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黑魔法仪式,召唤古老的邪灵 - 墨西哥/萨尔瓦多Black Metal乐队Pact of Darkness专访

今天采访到的是一支来自墨西哥和萨尔瓦多两个国家成员组建的一支Black Metal乐队Pact of Darkness,这是一支非常年轻的Black Metal乐队,2024年发行了两张作品,EP专辑“Black Magic Ritual”和DSpilt专辑“Evoking Evil”,由Cuthean Productions & Killer Vril Distro和Nostalgia Record两家厂牌发行了,Pact of Darkness以Raw Black Metal为主,原始,黑暗,残暴的Riff,虽然乐队采用的是鼓软件,但是丝毫没有降低作品的原始和残暴感,歌手邪恶的演唱,让人不寒而栗,目前乐队正在制作他们的最新专辑,也将在年底发行,在前不久杂志与乐队的Black Mass Pervertor取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 B: 代表Black Mass Pervertor)

Today's interview is with Pact of Darkness, a Black Metal band formed by members from Mexico and El Salvador, a very young Black Metal band with two releases in 2024, the EP “Black Magic Ritual” and the DSpilt album “Evoking Evil”, released on Cuthean Productions & Killer Vril Distro and Nostalgia Record. “Black Magic Ritual” and the DSpilt album ‘Evoking Evil’, released by Cuthean Productions & Killer Vril Distro and Nostalgia Record. Darkness is Raw Black Metal, raw, dark, brutal riffs, and although the band uses drum software, it doesn't diminish the rawness and brutality of the work in any way, and the singer's sinister vocals send shivers down the spine, and the band is currently working on their newest album, which will be released by the end of the year. Not long ago the magazine contacted the band's Black Mass Pervertor for an interview!

(V: for the author B: for Black Mass Pervertor)

采访对象:Black Mass PervertorPact of Darkness乐队创始人)


V: 你好伙计很高兴见到你,非常感谢你接受这次采访。我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向中国歌迷问好。你们是如何组建乐队的?Pact of Darkness这个名字对你们来说有什么意义吗?

Hello mate nice to meet you and thank you so much for taking part in this interview, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, when was Pact of Darkness formed? How did you form the band and does the name Pact of Darkness mean anything to you?

B: 向所有中国听众问好。Pact of Darkness是作为一个泄密项目诞生的。我们只想发行第一张作品仅此而已。但我们看到乐队很喜欢这个项目,所以我们决定继续下去。Pact of Darkness将发行半年左右......这个名字是Cuervo Negro一首同名歌曲的名字。

Hello to all the Chinese listeners. Pact of Darkness was born as a leak project. We wanted to release just a first work and nothing more. But we saw that the band liked this project and we decided to go ahead. Pact of Darkness will be about half a year old... and the name is the title of a song by Cuervo Negro called the same.

V: 你们乐队只有两名成员,来自墨西哥和萨尔瓦多不同的国家,你们是如何创作歌曲的?能描述一下创作过程吗?

There are only two members in your band and you are from different countries Mexico / El Salvador, how do you write songs? Can you describe the writing process?

B: Dark Moon负责邪恶和黑暗的歌词,他在神秘学方面知识渊博。我Black Mass Pervert负责在我的家庭工作室Black Forest Rec制作音乐和母带。

Dark Moon is the one in charge of the evil and dark lyrics. He has a lot of knowledge in the subject of the occult. I, Black Mass Pervert, am in charge of creating the music and the master in my home studio Black Forest Rec.

V: 你们乐队的录音令人惊叹,你们是在哪个录音棚录制专辑的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?

Your band's recordings are amazing, what studio did you record the album in? Which producer produced your album?

B: 所有录音都是由Black mass pervertor在他的家庭录音室Black Forest rec录制的,我们不需要任何想搞乱我们混音的制作人。

Everything is recorded by Black mass pervertor in his home studio Black Forest rec. We don't need any producer who wants to mess with our mixes.

V: 你们的Logo独一无二,是谁设计了你们的Logo?你们的专辑封面美轮美奂,是谁设计了封面?

Your logo is unique, who designed your logo, and your album artwork is beautiful, who designed the artwork?

B: Logo是Dark Moon的一个熟人设计的。每张CD的封面都是由我Black Mass Pervert创作的。

The logo was designed by an acquaintance of Dark Moon. and the artwork of each CD is created by my Black Mass Pervert.

