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灭绝人性的心理实验 - 意大利Thrash/Death Metal乐队Furious Barking专访

今天采访到的是来自意大利的Thrash/Death Metal乐队Furious Barking,1989年Furious Barking乐队由Giorgio, Massimo和Frankie组建,他们也成为了当地的唯一一支Thrash乐队,一开始乐队并没有取名,直到歌手Roberto加入乐队之后才为乐队取名为Furious Barking,1990年吉他手Fabio加入乐队,乐队的阵容得到升华并且录制了他们的第一张Demo作品,随后乐队又录制了EP和两张Demo作品,从早期的Thrash Metal风格转变成为了Thrash/Death Metal风格,激进,低沉,饱满的编曲,如同一把锋利的剃刀,再加上Death Metal的风格,让这支乐队在当地收到了广泛的关注,他们的每一场现场演出都吸引了大量的歌迷前来观看,1994年乐队宣布解散,知道2008年乐队才发行了第一张正式专辑“Theory of Diversity”,这张专辑由意大利Punishment 18 Records厂牌发行,迟到的专辑并没有让大家对Furious Barking失去兴趣,相反这张专辑发行之后就得到了更多歌迷和乐评人的一致好评,2016年意大利Rude Awakening Records厂牌发行了他们与另外一支来自意大利的老牌Thrash Metal乐队Desmodus的Spilt专辑“Italian Thrash Relics Vol. I”,2023年Rude Awakening Records厂牌发行了Furious Barking乐队的一张Compilation专辑“We Will Meet One Day (The Anthology 1989-1993)”这张专辑包含了乐队1989 - 1993年的所有作品,也是对乐队早期作品一次总结,在前不久通过Rude Awakening Records的协调,杂志与Furious Barking乐队的歌手Roberto取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 R: 代表Roberto)

Today's interview is with Italian Thrash/Death Metal band Furious Barking. Formed in 1989 by Giorgio, Massimo and Frankie, Furious Barking became the only Thrash band in the region, without a name until singer Roberto joined the band. Singer Roberto joined the band and named it Furious Barking, in 1990 guitarist Fabio joined the band and the line-up was upgraded and the band recorded their first demo, followed by an EP and two more demos, moving from the early Thrash Metal style to a Thrash/Death Metal style, aggressive and aggressive. /The band's aggressive, downtempo, full-bodied arrangements and razor-sharp, Death Metal style brought the band a lot of attention locally, attracting huge crowds to every live show they played, before disbanding in 1994 and releasing their first official album in 2008. “Theory of Diversity”, which was released on Italy's Punishment 18 Records label, the late album did not make people lose interest in Furious Barking, on the contrary, the album was released to more fans and critics' In 2016 Rude Awakening Records released their Spilt album “Italian Thrash Relics Vol. I” with another Italian Thrash Metal veteran Desmodus. In 2023 Rude Awakening Records released a compilation album by Furious Barking, “We Will Meet One Day (The Anthology 1989-1993)”. “The album contains all of the band's work from 1989-1993 and is a summary of the band's early work. Shortly before that, through the coordination of Rude Awakening Records, the magazine contacted Furious Barking's singer Roberto for an interview!

(V: for the author R: for Roberto)

采访对象:RobertoFurious Barking乐队歌手


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访。我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访。首先向中国的乐迷们问好,Furious Barking乐队成立于1989年,在意大利是一支非常资深的乐队,是谁提议组建这支乐队的?你还记得当时的场景吗?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time for your band to be interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to Chinese fans, Furious Barking was founded in 1989, is a very senior band in Italy, who proposed to form this band? Do you still remember the scene at that time?

