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钻石与枪炮 - 瑞典Punkrock乐队Diamonds and Guns专访

今天采访到的是一支来自瑞典的Punkrock风格的乐队Diamonds and Guns,作为一支Punkrock乐队优美的旋律,干净清澈的嗓音非常具有穿透力,再加上一些Punk和Hard Rock的元素让他们在瑞典迅速的走红,如果你喜欢美国西海岸的Punkrock音乐,那么Diamonds and Guns乐队你一定不要错过,前不久乐队的吉他 / 歌手Victor Ekvall与我取得联系进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 E: 代表Victor Ekvall)

Today's interview is with the Swedish Punkrock band Diamonds and Guns, a Punkrock band with beautiful melodies, clean and clear voices that are very penetrating, plus some elements of Punk and Hard Rock that have made them a fast hit in Sweden, and if you like American West Coast Punkrock music, then Diamonds and Guns is a band you don't want to miss. If you like American West Coast Punkrock, then Diamonds and Guns is a band you don't want to miss. Not long ago, the band's guitarist/vocalist Victor Ekvall got in touch with me for an interview!

(V: for the author E: for Victor Ekvall)

采访对象:Victor EkvallDiamonds and Guns乐队吉他 / 歌手


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你联系我接受采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访、 首先向你们的中国歌迷问好,Diamonds and Guns乐队成立于哪年?,你们乐队的名字很容易让我联想到Guns N' Roses,这个名字是谁起的?这个名字是谁想出来的?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for contacting me for an interview, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to your Chinese fans, Diamonds and Guns was formed in that year, your band name easily reminds me of Guns N' Roses, who came up with this name? Who came up with the name?

E: 你们好!谢谢你们邀请我们!是的,这是我们第一次接受中国杂志的采访,我们非常激动。当我们一起讨论乐队名字的时候,我们直接在"bad suggestions"和"Diamonds and Guns"之间选择了"Diamonds and Guns"。哈哈,那是个玩笑。事实上乐队的名字是对美国西海岸朋克摇滚乐的赞美,与 "Guns and Roses"乐队毫无关系。

Hii guys! Thanks for having us! Yeah, it's the first time we been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, we're super excited. When we together discussed the band name, it was directly between; bad suggestions or "Diamonds and Guns". Haha well, that's a joke. In fact the band name is a celebration to american westcoast punkrock music and has no connection with Guns and Roses.

V: 们乐队有四名成员,你们都是第一代成员吗?你们是如何相识的?你们乐队通常是如何创作歌曲的,能描述一下创作过程吗?

There are four members in your band, are you all first generation members? How did you all meet each other? How does your band usually write songs, can you describe the writing process?

E: 是的,我们都是第一代成员。

Victor Ekvall - 声乐和吉他。

Pontus Rask - 吉他。

Kimmy Roxx - 贝斯

Thomas Norstedt - 鼓手。

Victor和Kimmy曾在一支metal/metalcore乐队中一起演奏,他们组建了这支乐队,但"Diamonds and Guns"并不是一个严肃的项目。相反我们只是玩玩摇滚,喝点啤酒。大部分歌曲和想法都是维克多写的。我们有自己的录音室,在创作过程中用来录制小样。乐队一起完成歌曲创作。

Yes, we're all are four first generation members.

Victor Ekvall - Vox and guitar.

Pontus Rask - Guitar.

Kimmy Roxx - Bass.

Thomas Norstedt - Drums.

Victor and Kimmy played together in a metal/metalcore band and started the band, Diamonds and Guns was never ment to be a serious project. The other way around, we just play rocknroll and drink some beers. Victor writes and comes up with most of the songs and ideas. We got our own studio that we use for demo recordings in the writing process. The band finishes the song-writing together.

V: 你们乐队的重新录制工作非常出色,请问你们是在哪个录音棚录制专辑的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?

The re-recording aspect of your band's work is excellent, what studio did you record the album in? What producer produced your album?

E: 哇,非常感谢你们的喜爱!事实上,这张 EP 是由 Victor 和 Pontus 制作的。但我们在鼓的录音、混音和母带制作方面得到了我们的朋友、阳光录音室的 Tomas Skogsberg 的帮助。

Wow, thank you so much for the love! Accually, Victor and Pontus produced the EP. But we got some help with the drum recordings, mix and master from our friend Tomas Skogsberg from Sunlight Studios.

V: 你们音乐的主题是什么?你们想通过这样的音乐主题表达什么?你们写过歌词吗?他的灵感来源是什么?

What is the theme of your music about? What do you want to express through such musical themes? Did you guys write any lyrics parts and who wrote those lyrics? What was his inspiration?

