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雨夜屠夫 - 澳大利亚Death Metal/Grindcore乐队Meatfist专访

今天采访到的是来自澳大利亚的Death Metal/Grindcore乐队Meatfist,2019年由Dan一个人成立了乐队,随后鼓手Bill和贝斯手Sam加入乐队,2020年乐队在澳大利亚厂牌Rassilon Records发行了他们的EP专辑“Intermuscular Bio Technicians”,一张Old School Death Metal混合着Old School Death Metal的作品,粘稠,Sick的Riff,恐怖的氛围,让大家想起了很多美国的老牌乐队,如果你喜欢Old School式的的Death Metal/Grindcore乐队,这支年轻的乐队一定要找来听一听,在前不久我与乐队的创始人Dan取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 D: 代表Dan)

Today's interview is with Meatfist, a Death Metal/Grindcore band from Australia, formed in 2019 by Dan alone, then joined by Bill on drums and Sam on bass, in 2020 the band released their EP on the Australian label Rassilon Records “Intermuscular Bio Technicians”, an Old School Death Metal mixed with Old School Death Metal, sticky, Sick riffs, horror vibes, reminding everyone of many American If you like Old School style Death Metal/Grindcore bands, this young band is a must find and listen, I got in touch with the band's founder Dan for an interview not long ago!

(V: for the author D: for Dan)



V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先跟中国的粉丝们打个招呼吧,Meatfist乐队成立于2019 年,是一支非常年轻的乐队,由屠夫Dan一人创立,他是怎么想到成立这支乐队的?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time that your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all, say hello to the Chinese fans, Meatfist was founded in 2019, it's a very young band, which was founded by Dan the Butcher alone, how did he come up with the idea of founding this band? How did he come up with the idea for this band?

D: 你好Volcano Magazine,来自澳大利亚的问候。这是Meatfist首次接受中国杂志的采访,感谢你给我这次机会,我组建Meatfist的初衷是想把我对Old School Death Metal的热情和我的职业--屠夫--结合起来,把我工作中的任务变成Death Metal歌曲。

Ni Hao Volcano Magazine. G’day from Australia. This is the first interview Meatfist has done with a Chinese magazine so thank you for the opportunity. I started Meatfist to combine my passion for old school death metal and my occupation, which is butchery, turning the tasks I do at work into death metal songs.

V:Dan the Butcher后来邀请了Bill the Beef Boner和Sam the Slaughterman加入乐队,他们使乐队更加完善,他们是如何加入乐队的?你对他们的表现满意吗?

Dan the Butcher later invited Bill the Beef Boner and Sam the Slaughterman to join the band, and they rounded out the band, how did they join the band? Were you happy with what they did?

D: Meatfist的其他成员也在肉类行业工作,所以当我向他们提及我的计划时,他们非常乐意帮助我创作一些肉味Death Metal。

The other members of Meatfist also work in the meat industry, so when I mentioned to them what I was planning, they were more than happy to help create some meaty death metal.

V: 到目前为止你们只发行了一张EP专辑“Intermuscular Bio Technicians”,但这是一张很棒的专辑,你们是在哪个录音室录制的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?

You've only released one EP so far, “Intermuscular Bio Technicians”, but it's a great album, what studio did you record it in? Which producer produced your album?

D: “Intermuscular Bio-technicians”是我在家里录制的,这是我第一次尝试自己录音。第二张 EP名为“Tales from the Butcher's Block”,已于2023年5月发行。这些歌曲经过重新混音和母带处理,将用于一些Spilt发行。此外还有一首名为“Expose the Spine”的歌曲,收录在Rassilon Records的合辑“A Cacophony of Darkness and Death”中。

‘Intermuscular Bio-technicians’ was recorded by me at my home. It was my first attempt at recording anything myself. There is a second EP called ‘Tales from the Butcher’s Block’ that was released May 2023. Those songs have been remixed and mastered and will be used from some split releases. There is also the song “Expose the Spine” on a Rassilon Records compilation ‘A Cacophony of Darkness and Death’.

V: 你的专辑是由Rassilon Records发行的,你是如何与该唱片公司联系合作的?你对唱片公司的工作满意吗?

Your album was released on Rassilon Records, how did you get in touch with the label to collaborate? Were you satisfied with the label's work?

D: 我是在给Rassilon Records的创始人BenPM发送了一首歌之后与Rassilon Records结缘的。现在Meatfist在Bandcamp、Youtube上播放,还接受了金属杂志的采访,如果没有Rassilon Records我根本无法做到这些。

I got involved with Rassilon Records after I sent BenPM, the founder of Rassilon Records who was running a metal radio show at the time, a song to play. He offered to release it on his label and now Meatfist is on Bandcamp, Youtube, and doing interviews with metal magazines, things I wouldn’t have been able to do without Rassilon Records.

