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战争摧残了我们的肉体,破坏了我们的家园,但是没有让我们意志屈服 - 波兰Grindcore乐队Sanko Sakusen专访

今天采访到的是来自波兰的Grindcore乐队Sanko Sakusen,当时波兰的一支Grindcore/Death Metal乐队Paranoia由于一些矛盾导致解散,但是乐队的成员Krzysztof和Marek Nowakowski并不想放弃他们创作的老作品,于是Sanko Sakusen乐队在2018年成立了,但是由于流行病的缘故导致乐队并不能正常的创作,练习,直到今年乐队才发行了他们的第一张作品“End Of Nothnig”,这是一张结合Punk,Hardcore,Grindcore的作品,一张让人惊喜,疯狂的作品,如果你是Butal Truth、Groinchurn和Napalm Death等乐队的歌迷,你一定要留意这支来自波兰的Sanko Sakusen,在新专辑发行之际乐队的吉他手Marek与我取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 M: 代表Marek)

Today's interview is with Polish grindcore band Sanko Sakusen. Paranoia, a Polish grindcore/death metal band, disbanded due to some conflicts, but band members Krzysztof and Marek Nowakowski didn't want to give up on their old material, so Sanko Sakusen formed in 2018. So Sanko Sakusen was formed in 2018, but due to an epidemic the band wasn't able to write and practice properly, and it wasn't until this year that the band released their first work “End Of Nothnig”, a combination of Punk, Hardcore, Grindcore, and a new album that is a great mix of Punk and Grindcore. It's a combination of punk, hardcore and grindcore, a surprising and crazy work, if you are a fan of bands like Butal Truth, Groinchurn and Napalm Death, you should pay attention to Sanko Sakusen from Poland, on the occasion of the release of the new album, the band's guitarist Marek got in touch with me for an exclusive interview!

(V: for the author M: for Marek)

采访对象:MarekSanko Sakusen乐队吉他手)


V: 你好Marek很高兴认识你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向你们在中国的粉丝问好,Sanko Sakusen2018年就成立了,但是你们直到2021年才正式开始创作,为什么选择在两年后才开始?能不能简单介绍一下Sanko Sakusen的成立过程,Sanko Sakusen这个名字的含义是什么?

Hello Marek nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to your fans in China, Sanko Sakusen was formed in 2018, but you guys didn't officially start writing until 2021, why did you choose to start two years later? Why did you choose to start working two years later, can you briefly introduce the formation process of Sanko Sakusen, and what is the meaning of the name Sanko Sakusen?

M: 向所有喜欢残酷重金属音乐的中国粉丝们问好!我们特别感谢那些认可我们与Sanko Sakusen乐队合作的作品,看到我们与PARANOIA合作的旧唱片,或者看到我们与Christoff为 TURBOSPERMINATOR Zine创作的图形,以及我们为其他乐队设计的封面的人,是的。SANKO SAKUSEN成立于2018年,是一个针对与我们的主要音乐方向不符的想法的项目。我们已经有很多旧作品与我们作为PARANOIA所做的事情或我们的未来计划不一致。然而,COVID-19引发的全球混乱使我们无法频繁进行乐队排练。在那段时间里,Bootlekopf的 Chłosta找到我,让我为他的新专辑制作封面和插图。我们知道Chłosta有能力录制乐队,所以我们同意他将我们的想法上传到SANKO SAKUSEN作为付款方式。这促使我们在2021年进入录音室。在那里,所有歌曲都经过了完善和定稿。当我们进入录音棚时,这些歌曲完全不一样。 SANKO SAKUSEN是“三光政策”(杀光、烧光、抢光)是二战期间日本对华采取的焦土政策。

Hello to all Chinese fans of brutal heavy music! We especially appreciate those who recognize our work with SANKO SAKUSEN, have come across our old recordings with PARANOIA, or have seen the graphics we created with Christoff for TURBOSPERMINATOR Zine, as well as the covers we've designed for other bands. That's right. SANKO SAKUSEN was created in 2018 as a project for ideas that do not fit our main musical direction. We already had many older pieces that didn't align with what we were doing as PARANOIA or our future plans. However, the global chaos introduced by COVID-19 prevented us from frequent band rehearsals. During that time, Chłosta from Bootlekopf approached me to create a cover and illustrations for his new album. We knew that Chłosta had the capability to record bands, so we agreed that he would upload our ideas to SANKO SAKUSEN as a form of payment. This led us to enter the studio in 2021. There, all the songs were refined and finalized. When we entered the studio, these songs were completely different. SANKO SAKUSEN means The Three Alls Policy (kill all, burn all, loot all). It was a Japanese scorched earth policy adopted in China during World War II.