R: 嘿,中国的金属乐迷们大家好,很高兴认识你们并回答你们的问题。是的Furious Barking乐队成立于上世纪八十年代末,比第一波意大利激流乐队(Necrodeath、Schizo、Bulldozer等)晚了几年。实际上乐队的前成员已经与当地的一些重型乐队的成员了,他们希望融入完整的激流音乐,因此开始一起演奏,最初的阵容是三人组(Giorgio, Massimo和Frankie)他们演奏器乐,开始的时候,他们还没有组合的名字几个月后我加入了他们担任主唱。我们选择了 Furious Barking这个名字,因为它听起来既激进又新颖。我们早期是以四重奏的形式演出的,人们喜欢看我们演出,因为我们是当地唯一一支Thrash Metal乐队。一年后Fabio作为第二吉他手加入了我们,乐队的阵容也随之完成。我们的乐队逐渐壮大,我们决定录制第一张7/8轨的Demo。我们的朋友Goddamm Church Records的Carlo Cannella很喜欢这盒磁带并邀请我们在专业录音室录制专辑。我们保留了Demo中的4首歌并加入了前奏和其他新内容,然后我们出版了“De-Industrialized”,该专辑成为80/90年代代表意大利Thrash Metal乐队的经典专辑之一。80/90年代关于当时的场景,我们都住在意大利中部的一个小镇上,那里没有多少乐队,除了我们的朋友Stige。所以我们在音乐节或演出中结识了其他乐队。总之意大利的地下Thrash Metal虽然不如德国或英国有名,但有时也很不错。

Hey, hello to all metalheads in China, I'm pleased to know you and to answer to your questions. Yes, Furious Barking were formed in the late eighties, few years later the first wave of Italian thrash bands (Necrodeath, Schizo, Bulldozer, etc). Actually, the former members already played with some local heavy bands, who wanted to dive in a complete thrash sound and so they did start to jam together. The original line-up was a trio (Giorgio, Massimo and Frankie), they played instrumental power/thrash and at the beginning there wasn't a name of the combo; after few months i joined them at vocals and we did choose the name Furious Barking, because it sounded aggressive and original. We played our early gigs as a quartet, and people liked to see us playing because we were the only thrash metal band in our area. One year after Fabio came as the second guitarist and the line-up was completed. We grew up as a band and we decided to record our first demo with 7/8 tracks. Our friend Carlo Cannella of Goddamm Church Records liked the cassette and asked us to record an album in a professional studio. We kept 4 songs of the demo, adding one intro and other new stuff

and then we published De-Industrialized, that became one of the Eps of the Italian thrash off the 80/90s. About the scene, we all lived in a town of Central Italy with not many bands, except our friends Stige, so we met other groups at festivals or at gigs. Anyway, the Italian thrash underground was good at times, although not as famous as in Germany or UK.

V: 你们的乐队阵容一直保持不变,这在很多乐队中都很罕见,你们是如何做到保持原有阵容的?

Your band lineup has remained unchanged, which is a rarity among many bands, how did you keep the original lineup?

R: 我认为我们都有同样的意愿去演奏我们的音乐,不受任何外界干扰,而且这种感觉在我们之间非常强烈。这是一个态度问题,周围有很多音乐家,但他们并不完全喜欢Thrash Metal,因此乐队的精神很快就得到了发扬,我们经常一起出去吃饭或喝酒,所以没有理由改变阵容。

I think we all had the same will to play our music, without any outside interference, and that feeling was strong between us. It was a matter of attitude, there were many musicians around, but they weren't totally into thrash metal, so the spirit of the band grew quite soon. The tracks were satisfying, the atmosphere during the rehearsals was good and full of jokes, we often went out together for dinner or for drinking, so there was no reason to change the line-up.

V: 你们乐队的每个成员都非常了解对方,知道对方想创作什么样的歌曲。你们是如何创作歌曲的,能否描述一下创作过程?

Each member of your band knows each other very well and knows what kind of songs the other wants to create, how do you all create your songs and can you describe the creative process?

