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已故 - 墨西哥Black/Death Metal乐队Niftar专访

今天采访到的是来自墨西哥的Black/Death Metal乐队Niftar,成立于2020年的Niftar乐队是一支非常年轻的乐队,由Carlos和Daniel,两个人在另外一支乐队Lacvs Asphar中合作了很多年,但是由于一些原因导致Lacvs Asphar解散,但是Carlos和Daniel依旧不想放弃乐队生涯,所以Niftar在Lacvs Asphar的基础上成立,不久之后贝斯手Fernando加入了乐队,也为乐队带来更多的新鲜血液,创造出更精确、更有技术含量的作品,同时仍然保持我们所擅长的野性。2024年乐队发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“Lacvs Asphar”,这是一张阴暗,残暴,技术性的作品,同时带有墨西哥独有的野蛮感,粗糙中流露着细腻,前不久乐队的吉他 / 歌手Daniel与杂志取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 D: 代表Daniel)

Today's interview is with Niftar, a Black/Death Metal band from Mexico. Formed in 2020, Niftar is a very young band consisting of Carlos and Daniel, who have been playing together for many years in another band, Lacvs Asphar, but due to a number of reasons Lacvs Asphar disbanded. Asphar disbanded, but Carlos and Daniel still didn't want to give up on their band career, so Niftar was formed on the basis of Lacvs Asphar, and soon after bassist Fernando joined the band, also bringing more fresh blood to the band, creating a more precise and technically sound work, while still maintaining the wildness that we are known for. In 2024 the band released their first official album “Lacvs Asphar”, a dark, brutal, technical work with a unique Mexican savagery, rough with subtlety, not long ago the band's guitarist/vocalist Daniel got in touch with the magazine for an interview!

(V: for the author D: for Daniel)

采访对象:DanielNiftar乐队吉他 / 歌手)


V: 你好Daniel很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向中国的乐迷们问好,Niftar乐队是哪一年成立的?你们是如何想到组建乐队的?Niftar这个名字的含义是什么?

Hello Daniel nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, what year was Niftar formed? How did you come up with the idea for the band and what is the meaning of the name Niftar?

D: 向所有中国金属乐迷问好!Niftar乐队正式成立于2020年,从我们之前的项目Lacvs Asphar的废墟中崛起,这也是我们以它命名首张专辑的原因。Carlos和我在Lacvs Asphar乐队中已经合作了数年,但转折点出现在Fernando的加入。他的加入为乐队带来了新的活力,我们感到了进化的冲动,在保持我们所擅长的野性的同时,创造出了更精确、更有技术含量的作品。这种愿景的转变促使我们重新命名为Niftar,在古希伯来语中是“已故”的意思,象征着乐队的新开始。

Horns up to all the Chinese metalheads!

Niftar was officially formed in 2020, rising from the ashes of our previous project, Lacvs Asphar. That's why we named our debut album after it. Carlos and I had been playing together for several years under Lacvs Asphar, but the turning point came when Fernando joined us. His addition brought a new energy to the band, and we felt the urge to evolve, creating something more precise and technical while still maintaining the brutality we were known for. This shift in vision led us to rebrand as Niftar, which means "deceased" in ancient Hebrew, symbolizing the band's new beginning.

V: 你们乐队的三位成员都是第一代成员吗?Carlos Balderrama和Fernando Balderrama在同一个乐队,我想他们是兄弟,你们是怎么认识他们并加入乐队的?

Are all three members of your band first generation members, Carlos Balderrama and Fernando Balderrama are in the same band together, I think they are brothers, how did you meet them and join the band?

D: 是的,我们三个都是Niftar的创始成员。Carlos和Fernando Balderrama的确是兄弟,我从年轻时就认识他们。他们当时在一支名为Chezed的Death Metal乐队中演出,我是他们的乐迷。我经常从另一个城市赶来观看他们的现场表演,随着时间的推移,我们有了交集并成为了很好的朋友。这种联系最终促使我们一起组建了Niftar,将我们对极端金属的共同热情融合在了一起。

Yes, all three of us are founding members of Niftar. Carlos and Fernando Balderrama are indeed brothers, and I’ve known them since my youth. They were playing in a death metal band called Chezed, and I was a fan of their music. I used to travel from another city just to catch their live shows, and over time, we crossed paths and became great friends. That bond eventually led us to form Niftar together, blending our shared passion for extreme metal.