V: Sanko Sakusen只有你和鼓手Krzysztof是固定成员,乐队其他成员都是临时成员,你是怎么邀请这些成员加入乐队的?你对他们的工作满意吗?我在视频中还看到了一位女歌手,你能介绍一下这位女歌手吗?

Only you and drummer Krzysztof are permanent members of Sanko Sakusen, the rest of the band are temporary members, how did you invite these members to join the band? Are you satisfied with their work? I also saw a female singer in the video, can you introduce the female singer?

M: 是的,在录制SANKO SAKUSEN的时候,只有我弹吉他,Christoff 打鼓。我们决定这是一个项目,所以我们邀请了我们的朋友来负责主唱和演奏一些乐器。最初我们的计划是让朋友、他们乐队的鼓手或纹身艺术家朋友来担任主唱。然而传来消息说,由于疫情,必须要呆在家里。这些朋友礼貌地拒绝了参加,因为他们终于可以工作谋生,弥补失去的时间了。我们随后决定选择其他主唱,但希望他们唱得和他们在乐队里唱的不一样。我觉得效果不错。我们对结果很满意。是的,你没看错。其中一位歌手是女性。她叫Marth,她在Thrash Metal乐队 Snake Eyes演唱。Marth的嗓音非常好,所以有一天我打电话给她,问她是否愿意在我们的一首歌中演唱。她同意了并最终唱了几首歌。

Yes, when we were recording SANKO SAKUSEN, it was just me on guitar and Christoff on drums. We decided it would be a project, so we invited our friends to handle vocals and play some instruments. Initially, our plan was to have vocalists who were our friends, drummers in their bands, or tattoo artist friends. However, news came that there was no longer a need to stay at home due to the epidemic. These friends politely declined to participate as they could finally work for a living and make up for lost time. We then decided to choose other vocalists, but with the intention that they would sing differently from how they sing in their bands. I think it worked out well. We are satisfied with the results. Yes, you saw it right. One of the singers is a woman. Her name is Marth, and she sings in Snake Eyes, a thrash metal band. Marth has very good vocals, so I called her one day and asked if she would like to sing on one of our songs. She agreed and ended up singing on a few songs.

V: 乐队的所有作品都是你和鼓手共同创作的,能描述一下你们的创作过程吗?你们都是创作这种音乐的经验丰富的音乐家,你们的创作经验将激励当今许多年轻的音乐家!

The band's compositions all have you and the drummer writing them, can you describe your creative process? You're both experienced musicians in creating this kind of music, and your writing experience will inspire a lot of young musicians nowadays!

M: 自从我和Christoff一起演奏以来,我负责即兴重复,他负责歌曲的节奏。我们记住即兴重复并随着时间的推移将它们组合在一起。然后我们商定它们的持续时间以及当时适合它们的鼓节奏。我们不是演奏大师,但我们喜欢演奏时一切都井然有序。我们不需要额外的声音、节拍或复杂的节奏来让某些东西听起来很特别。我不喜欢只专注于展示他们的技术技能而不是他们创作的音乐的乐队。当然,也有例外,技术技能和音乐性结合在一起。我们是DEATH乐队的忠实粉丝,在那里一切都天衣无缝地结合在一起。当我想听精湛的演奏时,我会转向爵士乐。我经常在那里找到我们创作的灵感。我们的音乐品味并不正统。如果我们是正统的,我们就会重复自己或模仿我们只听的乐队。

Since I've been playing with Christoff, I'm responsible for the riffs, and he's responsible for the rhythm of the songs. We remember the riffs and, over time, combine them. Then we agree on their duration and what drum tempo will suit them at that moment. We are not virtuosos, but we enjoy it when everything falls into place while we play. We don't need additional sounds, beats, or complex rhythms to make something sound specific. I don't like bands that focus solely on showcasing their technical skills rather than the music they've created. Of course, there are exceptions where technical skill and musicality come together. We are big fans of the band DEATH, where everything worked together seamlessly. When I want to listen to virtuosity, I turn to jazz. I often find inspiration there for what we create. We are not orthodox in our musical tastes. If we were, we'd be repeating ourselves or mimicking the bands we limit ourselves to listening to.