R: 每首歌都是一组想法,从旋律或基调开始,然后思考更好的过渡或某种不同的编排,歌词试图描述音乐最终结构所呈现的情感和形象。我们有时会被批评为但这是Furious Barking的标志。我们成长为是经典金属和经典摇滚的忠实听众,这是乐队的自然风格,我很高兴许多乐迷认为我们的声音很有个性,同时又不失力量和强度。演奏在我们最好的时刻,乐队成员之间产生了巨大的化学反应。

Each song was a set of ideas, starting from riffs or a bassline, and then thinking about the better transitions or some kind of different arrangement, with the lyrics tried to describe both emotions and images gave by the final structure of the music. We have been sometimes criticized for our "proto-mechanized" riffs, but this was a trademark of Furious Barking. We grew as listeners of classic metal and classic rock, and giving that feeling of sharp thrash metal with some alienated or horrorific atmosphere it was a natural style of the band. I am glad that many fans consider us for having a personal sound without loosing power or intensity, considering the years when we have played. In our best moments there was a great chemistry between the members of the band.

V: 你们乐队每张专辑的录制都有很大进步,当然这与时代有很大关系。你们都是在哪个录音棚录制专辑的? 哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?

The recording of each of your band's albums has improved dramatically, of course this has a lot to do with the era, what studio did you all record your albums in? Which producer produced your albums?

R: 我们在两个不同的录音棚录制了专辑,由不同的录音师Paolo Cingolani负责"De-Industrialized",Alessandro Castriota负责“Theory of Diversity”制作。“De-Industrialized”的录音师是 Paolo Cingolani,"Theory of Diversity"的录音师是Alessandro Castriota,然后与我们合作的Rude Awakening一起制作。意大利Thrash Relics的Spilt直接由我们和Gabriele Cruz合作并得到了其他艺术家的支持。

We recorded the albums in two different studios, with different sound engineers Paolo Cingolani for De-Industrialized and Alessandro Castriota for Theory of Diversity, and then producing them with the labels we worked with. The split Italian Thrash Relics was produced directly by the guys of Rude Awakening, and the Anthology was a collaboration between us and Gabriele Cruz, with the support of other artists.

V: 科幻小说、心理学、恐怖小说是你音乐的一些主题,你为什么选择它们?你想通过这些主题表达什么?歌词是谁写的?他的灵感来自于什么?

Science fiction, Psychology, Horror are some of the themes of your music, why do you choose them? What do you want to express through these themes? You also wrote the lyrics, who wrote the lyrics? Who wrote the lyrics and what inspired them?

R: 我们的音乐描述了个人与大众之间的冲突、由此产生的异化及其心理临界状态。其心理临界状态。灵感来源于生活的真实一面,甚至是想象中的事实、因此我认为这些主题非常适合我们的音乐。有时也会提到电影或文学、 但不仅仅是这些。有些歌曲是关于战争的残酷或社会的不公,有些歌词则是更多的是内省,甚至是科幻和恐怖题材等等。例如许多评论"多样性理论"被描述为人类心灵的一次旅行,我想这与事实相差不远。

Our music describes the conflict between the individual and the masses, its resulting alienation and its psychological critical condition. Inspiration comes by real aspects of life or even imaginary facts, so I think those topics really fit the sound. There are sometimes references to Cinema or Literature, but not only. Some songs are about the cruelty of war or about social injustice, some other lyrics are more introspective or even sci-fi and horror oriented, and so on. For instance, many reviews have described Theory of Diversity as a voyage inside the human mind, well I guess that is not so far from the truth.

V: 你们的Logo非常复古,是谁为你们设计的这个Logo?你们的专辑封面也很精美,是谁为你们设计的?

Your logo is very retro, who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also beautifully

designed who designed the artwork for you and what was his inspiration?

