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腐臭,溃烂 - 日本Goregrind乐队FesterDecay 专访

今天采访到的是来自日本的Goregrind乐队FesterDecay,Carcass作为Goregrind的先驱,他们早期的Goregrind的作品被所有歌迷誉为经典专辑,同时也出现了大量的模仿乐队,比如Exhumed等乐队,其中很多模仿乐队都是其中的佼佼者,今天我采访的FesterDecay就是其中之一,2016年成立的FesterDecay在成立之初就发行了一张五首歌曲的Demo作品,虽然只有短短的八分钟,但是完全演绎了FesterDecay的才华,随后乐队发行了多张作品,2023年乐队在意大利Everlasting Spew Records厂牌发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“Reality Rotten to the Core”,这张专辑发行之后就被评为2023年最优秀的Goregrind作品之一,节奏相对缓慢,采用了一些School Hardcore的演奏技巧,而不是现代碾压乐中那种躁动不安的快如闪电的Blast Beats。这使得FesterDecay能够在音乐有更多的节奏变化,吉他以简单的强力和弦与早期的Carcass的共同点更多。人声是一个多样化的组合,包括非人类的咆哮声、咕噜咕噜的打嗝声和偶尔的绝望哀嚎。但他们提供了比一般的Goregrind 乐队更多样化的音乐,FesterDecay脱颖而出,成为当代音乐中更具创造性和思想性的乐队。就美学和精神而言,这不仅仅是Goregrind音乐的回归,前不久杂志与FesterDecay取得联系进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 F: 代表FesterDecay乐队)

Today's interview is with FesterDecay, a Goregrind band from Japan, Carcass being the pioneers of Goregrind, their early Goregrind releases have been hailed as classic albums by all of their fans, and there has been a plethora of copycat bands such as Exhumed and others, with many of these copycat bands being amongst the best of the best. FesterDecay, who I'm interviewing today, is one of them. Formed in 2016, FesterDecay released a five-song demo opus at the beginning of its existence, which was only eight minutes long, but completely interpreted FesterDecay's talent, and the band has since released several opuses, with the band releasing an album in 2023 on the Italian In 2023 the band released their first official album “Reality Rotten to the Core” on Everlasting Spew Records in Italy, which was named one of the best Goregrind releases of 2023, with a relatively slow tempo and some School Hardcore playing. The album is relatively slow paced and utilizes some School Hardcore techniques rather than the manic, lightning fast Blast Beats of modern grind, which allows FesterDecay to have more rhythmic variety in the music, with guitars featuring simple power chords that have more in common with early Carcass. The vocals are a diverse mix of inhuman growls, grunted hiccups and the occasional wail of despair. But they offer a more diverse sound than your average Goregrind band, and FesterDecay stands out as one of the more creative and thoughtful bands in contemporary music. In terms of aesthetics and spirituality, this is more than just a return to Goregrind music, and the magazine got in touch with FesterDecay for an interview a while back!

(V: for the author F: for the band FesterDecay)



V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你能参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,当然你也是中国的老朋友了,首先跟中国的粉丝们打个招呼吧,FesterDecay成立于2016年是一支已经走过了九年的老牌乐队,当出是谁提议组建的这支乐队?

Hello brother nice to see you, thank you very much for taking part in this interview, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, and of course you're an old friend of China, first of all say hello to your fans in China, FesterDecay was formed in 2016 and is a veteran band that has already been going for nine years, when out of the gate who proposed the formation of this band?

F: 所有的中国歌迷朋友们大家好,我们又见面了,很高兴再次见到你们,同时也感谢火山杂志给我们这次采访的机会!

Hello to all our Chinese fans, here we are again, nice to see you again and thanks to Volcano Magazine for giving us the opportunity to do this interview!

V: 你们乐队在2023年更换了贝斯手Gokkun加入乐队,第一位贝斯手为何退出乐队,Gokkun 又是如何加入乐队的?你们对他的工作满意吗?

