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贪婪,欲望,淫欲 - 德国Goregrind乐队Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation专访

今天采访到的是一支来自德国的Goregrind乐队Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation,2007年由吉他 / 歌手Seb创建成立,在Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation乐队成立之前,Seb和朋友Toni组建了一支翻唱乐队,主要以Pantera、Sepultura、Kataklysm、Slayer、Dying Fetus等乐队的歌曲,但是最后成员喜欢的音乐风格越来越极端,比如Dying Fetus、Misery Index、Jig-Ai、Plasma和最喜欢的Cock and Ball Torture乐队。于是Seb决定成立 UxLxCxM,Seb的哥哥Chris也以鼓手的身份加入了乐队,如果你是Cock and Ball Torture,Plasma这类重型的Goregrind风格的话,那么Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation乐队的作品你一定要找来听一听,2019年乐队与来自德国的Plasma,Gonorrhea Pussy,The Creatures from the Tomb三支乐队合作发行了最新Spilt专辑“Fo(u)r the Gore and the Lustful Perversity”,前不久杂志与乐队的创始人Seb取得联系进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 S: 代表Seb)

Today's interview is with Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation, a Goregrind band from Germany, founded and established in 2007 by guitarist/vocalist Seb. Before Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation was formed, Seb and friend Toni formed a cover band with songs by Pantera, Sepultura, Kataklysm, Slayer, Dying Fetus, etc., but the members ended up favoring more and more extreme styles of music such as Dying Fetus, Misery Index, Jig-Ai, Plasma, and the favorite band Cock and Ball Torture. Seb decided to form UxLxCxM, and Seb's brother Chris joined the band on drums. If you're into the heavy Goregrind style of Cock and Ball Torture and Plasma, then Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation is a band you'll want to check out. If you're into the heavy Goregrind style of Cock and Ball Torture, then Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation is a band you'll definitely want to seek out and listen to, and in 2019 the band teamed up with three bands from Germany, Plasma, Gonorrhea Pussy, and The Creatures from the Tomb, for the release of their newest Spilt album “Fo(u)r the Gore and the Lustful Perversity”, the magazine got in touch with the band's founder Seb for an interview!

(V: for the author S: for Seb)

采访对象:SebUndying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation乐队吉他 / 歌手)


V: 你好Seb很高兴见到你,感谢你接受我们的采访。我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访。首先向中国歌迷问好。Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation成立于2007年,是一支历史悠久的乐队。你们是怎么想到要成立这支乐队的?Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation这个名字的含义是什么?

Hello Seb, nice to meet you and thank you for participating in this interview. I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine. First of all, say hello to Chinese fans. Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation was established in 2007 and is a band with a long history. How did you come up with the idea of ​​establishing this band? What is the meaning of the name Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation?

S: 你好,我的朋友,非常感谢你给我们这次采访的机会。你说得没错这是我们第一次接触中国的金属/恐怖场景,我们对此感到非常高兴。在UxLxCxM成立之前,我(seb-吉他手/主唱)和我最好的朋友Toni(贝斯手/主唱)曾与我们的朋友组成过一支翻唱乐队,我们翻唱了 Pantera、Sepultura、Kataklysm、Slayer、Dying Fetus等乐队的歌曲,但我们俩听的音乐更极端,比如Dying Fetus、Misery Index、Jig-Ai、Plasma和我们最喜欢的Cock and Ball Torture乐队。我们对翻唱乐队越来越不满意,于是决定成立UxLxCxM。

Hi my friend and thank you very much for giving us the chance to get this interview. Your are right – this is the First time we get in contact with the chinese Metal/Gore scene and we are really happy about that. Befor UxLxCxM was found, me (seb -guitar/deep vocals) and my best friend Toni (bass guitar/ gurgles) played in a cover band with friends of us. We covered songs of Band like Pantera, Sepultura, Kataklysm, Slayer, Dying Fetus and so on, but the music we both listened to was more extreme – like Dying Fetus, Misery Index, Jig-Ai, Plasma and our all time favourite band Cock and Ball Torture. We got more and more unsatisfied with the cover band so we decided to found UxLxCxM together with my brother Chris playing drums really awesome.

V: 现在乐队只剩下你一个原始成员了,第一代成员为什么退出乐队?新成员是如何加入乐队的?你对他们的工作满意吗?

Now you are the only original member left in the band. Why did the first generation members quit the band? How did the new members join the band? Are you satisfied with their work?

