意大利作为Death Metal风格最重要的国家之一,在这个国家组建了大量的经典,优秀的乐队,杂志也为很多意大利的乐队进行过采访今天杂志采访到了另外一支来自意大利的Slam/Brutal Death Metal乐队Vulvectomy,当时参与Stench of Dismemberment乐队宣布解散,歌手Diego联系到Mario想组建一支Slam风格的乐队,因为爱好相同并且Mario也为他即将参与的另外一支乐队准备好了几首歌曲和名字,但是Diego提及Vulvectomy这个名字,于是两个人达成一致2007年组建了这支乐队乐队,在组建不久之后乐队便发行了第一张Demo作品“Syphilic Dismembered Slut (Promo 2007)”,这张专辑发行之后便收到所有喜爱Slam歌迷的喜爱,之后这张Demo也被很多厂牌重新发行,这张Demo发行不久之后就被日本的Amputated Vein Records厂牌签约并且在2007年放行了他们的第一张正式专辑“Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation”,在经过Demo作品的洗礼之后,乐队这张专辑依旧保持着他们Demo的风格,大段缓慢,沉重的Slam式的Riff,Drum programming的编排沉重,粘稠,很好的烘托了专辑的氛围,让这张专辑整体的氛围血腥,恐怖,歌手的演唱也是充满了粘稠,血腥的感觉,随后乐队在2010 - 2013年发行了两张专辑,这两张专辑依旧保持着第一张专辑的方式,但是在制作方面更加的精良,让这两张专辑的录音效果体现出更加“干净的”感觉,同时乐队也成为了所有音乐节的宠儿,成为了喝多音乐节的重要嘉宾参加,时隔多年乐队发行了他们的最新专辑“Aberrant Vaginal Gestation”,这张专辑的艺术品还邀请到了中国的艺术家阳光先生进行设计,及保持着乐队血腥的感觉的同时也让所有歌迷感到这张专辑非常的内涵,在前不久杂志与乐队的创始人之一的Mario取得联系进行了一次专访!更重要的是今年乐队也即将第一次访问中国,为所有喜爱Slam的歌迷奉献一场精彩的演出!
(V: 代表笔者 M: 代表Mario)
Italy is one of the most important countries in the Death Metal genre, with a lot of classic and good bands formed in this country, and the magazine has interviewed a lot of Italian bands today the magazine interviewed another Slam/Brutal Death Metal band from Italy, Vulvectomy, who was involved in Stench of Dismemberment when the band disbanded. When Stench of Dismemberment disbanded, singer Diego contacted Mario about starting a Slam band, because of the same interests and because Mario had a few songs and a name for another band he was going to play in, but Diego mentioned the name Vulvectomy and the two of them agreed to form the band in 2007. Soon after the formation of the band, they released their first demo, “Syphilic Dismembered Slut (Promo 2007)”, which was loved by all Slam fans and has been re-released on many labels. Shortly after the release of the demo, the band was signed to Japan's Amputated Vein Records and released their first official album “Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation” in 2007. After their demo work, the band kept their demo style for this album, with big slow, heavy Slam-like riffs and heavy, sticky Drum programming, which set the mood of the album, making the overall atmosphere of this album bloody and horrible, and the singer's vocals are also full of sticky, bloody feeling. The band released two more albums in 2010 - 2013, both of which remained in the same vein as the first, but with a more polished production, giving them a more “clean” sound, and the band became a favorite at all the festivals, being a key guest at many of them. After many years the band released their latest album “Aberrant Vaginal Gestation”, the artwork for this album was designed by Chinese artist Mr. Sunshine, and kept the band's bloody feel while making all fans feel that the album was very visceral, in a way that was not only a great success for the band, but for the band as well. Not long ago, the magazine contacted one of the band's founders, Mario, for an interview! What's more, the band is going to visit China for the first time this year and play a great show for all Slam fans!
(V: for the author M: for Mario)


