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肉酱的制作方式 - 美国Groovy Goregrind乐队Mysteryxmeat专访

Writer's picture: Volcano MagazineVolcano Magazine

今天采访到的是一支来自美国的Groovy Goregrind乐队Mysteryxmeat,组建于2024年的Mysteryxmeat乐队是因为吉他手Austin在Facebook上面发布了一个想组建一支Goregrind乐队的帖子,随后Manuel,Clint和Ethan非常感兴趣,于是Mysteryxmeat乐队组建了,这个名字由来是根据南非的一种熟肉食物而来,Mysteryxmeat乐队的作品类似于捷克的Gutalax乐队,大量的Grooy元素让他们的作品听起来更加具有活力和现代气息,快速连续的Riff,让这支乐队的作品更加的凶残,律动,这张专辑最大的特点就是,非常的旋律化,很容易让歌迷记住这支乐队的作品,歌手类似于Gutalax的演唱方式也给很多歌迷留下了深刻印象,今年乐队刚刚发布了他们的第一张正式专辑“Goremet”,新专辑发行之际杂志与Mysteryxmeat乐队取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 M: 代表Mysteryxmeat乐队)

Today's interview is with Mysteryxmeat, a Groovy Goregrind band from the U.S. Formed in 2024, Mysteryxmeat was formed after guitarist Austin posted on Facebook that he wanted to start a Goregrind band, and Manuel, Clint, and Ethan were very interested, so Mysteryxmeat was formed. Ethan were very interested and Mysteryxmeat was formed, the name is based on a South African delicatessen food, Mysteryxmeat's work is similar to that of the Czech band Gutalax, with a lot of grooy elements to make their work sound more energetic and modern, and a rapid succession of riffs to make this band's work even more vicious. The band's work is even more ferocious and rhythmic, the most important feature of this album is that it is very melodic, which makes it easy for fans to remember the band's work, and the singer's Gutalax-like singing style has also impressed many fans, and this year the band just released their first official album “Goremet”, the new album is released. This year the band has just released their first official album “Goremet”, and on the occasion of the release of the new album, the magazine got in touch with Mysteryxmeat for an interview!

(V: for the author M: for Mysteryxmeat)



V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向所有的中国歌迷问好,Mysteryxmeat 乐队是哪一年成立的?你们是如何组建乐队的?Mysteryxmeat这个名字的含义是什么?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think it's the first time you guys have been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all hello to all the Chinese fans, what year did Mysteryxmeat form? How did you form the band and what is the meaning of the name Mysteryxmeat?

M: 我们是在2024年成立的,有点像在facebook上发的一个笑话。我们的吉他手Austin发布了 “是否有人想组建一支goregrind乐队”的帖子,Clint, Ethan和Manuel立刻表示了兴趣,然后就这样开始了。乐队的名字源于我们开的一个玩笑,是关于南非一种叫“Smiley Fritz”的熟食肉,这是一种神秘的肉,被染成了笑脸的样子。

We got started in 2024 sort of off a joke post on facebook. Our guitarist Austin posted if anyone wanted to start a goregrind band and immediately Clint, Ethan and Manuel commented with interest and it just rolled from there. The band name originates from a joke we were having about a South African deli meat called Smiley Fritz which is a sort of mysterious meat that is in dyed to look like a smiley face. mysteryxmeat was born.

V: 你们都是乐队的第一代成员,彼此非常熟悉,知道对方想创作什么样的歌曲,能描述一下创作过程吗?

You guys are all first generation members of the band, you know each other very well and know what kind of songs each other want to create, can you describe the writing process?

M: 这一切都要归结为写出能让人拍案叫绝的旋律。通常是先写出一些想法,然后交给我们的鼓手Ethan进行 “微调”(他是乐队中最好的音乐家),然后由他来调整节奏和感觉并加入鼓声部分以突出歌曲的节奏。

Well it all comes down to writing riffs that groove and can make the heads bang. It usually starts with a flurry of riff ideas that get passed along to our drummer Ethan for “fine tuning” (he’s the best musician in the band) he then gets the tempo and feel right and adds in the drum parts to accent the groove.