V: 你们乐队是怎么写歌的,你能描述一下你们的创作过程吗?

How do you all write songs in your band and can you describe your creative process?

D: 我们的歌曲创作过程是一次真正的合作,由我们对金属的共同热爱所驱动。在排练过程中,我们每个人都会带来新的乐句和想法,这让我们的创作动力源源不断。当我们确定了一个有潜力的主干后,我们就开始编排这些乐句,以构建一个坚实的音乐结构。我们一起完善这些元素,直到大家都对结果感到满意为止。这种集体努力不仅增强了我们的声音,也加强了我们作为一个乐队的纽带。

Our songwriting process is a true collaboration, driven by our shared love for metal. During rehearsals, each of us brings new riffs and ideas to the table, which keeps the creative momentum going. When we identify a backbone that has potential, we start arranging the riffs to build a solid musical structure. We refine these elements together until we’re all satisfied with the outcome. This collective effort not only enhances our sound but also strengthens our bond as a band.

V: 你们的乐队专辑是在哪个录音棚录制的?哪位制作人为你们制作了这张专辑,我对这张专辑的录制效果非常满意!

What studio did you record your band's album at? Which producer produced this album for you guys, I'm very happy with how this album was recorded!

D: 我们采用家庭录音和专业录音棚相结合的方式录制专辑。吉他、贝司和人声都是在家里录制的,这让我们能够在舒适的环境中进行试验并捕捉我们的声音。鼓是在录音室录制的,以确保达到我们想要的冲击力和能量。我们自己负责混音,这对我们乐队来说是一次很好的学习经历。母带制作由EMI唱片公司一位才华横溢的朋友负责,为我们的原始录音增添了光彩。虽然自制可能会带来一些限制,但我们相信这增加了音乐的真实性和特色。最终我们对最终的成品非常满意并认为它真实地反映了我们作为一支乐队的心路历程。感谢您对这张专辑的赞誉!

We recorded our album using a combination of home recording and professional studio work. The guitars, bass, and vocals were all tracked at home, which allowed us to experiment and capture our sound in a comfortable environment. The drums were recorded in a studio setting to ensure we achieved the punch and energy we desired.

We took charge of the mixing ourselves, which was a great learning experience for us as a band. The mastering was handled by a talented friend at EMI Records, adding a polished touch to our raw recordings. While the homemade aspect may have introduced some limitations, we believe it added authenticity and character to the music. Ultimately, we’re very pleased with the final product and feel it truly represents our journey as a band. Thank you for your kind words about the album!

V: 你的音乐主题是什么,为什么选择这个主题?你想通过这样一个音乐主题表达什么?你是否写过歌词,这些歌词是谁写的,灵感来自何处?

What is your musical theme about and why did you choose it? What do you want to express through such a musical theme? Did you write any lyrics parts, who wrote these lyrics and what was his inspiration?

D: 我们的音乐主题深入探讨了潜伏在我们理解范围之外的恐怖--特别是来自宇宙的星际实体,它们有朝一日可能终结人类的生存。我们之所以选择这个主题,是因为我们都对H.P. Lovecraft的文学作品和他所描绘的宇宙混沌充满热情。我们想通过音乐表达我们对未知世界的迷恋,以及在我们的维度或星球之外可能存在其他生命形式的可能性。我们三人都从H.P. Lovecraft的作品中汲取灵感,参与了歌词的创作。我们的目标是捕捉他的宇宙恐怖的精髓,突出我们对我们所居住的宇宙的复杂性的好奇心。这张专辑展现了这种混沌,邀请听众与我们一起探索恐怖而又迷人的未知领域。

Our musical theme delves into the horror that lurks beyond our understanding—specifically, the interstellar entities from the cosmos that could one day end existence. We chose this theme because we’re all passionate about H.P. Lovecraft’s literature and the cosmic chaos he portrays. Through our music, we want to express our fascination with the unknown and the possibility that other life forms may exist beyond our dimensions or planets. All three of us contributed to the lyrics, drawing inspiration from Lovecraft’s work. We aimed to capture the essence of his cosmic horror, highlighting our curiosity about the complexities of the universe we inhabit. This album stages that chaos, inviting listeners to explore the terrifying yet captivating realm of the unknown alongside us.