Your band replaced bassist Gokkun in 2023 to join the band, why did the first bassist quit the band and how did Gokkun join the band? Are you happy with his work?

F: 之前的贝斯手由于精神和身体问题,很难适应我们的活动节奏。我们很想和他继续合作,他要求离开乐队。后来在招募成员的过程中,我们收到了Gokkun的电子邮件,于是我们让他加入了乐队。大家都知道,他的贝司演奏非常疯狂,非常棒。

The previous bassist had difficulty adjusting to our pace of activity due to mental and physical problems. We really wanted to still work with him, but he left the band at his request. Later on in the member recruitment process, we received an email from Gokkun and we let him join the band. As you know, his bass playing is crazy and awesome.

V: 你们能描述一下你们的创作过程吗?

Can you describe your creative process?

F: 首先,我创作歌曲的旋律和发展,然后鼓手Ryozy和我一起发展。然后我们再加入编曲、人声和歌词。这样Gore就完成了。

First, I create the riffs and development of the song, then Ryozy, the drummer, and I develop it together. Then we all add arrangements, vocals and lyrics. The rotten gore is complete.

V: 你们发行的每一张专辑在录音方面都非常棒,我喜欢你们的录音方式,你们是在哪个录音棚录制专辑的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?

Every one of your releases has been really great in terms of recording, I love how you guys recorded them, what studio did you record the albums in? Which producer made your albums?

F: 非常感谢,第一张专辑“Reality Rotten to the Core”是在福冈县田川市一个叫“Iikane Pallete”的地方录制的。在日本很难找到像我们这样理解极端音乐的工程师,但他尽可能地做到了我们想要做的。

Thank you very much. 1stAlbum "Reality Rotten to the Core" was recorded at a place called "Iikane Pallete" in Tagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture. It was engineered by Kohei Azuma, the man behind the hardcore band "Kruelty" that is taking the world by storm right now.In Japan, it is difficult to find an engineer who understands extreme music like ours, but he did exactly what we wanted to do as much as possible.

V: 你的音乐主题是关于Gore的,为什么选择这个音乐主题?你想通过这样一个音乐主题表达什么?你们有歌词部分吗?这些歌词是谁写的?

Your music theme is about Gore, why did you choose this music theme? What do you want to express through such a musical theme? Do you have a lyrics section, who writes these lyrics and what inspires him?

F: 当我试图组建一支乐队时,世界上有很多Gore Grind乐队,他们的音乐很烂或者他们自称为 Gore Grind乐队,只是因为他们使用了尸体的图像,尽管他们的音乐是Brutal Death Metal。

当然,我喜欢包括这类乐队在内的Gore Grind乐队,但我坚信Gore Grind乐队(早期的Carcass乐队)的根源是英国Hardcore Punk,因此我组建了FesterDecay”,作为一支更原始、更Hardcore的Gore Grind乐队。我们录制的第一批歌曲没有歌词,但我和Kensuke目前正在为我们正在创作的歌曲填词。歌曲的主题更加哲学化和思想化,摆脱了过去医学和病理学的主题。它们的灵感来Black Metal, Death Metal, Hardcore Punk以及我们最喜欢的电影、游戏、一些小说和我们所处的环境(政治问题、宗教等)老实说,我们不是医学专家,所以如果我们想写医学歌词,那也只是业余水平。这只是娱乐,不是艺术。

When I was trying to start a band, there were many gore grind bands in the world with crappy machines or bands that called themselves gore grind just because they used images of corpses even though musically they were brutal death metal. Of course, I liked gore-grind including such bands, but I was convinced that gore-grind (Early Carcass) had its roots in UK hardcore punk, so I formed "FesterDecay" as a more primitive and crusty goregrind band. The first songs we recorded had no lyrics, but Kensuke and I are currently working on lyrics for the songs we are working on now. The themes of the songs are more philosophical and thought-oriented, moving away from the medical and pathological themes of the past. They are inspired by black metal, death metal, hardcore punk, as well as our favorite movies, games, some novels, and our environment (political issues, religion, etc.) To tell you the truth, we are not medical professionals, so if we tried to write medical lyrics, they would be at the level of amateurs. It's just entertainment, not art.

