英国一直是重金属音乐最重要的的国家之一,在这个国家孕育了大量经典的乐队,比如:Akercocke, Gorerotted, Ted Maul, Throne Of Nails, Damim等乐队,今天采访到的就是来自英国的一支很经典的Death Metal乐队Corpsing,最初创始人Giuseppe离开了他之前参与的乐队Infestation,但是Giuseppe并没有放弃他的音乐梦想,于是他联系到了Mick在2000年组建了Corpsing乐队,2004年发行了第一张Demo作品,2005年乐队在英国本土厂牌Goat of Mendes发行了他们的第一正式专辑“Watching the Thinker”,这张专辑还收录了乐队2004年的Demo中的三首歌曲,这张专辑发行之后便受到了广泛的关注,阴暗的氛围,连续快速的Riff,精彩的编曲,鼓手的表现非常稳定,一张非常精彩的Old School Death Metal的作品,2007年乐队与英国的另外一家著名厂牌Grindethic Records合作发行了第二张正式专辑“The Stench of Humanity”,随着签约大型厂牌乐队也组建被更多歌迷熟知,2007年的专辑发行之后乐队有一些问题暂停了活动,但是这次的暂停不意味着乐队永远消失,相反2017年乐队携带着新作品“Regnum”强势回归,这是一张更加成熟,稳重,黑暗的作品,2020年乐队的第三张正式专辑“Civilisation Under Nefarious Tyrants”发行,,依旧是一张经典的Old School作品,今年乐队也发表了他们的最新作品“Viewing the Invisible”,在新专辑发行之际杂志与乐队的吉他手Giuseppe取得联系进行了一次专访!
(V: 代表笔者 G: 代表Giuseppe)
The UK has always been one of the most important countries for heavy metal music, nurturing a large number of classic bands such as Akercock, Gorerotted, Ted Maul, Throne of Nails, Damim, and others. Today's interview is with the classic Death Metal band Corporing from the UK. The original founder Giuseppe left his previous band Infestation, but he did not give up his music dream. So he contacted Mick to form Corpsing in 2000, released their first demo work in 2004, and in 2005, the band released their first official album "Watching the Thinker" on the UK label Goat of Mendes. er ", This album also includes three songs from the band's 2004 demo, which received widespread attention after its release. The dark atmosphere, continuous and fast riff, wonderful arrangement, and stable drummer performance make it a very exciting Old School Death Metal work. In 2007, the band collaborated with another famous British label, Grindethic Records, to release their second official album "The Stench of Humanity". With the signing of a large label band, they became more well-known to fans. After the release of the album in 2007, the band had some problems and suspended their activities, but this suspension does not mean that the band will disappear forever. On the contrary, in 2017, the band carried a new work "Regnum". The sentence is: Strong comeback, this is a more mature, stable, and dark work. The band's third official album "Civilisation Under Nefarious Tyrants" was released in 2020, still a classic Old School work. This year, the band also released their latest work "Viewing the Invisible". On the occasion of the release of the new album, the magazine contacted the band's guitarist Giuseppe for an exclusive interview!
(V: represents author G: represents Giuseppe)


