今天采访到的是来自西班牙的老牌乐队Christ Denied,组建于1994年的Christ Denied乐队是西班牙一支相当有名气的乐队,最初由Dave Rotten和Dave Nigger组建并且在1994年发行了第一张Demo作品“Thy Horned God”,1996年乐队和来自西班牙的Goregrind乐队在德国厂牌Morbid Single Productions发行了一张Spilt专辑“Obnoxious / Thy Horned God”受到广泛的关注,1996年乐队在另外一家德国厂牌Gulli Records发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“...Got What He Deserved”,原始、沉重,节奏变化多端,吉他。快速而粗暴的旋律中夹杂着一些缓慢的旋律。节奏时有变化,但歌曲并不会因为节奏的变化而乏味,鼓声时快时慢。与大多数Brutal Death Metal专辑不同的是,鼓的部分没有太多的技术含量,歌手的演唱低沉有力,这是一张非常成功的作品,第一张专辑发行成功之后乐队发行多张作品,2004年乐队在美国的Goregiastic Records厂牌发行了一张Compilation专辑“Drink... Drink the Blood!”,这张专辑是在中国传播和知名度最高的一张专辑,这张专辑也对乐队早期发行的作品的一次完美总结,这张专辑发行之后乐队沉寂多年直到2013年乐队才发行了第二张正式专辑“Cancer Eradication”,依旧还是一张经典的作品,2024年所有歌迷期盼的第三张正式专辑“Christopsy”在Xtreem Music厂牌发行,在新专辑发行之际,杂志也与乐队的成员Roger B取得联系进行了一次专访!
(V: 代表笔者 R: 代表Roger B)
Today's interview is with Spanish veterans Christ Denied. Formed in 1994 by Dave Rotten and Dave Nigger, Christ Denied is one of the most famous bands in Spain, originally formed in 1994 by Dave Rotten and Dave Nigger and released their first demo “Thy Horned God” in 1994. Horned God” in 1994, and in 1996 the band and the Spanish band Goregrind released the Spilt album ‘Obnoxious / Thy Horned God’ on the German label Morbid Single Productions. “After receiving widespread attention, the band released their first official album on another German label, Gulli Records, in 1996, “.... ...Got What He Deserved”, raw and heavy with varied rhythms and guitars. Fast and brutal melodies are interspersed with some slow ones. The tempo changes from time to time, but the songs don't get boring because of the tempo changes, with the drums coming in fast and slow. Unlike most Brutal Death Metal albums, the drums are not too technical and the singer's vocals are low and powerful, making this a very successful album. After the success of the first album, the band released several more, and in 2004 the band released a compilation album “Drinking” on Goregiastic Records in the USA. In 2004, the band released a compilation album on Goregiastic Records in the US, “Drink... Drink the Blood!”, the album was one of the most popular and well known in China, and it was a perfect summary of the band's early releases. After this album, the band remained silent for many years until 2013, when the band released their second official album ”Cancer Eradication” was still a classic, and in 2024 the third album ‘Christopsy’ was released on Xtreem Music, and on the occasion of its release, the magazine got in touch with the band's member Roger B for an interview. On the occasion of the release of the new album, the magazine got in touch with the band member Roger B for an interview!
(V: for the author R: for Roger B)

采访对象:Roger B(Christ Denied乐队成员)
V: 你好Roger P我想采访你关于Christ Denied乐队的事情,这是一支成立于1994年的西班牙老牌乐队,最初是谁提议组建这支乐队的?
Hi Roger P I'm interviewing you about the band Christ Denied, a veteran Spanish band formed in 1994, who suggested the idea of forming the band in the first place?
R: 你好,很抱歉,我是罗杰-B。这支乐队是Dave Rotten和Dave Nigger当年组建的。因为我当时完全没有参与,所以不能告诉你太多。
Hello, I’m sorry, but this is Roger B here. The band was formed back in the day by Dave Rotten and Dave Nigger. Can’t tell you much about this, as I was not involved at all at that time.