V: 你好Mario我们又见面了,这次我采访的是你参与的另一个非常重要的意大利乐队Vulvectomy,首先向所有中国歌迷问好,Vulvecomy成立于2007年,是一支拥有17年历史的喻队,是谁提出组建这个乐队的?
Hello Mario we meet again, this time I'm interviewing another very important Italian band you are involved in, Vulvectomy, first of all say hello to all the Chinese fans, Vulvectomy was formed in 2007, it's a 17 years old band, who proposed to form this band in the first place?
M: 大家好,谢谢你的采访。确实2007年NS歌手Diego在解散乐队Stench of Dismemberment后,想组建一个Slam乐队。当时我们是通过MySpace认识的,因为我也有同样的愿望,准备了几首歌并为我的另一个项目命名。但当Diego提出乐队名称Vulvectomy的想法时,我们立即达成一致了。
Hello everyone there in China and thank you for this interview. Yes indeed in 2007 NS vocalist Diego wanted to form a slam band after the disbandment of his band Stench of Dismemberment. We met through MySpace at the time, as I also had the same desire and had a few songs ready and a name for another project of mine. But when Diego presented the idea of the band name, Vulvectomy, we immediately agreed.
V: 你和Diego是乐队目前唯一的两位第一代成员了,贝司和鼓在2009-2022年发生了变化,为什么第一代成员退出了乐队?新成员是怎么加入乐队的?你对新成员的工作满意吗?
You are now the only first generation members of the band, you and Diego, the bass and drums changed in 2009 - 2022, why did the first generation members quit the band? How did the new members join the band? Are you happy with the work of the new members?
M: 是的,Diego和我是乐队的两位创始和创始成员,第一位贝司手Marco几乎立刻离开了乐队,出于学习和工作的原因,事实上我们从未现场演奏过录制"Putrescent clitoral fermentation"的阵容。于是Diego的老朋友、曾在其他当地乐队演奏过的Giorgio立刻加入了乐队。至于鼓手实际上一开始他们用鼓机演奏,因为不可能找到一个负责的人。我们一直这样,直到2022年当我提议Marco Coghe加入时,他已经在Devangelic中和我一起玩了,成员们立刻对他的加入充满热情。目前我们认为这是我们最好的阵容,我们非常满意,我们在音乐和个人方面相处得很好。
Yes Diego and me are the 2 founding and original members of the band, the first bass player Marco left the band almost immediately, for study and work reasons, in fact we never played live with the lineup that recorded "Putrescent clitoral fermentation". So immediately Giorgio, Diego's long time friend and who had played in other local bands, joined the band. As for the drummer, actually in the beginning they played with drum machines because of the impossibility of finding a human one, who was good and responsible. We went on like this until 2022, when I proposed the entry of Marco Coghe, who was already playing with me in Devangelic, and the guys immediately were enthusiastic about his inclusion. Currently we think that this is our best lineup and we are very satisfied, we get along well musically and personally.
V: 你的每一张专辑都很病态,你的乐队每个成员都是一位经验丰富的音乐家,在创造极端金属方面,你能告诉我们一些关于你的创作过程吗?我相信你的创作过程会激励更多的年轻音乐家,我知道你将在2025年发行你的最新专辑,到目前为止新专辑进展如何?
Each of your albums are very Sick and also each member of your band is an experienced musician in creating extreme metal, can you tell us a little bit about your creative process? I'm sure your creative process will inspire more young musicians, and I know you're releasing your latest album in 2025, how is the new album coming along so far?
M: 谢谢你的好话!我们为我们的创作过程感到非常自豪,因为它是我们所做一切的支柱。在写专辑时,我们从个人想法和合作会议的结合开始。每个成员都带来了自己的影响力和技术专长,这使我们能够探索新的动力,同时忠于我们的极端金属根源。通常,我们从原始的即兴重复段和歌曲结构开始,通过排练和前期制作进行完善。音乐的能量和氛围对我们来说非常重要,因此我们密切关注强度、复杂性和情感之间的平衡。在歌词上,我们从与我们产生共鸣的主题中汲取灵感——无论是哲学、神话还是个人经历——确保每首曲目都能告诉一个引人注目的故事。至于我们即将推出的2025年专辑,进展非常顺利。我们一直在创造性地突破界限,在保持声音精髓的同时融入新鲜元素。新材料是我们迄今为止最紧张、最精致的作品之一,我们迫不及待地想让每个人都听到它。对于有抱负的音乐家,我们最大的建议是专注于你的技艺,拥抱实验,永远不要忘记是什么驱使你。激情和毅力是关键!"
Thank you for your kind words! We take great pride in our creative process, as it’s the backbone of everything we do. When writing an album, we start with a combination of individual ideas and collaborative sessions. Each member brings their own influences and technical expertise, which allows us to explore new dynamics while staying true to our extreme metal roots. Typically, we begin with raw riffs and song structures, which we refine through rehearsals and pre-production. The energy and atmosphere of our music are very important to us, so we pay close attention to the balance between intensity, complexity, and emotion. Lyrically, we draw inspiration from themes that resonate with us—whether it's philosophy, mythology, or personal experiences—ensuring that every track tells a compelling story. As for our upcoming 2025 album, things are progressing incredibly well. We’ve been pushing our boundaries creatively, incorporating fresh elements while maintaining the essence of our sound. The new material is some of our most intense and refined work yet, and we can’t wait for everyone to hear it. To aspiring musicians, our biggest advice is to stay dedicated to your craft, embrace experimentation, and never lose sight of what drives you. Passion and persistence are key!"