V: 你们乐队的音乐主题是什么?为什么选择这样一个音乐主题,你们想通过这样一个音乐主题表达什么?你们有歌词部分吗?这些歌词是谁写的?

What is the theme of your band's music about? Why did you choose such a musical theme and what do you want to express through such a musical theme? Do you have a lyrics section, who writes these lyrics and what inspires him?

B: 从我们开始这个项目起,我们就和Dark Moon一起决定加入这些歌词,因为我们喜欢它们,它们吸引着我们。Dark Moon是一位擅长写那些阴险和黑色歌词的大师。Pact of Darkness的每一首作品都是Black Metal,没有夸夸其谈,没有过多的技巧,但执行得很好。

Since we started the project, together with Dark Moon we decided to include those lyrics because we simply like them and they attract us. Dark Moon is a master at writing those sinister and black lyrics. Pact of Darkness is Black Metal without boasting, without so much technique, but well executed.

V: 你们的乐队曾与Cuthean Productions和Killer Vril Distro、Nostalgia Record合作发行过专辑,你们是如何与这两家唱片公司取得联系并进行合作的?你对他们的工作满意吗?

Your band has released albums with Cuthean Productions & Killer Vril Distro, Nostalgia Record, how did you get in touch with these two labels to collaborate? Were you satisfied with their work?

B: 在Nostalgia Record我只看到过数字专辑。但与Cuthean合作后,他发行了实体唱片。这有助于我们更多地传播Pact of Darkness这一疾病。

With nostalgia record I've only seen digital albums. But with Cuthean he has released physical material. That has helped us spread this disease called Pact of Darkness more.

V: 首先祝贺你们今年刚刚发行的最新的Spilt专辑,你们的作品给我留下了深刻的印象,你们是一支原始、残酷、凶猛的Black Metal乐队,你们没有经典的氛围,只有凶猛的旋律,虽然你们使用的是软件鼓,但它们非常多样化,主唱的声音也给我留下了深刻的印象,你们对自己的作品有什么看法吗?

Firstly congratulations on your latest Spilt album which has just been released this year, I am very impressed with your work, you are a raw, brutal and ferocious black metal band, you have no classic vibe, just ferocious riffs, although you use software drums, they are very varied, and I am very impressed with the vocalist's voice, do you have any thoughts on your work?

B: 制作Black Metal没有成员是件困难的事,但这对我们来说并不重要。将电子鼓连接到录音 DAW,然后录下你的节奏,这就是我们要做的。我们将这些节奏保存下来,以便日后作为基础并捕捉乐段。

To make Black Metal and not have members is something difficult. But that didn't matter to us. Connecting the electric drums to the recording DAW and recording your rhythms is what we do. We save those rhythms to later make a base and capture the riffs.

V: 在Spilt专辑发行之后,你们乐队有什么新的作品吗?比如创作、录制一些新歌,能透露一些信息吗?

Is there anything new your band is working on after the release of the Spilt album? Like writing, recording some new songs, can you reveal some information to people?

B: 新专辑快完成了,我们不会透露名字。但我们已经将首唱歌曲上传到了Bosque Negro Rec的YouTube频道上了,在那里你可以听到我们的新作品。

The new album is almost finished. We won't give names. But we already uploaded the premiere song to the YouTube channel Bosque Negro Rec. There you can listen to the new stuff we're doing.

V: Pact of Darkness是一支非常年轻的乐队,但你们非常有潜力,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,也希望通过这次采访能有更多的中国乐迷关注、支持和了解你们,最后有什么想对中国乐迷说的吗?

Pact of Darkness is a very young band, but you guys are very promising and have potential, I will always support and pay attention to your band, I also hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will pay attention to, support, and get to know you guys, and in the end, what would you like to say to your Chinese fans?

B: 敬请期待新的Pact of Darkness,这将在深渊深处燃烧,金属的宣泄和彻底的毁灭就在那里,感谢兄弟邀请我们进行采访,我们已经准备好了问候邪恶之子!

Stay tuned for the new Pact of Darkness. This will burn deep in the abyss. Where metal catharsis and total destruction are found. Thank you brother for this interview. We are in order. Greetings spawn of evil!

Pact of Darkness乐队主要作品:

Pact of Darkness - Black Magic Ritual(2024)

Maledictus Sanguis / Pact of Darkness - Evoking Evil(2024)

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