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圣神的Grinder - 加拿大Noisecore/Grind乐队Holy Grinder专访

说到Noisecore/Grind这类风格,从字面上理解的意思就是加入了Noise的Riff,今天我采访到的就是来自加拿大的Noisecore/Grind乐队Holy Grinder,2016年来自加拿大的A.C组建了这支乐队,一开始只是做为一个娱乐项目开展的,但是在经过长时间的发展之后变成了A.C的主要项目,目前乐队共有4名成员,目前乐队发行了7张作品,今年乐队也刚刚发布了最新作品“10 DESECRATIONS”,大量Noise的Riff加上Old School Grindcore,让他们迅速的得到了加拿大和其他国家的歌迷关注,前不久我联系到了乐队的主要成员A.C进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 A: 代表A.C)

When it comes to Noisecore/Grind, it literally means adding Noise to the riff, and today I'm interviewing Holy Grinder, a Noisecore/Grind band from Canada, formed by A.C. in 2016, initially as an entertainment project, but after a long period of development it became A.C's main project. After a long period of development, the band became A.C's main project. Currently, the band has four members and has released seven albums, and this year the band has just released their newest work, “10 DESECRATIONS,” which features a lot of Noise riffs plus Old School With a lot of Noise riffs and Old School grindcore, the band has quickly gained the attention of fans in Canada and other countries, and I got in touch with the band's main member, A.C, for an interview a while ago!

(V: for the author A: for A.C)

采访对象:A.CHoly Grinder乐队创始人


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先跟中国的粉丝们打个招呼吧,Holy Grinder是哪一年成立的,是谁提议成立这个乐队的?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time that your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, Holy Grinder was formed in what year and who suggested the formation of this band?

A: Ni Hao,向我们所有的中国粉丝问好,我很高兴能接受今天的采访。HG由我(A.C.)在2016年组建,作为一个副项目,最终在相当长的一段时间内成为了我的主力乐队。

Ni hao to all of our Chinese fans, I’m very stoked to do this interview today. HG formed in 2016 by me (A.C.) as a side project that eventually took over as my main band for quite some time.

V: 你们乐队有多少成员?你们都是第一代成员吗?有没有更换过成员?

How many members are in your band? Are you all first generation members? Have you ever changed members?

A: 目前,包括我在内共有4名成员,我是唯一的原始成员。8年来乐队总共有7、8名前成员。有些人是在友好的条件下离开的,大多数人则不是。由于我们生活演出的性质以及我们对政治信仰的直言不讳,在HG会有很大的压力。

At the moment there are 4 members including me, I’m the only original member left. In total there have been about 7 or 8 ex members of the band over 8 years. Some have left on good terms, most have not. It can be very stressful to be in HG due to the nature of our lives shows and how outspoken we are about our political beliefs.

V: 你们通常如何创作歌曲,能否描述一下创作过程?你们的专辑录音非常粗糙,但又非常精细,你们都在哪些录音室录制专辑?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?

How do you guys usually write songs and can you describe the process? Your album recordings are very rough, yet so fine, what studios do you all record your albums at? Which producer produced your albums?

A: 大部分歌曲都由很少的部分组成,我们真的相信要删掉很多歌曲中常见的填充部分。因为是贝斯和鼓,所以音乐就是这样写出来的,总是在一起。我们的第一张唱片是自己录制的,但之后的每一张全长唱片都是与Topon Das(Fuck the Facts)一起在他位于安大略省渥太华的名为Apartment 2 Recording的工作室录制的。他非常善于捕捉HG的精髓,我们总是很高兴见到他。

Most of the songs are comprised of very few parts, we really believe in cutting a lot of the filler that is generally in songs out. Since it’s bass and drum that is how the music is written, always together. Our first record was recorded DIY but every full length after was recorded with Topon Das (Fuck the Facts) in his studio in Ottawa, ON called Apartment 2 Recording. He is very good at capturing the essence of HG and we are always happy to see him.

V: 你们乐队的音乐主题是什么?你们想通过这样的音乐主题表达什么?你们会写歌词吗?谁来写这些歌词?

What is the theme of your band's music about? What do you want to express through such musical themes? Do you guys write any lyrics parts, who writes these lyrics and what does he get his inspiration from?

A: HG的所有歌词都是我写的。大部分歌词都非常个人化,我通常会写我生气的事情或我讨厌的人。也有一些歌曲是关于变性人/人权等广泛的主题,我对这些主题有强烈的感受,从第一张唱片开始,这些主题就一直是我们歌词的主题。

I write all of the lyrics in HG. The lyrics are all very personal for the most part, I will usually write about things that I’m pissed off about or people that I hate. There are some songs about broad subjects like trans/human rights which I feel very strongly about and those have been themes within our lyrics since the very first record.

V: 你们乐队的logo非常漂亮,是谁为你们设计的logo?你们的专辑封面基本上是黑白的,是谁为你们设计的专辑封面?

Your band's logo is very beautiful, who designed the logo for you, and your album artwork is basically in black and white, who designed the album artwork for you?

A: logo是由Jackson Kovalchik设计的,他是一位来自美国的艺术家和音乐家。每发行一张专辑,我都会选择不同的艺术家来设计封面。

The logo was designed by Jackson Kovalchik, he is an artist and musician from the USA. For artwork I try to go with a different artist for each release.

V: 你们乐队的所有专辑都是以卡带、黑胶形式发行的,这些专辑是你们自己发行的,还是找正规厂牌代为发行的?能介绍一下这些唱片公司吗?这些专辑是限量版吗?