V: 你的每一张专辑在录音效果方面都很出色,你在哪个工作室录制了这些专辑?哪位制作人制作了你的专辑?你打算在哪个录音室录制你的新专辑?
Each of your albums has been exceptional in terms of recording results, what studio did you record the albums in? Which producer produced your albums? Which studio are you going to record your new album in?
M: 这四张专辑都是在意大利的不同工作室录制的,但新专辑我们找到了正确的组合。这些鼓已在意大利北部的Mk2 Studio(Ivrea)与Davide Billia(以Beheaded、Antropofagus和其他几个项目的鼓手而闻名)录制并在意大利南部与Simone Pietroforte一起演唱。对于吉他、贝斯和整个制作,我们加入了dBeat工作室和16th Cellar Studio。这两个工作室都位于罗马,所以和住在同一个城市的他们一起工作对我来说更顺利。我个人和专业上都很了解这两位制作人,所以当我们开始为官方录音制定更具体的计划时,我立刻推荐了这两位制片人。我们与他们两人合作得很好,在混音和母带制作阶段,我们努力照顾好所有方面。当然他们的能力和能力使我们的新专辑比我们之前的专辑有了更强大、更现代的声音,尽管在某些方面听起来很自然,但我们绝对不希望出现虚假和塑料的声音,不幸的是今天我们流派的许多专辑发行中经常出现这种情况。我们对最终结果都很满意。
All the four albums have been recorded in different studios in Italy but the with the new album we've found the right combination. The drums has been recorded in North of Italy at Mk2 Studio (Ivrea) with Davide Billia (known to be drummer of Beheaded, Antropofagus and several other projects) and vocals in the South of Italy with Simone Pietroforte. For guitars, bass and whole production we joined the dBeat Studio and 16th Cellar Studio. Both studios are located in Rome so it was more smooth for me to work with them living in the same city. I know well the guys personally and professionally so when we had started to make more concrete plans about the official recording, immediately I proposed those two producers. We worked very well with both of them, we tried to take care of all aspects during the mixing and mastering phase. Certainly their ability and competence gave our new album a much more powerful and modern sound than our previous albums, although it sounded very natural in some ways, we absolutely didn't want a fake and plastic sound as unfortunately often happens today for many album releases in our genre. We are all very satisfied with the final result.
V: Dismemberment, Gore, Pathology, Surgery, Perversion, Misogyny是你的一些音乐主题,你为什么选择它们?你想通过这些主题表达什么?你也创作歌词,谁写这些歌词,是什么启发了他们?
Dismemberment, Gore, Pathology, Surgery, Perversion, Misogyny are some of your musical themes, why did you choose them? What do you want to express through these themes? You also create lyrics, who writes these lyrics and what inspires them?
M: 这些正是我们歌曲的主题。极端类型对应极端故事,带有一丝黑色幽默,因为你永远不应该把自己看得太认真。Diego和我负责这件事。我们的主题选择源于极端金属的原始、发自内心的本质,恐怖、病理和怪诞是更深层次概念的艺术表达。我们探索肢解、血腥和手术等主题,不仅是为了震撼价值,也是为了反思人类状况的脆弱性、衰败的必然性以及许多人选择忽视的存在的黑暗方面。这些元素使我们能够营造出强烈、身临其境的氛与音乐的侵略性和技术性相辅相成。对于更有争议的主题,我们的方法植根于极限音乐突破界限的传统。然而我们不宽恕或促进现实世界的暴力或厌女症。我们的歌词经常从恐怖、医学病理和极端心理中汲取灵感,将其视为一种黑暗的叙事形式,而不是个人意识形态。
Exactly these are the themes of our songs. To an extreme genre correspond extreme stories, with a touch of black humor, because you should never take yourself too seriously. Diego and I are in charge of that. Our thematic choices stem from the raw, visceral nature of extreme metal, where horror, pathology, and the grotesque serve as artistic expressions of deeper concepts. We explore themes like dismemberment, gore, and surgery not just for shock value, but as a way to reflect on the fragility of the human condition, the inevitability of decay, and the darker aspects of existence that many choose to ignore. These elements allow us to create intense, immersive atmospheres that complement the aggression and technicality of our music. Regarding more controversial themes, our approach is rooted in the tradition of extreme music pushing boundaries. However, we do not condone or promote real-world violence or misogyny. Our lyrics often take inspiration from horror, medical pathology, and psychological extremes, treating them as a form of dark storytelling rather than personal ideology.
V: 你的Logo设计得很漂亮,谁为你设计了这个Logo,你的专辑艺术品是我见过的Sick艺术品中的一部分,谁为你们做了这个艺术品?我知道你2025年的新专辑艺术品是由我们国家的一位艺术家设计的,你是怎么联系到我们国家的设计师的?
Your logo is beautifully designed, who designed this logo for you, and your album artwork is some of the Sick artwork I've ever seen, who did this artwork for you guys and gals? I know that your new 2025 album artwork was designed by an artist from our country, how did you get in touch with the designer from our country?
M: 我们的Logo是由我们在意大利的朋友Elisa Marconi设计的,我们提出了这个想法,她完成了这项工作。前3个封面分别由匈牙利艺术家“Fleshlovers”为“Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation”设计,Mottla Art为“Post Abortion Slut Fuck”设计,印度尼西亚Voted Art为“Abusing Dismembered Beauties”设计。对于这张新专辑,我们想要一些极端的东西,但要有品位、细节丰富、风格独特。作为地下爱好者,我们已经知道光阳,他的工作和他的才华,所以我们转向他,知道我们会很兴奋,他会完成我们想要的。
Our logo was designed by a friend of ours in Italy, Elisa Marconi, we provided the idea and she did the work. The first 3 covers were designed by Hungarian artist "Fleshlovers" for Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation, Mottla Art for Post Abortion Slut Fuck and Votd Art from Indonesia for Abusing Dismembered Beauties. For the new album we wanted something extreme but with class, full of details and with a unique style. Being lovers of the underground already knew Guang Yang, his work and his talent, so we turned to him, knowing that we would be thrilled and that he would accomplish exactly what we had in mind.