V: 你是2015年加入乐队的,现在乐队只剩下主唱Dave是第一代成员,其他成员都被替换了,为什么第一代成员当初会退出乐队?新成员是如何加入乐队的?你对新成员满意吗?
You joined the band in 2015, now the only remaining member of the band is singer Dave who is a first generation member, the rest of the members have been replaced, why did the first generation members quit the band in the first place? How did the new members join the band? Are you happy with the new members?
R: 更正。我于2011年加入乐队,Dave Nigger是乐队的前词曲作者,因为搬到了另一个国家,他不得不离开乐队。当时没有互联网,没有手机......所以我想Dave Rotten和Dave Nigger这两位前成员都很难保持或多或少的活跃。关于新成员。Roger P于2015年加入我们,担任现场贝斯手。Fabio(前 INTERNAL SUFFERING 鼓手)于2017年加入乐队,就在我们参加Frankfurt Death Fest之前。这两个家伙在我们合作的演出中表现都非常出色。我记得在Frankfurt Death Fest演出时,我们事先没有任何机会一起排练,所以每个人都在家里完成自己的工作。那是Fabio第一次和我们一起演出,我们没有任何排练就齐聚在舞台上......那真是太爽了。Fabio还为新专辑"Christopsy"录制了鼓声。与他合作非常轻松。他是一位才华横溢的鼓手。
Correction. I joined the band on 2011. Dave Nigger, who was the former songwriter, had to leave the band because he re-located to another country. At that time, there were no internet, no cell phones…so I guess it was pretty difficult for both former members, Dave Rotten and Dave Nigger, to keep things more or less active. Concerning the new members.
Roger P joined us as a live bass player on 2015. Fabio (former INTERNAL SUFFERING drummer) joined the band on 2017, right before our appearance at the Frankfurt Death Fest. Both guys did extremely well on the shows we played together. I remember that when we played the Frankfurt Death Fest, we didn’t have any prior possibility to rehearse all together, so everyone did his work at home. It was Fabio’s very first show with us, and we just gathered all together at the stage with no rehearsing… and it was a fucking blast. Fabio also recorded the drums for “Christopsy”, the new album. It was very easy to work with him. He’s such a talented drummer.
V: 作为一支经验丰富的乐队,你们的每位成员都是创作极端金属乐的资深音乐家,能否介绍一下你们的创作过程?我相信你们的经历会激励很多年轻的音乐家!
As a seasoned band, each of your members are experienced musicians in creating extreme metal, can you describe your creative process? I'm sure your experience will inspire many young musicians!
R: 自从我于2011年加入乐队并接手吉他和歌曲创作工作以来,创作过程就变得简单明了。我负责写音乐、吉他、鼓和贝斯。最后我可能会对人声模式有一些想法。然后当所有歌曲都创作完成后,我会录制一个小样并发给Dave。如果听了几遍之后,他有一些建议或改动,我们就会进行修改。一切顺利后Dave就开始制作他的声乐模式。他先试听,然后发给我,我再检查一遍,看是否有需要修改的地方。然后我也会制作我的声乐模式。这些声乐模式总是辅助或补充Dave的主唱声线。在“Christopsy”中,鼓不是用鼓机打的,而是Fabio打的。创作过程是一样的。我用编程鼓演示了所有歌曲,Fabio检查了所有歌曲,必要时我们做了一些修改。然后Fabio学习并排练歌曲,准备就绪后他就在录音室录制鼓声。 之后我们完成了专辑的其他部分。
Since I entered the band on 2011 and took over the guitar and songwriting duties, the creative process is pretty straightforward. I write the music; guitars, drums and bass. Eventually, I might have a slight idea on how the vocal patterns could look like. Then, when all songs are built, I record a demo and send it over to Dave. If after a few listens he has some suggestions or changes, then we work on those. When all is good to go, Dave works on his vocal patterns. He demoes those, sends them over to me, and again I check and if there are parts that need to be modified in some way or another. Then, I also build my vocal patterns. Those are always a support or a complement to Dave’s main vocal lines. For a change, in “Christopsy”, the drums were not a drum machine, they were played by Fabio. The creative process was the same. I demoed everything with programmed drums, Fabio checked all songs out, we did some changes if needed. Then Fabio learned and rehearsed the songs and we he was ready he got the drums recorded in the studio. Afterwards, we did the rest of the album.
