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宇宙的创造与毁灭 - 泰国Brutal Death Metal乐队Biomorphic Engulfment专访

今天采访到的是来自泰国的Brutal Death Metal乐队Biomorphic Engulfment,2015年成立的Biomorphic Engulfment最初取名为Parasitic Infestation,2017年正式跟名为Biomorphic Engulfment,所以乐队也可以认为是2017年成立,2018年的Demo作品“Pestilent Microparasitic Domination”发行之后便收到了泰国国内的关注,同时也凭借着这张Demo作品吸引了韩国的Show No Mercy Records厂牌的关注,2021年为乐队发行了第一张正式专辑“Incubation in the Parallel Dimension”,这张专辑快速,连续,密不透风的Riff,复杂的编曲和一些高超的演奏技巧,得到更多人的关注,成为了一张国际知名的乐队的,同时也参加了众多泰的音乐节,2022 - 2024年发行的两张作品也是奠定了Biomorphic Engulfment乐队在泰国的地位,今年乐队与来自印尼的Brutal Mind厂牌合作即将发行他们的第二张正式专辑“Infinite Universes of Creation and Annihilation”,在新专辑发行之际我也联系到了乐队的吉他手Wit进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 W: 代表Wit)

Today's interview is with Thailand's Brutal Death Metal band Biomorphic Engulfment. Formed in 2015, Biomorphic Engulfment was originally named Parasitic Infestation, but officially changed its name to Biomorphic Engulfment in 2017. Engulfment, so the band can also be considered to be formed in 2017, the 2018 demo ‘Pestilent Microparasitic Domination’ was released and received attention in Thailand, and also with this demo work The band's first official album ‘Incubation in the Parallel Dimension’ was released in 2021, an album of fast, continuous, impenetrable riffs, complex arrangements and some superb playing. With fast, continuous, dense riffs, complex arrangements and some great playing skills, the band gained a lot of attention and became an internationally known band, also participating in many Thai festivals, and the two releases of 2022 - 2024 established Biomorphic Engulfment in Thailand, and this year the band is collaborating with Brutal Mind from Indonesia for the upcoming release of their second official album. This year the band is releasing their second album ‘Infinite Universes of Creation and Annihilation’ in collaboration with Indonesia's Brutal Mind label, and on the occasion of its release I got in touch with the band's guitarist Wit for an interview!

(V: for the author W: for Wit)

采访对象:WitBiomorphic Engulfment乐队吉他手)


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,也非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访。首先向中国的粉丝们问声好,Biomorphic Engulfment成立于2015年,当初是谁发起组建这支乐队的?

Hello, Brother. Nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview. I think this is the first time that your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine. First of all, say hello to the Chinese fans, Biomorphic Engulfment 2015. Who initiated the formation of this band in the first place?

W: 向所有中国金属乐迷问好,很荣幸能接受Volcano magazine的采访,你现在正在采访的是Biomorphic Engulfment乐队的吉他Wit。这一切都源于我,我试图为我之前的乐队创作歌曲,但这似乎与当时的乐队不符。之后我和我的大学同学Polwach一起即兴创作了这首不知名的歌曲。我觉得他是在这首歌里打鼓的最佳人选。后来这首歌就成了名为“Pestilence Microparasitic Domination”的歌曲,这也是我们的第一首Demo。后来Kittipat也加入了乐队并为这首歌写了歌词。

Hello to all Chinese metalheads. It’s my great honor to be interviewed for Volcano magazine. You are talking to Wit, Biomorphic Engulfment’s guitarist. It all started with me, I tried to compose the songs for my previous band, but it seemed not to fit in with the band at the time. After that, I had a jamming session on this particular unnamed song with Polwach, my classmate at my university. I felt like he was the best one to blast the drums in this song. Then this song became the song titled “Pestilence Microparasitic Domination” which was our first demo. Kittipat, then, joined the band and wrote the lyrics for this one as well.

V: 你们乐队今年刚刚更换了两名贝斯手,之前的老成员为什么要退出乐队?新成员是如何加入乐队的?为什么邀请两位贝斯手加入乐队?你对新成员满意吗?

Your band just replaced two bass players this year, why did the previous veteran members quit the band? How did the new members join the band? Why did you invite two bass players to join the band? Are you happy with the new members?