V: 肉类、屠宰是你们的音乐主题,你们为什么选择这个音乐主题,你们想通过这个音乐主题表达什么?你们有歌词部分吗?谁来写歌词?

Meat, Butchery is your musical theme, why did you choose this musical theme and what do you want to express through this musical theme? Do you have a lyrics section, who writes the lyrics and what inspires them?

D: Meatfist的歌词只是我工作中的任务,只是加入了Death Metal的元素。比如“Meat Filled Intestinal Casings”就是如何制作香肠的步骤指南,所以我只是想让我的工作听起来很残酷。

The lyrics for Meatfist are just tasks I do at work, just with a death metal twist. Like, “Meat Filled Intestinal Casings” is just a step by step guide on how to make sausages, so I’m just trying to make what I do at work sound brutal.

V: 你的Logo设计非常简单,但这种设计形式是我最喜欢的,因为我很容易就能记住你的名字,这个Logo是谁为你设计的?你的专辑封面使用了真实的照片,这个封面是谁为你设计的?

Your logo design is very simple, but this form of design is my favorite because I can easily remember your name, who designed this logo for you, your album artwork uses real photos, who designed this artwork for you?

D: 我在工作时用羊骨做的Logo,和两张EP的照片一样,都是在工作时拍的。我觉得真实的照片看起来会更好、更真实。

I made the logo at work using lamb bones, same as the photo for the two EPs, which were all taken at work. I thought real photos would look better and more authentic.

V: 你们2020年发行的EP专辑“Intermuscular Bio Technicians”是一首伟大的作品,Old School Death Metal混合了Old School Grindcore元素,快速、连续,给我一种从未听过这样的作品的感觉。这首歌给我留下了深刻印象,歌手的歌声非常好听,低沉有力。

Your 2020 EP release “Intermuscular Bio Technicians” is a great piece of work, Old School Death Metal mixed with Old School Grindcore elements, fast, continuous, and left me with a feeling that I've never heard anything like it. I'm very impressed with it and the singer's vocals are very good, low and powerful.

D: 谢谢你的夸奖,“Intermuscular Bio-Technichians"意在成为一首原始、朗朗上口的Old School Death Metal作品。能得到一些积极的反馈总是好事,希望你们的读者会去看看。

Thank you for the compliment. ‘Intermuscular Bio-Technichians’ was intended to be a raw, catchy, old school death metal release. It’s always good to get some positive feedback, so hopefully your readers will check it out.

V: 你们已经很久没有发行新作品了,2024年有什么新计划吗?比如创作、录制一些新歌,能向大家透露一些信息吗?

It's been a long time since you've released anything new, do you have any new work planned for 2024? Like writing, recording some new songs, can you reveal some information to everyone?

D: Meatfist乐队在2023年发行了“Tales from the Butcher’s Block”数字版,这些歌曲经过混音和母带处理后,将出现在Rassilon Records计划发行的一些合辑中。

Meatfist released “Tales from the Butcher’s Block” digitally in 2023, and those songs have been remixed and mastered to appear on some split releases Rassilon Records is planning.

V: 你参加过哪些音乐节,哪些音乐节给你留下了深刻的印象,你能描述一下气氛以及你计划在2024年参加哪些音乐节?

What festivals have you been to, what festivals have impressed you, can you describe the atmosphere and what festivals are you planning to attend in 2024?

D: 澳大利亚曾经有一些很棒的金属音乐节Metal for the Brain、Metal Stock和Bastardfest都非常不错,但它们在几年前就已经结束了,所以我不太清楚现在澳大利亚的音乐节情况。我尽可能多地参加当地的演出。

There used to be some great metal festivals in Australia. Metal for the Brain, Metal Stock and Bastardfest were really good, but they ended years ago, so I’m not too sure about the festival scene nowadays in Australia. I try to go to as many local gigs as I can.

V: 虽然Meatfist是一支非常年轻的乐队,但你们的作品非常成熟,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,也希望通过这次采访能有更多的中国乐迷认识、关注和支持你们的乐队,最后有什么想对中国乐迷说的吗?

Although Meatfist is a very young band, your work is very mature, I will always support and pay attention to your band, and I hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will recognize, pay attention to, and support your band, do you have anything you would like to say to your Chinese fans in the end?

D: 感谢火山杂志给我们这个机会,让Meatfist乐队的名字被更多的人知道。感谢所有听过或下载过Meatfist音乐的人。请务必在youtube和bandcamp上关注Meatfist。非常感谢大家的支持。保持肉感,保持金属!!!! 干杯 - Meatfist

Thank you Volcano Magazine for the opportunity to get the Meatfist name out to a new audience. Thank you to anyone that has had a listen or downloaded any Meatfist music. Be sure to check out Meatfist on youtube and bandcamp. Any support is greatly appreciated. Stay meaty and stay metal!!!! Cheers – Meatfist


Meatfist - Intermuscular Bio Technicians(2020)

Meatfist - Tales from the Butcher's Block(2023)

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