V: 你正在与Amputated Vein Records、Sevared Records发行三张专辑,你是如何与这些唱片公司联系并合作的?你的新专辑将在美国Comatose Music发行,这是一个很棒的唱片公司,你是如何与这个唱片公司联系并合作的?
You are releasing three albums with Amputated Vein Records, Sevared Records, how did you get in touch with these labels to work together? Your new album will be released on Comatose Music in the US, a great label, how did you get in touch with this label to work together?
M: 起初,当还没有人认识我们的时候,我们把宣传片发了一点,日本Amputated Vein Records的老板Masakatsu立即向我们提供了第一张唱片的合同。后来,我们已经知道了一点,我们把我们的作品寄给了一些唱片公司,总是试图为乐队找到合适的条件。这将是Comatose的第一张专辑,到目前为止,我们对合作感到非常满意。
At the beginning, when nobody knew us yet, we sent the promo around a bit and immediately Masakatsu, owner of Japanese Amputated Vein Records, offered us the contract for the first record. Later, being already a little more known, we sent our work to some labels, always trying to get the right conditions for the band. This will be the first album for Comatose, and so far we are very satisfied with the collaboration.
V: 2013年发行第三张专辑后,你还没有发布任何新作品,你只是参加了各种各样的音乐节,直到今年你才宣布你即将发现一张新专辑,你为什么没有创作任何新作品?我真的很期待你的新专辑!
After you released your third album in 2013, you haven't released any new work, you've just been playing all kinds of festivals and it wasn't until this year that you announced that you were about to discover a new album, what's the reason why you haven't been working on anything new? I'm really looking forward to your new album!
M: 在我们的第三张专辑发行后,Diego搬到了南美几年,这引起了我们的长期搁置。我们从未想过没有它就继续下去,因为对我们来说,这个乐队主要由我们三个人和现在的Marco组成。
After the release of our third album Diego moved to South America for a few years, and this caused our long stand by. We never thought of continuing without it because for us the group is mainly composed of the 3 of us and now Marco.
V: 首先祝贺你即将在2025年发行第四张官方专辑,我是你的超级粉丝,自从你2007年的演示以来,我一直在关注你的乐队,我收藏了你的三张官方专辑。我对你的专辑的评价是Sick,Sick,Sick,你的作品让我想起了Cephalotripsy乐队!但你比Cephalotripsy更病态,你有很大的病态即兴重复段,缓慢而沉重,你的旋律非常令人难忘,鼓手稳定、稳定的鼓声让你的作品更加病态,对我个人来说,你作品中最好的部分肯定是歌手那黏糊糊、低沉的喉音,这真的很病态!你觉得你的工作怎么样?新专辑和旧专辑相比怎么样?
First of all congratulations on your upcoming fourth official album in 2025, I'm a huge fan of yours, I've been following your band since your 2007 demo and I have all three of your official albums in my collection, and my assessment of your albums is Sick, Sick, Sick, and your work makes me want to think of Cephalotripsy as a band! But you're more Sick than Cephalotripsy, you have big Sick riffs, slow, heavy, and your melodies are very memorable, and the drummer's steady, steady drumming makes your work even more Sick, and the best part of your work for me personally is definitely the singer's, sticky, low guttural voice, which is really soooooooooooo Sick! what do you think of your work? How does the new album compare to the old?
M: 非常感谢您的大力支持,我们真的很感激。我们也认为我们有一种相当个人化和可识别的风格,与众多Slam乐队不同。这张新专辑也是声音的一个小进化。你可以听到区别,仍然忠于我们的风格。我们可以说,我们对最终结果非常满意。说这可能是我们最好的专辑似乎很老套,也是因为这些年的经验。
Thank you very much for your great support, we really appreciate it. We also think we have a fairly personal and recognizable style that differs from the multitude of slam bands. The new album is also a small evolution of the sound. You can hear the difference, still staying true to our style. And we can say that we are very satisfied with the end result. It seems trite to say that it is probably our best album, also due to these years of experience.