V: 你们乐队的每张专辑在录制效果上都有非常明显的提升,这当然与时代的变化有关,你们是在哪个录音棚录制专辑的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?
Each of your band's albums has been a very noticeable step up in terms of recording results, which of course has something to do with the changing times, what studio did you record the albums in? Which producer produced your albums?
R: “Cancer Eradication”全部由我自己在家中的Tentacular Sound录音室录制和混音。Dave在他的Sanctuary工作室完成了母带处理。在“Christopsy”中,吉他、贝斯和我的主唱部分都是在我的家庭工作室Tentacular Sound录制的。鼓是在Rock & Pop Studios录制的。Dave的主唱部分是在他自己的工作室Sanctuary Studios录制的。混音和母带处理由我自己在Tentacular Sound完成。
“Cancer Eradication” was all recorded and mixed by myself in my home studio Tentacular Sound. Dave did the mastering at his Sanctuary Studios. On “Christopsy”, guitars, bass and my vocal parts were recorded at my home studio Tentacular Sound. Drums were recorded at Rock & Pop Studios. Dave’s vocals were recorded at his own home studio, Sanctuary Studios. Mixing and mastering was done by myself at Tentacular Sound.
V: 你们曾与Xtreem Music、Goregiastic Records、Gulli Records等唱片公司发行过专辑。你是如何与这些唱片公司取得联系并合作的?你对这些厂牌的工作满意吗?
You have released albums with labels such as Xtreem Music, Goregiastic Records, Gulli Records, etc. How did you get in touch with these labels to work together? Are you satisfied with the work of these labels?
R: 关于过去我不能说太多自从我加入乐队后两张专辑“Cancer Eradication”和“Christopsy”都由Xtreem Music发行,是的,我非常高兴。Dave在唱片公司的工作非常出色。
I can’t tell you much about the past. Since I became part of the band, both albums, “Cancer Eradication” and “Christopsy”, were released by Xtreem Music, and yes, I’m more than happy. Dave does a great job on the label.
V: 们乐队在2013年之后就没有再发行过新专辑,直到2024年才发行新专辑,这么多年没有发行新专辑的原因是什么?
Your band didn't release anything new after 2013 and you didn't release a new album until 2024, what was the reason why you didn't release anything new for so many years?
R: 这次中断有很多原因和生活状况。2016年我搬到了另一个国家,2018年我当了父亲。此外Dave和我本人也不得不面对重大的个人挫折......再加上我们还得继续我们的工作、我们的其他乐队......你知道......时间过得真快,此外当你计划创作新歌时,你需要找到适当的灵感。在我看来,在发布一些你可能不会百分百满意的作品之前,最好尽可能多花些时间。你不这么认为吗?
Many reasons and life situations were involved on this hiatus. On 2016 I re-located to another country, on 2018 I became a father. Also, Dave and myself, had to face significant personal setbacks…plus we had still to carry on with our jobs, our other bands…and you know…time flies… Furthermore, when you plan to make new songs, you need to find the proper inspiration. In my opinion, it’s always better to take as much time as necessary, before releasing something that you might not be 100% satisfied with. Don’t you think so?
V: Anti-Christianity, Anti-religion, Blasphemy是你们乐队音乐的一些主题,你们为什么选择这些主题,想通过它们表达什么?你们还创作了歌词部分,是谁写的歌词?
Anti-Christianity, Anti-religion, Blasphemy are some of the themes of your band's music, why did you choose them and what do you want to express through them? You also write the lyrics, who writes the lyrics and what inspires them?