V: 你们的Logo设计非常独特,是谁为你们设计了这个Logo?你们专辑的大部分插图都使用了尸体标本,这样的插图让我想起了早期的Carcass插图,是谁为你们设计了这个插图?

Your logo design is very unique, who designed this logo for you and yours?Most of your album artwork uses cadaveric specimens, such artwork reminds me of early Carcass artwork, who designed this artwork for you?

F: 第一张专辑的所有插图都是我请072(Disturd/Immortal Death/BBVGC)画的,其他艺术家包括Necrofrost、Adam Medford和 Taylor Smith(thecovenzine)

For the first album, I asked "072(Disturd/Immortal Death/BBVGC)" to draw all the artwork. Other artists include Necrofrost, Adam Medford, and Taylor Smith(thecovenzine)

V: 你们与Obliteration Records、Everlasting Spew Records等厂牌合作发行过专辑,这些厂牌都非常棒,你们是如何与这些厂牌取得联系并进行合作的?你对他们的工作满意吗?

You've released albums with labels such as Obliteration Records, Everlasting Spew Records, etc., which are all fantastic labels, how did you get in touch with these labels to collaborate? How did you get in touch with these labels to work with them? Were you satisfied with their work?

F: 我和Obliteration Records的Naru成了朋友,因为2017年他的店里有FesterDecay的 Demo。他就像乐队的父亲,对我们帮助很大。我们在2021年左右与Everlasting Spew签约并发行了一张单曲和一张专辑。

I became friends with Naru of Obliteration Records when he had the Demo of FesterDecay in his store in 2017. He is like a father to the band and has been very helpful. And we signed with Everlasting Spew around 2021 with an offer and have released one single and an album.

V: 首先祝贺你们的第一张正式专辑"Reality Rotten to the Core"于2023年发行。你们的作品让我想起了Grindcore时期Carcass乐队的作品。你们的专辑让我仿佛回到了上世纪80年代,粘稠、病态的旋律和相对缓慢的节奏让人欲罢不能。它采用了Old School Hardcore音乐的反弹方式,而不是现代Grind音乐中躁动不安的闪电式爆破。这样你就可以在音乐中注入一些节奏变化,轻松应对based和重型d节拍。吉他以简单的强力和弦为基础,与Carcass的共通之处多于早期的Napalm Death。然而在这些噪音下潜藏着复杂性,人声也是多种多样的组合,包括非人的咆哮、潺潺的打嗝声以及偶尔绝望的哀嚎。但与一般的Goregrind乐队相比,你们提供了更多样化的音乐,成为当代音乐中一支更具创造性和思想性的乐队。你如何看待自己的作品?

First of all, congratulations on the release of your first official album "Reality Rotten to the Core" in 2023. Your work reminds me of the work of the Carcass band during the Grindcore period. Your album makes me feel like I'm back in the 80s, with sticky, sick riffs and a relatively slow rhythm. It uses the bounce method of old-school hardcore, rather than the restless lightning-fast blasting in modern grind music. This allows you to inject some rhythm changes into the music, and you can easily handle blasts to heavy d-beats. The guitar is based on simple power chords, and you have more in common with Carcass than with early Napalm Death. However, complexity lurks under these noises, and the vocals are a diverse combination, including inhuman roars, gurgling hiccups, and occasional desperate wails. But you provide more diverse music than the average goregrind band and become a more creative and thoughtful band in contemporary music. What do you think of your work?

