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致幻剂 - 阿根廷Cyber/Gorefrogsnoise乐队Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety专访

今天采访到的是一支来自阿根廷Cyber/Gorefrogsnoise风格的乐队Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety,2024年由Gastón一个人组建,虽然Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety乐队是一支很年轻的乐队,但是发行了大量的作品,其中与很多乐队发行了Spilt专辑作品,可以感受到这支年轻的乐队创作欲望非常高涨,Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety的作品给人一种头疼欲裂的感觉,噪音般的Riff再加上大量电子元素给人一种耳膜刺穿的感觉,而且所有的创作和编曲都是由Gastón一个人完成,虽然在录音方面还有待提高,但是对于Cyber/Gorefrogsnoise风格的乐队Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety来说这种录音效果很好的体现出他的噪音和电子元素,在同类型的乐队中Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety来说是一支非常值得关注的年轻乐队,在前不久我联系到了乐队的唱创始人Gastón进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 G: 代表Gastón)

Today's interview is with Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety, an Argentinean Cyber/Gorefrogsnoise style band formed in 2024 by Gastón alone, although Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety is a very young band, it has released a lot of material. Although Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety is a very young band, they have released a lot of material, including the Spilt album with many bands, and you can sense that this young band has a high desire to create, Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety's productions are headache-inducing, with noisy riffs and a lot of electronic elements that make the eardrums pierce through the eardrums and are all composed and arranged by Gastón alone. All the compositions and arrangements are done by Gastón alone, and although the recording leaves a lot to be desired, it is a good representation of the noise and electronic elements of Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety, a Cyber/Gorefrogsnoise band, and one of the best in the genre. Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety is one of the young bands to watch out for, and I got in touch with the band's singer-founder, Gastón, for an interview a while ago!

(V: for the author G: for Gastón)

采访对象:Gastón(Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety乐队创始人)


V: 你好Gaston先生很高兴见到你,非常感谢你接受我们的采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向中国的乐迷们问个好,Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety乐队成立于哪一年?你们是如何组建乐队的,是谁想出Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety这个名字的?

Hello Mr. Gaston nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety was formed in what year? How did you form the band and who came up with the name Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety?

G: 你好!很高兴接受Vulcano的采访!事实上这是我第一次接受采访,哈哈,向在场的所有人问好,我希望能与现场进行一些合作,我今年(2024年)7月5日/07/2024开始这个项目,更准确地说,我的想法来自于制造噪音的愿望,我从家里开始用虚拟乐器进行实验,一点一点地,我赋予了它形状,这个名字灵感来自我最喜欢的作品之一Bloohshed party Gore,这是一个来自阿根廷的乐队,我与来自俄罗斯Inopexia进行了Spilt,他们的Spilt名字是“Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety”,我把它带到了那里。

Hello! It is a pleasure, a pleasure to do an interview with you! "Vulcano" the truth is that they are my first interviews in general hehe, Greetings to everyone present, I hope to do some collaboration with the scene there, I started this project this year (2024) on July 05/07/2024 to be more precise. , My idea came from the desire to make noise, I started experimenting from home with virtual instruments and little by little I gave shape to this, The name is inspired by one of my favorite works by "Bloohshed party Gore", a band from here In Argentina I did a Split with Inopexia from Russia and the name of their Split was "Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety." I took it there.

V: 你们乐队现在有多少成员?你们都是第一代成员吗?

How many members are in your band now? Are you all first generation members?

G: 乐队是我一个人组建的,得到了我妻子Onemanband Gastón (Frogy) Baigorria的支持。

I put the band together alone, with the support of my wife, Onemanband Gastón (Frogy) Baigorria.

V: 你是如何创作歌曲的,可以描述一下创作过程吗?

How do you all create your songs and can you describe the creative process?

G: 我将我的歌曲用于谋杀案、黑幕、烈性毒品、色情、疾病和人体畸形等案件。准备工作很简单,我研究一些东西,然后刻下歌名,再创作基调!

I used my songs in cases of murders, shady cases, strong drugs, and pornography, diseases, and human deformities, etc. The preparation is simple, I research something, I carve the title of the song and then I create the bases!

V: 你的录音依然出色,你是在哪个录音室录制的专辑?哪位制作人制作了你的专辑?

Your recordings are still outstanding, what studio did you record the album in? Which producer produced your album?

G: 录音还在继续,他在家里录制了一切!我自己的厂牌是xGxOxRxEx,我有各种作品、合辑和单曲!专辑即将发行!请注意

The recordings are still continuous, he recorded everything from home! My own label is "xGxOxRxEx I have various works, Split and Singles! An album will be released soon! Pay attention

V: 你的Logo设计非常复杂,是谁为你设计的这个Logo标?谁为你设计了专辑封面?

