今天采访到的是一支来自葡萄牙的Death/Thrash Metal乐队Cult of Alcaeus,组建于2024年的Cult of Alcaeus乐队,是一支非常年轻的乐队,但是乐队的每一位成员都是经验丰富的音乐家,当时鼓手Brutus创作了一些歌曲并且给其他的成员听过之后,于是乐队就此诞生,在成立之初乐队发行了三首单曲,带有Death, Thras和Groove Metal等元素,让这支乐队听起来与众不同,在Old School中带有一些时髦的元素,今年乐队也即将发行他们的第一张正式专辑“Doomed Algorithms”,在新专辑发行之际乐队的贝斯手Vlad与杂志取得联系进行了一次专访!
(V: 代表笔者 C: 代表Vlad)
Today's interview is with Cult of Alcaeus, a Death/Thrash Metal band from Portugal, formed in 2024, Cult of Alcaeus is a very young band, but every member of the band is an experienced musician, when the drummer Brutus wrote some songs and gave them to the other members. The band was born after hearing some songs written by drummer Brutus and presented to the other members of the band. At the beginning of their career the band released three singles with elements of Death, Thras and Groove Metal, which made the band sound different and funky in an Old School way, and this year the band is about to release their first official album “Doomed The band is about to release their first official album “Doomed Algorithms” this year, and on the occasion of the release of the new album, the band's bassist Vlad got in touch with the magazine for an interview!
(V: for the author C: for Vlad)
采访对象:Vlad(Cult of Alcaeus乐队贝斯手)
V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向所有的中国歌迷问好,Cult of Alcaeus成立于2024年,是一支非常年轻的乐队,你们当初是如何组建乐队的?
Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think it's the first time you guys have been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to all the Chinese fans, Cult of Alcaeus was formed in 2024 and is a very young band, how did you guys form the band in the first place?
C: 你好,感谢你接受我们的采访!很荣幸能通过这次采访与我们的中国粉丝交流。Cult Of Alcaeus乐队于2024年初诞生于里斯本大区的Seixal海湾地区。乐队由四名成员组成--其中一些人在休整一段时间后重返舞台,另一些人则仍然活跃在不同的项目中。当我们的鼓手Brutus带来一些原始想法时,我们自然而然地产生了组建乐队的想法。我们开始即兴演奏,这些演奏逐渐演变成了原创曲目。我们希望创作出一种音乐叙事,反映我们对当代人类的共同看法,将Death、Thrash和Groove Metal与哲学和未来主义主题融为一体。
Hello, and thank you for having us! It’s an honour to connect with our Chinese fans through this interview. Cult Of Alcaeus was born in early 2024 in the Seixal Bay Area, part of the Lisbon metropolitan region. The band is a collective of four members—some returning to the scene after a break and others still active in different projects. The idea for the band came naturally when our drummer Brutus brought some raw ideas to the table. We began jamming, and those sessions evolved into original tracks. We wanted to craft a musical narrative that reflects our shared vision of contemporary humanity, blending Death, Thrash, and Groove Metal with philosophical and futuristic themes.
V: 你们都是乐队的第一代成员,我想这让你们在写歌时更容易,因为你们彼此非常了解,知道对方想要创作什么样的音乐,能描述一下你们的创作过程吗?
You guys are all first generation members of the band, I think that makes it easier when you're writing songs because you know each other so well and know what kind of music each other wants to create, can you describe your creative process?
C: 是的,作为第一代成员,这有助于我们在创意上保持一致。我们的创作过程通常从一个核心想法开始--通常是来自Brutus的一段旋律或鼓点节奏--然后再以此为基础进行创作。我们的创作是合作性的,每个成员都会发挥自己的影响力,提出自己的意见。我们注重在侵略性、节奏和前卫元素之间创造平衡。实验是我们的关键,但我们始终坚持歌曲的理念。当每个人都站在同一起跑线上时,就更容易创作出让人感觉真实而有凝聚力的作品。
Yes, being the first generation of members helps us align creatively. Our process usually starts with a core idea—often a riff or drums rhythm from Brutus—and we build from there. The writing is collaborative, with each member bringing their influences and input. We focus on creating a balance between aggression, groove, and progressive elements. Experimentation is key for us, but we always aim to stay true to the vision of the song. When everyone’s on the same page, it’s easier to craft something that feels authentic and cohesive.