R: 歌词部分和大部分歌名都是Dave的事。我们乐队的名字是CHRIST DENIED。那么你还会期待什么主题呢?CHRIST DENIED是对所有宗教偏执者的宣战书,他们不断试图用各种垃圾、谎言和废话来感染人们的生活。我们相信自由。让人们去选择,让人们去思考,让人们去批判。将宗教谎言强加为“唯一真理”是不可取的。去他妈的
The lyrical part and most of the song titles are Dave’s business. Our band name is CHRIST DENIED. So, what other topics would you expect? CHRIST DENIED is a declaration of war to all the religious bigots who constantly try to infect people’s lives with all their crap and lies and bullshit. We believe in freedom. Let people choose, let people think and be critic. Imposition of religious lies as “the only truth” is not an option. Fuck it.
V: 你们乐队的Logo非常独特,是谁为你们设计的?你们的专辑封面与音乐主题非常吻合,是谁为你们设计的?
Your band's logo is very unique, who designed it for you and your album artwork is very much in line with the theme of your music, who designed the artwork for you?
R: Logo由Juanjo Castellano设计,封面设计由Daemorph Art完成。
The logo was made by Juanjo Castellano. The cover artwork was done by Daemorph Art.
V: 首先祝贺你们今年发行的新专辑,这张专辑原始、厚重,节奏变化很大。它听起来更沉重、更邪恶!新专辑中的尖叫声并不令人讨厌,而最近的大多数Brutal Death Metal和Deathcore乐队都是如此。咆哮声也很低沉,而且没有使用任何效果器来改善他的唱腔。他是我现在最喜欢的乐队之一,绝对不会让我失望。吉他的演奏快速而粗暴,不时穿插着一些缓慢的旋律,但歌曲并不会因为节奏的变化而变得乏味,它真的很有趣,很有娱乐性。在某些地方可以听到贝斯的声音,但几乎整张专辑都被吉他、人声和鼓声所掩盖。鼓手的表现不错,该快时快,该慢时慢。这张专辑的歌词涉及反基督教,是一张出人意料的好专辑。你对自己的作品有什么看法?新专辑与旧专辑相比有什么变化吗?
First of all, congratulations on your new album, released this year, raw, heavy and with a lot of tempo changes. It sounds heavier and more evil! The screams aren't obnoxious, which is the case with most recent Brutal Death Metal and Deathcore bands. The growls are also deep and no effects are used to improve his vocals. He's one of my favorite bands right now and he definitely doesn't disappoint. The guitars are fast and brutal with some slow melodies interspersed with tempo changes from time to time, but the songs don't get boring because of the tempo changes, it's really fun and entertaining. The bass can be heard at some points, but almost the entire album is covered up by the guitars, vocals and drums. The drummer does a good job, being fast when he needs to be and adequate in the slower parts. The lyrics deal with anti-Christianity and it's a surprisingly good album. Do you have any thoughts on your work? Has anything changed on the new album compared to the old one?
R: 在我看来“Christopsy”是前一张专辑“Cancer Eradication”的完美延续。CHRIST DENIED Brutal Death Metal标志一直都在。也许新专辑中的段落更快、更激进,但不可否认的是,这就是 CHRIST DENIED 的声音。事实上我听到很多人告诉我,在第一首歌“Scream Bloody Blasphemy”的前奏之后,音乐一响起在头两个音符之后,他们就会说“这就是他妈的纯粹CHRIST DENIED”。我同意你对Fabio打鼓的看法。必要时他的速度非常快,可以疯狂地击打,但另一方面,他在慢速部分的低音鼓表现也很出色。然而我对贝司的看法却不尽相同。贝斯的作用是为踢鼓和吉他提供额外的厚度。就是这样在这个混音中,我们认为没有理由也没有地方在吉他上使用高音铮亮的低音,变化不大更重要的变化是在这张新专辑中加入了人声鼓。但音乐理念和反基督教的讨伐是一样的。我们希望以同样的方式继续下去。与那些该死的狂热分子进行同样的斗争。
“Christopsy” is, in my opinion, a perfect continuation to its predecessor, “Cancer Eradication”. CHRIST DENIED brutal death metal trademark is present all the time. Perhaps this new album contains passages that are a bit faster and more aggressive, but hell yes, it’s undeniable that this is the sound of CHRIST DENIED. In fact, I’ve heard many people telling me that after the intro on track 1, “Scream Bloody Blasphemy”, as soon as the music kicks in, after the very first two notes they say “this is pure fucking CHRIST DENIED”. I agree with you about Fabio’s drumming. He is very fast when it’s necessary, blasting out crazy, but, on the other hand he does a great double bass drum job on the slower parts. However, I don’t share the same opinion towards the bass. The bass is conceived to provide extra thickness to the kick drums and guitars. And it’s just like that. In this mix, we felt there was no reason and no place here for a trebled high-pitched clanky bass atop the guitars. Not much has changed. The more significant change is having human drums on this new album. But the musical concept and the anti-Christian crusade is the same. We want to continue exactly in the same way. The same fight against the fucking fanatics.