S: 创始成员离开UxLxCxM的最大原因是时间和工作。Toni有机会去一个离我们排练室很远的城市学习艺术,因此没有机会与UxLxCxM一起工作了。Chris离开乐队是因为他的工作责任更重了,因此他需要更多的时间来处理工作和自己的事情,所以我们共同决定,让另一位鼓手有机会演奏并将UxLxCxM带到一个新的高度,这对他和乐队都是最好的。新鼓手Daniel加入了乐队,因为他在正确的时间订购了UxLxCxM的商品,哈哈哈。当他订购我们的商品时,我看到了他的Facebook简介,知道他会打鼓,而且住在排练室附近,所以我问他是否愿意加入我们:-) 我们的贝斯手Marc是Daniel的好朋友,因此我们一起工作,成为了好朋友,UxLxCxM 也变得越来越强大。我喜欢他们俩的工作,我们现在是一家人,感觉非常好 :-)

The most reasons for the founding members leaving UxLxCxM was „time“ and „work“. Toni became the chance to study Art in a city that was not near to our rehearsal room, so there were no/much less chances to work with UxLxCxM and Chris left the band because he got more responsibilities at his work so he need more time for the job and himself so we decided all together that it will be the best for him and the band to give another drummer the chance to play and bring UxLxCxM to the next level. Daniel, the new drummer jioned the band, because he ordered UxLxCxM-Merch at the right time – hahaha. When he ordered our Merch i saw his Facebook-Profile and recognized he plays drum and lives near the rehearsal room so i asked him if he want to try and join us :-) Marc, our Bassplayer was a good friend of Daniel and so we worked together, became great friends and UxLxCxM got stronger and stronger. I like the work they both do – we are one family now and it feels really good :-)

V: 你们乐队是如何创作歌曲的?能介绍一下创作过程吗?你的创作经验会给很多年轻音乐人带来灵感!

How do you create songs in your band? Can you introduce the process? Your creative experience will bring inspiration to many young musicians!

S: 我主要听Hardcore和Goregrind,所以我的灵感大多来自它们。当我听这些音乐时,我有时会听到一些很棒的旋律,然后想如果我们能把它变成这个和那个,那就太他妈棒了,然后如果我没有忘记这部分,我就会坐在电脑前,打开Guitar pro 5.2(很好的老版本;--))拿起我的吉他,开始写一些旋律,这些旋律有可能在以后组合成一首歌。我把吉他、鼓和贝司都写在这里。如果他们喜欢,我们就开始在排练室里一起练习:)

I mostly listen to Hardcore and Goregrind, so my most inspirations comes fromes them, when i listen to stuff like that i sometimes hear some great riffs and think „if we would chance it into „this and that“ it would be fucking bulldozing“ - then if i don' forgot this part i sit at my pc- put on Guitar pro 5.2 (the good old one ;-) ) thake my guitar and start writing riffs which are possiblie to put together for a song later. I write everything there – guitar, drums and bass. After i think it is great i sent it to the other guys and if they like it we start practice that shit in the rehearsal room together:)

V: 你们乐队的录音经历令人惊叹,你们是在哪个录音棚录制专辑的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?

Your band has an amazing recording experience, which studio did you record your album in? Which producer produced your album?

S: 我们尝试了很多方法,因为我们一直对声音不满意,尤其是吉他的声音。第一张专辑和合辑是我们自己在排练室制作的,由Toni的一位朋友录制和混音。专辑"Glory Holelujah"是在我们的排练室录制的,然后我们把文件Fra of Guineapig寄到意大利,由他混音和制作母带。我们的朋友The Creatures From The Tomb发行了他们的第一张专辑,这张专辑的音效非常棒,在他们的帮助下,我们决定在他们朋友家的录音室录制4-way split"Fo(u)r The Gore and The Lustful Perversity"。从那以后我们真正找到了自己的声音,当我们希望有一天能写完一些新歌时,这些歌也会让每一位听众都听得如痴如醉。

We tried a lot of stuff because we where never satisfied with the sound – espacially of the guitars. The first record and split-cd was made by ourselves in the rehearsalroom recorded and mixed by a friend of Toni. The album „Glory glory Holelujah“ was recorded at our rehearsalroom then we sent the files Fra of Guineapig to Italy and he mixed and mastered it. After our Friends of The Creatures From The Tomb released their first album with an fucking KILLER sound we decided to record at their friends home studio with thier help to make the 4-way split „Fo(u)r The Gore and The Lustful Perversity“. After that we actually found our sound and when we hopefully finish writing some new songs one day they will also be bulldizing the shit out of every listener

V: 色情、粪便、幽默是你们音乐的主题,这些主题都非常极端。你为什么选择这些主题?歌词是你写的吗?是什么启发了你?