V: 你们的Logo设计独特,简约中不失复杂,是谁为你们设计了这个Logo?你们的专辑封面是我的最爱,我认为你们的封面代表了生命的起源,是谁为你们设计了这个封面?

Your logo design is unique and complex in its simplicity, who designed this logo for you?Your album artwork is my favorite, I think your artwork represents the origin of life, who designed this artwork for you?

D: 感谢您对我们的Logo和专辑封面的赞誉!我们的Logo和专辑封面都是由我们的贝斯手Fernando创作的。视觉概念体现了“卵巢学”的理念--行星蛋中孕育着一个星体胎儿,由我们所有的能量滋养。这个宇宙实体代表着生命和毁灭的潜能,象征着有一天它将从星球中诞生,吞噬整个宇宙。我们很喜欢这幅作品,它捕捉到了我们音乐的精髓和我们探索的主题!

Thank you for your kind words about our logo and album artwork! Both were creatively crafted by our bassist, Fernando. The visual concept embodies the idea of ovology—a planet egg that houses an astral fetus, nourished by all our energies. This cosmic entity represents the potential for life and destruction, symbolizing that one day it will emerge from the planet to consume the universe. We love how this artwork captures the essence of our music and the themes we explore!

V: 你们的第一张专辑目前以数字形式发行,是否发行过CD版本?是哪个唱片公司为你们发行的?

Your first album is currently released digitally, have you released a CD version of the album? Which label released it for you?

D: 我们目前正在将第一张专辑制作成实体唱片!现在我们自己做所有的事情并为能以有形的方式分享我们的音乐而兴奋不已。虽然目前没有唱片公司支持我们,但我们全心全意致力于实现这一目标并对未来充满期待!

We're currently in the process of bringing our first album to life in physical format! Right now, we’re doing everything ourselves and are excited about the possibility of sharing our music in a tangible way. While we don’t have a label backing us at the moment, we're fully dedicated to making this happen and are looking forward to what the future holds!

V: 首先祝贺你们乐队今年发行的第一张正式专辑"Lacvs Asphar",这张专辑以旋律优美的片段开头,紧接着是非常凶猛的死亡金属风格的片段,连续的旋律轰炸着我的耳膜,而你们的歌声非常凶猛、低沉,你们是一位出色的歌手。鼓声给我留下了非常深刻的印象,它们快速而精准,就像高速运转的发动机,你觉得你的作品如何?

First of all, congratulations on the release of your band's first official album this year, "Lacvs Asphar", which starts off with a very melodic cut, followed by a very ferocious Death Metal-esque cut, which bombarded my eardrums with consecutive riffs, while your vocals are very ferocious, low and low, and you are a great singer. I'm very impressed with the drums, they are fast and precise, like an engine running at high speed, what do you think of your work?

D: 非常感谢你的赞誉!我们很高兴听到您喜欢Lacvs Asphar。作为三个对音乐充满热情的人,我们的目标一直是创作出能引起我们共鸣的作品--看到歌迷们的反应,我们感到无比欣慰。这张专辑的起点是旋律元素与凶猛的Death Metal的混合,我们非常希望捕捉到这种动态范围。我们在旋律和编曲上倾注了很多心血,听到我们的努力,尤其是鼓声,达到了预期的效果,这真是太棒了。我们为自己所做的工作感到自豪,知道它能与像你们这样的听众产生共鸣,这一切就值得了。祝我们今后能创作出更多动听的歌曲!

Thank you so much for the kind words! We’re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed Lacvs Asphar. As three guys who are passionate about playing music, our goal has always been to create something that resonates with us—and it’s incredibly rewarding to see that reflected in the response from our fans. The album's journey started with a mix of melodic elements and ferocious Death Metal, and we really wanted to capture that dynamic range. We put a lot of heart into the riffs and arrangements, and it’s awesome to hear that our efforts, especially with the drums, hit the mark. We’re proud of the work we’ve done, and knowing that it connects with listeners like you makes it all worth it. Here’s to many more riffs and heavy tunes ahead!

V: 你们乐队参加过哪些音乐节或现场演出?哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻印象?