V: 我知道你们即将发行第一张正式专辑,这张专辑是在哪个录音室录制的?哪位制作人为你们制作了这张专辑?新专辑的录制过程如何?

I understand that you are about to release your first official album, what studio did you record this album in? Which producer produced the album for you? How is the recording process going for the new album?

M: 第一张专辑大部分都是自己制作的。所有吉他和人声都是在Austin家里录制的。专辑中的鼓由Marco Pitruzzella在他家的录音室录制和演奏,只是因为时间延误和成本问题。专辑由来自Davos Records的杰出人士Otyn混音。新EP的录制过程完全不同。上周日,我们在德克萨斯州休斯顿历史悠久的Sugar Hill工作室与工程师Angel Guerra一起录制了所有吉他和鼓。一旦我们有更多的时间,我们计划回去完成人声的录制并对专辑进行最后的润色。

The first album was all self produced for the most part. All guitars and vocals recorded at Austin’s house. The drums for the album were recorded and performed by Marco Pitruzzella at his home studio just due to time delays and costs. Album was mixed by the magnificent Otyn from Davos Records. The new EP is a completely different process recording wise. This past Sunday we tracked all guitars and drums at the historic Sugar Hill Studios in Houston Texas with Engineer Angel Guerra. Once we have some more time we plan to return to finish tracking vocals and get the finishing touches put onto the album.

V: 你们的Logo设计非常独特,谁为你们设计了这个Logo?谁为你们的第一张正式专辑设计了封面?

Your logo design is very unique, who designed this logo for you? Who designed the artwork for your first official album?

M: 谢谢!Logo由Artur Ryabow设计,封面由Dahmer Art设计。两位都是非常有才华的人,他们完美地捕捉到了我们的风格。

Thank you! The logo was designed by Artur Ryabow and the Artwork was designed by Dahmer Art. Both very talented individuals who have captured our look perfectly.

V: 你们的音乐主题是什么?为什么选择这个音乐主题,想通过这个音乐主题表达什么?你是否写过歌词,这些歌词是谁写的,他的灵感来源是什么?

What is the theme of your music about? Why did you choose this musical theme and what do you want to express through this musical theme? Did you write any lyrics parts, who wrote these lyrics and what was his inspiration?

M: 这个问题很难回答,说到底我们的音乐就是为了开心。很多时候乐队会把自己看得太严肃,而我们恰恰相反。因此我们的歌曲能让我们发笑,也希望能让我们的歌迷发笑。我们在专辑中穿插了几句歌词,这真的是天意或即兴发挥。我们按下录音键,歌词就这样从Clint的嘴里冒出来了。

So this is tough question to answer, at the end of the day our music is all about having fun. Alot of times bands can take themselves too seriously and were just the opposite. So our songs are things that make us laugh and hopefully make our fans laugh too. We have a few lines of lyrics sprinkled throughout the album and it was truly just an act of god or adlib. We hit record and the words came out of Clint’s mouth that way.

V: 你们的第一张专辑将在哪个唱片公司发行?你们目前正在与哪些唱片公司联系?你们的新专辑会发行CD还是只发行数字专辑?

What label are you going to release your first album on? What labels are you currently in contact with? Will your new album be released on CD or just digitally?

M: 我们目前是独立唱片公司。我们的专辑将于2025年3月7日在所有流媒体平台和bandcamp 上发行。我们的CD数量非常有限,一旦到货很快就能在bandcamp上买到。

We are currently independent. Our album will be release on all streaming platforms and bandcamp on March 7th 2025. There is a very limited run of CDs that will be available shortly on the bandcamp once they arrive.

V: 你们的乐队注册了中文应用软件小红书,目前很多乐队和粉丝都在使用这个软件。这个软件对你们乐队的帮助有多大?

Your band signed up for the Chinese app Xiaohongshu, which is currently being used by many bands and fans. How much has this app helped your band?

M: 的确,这个软件让我们与一个全新的市场建立了联系,如果没有它,我们根本无法与这些人建立联系。从音乐、美食到文化,我们都能从完全不同的角度来看待问题,这非常酷。

Truly this app has connected us to a whole new market of people who never would have made the connection with us otherwise. Very cool to get a completely different perspective on all things from music to food to culture.