F: 如前所述,Goregrind的根基来自英国Hardcore Punk。更具体地说这只是我的猜测(因为我出生于1995年并不清楚当时到底发生了什么)当时的一些Thrash Metal和Death Metal的影响,以及像Swans这样更具实验性的音乐,也在Carcass的这些影响混合中得到了认可。因此我们有意识地使用了大量 D-beat。我们之所以不使用Blast Beats,是因为我在乐队成立初期加入了Viscera Infest,我知道我无法与这种风格竞争。各种人声风格和采样声音让我们的世界观更有深度。我希望通过这些手段创作出的音乐是 “你永远无法通过在唱片上敲一次针就能完全理解的”。我希望创作的音乐,能让你在反复聆听或翻看作品时每次都有新的发现。

As mentioned earlier, Goregrind's roots are in UK hardcore punk. To be more specific, and this is just a guess (because I was born in 1995 and don't know exactly what was going on back then), some thrash metal and death metal influences of the time, as well as more experimental music such as Swans, are also recognized in Carcass' mix of these influences. Therefore, we consciously use a lot of D-beat. The reason we don't use fast blast beats is because I joined "Viscera Infest" in the early days of the band, and I knew I couldn't compete with that style.Various vocal styles and sampled voices give more depth to our worldview. The music I want to create by these means is something that "you can never fully understand just by dropping the needle on a record once. I want to create music that you will discover something new every time you listen to it over and over again, or look at the artwork.

V: 你们乐队在2024年有什么新的工作要做吗?比如创作和录制一些新歌,能向大家透露一些信息吗?

Does your band have any new work to do in 2024? For example, composing and recording some new songs. Can you reveal some information to everyone?

F: 我们正在录制与一个大型Gore Grind乐队的合辑以及一些合辑歌曲。我们希望能在今年年底(2024 年)发行。

We are recording a split with a BIG gore grind band and some songs for a compilation. We hope to release it by the end of this year (2024).

V: 你参加过许多音乐节,在许多国家演出过。哪些音乐节或城市你留下了深刻的印象?能否介绍一下当时的现场气氛?你刚刚结束了在中国的演出。你对在中国的演出有什么感受?

You have participated in many music festivals and performed in many countries. Which music festivals or cities have left a deep impression on you? Can you introduce the atmosphere on the scene at that time? You have just finished your performance in China. What are your feelings about the performance in China?

F: FesterDecay只去过韩国、中国和美国。每天都有那么多朋友和顾客围绕着我,我感到非常开心,我永远不会忘记在纽约和费城的激动时刻。中国和美国一样疯狂!我尤其记得成都的JahBar,因为那是个很棒的地方。老实说我去过很多国家,但中国的美食是最好的!我们是亚洲人这一事实与此有关,但我们在四川吃的中国菜是我这辈子吃过的最好吃的前三名之一。

FesterDecay has only been to Korea, China, and the U.S., so I would say the U.S. tour is the best of the three. I was so happy to be surrounded by so many friends and customers every day, and I will never forget the excitement in New York and Philadelphia. China was just as crazy as America! I especially remember JahBar in Chengdu because it was a great place. Honestly, I've been to many countries, but China is the best for food! The fact that we are Asian had something to do with it, but the Chinese food we had in Sichuan was one of the top three best I have ever had in my life.

V: FesterDecay是一支非常优秀的乐队,我是你们的忠实粉丝,我会永远支持你们的乐队。我也希望能在中国再见到你们。最后你们有什么想对中国歌迷说的吗?

FesterDecay is a very good band. I am your loyal fan. I will always support your band. I also hope to see you again in China. Finally, do you have anything you want to say to your Chinese fans?

F: 谢谢。我们非常喜欢中国,每年都想来看看。遗憾的是,日本和中国有很多不容忽视的国际问题,有些白痴对对方的国家不敬。但我们已经通过音乐成为了朋友。民族主义和政治问题不能干扰这一点。我们知道中国是一个美好的国家,我们也会尽最大努力让日本成为一个更好的国家。请等待我们,我们很快会再去中国。

thank you. We love China so much that we want to visit every year. Unfortunately, Japan and China have a lot of international problems, which cannot be ignored, and there are idiots who are disrespectful to each other's country. But we are already friends through music. Nationalism and political issues cannot interfere with that. We know that China is a wonderful country and we will try our best to make Japan a better country. Please wait for us, we will go to China again soon.


FesterDecay - Reality Rotten to the Core(2023)








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