V: 你们作为一个老乐队参加过很多节日,哪些节日给你们留下了深刻的印象,你们能描述一下气氛吗?你们有可能在2025年带着新材料来到中国吗?
You guys have played a lot of festivals as a veteran band, what festivals impressed you, can you describe the atmosphere and is it possible for you guys to come to China in 2025 with new material?
M: 是的,我们参加过许多国际节日,但仍然缺少一些。我们最喜欢的当然是Obscene Extreme fest, Las Vegas death fest, Chicago Domination Fest和Bogota Grind Death Fest。关于亚洲,是的,我们已经宣布了8月底/9月的北亚巡演,包括在中国的3场演出!这从一开始就是我们的目标,我们很高兴最终会实现!我们知道中国印尼泰国菲律宾日本的地下场景很重要,我们知道我们在那里有很多粉丝!
Yes we have played in many international fests, but still missing some. Among our favorites are certainly Obscene Extreme fest, Las Vegas death fest, Chicago Domination Fest and Bogota Grind Death Fest. About Asia yes we have already an announced North Asian tour in late August/September including 3 shows in China! It has been a goal of ours since the beginning and we are happy that finally will happens! We know the underground scene in China Indonesia Thailand Philippines Japan is important, and we know we have a lot of fans there!
V: Vulvectomy是我最喜欢的意大利乐队之一,就像我说的我是你乐队的忠实粉丝,我会一直关注和支持你,我期待着你的新专辑,我希望这次采访能让更多的粉丝观看和支持你的乐队,最后你有什么想对你的中国粉丝说的吗?
Vulvectomy is one of my favourite Italian bands, like I said I'm a big fan of your band and I'll always be watching and supporting you, I'm looking forward to your new album, and I hope that this interview will bring more fans to watch and support your band, is there anything you'd like to say to your Chinese fans in the end?
M: 感谢你的赞誉和支持。我希望我们在中国的粉丝会喜欢这张新专辑并在2025年很快见到他们。再次感谢你的采访,请继续Sick!
Thank you for your kind words and support. I hope our fans in China will like the new album and meet them soon in 2025. Thanks again for the interview and stay sick!

Vulvectomy - Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation(2007)

Vulvectomy - Post-Abortion Slut Fuck(2010)

Vulvectomy - Abusing Dismembered Beauties(2013)

Vulvectomy - Aberrant Vaginal Gestation(2025)

Vulvectomy乐队官方Official website网站:https://www.vulvectomyofficial.com/