What festivals or live shows has your band played? What festivals have impressed you guys and can you describe the atmosphere?

D: 作为Niftar,我们目前正在准备我们的第一场本地演出,我们很高兴看到这段旅程将把我们带向何方。此前我们曾以Lacvs Asphar的名义在墨西哥各地演出,但还没有机会参加国际演出。我们演出时的气氛非常独特。观众们往往都很认真、专注,非常努力地跟随我们的音乐。摔跤舞只是偶尔发生,因为大多数人更喜欢倾听,沉浸在我们带来的音乐中。我们在舞台上感受到的是电光火石般的联系,它真正激发了我们创作和分享音乐的欲望。当我们演奏结束时,观众给予我们的掌声和祝贺让我们感到无比欣慰。我们期待着在即将到来的演出中以 Niftar 的身份带来同样的激情并迫不及待地想看到观众的反应!

As Niftar, we are currently preparing for our first local gig, and we’re excited to see where this journey takes us. Previously, under the name Lacvs Asphar, we performed at various venues across Mexico, although we haven’t had the chance to play internationally yet. During our performances, the atmosphere is quite unique. The audience tends to be serious and attentive, really trying to follow our music. Slam dancing happens only occasionally, as most people prefer to listen and soak in the musicality we bring. filled with energy and passion from both the band and the audience. The connection we felt on stage was electric, and it truly fueled our desire to create and share our music. When we finish playing, the applause and congratulations we receive from the crowd are incredibly rewarding. We're looking forward to bringing that same intensity to our upcoming shows as Niftar and can’t wait to see how the crowds respond!

V: 除了发行首张正式专辑之外,你们在2024年还有什么计划能透露一下吗?

What are you guys working on in 2024 besides releasing your first official album Can you shed some light on that?

D: 2024年我们将投入到第二张专辑的创作过程中,我们很高兴地告诉大家,我们已经写好了六首歌曲!与此同时我们还在为即将到来的现场演出做准备,我们计划在演出中展示其中的一些新歌。我们还在制作音乐视频,以配合即将发行的专辑,这将为我们的艺术表现力增添新的内涵。作为一支乐队我们专注于音乐的发展和成长,不断突破自我,创作出能引起我们和乐迷共鸣的音乐。今年和明年都将是令人兴奋的一年,我们迫不及待地想与大家分享我们一直在努力的一切!

In 2024, we’re diving into the creative process for our second album, and we’re excited to say we already have six songs written! Alongside that, we’re preparing for our upcoming live gig, where we plan to showcase some of these new tracks. We’re also working on a music video to complement our upcoming album, which adds another layer to our artistic expression. As a band, we’re focused on evolving and growing as musicians, continually pushing our boundaries to create music that resonates with us and our fans. This year is shaping up to be an exciting one and the next one too, and we can’t wait to share everything we’ve been working on!

V: Niftar是一支非常年轻的乐队,但你们是一支非常成熟的乐队,我希望这次采访能让更多的中国乐迷关注和支持你们的乐队,最后你们有什么想对中国乐迷说的吗?

Niftar is a very young band, but you are a very mature band, I hope this interview can make more Chinese fans pay attention to and support your band, do you have anything you want to say to your Chinese fans in the end?

D: 对于所有不可思议的中国金属乐迷,感谢你们的支持,感谢你们花时间听我们的音乐!我们才刚刚开始,还有更多疯狂的宇宙音乐等着你们。我们迫不及待地想与你们分享新的音乐和体验!我们非常希望有机会到你们的国家演出;你们的文化能量一直深深吸引着我们。我们演奏的每一个音符都是我们想要分享的纽带,我们希望能尽快见到你们--无论是在舞台上还是在人群中!请留意我们的最新消息,让我们一起踏上旅程!非常感谢

To all the incredible Chinese metalheads, thank you for your support and for taking the time to listen to our music! We’re just getting started, and there’s so much more cosmic madness coming your way. We can’t wait to share new music and experiences with you! We would absolutely love the opportunity to perform in your country; the energy of your culture has always fascinated us. Every note we play is a connection we want to share, and we hope to see you all soon—whether on stage or in the crowd! Keep your eyes peeled for updates, and let’s embark on this journey together! Thanks a lot!!!


Niftar - Lacvs Asphar(2024)




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