Porn, Scat, Humour are the themes of your music. These themes are very extreme. Why did you choose such themes? Did you write the lyrics? Who wrote these lyrics? What inspired you?

S: 是的,我写的些东西,大部分歌词都是在色情电影/片段中看到的故事,找到歌词最简单的方法就是用押韵的方式改写故事。当我写“I'm A Pornoholic”这首歌的歌词时,我决定要写一些关于色情明星和他们名字的韵文,于是我深夜坐在电视机前。在德国总是有色情热线在做广告,你“应该马上给他们打电话”。我决定我需要4个名字来编入歌词。我从中选择了4个名字:gina wild、jenna haze、coco brown和babette blue。







Yeah i am writing al that stuff, most of the lyrics are just stories seen i porn movies/clips. The easiest way to find lyrics – I just had to rewrite the stories in rhymes. When i wrote the lyrics from the song “I'm A Pornoholic” i decided i want to make some rhymes about erotic stars and their names, so i sat in front of the TV late in the night. In Germany there are always erotic hotlines as advertising you "Should call them now". I decided i need 4 names to fiot into the instrumental. The 4 names i choose frokm that have been gina wild and jenna haze, coco brown and babette blue.

With theese name the lyrics

gina wild and jenna haze

i watch your films and get a mace

coco brown and babette blue

i will cum all over you

were made for example :-)

V: 你们乐队的Logo非常独特,复杂中透露着简单。谁为你们设计了这个Logo?你们的专辑封面也非常漂亮,尤其是2019 Spilt专辑的封面,是谁为你们设计的?

Your band's logo is very unique, revealing simplicity in complexity. Who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also very beautiful, especially the 2019 Spilt album artwork, who designed these artworks for you?

S: Logo是我哥哥Chris的妻子设计的。她的作品非常出色,我至今仍喜欢这个Logo,就像第一次看到它一样。大部分作品都是由美国的Nev和GruesomeGraphx制作的--我很喜欢他为 Gore-Scene制作的所有作品,所以有一天我写信给他,问他是否有兴趣一起工作,在我告诉他我对CD封面或衬衫设计的想象后,我们一起制作了几乎所有的商品。

The logo was made by the my brother Chris' wife. She made an exellent work and i still love this logo today as much as the first time i saw it. The most artworks were made by Nev and GruesomeGraphx of USA – i love all the jobs he made for the Gore-Scene so i wrote him one day if he would be interested in working together and after i told him my imaginations about the cd-covers or our shirt designs we made nearly every merch we have together.

V: 你们的所有专辑都是由德国一个伟大的唱片公司Rotten Roll Rex在贵国发行的。你对这个厂牌的工作满意吗?

All your albums were released in your country on Rotten Roll Rex, a great label in Germany. Are you satisfied with the work of this label?

S: 我喜欢RottenRollRex!我年轻时几乎所有的商品都是从他那里订购的,所以很高兴有一天能与他合作。他是一个很好的人与他的交易对双方都很有利。

I love RottenRollRex! When i was younger i ordered nearly all my Merch from him. So it was a big pleassure to work together one day. He is a great guy and the deals with him have always been fiar for both sides.

V: 你们已经很久没有发行作品了,但我仍然非常喜欢你们的乐队,我听过你们所有的作品。你们的作品中融入了很多流行元素,这让你们的作品听起来更有节奏感,更吸引人。你们的节奏不是很快,慢悠悠的风格让我想起了你们国家的Gut和CBT等乐队。你还在演唱中加入了一些效果,这让你的作品更加病态,你如何看待自己的作品?

You haven't released any work for a long time, but I still like your band very much. I have listened to all your works. Your works incorporate a lot of groovy elements, which makes your works sound more rhythmic and more appealing. Your tempo is not very fast, and your slow and leisurely style reminds me of bands in your country such as Gut and CBT. You also add some effects to your singing, which makes your works more morbid. What do you think of your works?