W: 在我的乐队中,成员的离散是我们绝对不愿意发生的事情,但我们的时间和生活方式已经变得如此不同,以至于我们无法继续作为一个乐队前进。我们不得不分道扬镳,但我们之间没有任何芥蒂,仍然是朋友。分道扬镳后我们决定组成三人乐队(Kittipat、Polwach 和我)但没过多久,Sakdidech和Jakkaphan对我们的音乐非常欣赏,于是我们邀请他们加入乐队,他们都是非常敬业和有才华的音乐家。他们与乐队相处得非常融洽,我很期待与他们一起创作新的作品。

Parting with members is a thing that we’d never want to happen in my band at all, but our time and lifestyle have become so different that we couldn’t move on as a band. We had to split up, but there are no hard feelings and we are still friends. After parting ways, we decided to be a Trio (Kittipat, Polwach, and I), but not so long after; Sakdidech and Jakkaphan showed much appreciation for our music so we invited them to fill up the band. They are such dedicated and talented musicians. They get along with the band so well, and I’m looking forward to doing new stuff with them.

V: 你们乐队最初的名字是Parasitic Infestation,但到2017年你们改成了现在的名字,为什么要改名?

Your band started out as Parasitic Infestation, but by 2017 you changed your name to your current name, why did you change your name?

W: 是的,那是我们旧阵容(Voranut of Oldskull、Polwach和我)的旧名字。那时我们只有一首歌,我决定暂停这个乐队,因为我们忙于其他乐队的工作。2017年我们决定重新组建并更名为Biomorphic Engulfment,并邀请Kittipat成为我们的新主唱。

Yeah, that was our old name for the old lineup ( Voranut of Oldskull, Polwach, and I). Back then we had only one song and I decided to put a hold on this band because we were busy with the other bands. In 2017 we decided to reform and rename to Biomorphic Engulfment and invited Kittipat to be our new vocalist.

V: 你们乐队的每个成员都是创作极端金属乐的资深音乐家,你们是如何创作歌曲的?能描述一下创作过程吗?我相信你们的经验会激励更多的年轻音乐家,你们似乎正在发行新专辑,目前进展如何?

Each member of your band is an experienced musician in writing extreme metal, how do you write your songs? Can you describe the creative process? I'm sure your experience will inspire more young musicians, you guys seem to be releasing a new album, how is it coming along so far?

W: 第一张专辑是我们在COVID期间完成的,那时候我们不能经常见面。因此我用鼓软件草拟了每首歌,然后把这些粗略的想法发给Polwach。然后我们在录音室里对我写的东西进行了即兴演奏,最终完成了这些歌曲。Polwach也进行了调整并将他的打鼓风格融入其中。吉他Solo和阴柔的声音是我们最后加进去的部分。在我们最近的专辑中,我们想做更多的即兴创作和Brainstorming。我们的大部分歌曲都是在录音室里一起创作的,但也有一些是我的想法,就像上一张专辑一样。Sakdidech加入乐队时,这张专辑的创作过程已接近尾声,但他还是参与了其中一首歌的创作并完成了一些精彩的吉他独奏。

In the first album, we finished it during the COVID period when we couldn’t meet up much. So I composed every song by using the drum software to draft out the songs and sent these rough ideas to Polwach. Then we jammed what I wrote in the studio to complete them. Polwach also adjusted and put his style of drumming into it. Guitar solos and guttural voices were the last layers we topped on. In our recent album, we wanted to do more jamming and brainstorming. Most of our songs were composed in the studio together, but some came from my ideas like the previous album. Sakdidech joined the band when the composing process of this album was almost done, but he got to compose one song and did some amazing guitar solos.

V: 你们乐队的录音令人惊叹,你们是在哪个录音棚录制专辑的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?新专辑的录制进展如何?

Your band's recordings are amazing, what studio did you record the album in? Which producer produced your album? How is the recording of the new album coming along?