R: 抱歉,我不记得是谁设计的Logo徽标了,但肯定很酷。意大利Thrash Relics的封面由Andrea Pini绘制,而"We Will Meet One Day"的整体设计则来自于Massimo Dalla Valle(Massimo Dalla Valle,也是Stoner Metal乐队Kayleth的吉他手)我很喜欢他他对科幻小说情有独钟。在大流行病期间,我们一起工作他非常有耐心,因为概念完全是我自己构思的,我向他询问了很多细节。几乎所有的封面上都有我们的吉祥物--Dr. Deindustrialized,他是一位疯狂的科学家,在人类毁灭的过程中幸存下来。他与外星人打交道,在城市荒凉的景色中与怪物战斗。

I can't remember who designed the logo, sorry, but it was cool, for sure. The cover of Italian Thrash Relics was drawn by Andrea Pini, while the whole artwork of We Will Meet One Day is drawn from Massimo Dalla Valle (who is also the guitarist of the stoner metal band Kayleth). I loved his work on We Will Meet One Day, he is totally into sci-fiction. During the pandemic we worked together and he was very patient, since the concept was completely conceived by me and I asked him for many details. In almost all the covers there is our mascot, Dr. Deindustrialized, a mad scientist who survived to the destruction of mankind. He deals with aliens and fights against monster creatures in urban desolate landscapes.

V: 你们曾与Punishment 18 Records、Goddam Church Records、DeathStorm Records、Rude Awakening Records 等唱片公司合作发行过专辑,你对他们的工作满意吗?

You've released albums with labels such as Punishment 18 Records, Goddam Church Records, DeathStorm Records, Rude Awakening Records, etc., how did you get in touch with these labels to collaborate? Were you satisfied with their work?

R: 我认为他们或多或少都做得不错。正如我之前提到的Goddam Church是我们镇上的一家唱片公司。其余的我们都是在金属场景中认识的。我们在2008年通过Punishment Records出版了“Theory of Diversity”,这非常重要因为许多人在多年后更了解我们了。Deathstorm的Paolo Porro要求我们重新发行“De-Industrialized”的 CD。我们非常高兴,因为他是个好人,而且真诚地热爱我们的音乐。Rude Awakening是一个新成立的小厂牌,但他们充满激情,工作非常专业,所以我认为我们与Gabriele合作出版双张选集是个不错的选择。

I think they did a good job, in a way or another. As I mentioned before, Goddam Church was a label from our town, while for the rest we knew each others thank to the metal scene. We published Theory of Diversity in 2008 via Punishment Records, and this was very important because many people knew us better after many years. Paolo Porro at Deathstorm asked for the reissue on CD of De-Industrialized, and we were very glad, since he is a great guy and he sincerely loves our music. Rude Awakening is a small new label, but they work with passion and very professionally, so I think we made a good choise to publish the double Anthology with Gabriele.

V: 你们在1994年宣布解散,但你们在2008年发行了第一张正式专辑“Theory of Diversity”,之后又在2016年和2023年发行了两张新专辑、我很想知道你们目前的解散状况如何?你们目前的状态是解散还是组建?

You guys announced that you were disbanding in 1994, but you released your first official album “Theory of Diversity” in 2008 in a disbanded state, followed by two new releases in 2016 and 2023, and I'm curious to know what your current status is in terms of disbandment! I'm curious to know if your current status is disbanded or formed?

R: 状态是解散,我和其他前成员决定保留Furious Barking的记忆和名字,印刷再版和以前未出版的材料,因为我们有一群全球粉丝。我们知道他们中的许多人都是通过互联网才发现我们的音乐的。而其他人则是在我们活跃的时候看过我们的音乐会。我们可能会在未来重组,这取决于唱片公司的支持。

The status is disbanded. Me and other former members have decided to keep alive the memory and the name of Furious Barking, printing reissues and previously unpublished material, since we have a bunch of worldwide fans. We know many of them discovered our music retrospectively thank to internet, while others saw us in concert when we were active. Probably we'll publish something else in the future again, depending by the support of the labels.

V: 你们是一支经典的Thrash/Death Metal乐队结合,锋利如剃刀的乐句,折磨着乐迷的膈膜,复杂的编曲,反映了你们的技术质量,每件乐器都是如此。每件乐器都配合得很好,主唱的演唱也给我留下了深刻印象。你对自己的作品有什么看法?