V: 你好Giuseppe很高兴认识你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你的乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向所有中国歌迷问好,Corpsing成立于2000年,是一支有着悠久历史的老乐队,是谁组建了这支乐队?你还记得当时的情景吗?
Hello Giuseppe nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to all the Chinese fans, Corpsing was formed in 2000, it's a band with a long history of veteran bands, who initiated the formation of this band in the first place? Do you still remember the scene at that time?
G: 你好,我也很高兴见到你,非常感谢你邀请我参加这次面试。是的,这是我们第一次接受中国杂志的采访,我想向所有中国金属迷们问好。2000年我离开之前的乐队Infestation后,我想尝试做一些不同的事情,所以我和我的兄弟Mick联系了起来,我们想做一个Death Metal乐队,但也有Black/Thrash/Doom Metal和其他非金属的影响。当时在伦敦的场景非常棒,有许多伟大的乐队,如Akercocke, Gorerotted, Ted Maul, Throne Of Nails和Damim....一段真正美好的时光。
Hello nice to meet you too and thank you very much for inviting me for this interview. Yes, this is our first ever interview by a Chinese magazine and I would like to say a big hello to all the Chinese metal fans out there. After I left my previous band Infestation in 2000 I wanted to try and do something different so I linked up with my brother Mick, we wanted to do a death metal band but with black/thrash/doom metal and other non metal influences. The scene at the time in London was great with many great bands like Akercocke, Gorerotted, Ted Maul, Throne Of Nails and Damim...a truly great time.
V: 现在你和Mick是乐队里唯一剩下的第一代成员,其他成员都被替换了,为什么第一代成员退出了乐队?新成员是怎么加入乐队的?你对新成员满意吗?
Now that you and Mick are the only first generation members left in the band, and all the other members have been replaced, why did the first generation members quit the band? How did the new members join the band? Are you happy with the new members?
G: 第一代成员因个人原因和缺乏追求乐队的兴趣而离开了乐队。新成员通过我们在现场的共同朋友加入了乐队,这很棒我们现在的新成员绝对棒极le1... Leviathan, James和Mark都是一流的!!!
The first generation members left the band due to personal reasons and lack of interest to pursue the band. The new members joined the band through mutual friends of ours in the scene which was great and the new members we have now are absolutely fantastic...Leviathan, James and Mark are top class!!!
V: 你们乐队的每个成员都是经验丰富的音乐家,你能描述一下你的创作过程吗?我相信你的写作经历会激励许多年轻音乐家,新专辑的写作过程顺利吗?
Each member of your band is a seasoned musician, can you describe your creative process? I'm sure your writing experience will be an inspiration to many young musicians, did the writing process for the new album go well?
G: 创作过程是我喜欢的,它通常从我和米克把即兴重复段带到排练室开始,然后我们所有人一起安排歌曲... 我们在排练时也会当场想出点子,这种自发性真是太棒了。对于新的EP,写作过程真的很好,每个人都有音乐和歌词的投入... 一个伟大的团队努力!!!
The creative process is something that I love, it usually starts with myself and Mick bringing riffs to the rehearsal studio and then all of us work together arranging the songs...we also come up with ideas on the spot while we are rehearsing and this spontaneity is awesome. For the new Ep the writing process was really good, everyone had an input with music and lyrics...a great team effort!!!