W: 我们所有的鼓都是在611工作室录制的,它的老板是我们可爱的兄弟Suchai(Brandnew Sunset、Rexrez)大部分歌曲都是Polwach一次录制完成的,我们自己在家里的录音室录制吉他、贝斯和人声,我们还单独制作了这张专辑。混音工作完成后,我们将所有歌曲交给了 Januaryo Hardy(Insidios Soundlab)进行混音和母带处理,我们对此非常满意。

We recorded all the drumming at 611 Studio which is owned by our lovely brother, Suchai (Brandnew Sunset, Rexrez). Most of the songs Polwach recorded in only one take. We recorded guitar, bass, and vocals by ourselves at our home studio. We also produced this album by ourselves, separately. After the mixing process was done we sent everything to Januaryo Hardy (Insidios Soundlab) for mixing and mastering, which we are really satisfied with.

V: 你们的Logo很漂亮,是谁设计的?你们的专辑封面也很漂亮,是谁设计的?

Your logo is beautiful, who designed your logo and your album artwork is beautiful, who designed your artwork?

W: 谢谢你这么说,Logo是我自己画的,我还为所有的Demo和T-shist设计了图样。我还以 “Scorned Art”的名义为一些Metal乐队制作过艺术品和Logo。最近这张专辑的插图是由Daemorph Art创作的,他将我们的歌词主题转化成了令人难以置信的艺术作品。

Thanks for saying that. The logo was drawn by myself and I also did the artwork for all the demos and T-shist designs. I have also made artwork and logos for some metal bands under the name “Scorned Art”. The artwork for the recent album was created by Daemorph Art. He translated our lyrics’ theme into such incredible artwork.

V: 你们的2021专辑由韩国的Show No Mercy Records唱片公司发行,你们是如何与该唱片公司取得联系并进行合作的?你们计划在哪里发行新专辑?

Your 2021 album was released on Show No Mercy Records in South Korea, how did you get in touch with the label to collaborate? Where are you planning to release your new album?

W: Darren(Show No Mercy Recorded的老板)在听过我们的第一张Demo后就联系了我们,邀请我们加入厂牌,制作我们的第一张专辑。我很荣幸能与Darren这样敬业、诚实的人合作。他总是为我们提供最好的条件。来自意大利的油画大师Paolo Girardi为我们制作了令人惊叹的艺术品,我们非常喜欢。

Darren (the owner of Show No Mercy Recorded) contacted us after he checked our first demo and asked us to join the label for the making of our first album. It was my honor to work with such a dedicated and honest guy like Darren. He always offers us the best deal. We had Paolo Girardi, the great oil painting artist from Italy, to make the amazing artwork for us which we love so much.

V: 首先祝贺你们即将发行第二张正式专辑,我是你们的忠实粉丝,从你们2018年的试听专辑“Pestilent Microparasitic Domination”开始,我就一直在关注你们的乐队,你们是一支技术性很强的乐队,但你们保持了残酷性,这与很多乐队都很不同,你们的鼓手给我留下了深刻的印象,他精准、快速的击打令人印象深刻,残酷、快速、连续的riff,非常具有侵略性,主唱的演唱也给我留下了深刻的印象,你对你们的作品有什么看法?新专辑与旧专辑相比有什么变化吗?

First of all, congratulations on the upcoming release of your second official album, I'm a big fan of yours and I've been following your band since your 2018 demo “Pestilent Microparasitic Domination”, you're a very technical band but You are a very technical band, but you keep the brutality, which is very different from a lot of bands, I was impressed by your drummer, his precise, fast hits are impressive, brutal, fast, continuous riffs, very aggressive, and the singer's vocals also impressed me, what do you think of your work? Has the new album changed anything compared to the old one?

W: 谢谢你们从一开始就关注我们。当我开始作曲时,我选择了我最喜欢的三个乐队作为基调。我想要像Brodequin那样快速,像Disgorge那样残酷,像Suffocation那样复杂而技术性强。不过我们也从许多乐队和风格中汲取了灵感,乐队的每一位成员都是如此。我们总是尝试将我们的优势融合在一起,比如Polwach快速而原始的鼓声、Jakkaphan厚重而激进的贝斯声、Kittipat超低而巨大的吟唱声,以及我自己粗暴而复杂的乐段。我们也欢迎每位成员提出任何想法,让我们尽可能与众不同、独一无二。

Thank you for following us since the beginning. When I started to compose I picked up my top 3 favorite bands to set the tone. I wanted to be fast like Brodequin, to be brutal like Disgorge, and to be complex and technical like Suffocation. Nevertheless, we were also inspired by many bands and styles from every member of the band. We always try to put our strengths together, like fast and raw drumming from Polwach, thick and aggressive bass sound from Jakkaphan, super low and huge guttural from Kittipat, and brutal and complex riffs from myself. We are also open to any ideas from each band member to make us as different and unique as we can.