V: 你的作品在录音方面非常出色,你是在哪个录音室录制歌曲的?哪位制作人参与了你们专辑的制作?
Your work is excellent in terms of recording, what studio did you record the songs in? Which producer worked on your album?
C: 感谢你的称赞!我们在当地的一家录音室录制了三部曲*Doomed Cycles*,我们选择了传统的方式来捕捉真实、人性的声音。我们使用真正的放大器和原声鼓录音,避免使用MIDI和插件等现代技术。虽然我们没有与大牌制作人合作,但录音室团队的专业精神和敬业精神帮助我们实现了设想中的80/90年代风格。这是一种回归原始、有机的录音风格,我们认为这符合我们音乐的精髓。录音由Fracisco Santos和Ricardo Faneco在“28.40 Margem Sul Estudios”完成,母带由Rui Dias在“Mister Master Studios”完成。
Thank you for the compliment! We recorded our trilogy *Doomed Cycles* in a local studio, and we opted for a traditional approach to capture an authentic, human sound. We used real amps, acoustic drum recordings, and avoided modern techniques like MIDI and plugins. While we didn’t work with a big-name producer, the studio team’s professionalism and dedication helped us achieve the 80s/90s-inspired sound we envisioned. It’s a return to raw, organic recording styles, which we feel fits the essence of our music. The recording took place at "28.40 Margem Sul Estudios" by Fracisco Santos and Ricardo Faneco and mastered at "Mister Master Studios" by Rui Dias.
V: 你的音乐主题是什么,为什么选择这个主题?你们还创作了歌词部分,这些歌词是谁写的,灵感来源于什么?
What is your musical theme about and why did you choose it? You also created a lyrics section, who wrote these lyrics and what was he inspired by?
C: 我们的音乐主题围绕人类与自身破坏性倾向的斗争,探索黑暗、末日场景与哲学和未来主义愿景的交织。例如“注定的循环”三部曲侧重于人类不可避免地重复犯错,反映了愤怒、反叛和自省的主题。歌词主要由主唱创作,他从历史事件、哲学理论和社会行为中汲取灵感,经常将它们与人类的处境及其周期性联系起来。
Our musical themes revolve around humanity’s struggles with its own destructive tendencies, exploring dark, apocalyptic scenarios intertwined with philosophical and futuristic visions. The trilogy Doomed Cycles, for instance, focuses on the inevitable repetition of human mistakes, reflecting themes of rage, rebellion, and introspection. The lyrics are primarily written by our vocalist, who draws inspiration from historical events, philosophical theories, and societal behaviours, often linking them to the human condition and its cyclical nature.
V: 你们的Logo设计非常简单,但很有特色,这种设计形式是我个人最喜欢的设计形式,是谁为你们设计了这个Logo?你们的专辑封面设计也非常独特,但似乎采用了AI设计格式,是谁为你们设计的?
Your logo design is very simple but very distinctive, and this form of design is my personal favorite form of design, who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also very unique, but they seem to utilize an AI design format, who designed this artwork for you?
C: 我们的Logo是与一位好友合作设计的,他理解乐队简约而有力的理念。我们希望它能经得起时间的考验,就像我们探索的主题一样。我们很高兴你能欣赏它的简洁!它代表了乐队原始而直接的能量。至于插图它是由乐队的同一位朋友创作的。虽然看起来像是人工智能生成的,但这完全是他的双手和想象力的结晶。他不愿透露姓名,但我们很乐意与任何有兴趣与他合作的人分享他的联系方式,他的作品完美地捕捉到了我们音乐的精髓。
Our logo was designed in collaboration with a close friend who understood the band’s vision of simplicity yet power. We wanted something that could stand the test of time, much like the themes we explore. We’re glad you appreciate its simplicity! It represents the band’s raw and direct energy. As for the artwork, it was created by the same friend of the band. While it might look AI-generated, it’s entirely crafted by his hands and vision. He prefers to remain anonymous, but we’re happy to share his contact details with anyone interested in collaborating with him. His work captures the essence of our music perfectly.