Your logo design is very complicated, who designed this logo for you? Who designed your album artwork for you?

G: 类型Logo是由来自阿根廷的设计师Daniel Castro制作的,封面是由我数码制作的,有些封面是由我的同事一起制作的。我下一张专辑的当前封面是由“Emanuel Aguilante Maldonado(xExAxMx)”制作的。

The type logo was made by Daniel Castro, a designer from Argentina, excellent work, the covers were made by me digitally, there are covers that my colleagues have put together The current cover of my next album is being made by "Emanuel Aguilante Maldonado (xExAxMx)"

V: 你的音乐主题是什么?为什么选择这个音乐主题?你想通过这个音乐主题表达什么?

What is the theme of your music about? Why did you choose this musical theme? What do you want to express through this musical theme?

G: 我的项目主题是喧闹和欢乐,在这样的环境中认识新朋友和新朋友,我以此表达的是自由,表演暴力和攻击性歌曲的想法让我感觉很好,让人们喜欢它,这是我的荣幸。我的上帝,你不必害怕展示你知道如何做,每个人都有不同的领域,我在Noise及其分支领域。

The theme of my project is noise and fun, meeting new people and friends in this environment, what I express with this is freedom, the idea of performing violent and aggressive songs makes me feel good and makes people enjoy it It is an honor for me. My God, you don't have to be afraid to show what you know how to do, there are always different fields for everyone, I am in e Noise and its branches.

V: 到目前为止你发行了多少张专辑?你的所有作品都是以数字形式发行的,你是否联系过任何专业唱片公司以CD或其他形式发行你的专辑?

How many albums have you released so far? All of your work has been released digitally, have you contacted any professional labels to release your albums on CD or otherwise?

G: 我目前有3张单曲和8张Spilt,还没有开始发行实体唱片,但很快就会发行!明年它们将在数字平台上发行......

I currently have 3 "Singles" and 8 "Split" I haven't made the leap to releasing physical material yet, but I will soon! Next year they will be available on digital platforms...

V: 你的乐队的风格被定义为Cyber / Gorefrogsnoise,我刚刚试听了你们的作品,我非常喜欢,嘈杂的旋律不断折磨着我的耳膜,但你们的Cyber元素并不强烈,更多的是Noise和Goregrind元素。

Your band's style is defined as Cyber / Gorefrogsnoise, I've just auditioned your work and I like it a lot, the noisy riffs tormented my eardrums continuously, but your Cyber elements are not very strong, it's more of Noise and Goregrind elements.

G: 没错!我更倾向于Gore和Noise,我正在尝试使用网络技术,我正在开辟奇怪的前奏和结尾,但我将一直在这三种风格之间进行尝试!Cyber/gore/noise

That's right! I'm leaning more towards Gore and Noise, I'm experimenting with cybernetics, I'm opening up strange intros and endings, but I'll always be experimenting between those three styles! Cyber/gore/noise

V: 你的乐队参加过哪些现场演出,哪些现场演出给你留下了深刻的印象,你能描述一下现场的气氛,以及你计划在2024年参加的其他一些现场演出是什么?

What are some of the live shows that your band has been to, what are some of the live shows that have impressed you, and can you describe the atmosphere, and what are some of the other live shows that you are planning on attending in 2024?

G: 演出?目前没有,将来也不会有,在我所在的城市,我是最早开始做Gorenoise的人之一,所以没有人支持我。

Shows? Not at the moment brother, there is nothing in the future and that, in my city I am one of the first to start this Gorenoise thing so there is no support

V: Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety在中国不是很出名,但我希望通过这次采访能让更多的中国歌迷关注、支持、认可你们的乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,最后有什么想对中国歌迷说的吗?

Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety is not very famous in China, but I hope that through this interview I can make more Chinese fans pay attention to, support, and recognize your band, and I will always support and pay attention to your band, what would you like to say to your Chinese fans in the end?

G: 我要告诉你的是,我很高兴和你在一起,我希望人们从那里到达合作和参与现场在这里。一个巨大的拥抱和问候从这里!保持该死的青蛙噪音!!

What to tell you, very happy with you brother and I hope people from there arrive to collaborate and participate in the scene here. A huge hug and greetings from here! Keep the damn frog noise!!

Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety乐队主要作品:



Gaston Baigorria / Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety - AMPHIBIANS NEED MEDICAL TREATMENT(2024)

Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety - ORGY TENTACLES(2024)


CHAMALEONIDAE FURCIFER PARDALIS / Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety - CHAMALEONIDAE FURCIFER PARDALIS / Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety(2024)

Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety乐队官方Facebook网站:

Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety乐队官方Instagram网站:

Hallucinogenics Extrem Anxiety乐队官方YouTube网站:

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