V: 你们乐队参加过很多音乐节,哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻印象,能描述一下音乐节的氛围吗?2024 年你们还将参加哪些新的音乐节,能向观众透露一些信息吗?

Your band has played a lot of festivals, which ones have impressed you and can you describe the atmosphere and what new festivals you will be playing in 2024, can you reveal some information to the crowd?

W: 我们非常喜欢参加地下金属音乐节。无论演出规模大小,我们都会尽最大努力把残酷的东西带给观众。在泰国金属乐迷都非常友好和支持我们,有些乐迷已经有十多年的历史,我们和他们在现实生活中也是朋友。这已经超越了乐队和乐迷之间的关系。是的泰国的地下金属场景还很小,但很强大!我们期待着看到这个场景的成长。我想说的是,我们印象最深刻的一次演出是2024年亚洲啤酒节。Ash Azman前 Analdicktion乐队成员为我们带来了来自5个国家的9支残酷乐队。每支乐队都非常变态,观众也非常疯狂。有些人专门从国外赶来观看这场演出,这让我们看到,亚洲的残酷场景正在变得越来越大、越来越强。我们最快的演出是2024年浅草死亡节。我们将在浅草和新宿进行两场演出,这将是我们第一次在泰国以外的地方演出,我们非常兴奋,迫不及待地想去那里演出。我们计划明年在泰国举行专辑发布会并进行亚洲巡演,敬请期待。

We love being in the underground metal scene so much. No matter how big or small gigs we have had, we will try our best to bring the brutal stuff to the audience. Here in Thailand, the metal fans are super friendly and supportive, some of them have been around for over a decade and we are friends with them in real life. It goes beyond a band-and-fan kind of bond. Yeah, the underground metal scene in Thailand is still small, but it is strong! We are looking forward to seeing this scene grow. I would like to say that the most impressive that we ever played was Asia Brewtality Fest 2024. Ash Azman (ex-Analdicktion) brings us 9 brutal bands from 5 countries to the show. Every band was sick as fuck and the crowd was so crazy. Some people came overseas to see this show specifically. This shows us that the Asian brutal scene is getting bigger and stronger. Our soonest show is Asakusa Deathfest 2024. We will be playing 2 shows in Asakusa and Shinjuku. These will be our first shows outside Thailand, and we are so excited and can’t wait to play there. We are planning to make the album launch show here in Thailand and an Asian tour next year. Stay tuned.

V: Biomorphic Engulfment是一支来自泰国的优秀乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,也希望通过这次采访能有更多的人关注和支持你们的乐队。最后有什么想对你们的中国歌迷说的?

Biomorphic Engulfment is a great band from Thailand. I will always support and follow your band, and I hope that through this interview more people will pay attention to and support your band. What do you want to say to your Chinese fans in the end?

W: 非常感谢你邀请我们进行采访。我们非常荣幸,也非常感谢你们的支持和帮助。我们希望有一天能在中国演出。老实说我对中国金属乐界还有很多需要了解的地方,我们想亲眼看看,所以,如果有主办方感兴趣,请联系我们!我们非常感谢你们的关注,希望很快能在中国见到你们。干杯

Thank you so much for saying that and having us in this interview. We are honored and we really appreciate your support and help. We hope to play in China someday. To be honest, I still have much to learn about the Chinese metal scene, we want to see it with our own eyes. So, if any organizers are interested, please hit us up! We cannot say thank you enough for your attention and hope to see you guys in China soon. Cheers!!!

Biomorphic Engulfment乐队主要作品:

Biomorphic Engulfment - Incubation in the Parallel Dimension(2021)

Biomorphic Engulfment - Infinite Universes of Creation and Annihilation(2024)

Biomorphic Engulfment乐队官方Bnadcamp网站:

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Biomorphic Engulfment乐队官方Spotify网站:

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