V: 你们乐队的Logo非常独特,但非常简约,这种形式的Logo设计是我个人最喜欢的设计形式,谁为你设计了这个Logo?你的专辑封面也很独特,尤其是你2007年专辑“The Stench of Humanity”的封面,我印象深刻,是谁为你设计的这些艺术品?
Your band's logo is very unique, yet very minimalist, and this form of logo design is my personal favorite form of design, who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also very unique, especially the artwork for your 2007 album “The Stench of Humanity” I was very impressed, who designed the artwork for you?
G: 我们的Logo是由我的朋友Mat设计的,他是一位非常有才华的艺术家。新EP的艺术作品由Bite Radius Designs的Gary Ronaldson设计,他曾与一些很棒的乐队合作,如Napalm Death, Exodus和Misery Index乐队。他做得非常出色,我强烈推荐他的作品给任何需要艺术品的乐队。
Our logo was designed by my friend Mat, a very talented artist. The artwork for the new EP was designed by Gary Ronaldson from Bite Radius Designs, he has worked with some awesome bands such as Napalm Death, Exodus and Misery Index. He did a fantastic job and I highly recommend his work to any bands who need artwork.
V: Philosophy, Hate, Decay是你乐队音乐的一些主题,你为什么选择它们,你想通过它们表达什么?你写过歌词吗?是谁写的?是什么激励了他们?
Philosophy, Hate, Decay are some of the themes of your band's music, why did you choose them and what do you want to express through them? Do you write any lyrics, who writes them and what inspires them?
G: 新EP的歌词是我和Leviathan写的。主题探讨了从内心困扰我们的怀疑、自信和自我憎恨的阴险想法和感受。我们在生活中经历的生存本质和斗争,发生在我们向外界展示的形象背后。封面完美地描绘了这一点,看到了外部看不见的东西,而内部则相反,歌词的部分灵感来自几年前我与抑郁症的斗争,这对我有很好的治愈作用……希望人们能从通过创造力克服逆境的巨大积极性中受益!!!
The lyrics for the new EP were written by myself and Leviathan. The main theme explores the insidious thoughts and feelings of doubt, self confidence and self hate that haunt us from within. The essence and battles of survival we go through in life that take place behind the image we exhibit to the outside world. The cover depicts this perfectly, viewing the things that are invisible on the outside while the inside is the opposite, parts of the lyrics were inspired by my battle with depression a few years ago and this had a very healing effect on me...hopefully people can benefit from the immense positivity of overcoming adversity via creativity!!!
V: 你的乐队与Grindethic Records、Goat of the Mendes等非常好的唱片公司发行了专辑,你是如何联系这些唱片公司进行合作的?你对这些品牌的工作满意吗?
Your band has released albums with Grindethic Records, Goat of the Mendes, labels that are very good companies, how did you get in touch with these labels to collaborate? Are you happy with the work of these labels?
G: Goat Of Mendes在2005年发行了我的首张专辑,他们联系我们,提出发行我们的专辑,我们很高兴地接受了,同样的事情发生在2007年与Grindethic Records为我们的第二张专辑发行。两家唱片公司都是由伦敦Death Metal乐队的音乐家经营的,我们对他们的工作非常满意,这在当时对我们帮助很大,遗憾的是,这两家唱片公司已经不存在了,但我们有美好的回忆来纪念他们。
We released our debut album in 2005 on Goat Of Mendes, they reached out to us and offered to release our album and we gladly accepted, the same thing happened with Grindethic Records in 2007 for our second album. Both record companies were run by musicians in the London death metal scene and we were very happy with their work which helped us very much back then, sadly both labels don't exist anymore but we have great memories to remember them by.