E: 很酷的问题!事实上,我不认为我们有什么主题... 我是说,我们有自己的声音和表达方式。我们不想涉及太多政治之类的东西。我想我们写的是生活本身、生活中的感受和挑战。"为无情的骗子赚钱"--EP 是以年轻的视角写的。你知道,"去年夏天的派对"--俏皮话,比我们早期的作品更快乐一点。更多的是怀旧、派对和夏日情怀。我认为这首歌的歌词忧郁、和谐、充满活力,在黑暗与光明之间呈现出美丽的动态。大部分歌词都是维克多和乐队一起创作的。作为一名音乐家,你总是想写一些特定类型的歌曲,但在某种程度上,我认为这只是一种诱惑。我们一直在努力为歌曲服务,满足歌曲的要求和需要。我们会尽全力做到最好。

Cool question! I don't think we got any theme, actually... I mean, sure we got a sound and a way to express ourselfs. We don't want to go to much political and such things. I guess we are writing about life itself, feelings and challenges in life. "Making Cash For Heartless Crooks"-EP was written from a younger perspective in life. You know, "last summer party"-wibes, a little bit happier tone than our earlier releases. More nostalgic-, party- and a small flirt with summer feelings. I think it's melancholic, harmonious, energetically and beautiful dynamics between darkness and light in the lyrics. Victor writes most of the lyrics, with the band. As a musician, you always want to write certains types of songs, but in someways I think thats just temptation. We're always trying to serve the song, what the song deserve and require and so on. We doing our best to value that.

V: 你们乐队的Logo很独特,是谁为你们设计的Logo?你们的专辑封面也很独特,我看到有些封面使用了你们的照片,是谁为你们设计的专辑封面?

Your band's logo is very unique, who designed the logo for you, and your album artwork is also very unique, I see that some of the artwork uses photos of you, who designed the album artwork for you?

E: 谢谢!Peter Almgren是他的名字,Victor的密友。他很棒!Victor与他合作多年!

Thank you! Peter Almgren is his name, close friend of Victor. He is great! Victor have been working with him for many years!

V: 你们目前已经发行了几首歌,有没有想过找一家唱片公司为你们发行一张专辑?

You guys have a couple of tracks out at the moment, have you thought about finding a label to release an album for you?

E: 会有更多歌曲的!我们与一家名为Sound Pollution的瑞典唱片公司签了约。

More songs to come! We got signed by a Swedish label called Sound Pollution whom we are working with.

V: 我刚刚听了你们的作品,你们的旋律非常朗朗上口,节奏非常欢快,鼓手的表现非常稳定,你们的歌手唱得非常棒,声音清晰,伴唱也很棒,你们在作品中加入了很多摇滚元素和一些朋克元素,你觉得你们的作品怎么样?

I've just listened to your work, you have a very catchy melody and a very upbeat tempo, the drummer is very consistent, your singer sings wonderfully, clear voice and great backing vocals, you add a lot of rock elements and some punk elements to your work, what do you think of your work?

非常感谢!我们对这张 EP 的成果感到非常自豪!我的意思是,大部分工作都是我们自己完成的,我们花了将近一年的时间才完成这张 EP,我们得到了很好的评价!

Oh thank you so much!Well, we're super proud of the results of the EP! I mean, we did most of the work by ourselfs, It took us almost a year to complete the EP and we got great reviews!

V: 你们乐队参加过哪些音乐节或现场演出吗?哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻印象?

Have you bands played any of those festivals or live shows? What festivals have impressed you guys and can you describe the atmosphere?

E: 是的,今年夏天我们在瑞典有几场很酷的演出,我想大约有10场。我们一直在努力做到最好,当然,我们也会在舞台上开一些玩笑。

Yeah, we got a couple of cool gigs this summer in Sweden, I think around 10 shows. We're always trying to preform as best as we can and ofcourse, we're making some room for some bad jokes on stage.

V: 你们乐队在2024年有什么新的计划吗?比如参加更多的音乐节,或者进行更多的创作和录音?能向大家透露一些信息吗?

Is there anything new your band is working on for 2024? Like playing more festivals or writing and recording more? Can you reveal some information to the crowd?

E: 今年晚些时候,我们将前往录音室,这也是我们第一次与制作人合作。Tom Van Heesch是一位出色的制作人,曾与Rammstein、Backyard Babies、Entombed A.D、Michael Monroe等摇滚乐队合作过。我们很高兴能与Tom合作,相信下一张EP一定会与众不同!我们今年还有 10 场演出,所以日程安排得很满。

We're heading for the studio later this year, and for the first time we're going to work with a producer. Tom Van Heesch, his a great producer and has worked with rock gaints like Rammstein, Backyard Babies, Entombed A.D, Michael Monroe and so on. We're are really excited to work with Tom and belives that the next EP are going to be something else! We also got like 10 shows this year, so the schedule is kind of full.

V: Diamonds and Guns是一支非常优秀的乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,也希望通过这次采访能有更多的中国乐迷关注、支持和了解你们的乐队,最后我有一些话想对中国乐迷说!

Diamonds and Guns is a very good band, I will always support and pay attention to your band, I also hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will pay attention to, support, and know your band, in the end i have something to say to Chinese fans!

E: 非常感谢你的精彩提问和邀请我们。谢谢你们的支持和厚爱。再见!

Thank you so much for the great questions and for having us. Thanks for the support and love. Talk to you guys, soon!

Diamonds and Guns乐队官方Facebook网站:

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