All of your band's albums have been released on cassette, vinyl, are these self-released or are you looking for regular labels to release them for you? Can you tell us about these labels? Are these albums limited editions?

A: 一开始,我们基本上都是自己发行,直到第三张专辑,我相信我们才有了一些唱片公司的帮助。大约从2021年开始,我们一直与No Time Records和Baby Chico Records定期合作,我们的新专辑“10 DESECRATIONS”也是由他们发行的。除了第一张专辑,我们一般不做翻版或再版,所以我认为所有专辑都是限量版。

In the beginning we were releasing mostly everything ourselves, it wasn’t until the 3rd LP I believe we had some label help. We have been regularly working with No Time Records and Baby Chico Records since about 2021 though, they both have handled the release of our new album 10 DESECRATIONS. We typically don’t do represses or reissues except for the very first LP so I would say everything is limited edition.

V: 你们今年刚刚发行了最新的作品,我是你们的忠实乐迷,我听过你们所有的作品,里面有很多折磨乐迷耳膜的Niose Riff,但你们也使用了很多Old School的技巧,鼓手的演奏速度也非常快,你觉得你们的作品怎么样?

You guys just released your latest work this year, I'm a big fan of yours I've listened to all of your work, it's laced with a lot of Niose Riffs that torture the eardrums of the fans but you also use a lot of Old School techniques and the drummer is very fast in his playing, what do you think of your work?

A: 我认为新专辑是我们作为一个乐队所做的最好的一张。我知道每个乐队在发行新唱片时都会这么说,但我真的相信这一点。之前的三张唱片对我来说都不尽如人意,每一张都有一些很强的歌曲,但也有很多不足之处。我认为新专辑是HG的巅峰之作。我们可能会再发行一张唱片,希望我能对那张唱片做出同样的评价!

I think that the new record is the best one we have made as a band. I know that’s what every band says when they release a new record, but I genuinely believe this. The previous 3 records are iffy for me, there are some strong songs on each of them but they also fall short in a lot of ways. The new record I think is the pinnacle of HG. We may release one more record, hopefully I can say the same thing about that one!

V: 你参加过哪些给你留下深刻印象的演出,你能描述一下演出的气氛吗?

What are some of the shows you've been to that have left a lasting impression on you, and can you describe the atmosphere?

A: 我想我最近参加的一场演出是多伦多的World Peace。我们当时正在和乐队主唱群聊,我给他发了一张他自己脸部的特写照片,我想他并不喜欢这张照片。他也不告诉我他们的商品是多少钱,这很奇怪,虽然我喜欢World Peace,但他们真的是一支很酷的乐队。此外开场乐队的贝斯手在演出现场走来走去,大声询问每个人是否喜欢他和他的乐队,我觉得这很令人讨厌。他还谈到了Green Day和一只仓鼠,不知道这其中有什么故事。顺便说一句,开场乐队太烂了。人们应该更诚实地告诉朋友他们的乐队很烂,如果你朋友的乐队很烂,就告诉他们。如果8年前有人告诉我HG很烂,我就会组建一支hardcore乐队,每场演出都殴打青少年,而不是在舞台上喝自己的尿。

I think the most recent show I went to was World Peace in Toronto. We were in a group chat with the singer of the band and I sent him a very close up picture of his own face which I don’t think he liked. He also wouldn’t tell me how much their merch was which was weird, I love World Peace though they’re a really cool band. Also the opening bands bassist was walking around very loudly asking everyone at the show if they liked him and his band which I thought was very cringey. He was also talking about Green Day and a hamster too, not sure what the story is there. For the record the opening band sucked. People should be more honest to their friends about their shitty bands, if your friends band sucks tell them. If someone would have told me 8 years ago that HG sucked I would have started a hardcore band and beat up teenagers every show instead of drinking my own piss on stage.

V: 你们乐队在2024年有什么新的计划吗?比如写歌、录制更多的唱片或者进行更多的现场演出,你能向大家透露一些信息吗?

Is there anything new your band is working on for 2024? Like writing, recording more or playing more live shows, can you reveal some information to people?

A: 我们今年夏天在七月有一场演出,除此之外2024年剩下的时间都会很平静。我们已经写好了一张全新的唱片,也许很快就会尝试录制。10 DESECRATIONS的12英寸唱片也将在夏末发行,敬请期待。

We have 1 show this summer in July, otherwise it’s going to be very quiet for the rest of 2024. We have a brand new LP written and maybe we will try and record that soon. The 12” for 10 DESECRATIONS will also be released at the end of the summer so look out for that.

V: Holy Grinder是一支伟大的Grindcore乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,也希望通过这次采访能有更多的乐迷关注和支持你们的乐队,最后有什么想对中国乐迷说的吗?

Holy Grinder is a great grindcore band, I will always support and follow your band, and I hope that through this interview more fans will pay attention to and support your band, do you have anything you would like to say to your Chinese fans in the end?

A: 谢谢你们的好意,谢谢所有支持Holy Grinder的人。Xie Xie


Thank you for your kind words, thank you to anyone who supports Holy Grinder. Xiexie.


Holy Grinder乐队主要作品:

Holy Grinder - 10 DESECRATIONS(2024)

Holy Grinder - HOLY GRINDER x KUBINE(2022)

Holy Grinder - Holy Grinder / CHRISTIAN LOVERS(20222)

Holy Grinder - DIVINE EXTINCTION(2020)


Holy Grinder - - CULT OF EXTERMINATION(2018)

Holy Grinder - ERADICATE ALL SCUM(2016)

Holy Grinder乐队官方Bandcamp网站:

Holy Grinder乐队官方Facebook网站:

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