V: 你的专辑在录音方面非常出色,你在哪个录音室录制了这张专辑?哪位制作人制作了你的专辑?

Your album is excellent in terms of recording, what studio did you record the album in? Which producer produced your album?

M: 正如我之前提到的,我们在Bottlekopf的Chłosta工作室录制了这些素材(他目前也在Embrional工作)他是一位非常细心的音响师,我不得不多次重复录音才能达到他的标准,尤其是因为我必须录制八首吉他曲目才能达到所需的音效。

As I mentioned earlier, we recorded the material in Chłosta's studio from Bottlekopf (he is currently also active in Embrional). He is a very meticulous sound engineer. I had to repeat the recordings many times to meet his standards, especially since I had to record eight guitar tracks to achieve the desired sound effect.

V: 你们乐队的Logo非常独特,谁为你们设计的Logo?你们的专辑封面也非常独特,谁为你们设计的艺术品?

Your band's logo is very unique, who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also very unique, who designed this artwork for you?

M: 我们没有将自己限制在一个Logo上。我们有几个Logo,但它们的主要元素是一致的。所有Logo都是由Christoff设计的,他也设计了封面。对于封面我们合作设计了概念,以确保它代表了我们的愿景。关于Logo,我们力求避免与知名Logo相似(即使是Christophe Szpajdel设计的Logo也往往彼此相似)我们还想避免一种定义音乐流派的形式(例如,black metal logos通常包括星星、倒十字或尖刺字母末端,而血goregrind logo看起来像撕裂的肠子或裂开的头骨)此外我们不希望封面出现报纸剪报或人工智能生成的图像。Christoff创造了一些独特的东西,与这张专辑的大部分歌词相符。最终我认为歌曲“Rapid Fall of Humanity”与整体设计最契合。

We did not limit ourselves to one logo. There are several, but the main elements are consistent across them. All logos were created by Christoff, who also designed the cover. For the cover, we collaborated on the concept to ensure it represented our vision. Regarding the logo, we aimed to avoid similarities to well-known logos (even those by Christophe Szpajdel tend to resemble one another). We also wanted to avoid a form that would define the musical genre (e.g., black metal logos often include stars, inverted crosses, or spiky letter ends, while goregrind logos look like torn intestines or split skulls). Additionally, we didn’t want the cover to feature newspaper clippings or AI-generated images.Christoff created something unique that aligns with most of the lyrics on this album. Ultimately, I think the song "Rapid Fall of Humanity" fits best with the overall design.

V: 你们的音乐主题是什么?你们想通过这样的音乐主题表达什么?你们写过歌词吗?谁写的歌词?他的灵感是什么?

What is the theme of your music about? What do you want to express through such musical themes? Did you guys write any lyrics parts and who wrote those lyrics? What was his inspiration?

M: 大部分歌词都是MPN-82写的。主要话题是各种形式的政治:政客的腐败、欺骗公众、挑起冲突、经常打着宗教的幌子剥削士兵。歌词还谈到了对人们造成的伤害,以至于他们担心自己的生命安全、对金钱的追求高于一切,以及被信任的人性虐待儿童。虽然每个人都会以自己的方式解读歌词,但你不太可能从中找到任何积极的东西。

Most of the lyrics were written by MPN-82. The main topics are politics in all its forms: the corruption of politicians, deceit of the public, instigation of conflicts, and the exploitation of soldiers, often under the guise of religion. The lyrics also address the harm inflicted on people to the point where they fear for their lives, the pursuit of money above all else, and the sexual abuse of children by trusted individuals. While everyone will interpret the lyrics in their own way, it's unlikely that you'll find anything positive in them.

V: 你们选择自己发行专辑,这样做的好处是可以自己决定专辑的一切,但在推广方面可能不如正规唱片公司那么全面,你们联系过唱片公司帮你们发行专辑吗?

You guys chose to release your album on your own, which has the advantage that you can decide everything about the album on your own, but maybe it won't be as comprehensive as a regular label in terms of promotion, have you contacted a label to release your album for you?