V: 你们即将发行与Necro Algorithm的Spilt专辑,你们两支乐队都来自葡萄牙,我想与他们联系会更容易一些,你们能告诉我们更多关于发行这张专辑的计划吗?
You're about to release the Split album with Necro Algorithm, both of your bands are from Portugal and I think it's easier to get in touch with them, can you tell us more about the plans for the release of this album?
C: 是的,我们很高兴能与Necro Algorithm合作发行"Doomed Algorithms"!这张专辑结合了我们的三部曲"Doomed Cycles"和他们的"Synthetic Souls"以强有力的叙事手法讲述了人类与科技统治和社会崩溃的斗争。CD版本将由Nova Era Records唱片公司发行,黑胶和磁带格式的收藏版计划稍后通过我们仍在寻找的唱片公司发行,如有兴趣请联系我们。两支乐队有着相似的理念和主题,这使得合作天衣无缝。我们将与Necro Algorithm密切合作,协调我们的宣传工作,确保在多个平台上推出具有凝聚力的作品。
Yes, we’re thrilled about *Doomed Algorithms*, our split album with Necro Algorithm! The album combines our trilogy *Doomed Cycles* with their *Synthetic Souls*, creating a powerful narrative about humanity’s struggle against technological dominance and societal collapse. The CD version will be released by Nova Era Records and Collector’s editions in vinyl and cassette formats have plans to follow later, through a label we’re still searching, case any have interest, please contact. Both bands share similar philosophies and themes, which made the collaboration seamless. We’re working closely with Necro Algorithm to align our promotional efforts and ensure a cohesive launch across multiple platforms.
V: 到目前为止你们只发行了三首单曲,而这三首单曲也只发行了数字版,你们有计划找唱片公司发行你们的Split专辑的CD版吗?你们目前正在联系哪些唱片公司?
You've only released three singles so far, and those three singles have only been released digitally, do you have any plans to find a label to release a CD version of your Split album? What labels are you currently in contact with?
C: 我们已经与Nova Era Records合作发行了"Doomed Algorithms"的CD版,他们看到了两支乐队作品的潜力,渴望促成这次合作。作为一支独立乐队,找到理解我们愿景的合适合作伙伴至关重要。我们专注于制作高品质的唱片,以吸引收藏者和地下金属乐迷。
We’re already working with Nova Era Records for the CD release of *Doomed Algorithms*, they saw potential in both bands’ works and were eager to bring this collaboration to life and we’re open to discussions with other labels for the vinyl and cassette editions. As an independent band, finding the right partners who understand our vision is crucial. We’re focused on creating high-quality releases that appeal to collectors and fans of underground metal.
V: 首先祝贺你们在2024年发行了三张单曲,你们的作品非常具有说教意味,编曲复杂,节奏连续而快速,其中还穿插了一些Thrash Metal元素,使其更具侵略性,你们对自己的作品有何评价?
First of all, congratulations on the release of your three singles in 2024, your work is very preachy with complex arrangements, continuous, fast riffs and there are some Thrash Metal elements interspersed in the mix, which makes it even more aggressive, what do you think of your work?
C: 感谢您的赞誉!我们为自己的作品以及在复杂性和攻击性之间取得的平衡感到自豪。每首歌都代表了我们的艺术理念,融合了快速的旋律、动感的旋律和前卫的元素。我们的目标是创作出能引起情感共鸣的音乐,同时保持我们音乐的强度。
Thank you for the kind words! We’re proud of our work and the balance we’ve achieved between complexity and aggression. Each song represents a piece of our artistic vision, blending fast riffs with groovy, melodic, and progressive elements. Our goal is to create music that resonates emotionally while maintaining the intensity that defines our sound.
