很感激有机会与所有读者和粉丝分享我们的工作。如果没有像你这样的人的支持,接触新的受众将更加困难。非常感谢您的信任和空间!对于我所有的中国粉丝,感谢你们一直以来的支持。知道我们的音乐与你产生共鸣是非常有意义的。我迫不及待地想知道未来会发生什么,我希望你们能继续关注我们的旅程,因为我们正在突破界限,探索新的音乐领域。我很荣幸能在世界各地拥有粉丝,我将始终努力提供能触动灵魂的音乐。保持金属!
I would also like to sincerely thank Volcano Magazine for the opportunity to showcase yet another one of my numerous projects. Your platform plays a crucial role in giving visibility to bands and projects like mine, and I’m truly grateful for the chance to share our work with all the readers and fans. Without the support of people like you, reaching new audiences would be much more difficult. Thank you so much for the trust and the space! To all my Chinese fans, thank you for your ongoing support. It's incredibly meaningful to know that our music resonates with you. I can’t wait for what the future holds, and I hope you’ll continue to follow our journey as we push boundaries and explore new musical territories. I’m honored to have fans across the world, and I’ll always strive to deliver music that speaks to the soul. Stay metal!

Cadáver Eterno乐队主要作品:
Cadáver Eterno - Entre Sombras e Lamentos(2024)

Cadáver Eterno乐队官方Bandcamp网站:https://studios13.bandcamp.com/album/entre-sombras-e-lamentos