You guys are a classic Thrash/Death Metal band, a combination of classic Thrash and Death

Metal, sharp as a razor riffs, torturing the diaphragm of the fans, complex arrangements, reflecting the quality of your skills, every instrument works very well together, and I was impressed by the vocals of the lead singer, what do you think of your own work? thoughts on your work?

R: 我想我们的唱片保留了怒吼乐队解散前的精髓。在最后一张试听唱片中,乐队加入了更多Death Metal的元素,但也许我们还会加入其他影响,但没人会知道。我确实喜欢唱快歌,但我也一直喜欢阴郁的部分。因此也许我们可以写更多缓慢的实验性部分,同时保持我们尖锐的

我喜欢Coroner、Celtic Frost 或 Dream Death等乐队。

I guess our records keep the essence of what Furious Barking really were, before they disbanded. In the last demo the band added more death metal patterns, but probably we would have incorporated also other influences, no one will ever know. I did like to sing fast but I always liked doomy parts too, so maybe we could have written more slowly of experimental parts, mantaining our sharpy thrashy sound; I love bands as Coroner, Celtic Frost or Dream Death.

V: 2024年你的乐队有哪些新的工作要做,比如创作,录制了一些新歌,你能透露一些信息吗?

What are some of the new things you have coming up for your band in 2024, such as writing

and recording some new songs, can you reveal some information to people?

R: 目前还没有新作品,但我希望能以不同的形式出版一些老作品,如黑胶或磁带,自选集是一项伟大的努力,它试图用双CD的形式呈现Furious Barking的所有故事并附赠了流媒体视频。所以现在我想出版一些不同的东西,也许是过去演出的现场专辑。

There isn't new stuff at the moment, but I wish to publish some other old stuff in different format as vinyl or cassette. The Anthology was a great effort, it tries to render quite the all the story of Furious Barking on a double CD and with a bonus streaming video, so now I'm thinking to publish something different, maybe a live album of past gigs.

V: 你们参加过这些现场表演吗?有没有让你们印象深刻的现场表演?你们是否计划在2024年举办一些演出?

Have you guys ever been to one of those live shows? Were there any live shows that impressed you and can you describe the atmosphere and are you not planning on doing some shows in 2024?

R: 现在有很多优秀的乐队,我喜欢各种类型的金属(thrash, death, doom, traditional等等)也喜欢各种类型的音乐、 取决于他们音乐的强度。在欧洲有一些很酷的活动每场演出都值得一看。

There are many good bands nowadays, I dig quite every genre of metal (thrash, death, doom, traditional, whatever...), depending by the intensity of their music. There are some cool happenings here in Europe, each of them deserves to be attended.

V: 你们是一支伟大的乐队,我希望通过这次采访让所有中国乐迷了解、关注和支持你们的乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,最后你们有什么想对中国歌迷说的吗?

You guys are a great band, I hope through this interview to let all Chinese fans know, pay attention and support your band, I will always support and pay attention to your band, at the end of the day do you have anything you would like to say to your Chinese fans?

R: 谢谢你们,能在中国这样的金属音乐日益流行的国家得到赞赏是一件令人惊讶的事情。在中国金属乐越来越受欢迎。也许那里的人们真的感受到了Furious Barking乐队的声音,这意味着我们的 “不可能任务 ”成功了。尽可能大声地播放我们的唱片吧!

Thank you man, it is amazing to be appreciated in countries like China, where metal is becoming increasingly popular. Perhaps people there really feel inside the sound of Furious Barking, meaning that our mission impossible has been succesful. Play our records as loud as you can!

Furious Barking乐队主要作品:

Furious Barking - De-Industrialized(1991)

Furious Barking - Theory of Diversity(2008)

Furious Barking / Desmodus - Italian Thrash Relics Vol. I(2016)

Furious Barking - We Will Meet One Day (The Anthology 1989-1993)(2023)

Furious Barking乐队官方Facebook网站:

Furious Barking乐队官方Myspace网站:

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