V: 作为一支老牌乐队,你们参加过很多音乐节,哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻印象,你们能描述一下音乐节的氛围吗?
As a veteran band you have played a lot of festivals, which ones have impressed you and can you describe the atmosphere and which festivals you are planning to play in 2025?
R: 当然是2013年在捷克的Obscene Extreme Fest。我们与CHRIST DENIED一起在那里演出。那是一次巨大的爆炸。我的吉他在机场丢了。我们在演出前一个半小时抵达音乐节,但我没有吉他。幸运的是我们从另一支乐队借到了一把吉他。如果我没记错的话,我们是在NAPALM DEATH和GRAVE之后的深夜演出的。现场人山人海,非常棒。
Definitely, Obscene Extreme Fest in the Czech Republic. We played there with CHRIST DENIED on 2013. That was a massive blast. My guitar got lost in the airport. We arrived in the festival about one and a half hour before our show and I didn’t have a guitar. Luckily, we managed to borrow a guitar from another band. We played late in the evening after NAPALM DEATH and GRAVE, if I’m not mistaken. It was crowded and it was fucking great.
V: 2025年你们乐队还有哪些新的活动?比如创作、录制新歌或发行新专辑,能透露一下吗?
What are some of the other new things you have going on in your band in 2025? Like writing, recording some new songs or releasing a new album, can you shed some light on that?
R: 目前Dave正忙于他的主力乐队AVULSED和HOLYCIDE。我也在忙着准备INFECTED FLESH和TIBOSITY的现场演出并在为数不多的空闲时间里创作CONFINED的新歌。所以现在看来,2025年对于CHRIST DENIED而言会有点平静。
At this very moment, Dave is very busy with his main bands, AVULSED and HOLYCIDE. I’m also busy preparing live shows with INFECTED FLESH and TIBOSITY, and writing new CONFINED songs in the few spare minutes I have. So, for now, seems that 2025 will be a bit quiet for CHRIST DENIED.
V: Christ Denied是一支经典的老牌乐队,我是你们的忠实歌迷,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,也希望通过这次采访能有更多的中国歌迷关注和支持你们的乐队,最后有什么想对中国歌迷说的吗?
Christ Denied is a classic old band, I am a big fan of yours, I will always support and pay attention to your band, I also hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will pay attention to and support your band, what do you want to say to your Chinese fans in the end?
R: 我想感谢你在传播金属音乐方面所做的努力。这是你正在做的一项重要工作。同时也非常感谢那些可能读到这些文字的人。
I’d like to thank you for your dedication on spreading the metal word. This is an important task that you are doing. Also, many thanks to the people that might get to read these lines.

Christ Denied乐队主要作品:
Christ Denied - ...Got What He Deserved(1996)

Christ Denied - Cancer Eradication(2013)

Christ Denied - Christopsy(2024)

Christ Denied乐队官方Facebook网站:https://www.facebook.com/ChristDeniedOfficial
Christ Denied乐队官方Homepage网站:https://www.deathmetal.biz/christdenied/
Christ Denied乐队官方Spotify网站:https://open.spotify.com/artist/5fk5Pw5OqUCYv4NkoVHABa?si=xRwkGUQPQBS-8WIQMZW9VA&nd=1&dlsi=0a3e9af6dee242da
Christ Denied乐队官方YouTube网站:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsLYGoy_MDO_SmQU0KBh8eg