V: 你的乐队在2007年发行第三张官方专辑后,直到2017年才发行新的EP专辑,是什么让你在十年后选择发行新专辑?
Your band didn't release a new EP album until 2017 after releasing your third official album in 2007, what made you choose to release a new album ten years later?
G: 我们决定在"Stench Of Humanity"发行和巡演后休息一下,在那段时间里我的个人生活中发生了很多事情,这让组建乐队变得非常困难。然后在2016年的一天,我和当时还很小的女儿一起放松,她说要随着电视上播放的Black Sabbath的歌曲跳舞,然后它击中了我,我对自己说:“我必须再做一次Corpsing”... 因此她激励了我重新组建Corpsing
We decided to take a break after the release and touring for "Stench Of Humanity" and during that time many things happened in my personal life that made doing the band very difficult. Then one day in 2016 I was chilling out with my daughter who was very little at the time, and she stated dancing to a Black Sabbath song that was on the television and then it hit me and I said to myself "I have to do Corpsing again"... so she inspired me to get back to business with Corpsing!!!
V: 首先恭喜你最新发行的“Viewing the Invisible”,这是一部优秀的作品,你之前的专辑也是我最喜欢的,里面充满了Old Scool Death Metal,让我想起了8-90年代甚至是你之前的一些作品。你的作品最好的地方是它不是很快,总是中速到慢速,但它在细节上充满了爆炸,这让它听起来更有活力,你的编排也很好,经典的即兴重复段穿插在你的歌曲中。你可以感觉到你的作品非常娴熟,新成员为新作品带来了更多的新鲜灵感和活力,这些年来,你的乐队现在非常罕见,所以可以肯定地说,你的最新专辑是2025年最好的作品之一。与旧专辑相比这张新专辑有什么变化吗?
First of all, congratulations on your latest release “Viewing the Invisible”, it's an excellent piece of work, and your earlier albums are also my favorite, full of Old School Death Metal, reminding me of the 8-90's, and even some of your earlier work. The best thing about your work is that it's not very fast, it's always medium to slow, but it's full of explosions in the details, which makes it sound more energetic, and your arrangements are excellent, with classic riffs interspersed in your songs. You can feel that you are very skillful in your compositions, and the new members bring more fresh inspiration and energy to the new compositions, in these years your kind of bands are very rare nowadays, so it is definitely said that your newest album is one of the best works in 2025. Has the new album changed at all compared to the old one?
G: 非常感谢您对新EP的好评,很高兴你喜欢我们的音乐。我认为新的EP是我们朝着一个伟大方向迈出的又一步,我们从未两次制作过同一张专辑/EP,这让我感到非常自豪。我们所做的每一次发布都带来了不同的东西... 我们没有固定的计划或公式,我们写的是来自内心的东西!!!
Thank you very much for your kind words about the new Ep, really happy that you enjoy our music.I think the new Ep is another fresh step in a great direction for us, we have never made the same album/Ep twice and that's something that I'm very proud of. Every release that we have done brings something different to the table... we don't have a set plan or formula, we write what comes from within!!!
V: 除了发行新专辑,你们乐队在2025年还有哪些新工作要进行?比如继续创作新歌或其他的工作?你能向大家透露一些信息吗?
What are some of the new things your band is working on in 2025 besides releasing a new album? Like continuing to work on new songs or other endeavors? Can you reveal some information to everyone?
G: 目前我们正专注于练习和现场演奏以推广新的EP。在此期间我们将继续写作,旨在制作一张完整的专辑。
At the moment we are focusing on practicing and playing live to promote the new EP. Also in between that we will continue to write aiming towards doing a full length album.
V: 作为一支经典的老乐队,你们参加了很多节日,哪些节日给你留下了深刻的印象,你能描述一下现场的气氛吗?2023年你的乐队发布了一张现场录音专辑,这是你演奏的那个音乐节的现场录音吗?如果有一天中国组织者邀请你到中国演出,你会为中国歌迷带来一场精彩的演出吗?
As a classic old band, you guys have played a lot of festivals, what festivals have impressed you and can you describe the atmosphere of the scene?In 2023 your band released an album of live recordings, is this a live recording from that festival you played? If one day a Chinese organizer invites you to perform in China, will you give a great show for Chinese fans?
G: 我最喜欢的节日是Bloodstock Festival和Incineration Fest.。两者都组织得很好,拥有来自世界各地的一些最好的金属乐队,令人惊叹的氛围和庞大的人群。现场录音来自我们在Hitchin的Club 85进行的迷你英国巡演的一场演出...很棒的场地。如果我们被中国组织者邀请到中国演出,我们会100%答应...能在中国演出将是一种荣幸,我们一定会为中国的金属迷们呈现一场顶级演出!!!
My favourite festivals that we've played on are Bloodstock Festival and Incineration Fest. Both are very well organised and have featured some of very best metal bands from all over the world, amazing atmosphere and great crowds. The live recording was from a show from a mini UK tour we did at Club 85 in Hitchin...great venue . If we ever get invited by a Chinese organiser to perform in China we would say yes 100%...it would be an honour to play in China and we will definetly give a top class show for the Chinese metal fans!!!
V: Coropsing是一支经典的、伟大的乐队,我是你的忠实粉丝,我从2005年开始就一直在关注你,我听了你所有的作品(除了2004年的演示),我会永远支持和追随你,我也希望通过这次采访让更多的中国粉丝关注和支持你的乐队,最后你有什么想对你的中国粉丝说的吗?
Corpsing is a classic, great band, I'm a big fan of yours, I've been following you since 2005, I've listened to all of your work (except the 2004 demo) and I'll always support and follow you, I also hope that through this interview to let more Chinese fans to follow and support your band, in the end do you have anything you want to say to your Chinese fans? What would you like to say to your Chinese fans at the end of this interview?
G: 首先,我要非常感谢你接受这次采访并感谢你对Coropsing的溢美之词,你的支持对我们来说意义重大!!!对于所有的中国歌迷,我希望你们喜欢这次采访和我们的音乐... 我们真的希望有一天能在你们美丽的国家演出... 注意安全,身体健康,永远保持金属状态!!!
First of all I would like to say thank you very much for this interview and for all the kind words about Corpsing, your support means a lot to us!!! To all the Chinese fans, I hope you enjoyed this interview and our music...we really hope to play in your wonderful country one day...be safe, be well and always stay metal!!!

Corpsing - Watching the Thinker(2005)

Corpsing - The Stench of Humanity(2007)

Corpsing - Regnum(2017)

Corpsing - Civilisation Under Nefarious Tyrants(2020)

Corpsing - Viewing the Invisible(2025)