V: 首先祝贺你们即将发行新专辑,到目前为止,我只通过视频听过你们的作品,你们的作品给我留下了深刻印象,你们给我的感觉就像一支山寨Gutalax的乐队,你们和这支乐队有很多共同之处,你怎么看你们的作品?

First of all, congratulations on your upcoming album, I've only heard your work through videos so far, and I'm very impressed with your work, you feel like a Gutalax copycat band to me, and you have a lot in common with this band, what do you think of your work?

M: 也许“山寨”这个词用得太重了,绝对是受到了他们的启发,他们对我们的影响很大。他们将自己的乐趣和节奏带入音乐中,同时又是一支精益求精的高级乐队,这正是我们努力的方向。当我们第一次在休斯顿为他们和Guineapig做开场演出时,我们才真正明白了这一点。我们的音乐绝对是我们自己的,如果你喜欢玩乐,那你就应该来看看。

Maybe copycat is a strong term. Definitely inspired by. They are a huge influence for us. The way they bring their own brand of fun and groove while being a very polished and a high class band is something we strive for. It really came full circle when we played our very first show opening for them and Guineapig in Houston. The music we make is definitely our own, and if you like to have fun then you should check it out.

V: 你们是一支非常年轻的乐队,但我看到你们已经开始演出了,能给我们介绍一下参加这次演出的乐队吗?现场气氛如何,2025年你们还有哪些新演出?

You guys are a very young band but I see you've already started playing shows, can you tell us a little bit about the bands that are playing this show? What was the atmosphere like and what new shows do you have coming up in 2025?

M: 我们的第一场演出是为Gutalax、Guineapig和Deflowered做开场嘉宾。这三支乐队都是 goregrind之王,现场气氛非常棒。现场座无虚席,每个人都乐在其中。3月14日,我们将参加由Stabbing、Visceral Disgorge、Condemned和Peelingflesh领衔的Gulf Coast Deathfest。4月12日,我们将与Prophecy、Texas Murder Crew和Cheesegrater Masterbation一起演出。我们已经迫不及待地想与这些出色的乐队一起尽情表演了。

So kinda stealing from the question above but our very first show was opening for Gutalax, Guineapig and Deflowered. Which was amazing, all three bands are goregrind kings and the atmosphere was amazing. Venue was packed and everyone was enjoying themselves. Coming up on March 14th we are playing Gulf Coast Deathfest headlined by Stabbing, Visceral Disgorge, Condemned and Peelingflesh. Then April 12th were getting rowdy with Prophecy, Texas Murder Crew and Cheesegrater Masterbation. Cannot wait to jam out with all of these amazing bands.

V: 除了发行新专辑,你正在为你的乐队在2025年做哪些新的事情?你能透露一些信息吗?

What are some of the new things you're working on for your band in 2025 besides releasing a new album? Can you shed some light on that?

M: 其实就是集中精力为专辑发行准备好实体媒体,比如衬衫和CD并确保所有的流媒体网站都能正常运行。然后集中精力完成新专辑的工作并预订一些新的演出,也许还会尝试夏季巡演。

Really just focusing on getting physical media ready for the album release like shirts and CD’s and making sure all of the streaming sites are up and running. Then focusing on finishing up the work on the new album and booking some new shows and maybe even trying to find a summer tour.

V: 虽然你们是一支非常年轻的乐队,但却是一支非常有潜力的乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,也非常期待你们第一张专辑的发行,我也希望通过这次采访让更多的中国歌迷关注支持你们的乐队,最后你们有什么想对中国歌迷说的吗?

Although you are a very young band, but a very promising band, I will always support and pay attention to your band, and very much looking forward to the release of your first album, I also hope that through this interview to let more Chinese fans to pay attention to support your band, in the end, do you have anything you want to say to your Chinese fans?

M: 非常感谢你们邀请我们!我们非常高兴能接受这次采访,接触到这个全新的乐迷群体!希望大家喜欢我们的首张专辑

Thank you very much for having us! We are so ecstatic and humbled that we are getting to do this interview to reach this whole new community of fans! We hope the everyone enjoys our debut album


Mysteryxmeat - Goremet(2025)










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