M: 你知道,我们向不同的唱片公司发出了几次询价。最终我们计算了自费出版的成本,结果发现成本并没有我们想象的那么高。当然你还需要一个好的推广策略。幸运的是,有了互联网,推广现在变得容易多了。例如你可以在各种在线杂志上找到我们的乐队。过去推广是通过邮件进行的,磁带复制到录音机上,封面也复印了。 我甚至帮助推广了世界著名的乐队 DECAPITATED,他们是我的朋友。为了展示我们的音乐,我们使用了整张专辑的视频演示,由我们的朋友Zrup Lepszy Prod的Artur(PSYCHONEUROSIS和DISHELL的鼓手)制作。我们将视频发布在YouTube上,听众可以免费欣赏整张专辑。我们之所以选择这种方式,是因为我们不想让人们盲目购买音乐,然后让专辑积满灰尘。看来效果不错,我们已经卖出了一半的黑胶唱片和很大一部分 CD。

You know, we sent several inquiries to different labels. Ultimately, we calculated the costs of self-publishing, and they weren't as high as we thought. Of course, you also need a good promotion strategy. Fortunately, with the Internet, promotion is much easier nowadays. For example, you can find our band in various online zines. In the past, promotions were done by mail, with tapes copied on a tape recorder and covers photocopied.

I even helped promote the world-famous band DECAPITATED, who are friends of mine. To present our music, we used a video presentation of the entire album, created by our friend Artur from Zrup Lepszy Prod (a drummer known from PSYCHONEUROSIS and DISHELL). We posted the video on YouTube, where listeners can enjoy to the entire album for free. We chose this method because we didn't want people to buy the music blindly and then let the album gather dust. It seems to have worked well since we've already sold half of the vinyls and a large portion of the CDs.

V: 首先恭喜你们新专辑的发布,这张专辑混合Grindcore, Hardcore等元素。我更喜欢称你们为 Old School Grindcore,你们的作品让我想起了英国的Napalm Death乐队,Grindcore与Hardcore元素的混合让你们的作品听起来更加疯狂,从你们的现场视频中我就能感受到这一点,你们对自己的作品有什么看法吗?

First of all, congratulations to you guys on the release of your new album, which is a mix of grindcore, hardcore, etc. I prefer to call you guys Old School Grindcore, and your work reminds me of British death napalm bands, grindcore mixed with hardcore elements makes your work sound even more crazy, from your live I can feel this in your live videos, do you have any thoughts on your work?

M: 谢谢你,我的朋友。很多人在我们的音乐中看到了BRUTAL TRUTH、GROINCHURN和NAPALM DEATH(后 Scum 时代)疯狂Grindcore风格的元素。我们尽量不定义我们演奏的音乐的确切类型。我们只是在演奏这些声音时获得乐趣。

Thank you, my friend. Many people see elements of the crazy grindcore style of BRUTAL TRUTH, GROINCHURN, and NAPALM DEATH (post-Scum era) in our music. We try not to define the exact genre of music we perform. We're just having fun playing these sounds.

V: 这张专辑发行后,你们有什么新作品?比如写歌、录制新歌或参加一些音乐节,能透露一些信息吗?我真的很期待你的新专辑!

What new work do you have coming up after the release of this album? Like writing, recording some new songs or playing some festivals, can you reveal some information to people? I'm really looking forward to your new album!

M: 我们最初想专注于另一支乐队,但Sanko Sakusen的反响非常积极,我们被邀请参加音乐节。我们已经在捷克共和国和波兰演出过,反响非常好。由于演出时间太短,我们不得不在返场时重复歌曲,但观众并不介意(我们可能会为未来的演出准备一些翻唱歌曲)因此我们从一个音乐项目转变为一个活跃的乐队。 我们无法让专辑中的所有音乐家都参与进来,所以我们选择了Michał和Marth,他们在舞台上表现得非常好。事实上我们已经有了新素材的想法,将融入更多的风格和乐器,但它仍然会是一种沉重的声音。更多的音乐会和音乐节在等着我们。

We initially wanted to focus on another band, but the reaction to Sanko Sakusen was so positive that we were invited to play at festivals. We've already performed in the Czech Republic and Poland, and the response was excellent. Due to the short set length, we had to repeat songs for the encore, which the audience didn’t mind (we might prepare some covers for future shows). Thus, we transitioned from a music project into an active band.We couldn't involve all the musicians who played on the album, so we chose Michał and Marth, who perform very well on stage. In fact, we already have ideas for new material that will incorporate additional styles and instruments, but it will still be a heavy sound. More concerts and festivals await us.