S: 我喜欢我们目前所做的工作,但正如前面所说CD发行时我并没有真正做到百分之百满意,我是个完美主义者--哈哈哈。有时我在Spotify上随机播放歌曲,但由于当时在做其他事情,我并没有注意到这是我们演奏的歌曲。然后我就会想他妈的--我喜欢这个Riff,然后我就开始大笑,因为我认出了“Kiss of Poseidon”这首歌的旋律--太蠢了--哈哈,过去几年里所有成员都经历了很多私人变故和家庭琐事,这让我没有太多时间和灵感去写新歌。实际上我已经搬到了新家,但那里的工作很快就要结束了,所以我希望我能找到更多的时间为乐队创作一些重型作品。

I like the work we have done until yet, but as said earlier i was nevery realy satisfied 100% when the Cd was Released, i am to much of a perfectionsist – hahaha. Sometimes i listen Spotify on shuffle and didn't recorgnize it is a song of us playing because of doing other stuff at that moment. Then i think „fuck yeah- love that Riff“ the i start laughing because i recognized the groove of the song „Kiss of Poseidon“ - so stupid - haha,The last years there have been a lot of private changes and family stuff for all the members that didn't gave me a lot of time and inspiration to write new songs. I actually moved to a new house but the work there is finished soon so i hope i can find more time to make some heavy stuff for the band.

V: 2024年你们乐队会做哪些新的事情?比如作曲、录制新歌、发行新专辑或参加更多音乐节。能向大家透露一些信息吗?

What new things will your band be doing in 2024? For example, composing, recording some new songs, releasing a new album or participating in more music festivals. Can you reveal some information to everyone?

S: 我希望能写一些新歌,这样我们就可以录制一张新专辑并推出一些相关的商品。不久之后我们决定在斯图加特附近创办一个名为Grind im Kessel的单日音乐节,我们会尽最大努力让其他乐队有机会在Grind歌迷面前演出,享受美好时光。如果能在2024/25年多举办几场演出,那就更好了。

I will hopefully write some new stuff for songs so we can record a new album and bring out some merch with that. soon Next to the Band we decided to found a little One-Day-Festival called „Grind im Kessel“ near Stuttgart and we will do our best to give other Bands the chance to play in Front of some Grindfreaks and have a good time. Playing some more Shows in 2024/25 would be nice too. haha

V: 你参加过哪些音乐节,哪些音乐节给你留下了深刻的印象?能描述一下现场的气氛吗?

Which music festivals have you attended and which ones left a deep impression on you? Can you describe the atmosphere at the scene?

S: 当然OBSCENE EXTREME是一个美好的回忆,我们希望有一天能再去那里演出,因为这个音乐节太疯狂了,现场的气氛无与伦比。但老实说我们参加过的几乎所有演出都是一场盛大的派对和美好的回忆--不管是在葡萄牙的Sublime Torture Fest还是在捷克或德国的任何一场演出--都让你感觉像一个大家庭在聚会。

Of course OBSCENE EXTREME was a great memory and we hope to play there one day again, because this festival is fucking crazy and the atmosphere is out of everything. But to be honest nearly all the shows we played have been a big party and great memory – does not matter if it was in Portugal like the Sublime Torture Fest or any show in CZ or germny – they all make you feel like a big family meeting.

V: Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation 是一支非常出色的乐队。我是你们乐队的忠实粉丝。我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,并希望能尽快听到你们的新作品。我也希望通过这次采访,能有更多的乐迷关注、支持和了解你们的乐队。最后你有什么想对中国歌迷说的吗?

Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation is a very outstanding band. I am a loyal fan of your band. I will always support and follow your band, and hope to hear your new work as soon as possible. I also hope that through this interview more fans will pay attention to, support and get to know your band. In the end, do you have anything you want to say to Chinese fans?

S: 再次感谢您的评价,让我们有机会走近中国乐坛!希望有一天能有机会为我们的中国朋友和乐迷演出!坚持自我,支持全球的极端金属和Goregrind现场。我们爱你们

干杯 Seb

Thank you again for your words and the chance to get closer to the chinese scene! Hopefully there will be a chance to play for our chinese friends and fans one day! Stay true to yourself and support the extreme metal and goregrind scene all around the globe.


Cheers Seb

Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation乐队主要作品:

Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation - UxLxCxM(2012)

Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation - Glory Glory Holelujah!(2017)

Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation乐队官方Bnadcamp网站:

Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation乐队官方Facebook网站:

Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation乐队官方Twitter网站:

Undying Lust for Cadaverous Molestation乐队官方YouTube网站:

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