The blend of aggression, complexity, and groove is intentional—we wanted our music to feel raw yet meticulously crafted. It’s exciting to see listeners pick up on the nuances, as every riff, arrangement, and transition is designed to evoke a specific emotion or reaction.
V: 2025 年你们有什么新的计划吗?比如创作、录制一些新歌或者发行首张正式专辑?能向大家透露一些信息吗?
Do you have any new work going on for 2025? Like writing, recording some new songs or releasing your first official album? Can you reveal some information to everyone?
C: 2025 年对我们来说是忙碌的一年。除了宣传“Doomed Algorithms”,我们还在创作新的素材,可能会推出我们的第一张全长专辑。创作过程已经开始,我们正在探索更黑暗、更复杂的主题。在不透露太多信息的情况下,我们只能说,下一章将进一步推动我们的声音和概念。
2025 is shaping up to be a busy year for us. In addition to promoting Doomed Algorithms, we’re working on new material that could lead to our first full-length album. The writing process has already begun, and we’re exploring even darker and more intricate themes. Without revealing too much, let’s just say the next chapter will push our sound and concepts further.
V: 你在2024年参加过哪些现场演出,哪些现场演出给你留下了深刻印象,你能描述一下现场气氛吗?2025年你们还有那些新的演出要进行?
What live shows have you been to in 2024, what live shows have impressed you and can you describe the atmosphere and do you have any new shows planned for 2025?
C: 有趣的是Cult Of Alcaeus还没有进行过现场表演。我们一直专注于创作、录音和发行音乐,先打下坚实的基础。不过我们计划在2025年登上舞台,把我们的声音直接带给歌迷。敬请期待最新消息!
Interestingly, Cult Of Alcaeus hasn’t performed live yet. We’ve focused on writing, recording, and releasing music to build a solid foundation first. However, we’re planning to hit the stage in 2025 to bring our sound directly to the fans. Stay tuned for updates!
V: 虽然你们是一支非常年轻的乐队,但你们是一支非常有潜力的乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,也希望通过这次采访能有更多的人关注和支持你们的乐队,最后有什么话想对你们的中国歌迷说?
Although you are a very young band, you are a very promising band, I will always support and pay attention to your band, and I hope that through this interview more people will pay attention to and support your band, what would you like to say to your Chinese fans in the end?
C: 谢谢你们对我们的支持和信任!对于我们的中国歌迷,我们非常感谢你们对Cult Of Alcaeus的关注。我们希望我们的音乐能引起你们的共鸣,给你们带来灵感。在我们继续前进的过程中,请与我们保持联系,我们期待着有一天能把我们的音乐带给你们。继续支持地下音乐--你们是这一切的核心!
Thank you for your support and belief in us! To our Chinese fans, we’re incredibly grateful for your interest in Cult Of Alcaeus. We hope our music resonates with you and inspires you. Stay connected with us as we continue this journey, and we look forward to bringing our sound to you one day. Keep supporting the underground scene—you’re the heart of it all!
Cult of Alcaeus乐队主要作品:
Cult of Alcaeus / Necro Algorithm - Doomed Algorithms(2025)
Cult of Alcaeus乐队官方Bandcamp网站:https://cultofalcaeus.bandcamp.com/
Cult of Alcaeus乐队官方Deezer网站:https://www.deezer.com/en/offers
Cult of Alcaeus乐队官方Facebook网站:https://www.facebook.com/CultOfAlcaeus
Cult of Alcaeus乐队官方Homepage网站:https://cultofalcaeus.com/
Cult of Alcaeus乐队官方Instagram网站:https://www.instagram.com/cult_of_alcaeus/#
Cult of Alcaeus乐队官方SoundCloud网站:https://soundcloud.com/cult-of-alcaeus
Cult of Alcaeus乐队官方Spotify网站:https://open.spotify.com/artist/34Cbkt939EvJLxtOM8U4yY
Cult of Alcaeus乐队官方YouTube网站:https://www.youtube.com/@cult_of_alcaeus