V: 你们参加过哪些音乐节?哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻印象?能描述一下那里的氛围吗?

What festivals have you guys been to? What festivals have impressed you? Can you describe the atmosphere?

M: 我们参加的第一个音乐节是在我家乡的一座城堡里。各种流派的乐队,从Black Metal到Punk都在那里表演。没人料到我们会演奏这种音乐,你可以看到他们脸上的惊讶。音乐会结束后,人们走上前来,说他们喜欢我们的表演。 下一个音乐节是捷克共和国的Pallasit音乐节,我们在那里与来自欧洲各地的许多乐队一起表演,主要是Grind、Crust和Noise乐队。那里有非常好的家庭氛围、美丽的小城市和很棒的人。我希望我们能再次在那里表演。 最近我们本来应该和Groinchurn一起表演,但他们在俱乐部的表演在演出前不久被取消了(有时,人们会试图通过破坏他们的表演来激怒乐队)接下来我们将与来自EPITOME的朋友以及乐队 Deadly Vision和Indignity一起表演,之后可能还会有更多的表演。

The first festival we played was at a castle in my hometown. Bands of various genres, from black metal to punk, performed there. No one expected the kind of music we played, and you could see the surprise on their faces. After the concert, people came up and said they enjoyed our performance. The next festival was the Pallasit festival in the Czech Republic, where we played with many bands from across Europe, mainly grind, crust, and noise bands. It had a very nice family atmosphere, a beautiful small city, and great people. I hope we will play there again. Recently, we were supposed to play with Groinchurn, but their performance at the club was canceled shortly before the show (sometimes, people try to spite bands by sabotaging their performances). Up next, we have a performance with our friends from EPITOME and the bands Deadly Vision and Indignity, and probably more performances after that.

V: Sanko Sakusen是一支非常年轻的乐队,但你们是一支非常成熟的乐队,我非常喜欢你们的作品,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,我会尽我所能在中国推广你们的乐队,希望通过这次采访,让更多的中国乐迷认识、支持和关注你们的乐队,最后你想对中国乐迷说些什么?

Sanko Sakusen is a very young band, but you are a very mature band, I like your work very much, I will always support and pay attention to your band, and I will do my best to promote your band in China, and I hope that through this interview, more Chinese fans will recognize, support, and pay attention to your band, and lastly, what would you like to say to your Chinese fans?

M: 感谢你邀请我们参加采访,感谢你对我们和许多其他乐队的承诺和支持。我们感谢像你这样探索主流之外广阔音乐世界并与他人分享的人。就我个人而言,我也在寻找音乐,希望你能帮助我发掘一些来自您伟大国家的音乐瑰宝。 致音乐家:为了自己的享受而创造声音,粉丝们就会来。 如果你是听众,我们邀请你在YouTube或Bandcamp上收听我们或购买我们的黑胶唱片或CD。我们希望有一天能为您演奏。 请不要太挑剔,不要给音乐家的表演制造困难(正如我提到的GROINCHURN,我们国家像BEHEMOTH这样的乐队的情况也类似)享受我们的音乐,谢谢!

Thank you for the interview and for your commitment and support for us and many other bands. We appreciate people like you who explore the vast world of music outside the mainstream and share it with others. Personally, I am also on the lookout for music, and I hope you can help me discover some musical gems from your great country. To musicians: create sounds for your own enjoyment, and the fans will come. If you're a listener, We invite you to listen to us on YouTube or Bandcamp, or to buy our vinyl or CDs. We hope to play for you someday. Please don't be too picky and don't make it difficult for musicians to perform (as I mentioned with GROINCHURN, the situation is similar with bands like BEHEMOTH in our country). Enjoy our music, thank you!

Sanko Sakusen乐队主要作品:

Sanko Sakusen - End Of Nothnig(2024)

Sanko Sakusen乐队官方Bandcamp网站:

Sanko Sakusen乐队官方Facebook网站:

Sanko Sakusen乐队官方YouTube网站:

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