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面对困难永不屈服,为尊严而战 - 意大利Melodic Heavy Metal乐队Aphrlion专访

Writer's picture: Volcano MagazineVolcano Magazine

今天采访到的是来自意大利的Melodic Heavy Metal乐队Aphrlion,成立于2023年的Aphrlion的前身名为Clean Distortion组建,Aphrlion受到了Old School Heavy Metal风格影响,再加上优美,动听的旋律,吸引了众多歌迷的关注,2024年发行的作品,更是打动了更多的歌迷,仿佛回到了90年代的时光,虽然乐队在阵容上进行了一些改革,但是并没有让乐队停止创作的脚步,新成员的加入让乐队的作品更加优秀,虽然Aphrlion是一支非常年轻的乐队,但是乐队成员都是经验丰富的音乐家,前不久乐队也刚刚发布了最新作品,在新作品发行之际杂志也通过厂牌和乐队取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 A: 代表Aphrlion)

Today's interview is with the Italian Melodic Heavy Metal band Aphrlion, founded in 2023 and formerly known as Clean Distortion, Aphrlion was influenced by the Old School Heavy Metal style, coupled with beautiful, melodic melodies, attracting the attention of many fans. Aphrlion has attracted the attention of many fans, and their 2024 release has touched even more fans, as if going back to the 90's. Although the band has made some changes to their lineup, it hasn't stopped the band from creating, and the addition of new members has made the band's work even better, and even though Aphrlion is a very young band, their members are all experienced musicians. Although Aphrlion is a very young band, the band members are all experienced musicians, and the band has just released their newest work, and on the occasion of the release of the new work, the magazine also contacted the band through the label for an interview!

(V: for the author A: for Aphrion)



V: 你好兄弟很高兴认识你,非常感谢你参加这次采访。我想这是你们乐队第一次接受来自中国的杂志的采访吧。首先向所有的中国乐迷和朋友们问好。Aphelion是什么时候建立的?你是怎么组成这个乐队的?Aphelion这个名字有什么意义吗?

Hello, brother. Nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview. I think this is the first time for your band to be interviewed by China magazine. First of all, let's say hello to all China fans and friends. When was Aphelion founded? How did you form this band? Does the name Aphelion mean anything?

A: 大家好,来自中国的朋友们!非常感谢您给我们这次采访的机会。这支乐队成立于2023年,前身是一支名为Clean Distortion的旧乐队,现任创始人Luca和现任主唱Lorenzo也在其中。Aphelion被理解为行星与其恒星的最大距离点,而矛盾的是你离太阳越远,你接收的热量就越多。我们用这个概念来传达,即使我们可能远离光明,“希望”或良好的愿望仍然可以实现。

Hello, friends from China! Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to be interviewed. The band was formed in 2023 from the ashes of the old band called Clean Distortion, which included Luca, the current founder, and Lorenzo, the current singer. Aphelion is understood as the point of maximum distance of a planet from its star, and paradoxically, the farther you are from the sun, the more heat you receive. We use this concept to convey that even though we may be far from the light, "hope" or good intentions can still come true.

V: 你们乐队有多少成员?你们都是第一代吗?你们更换过成员吗?

How many members are there in your band? Are you all members of the first generation? Have you changed your members?

A: 乐队目前由5名成员组成:两名吉他手Luca和Skizzo,一名贝斯手Antonio,一名歌手Lorenzo和一名鼓手Davide。是的,在过去有过几次阵容变动:一些人离开了,还有一些人被迫离开,但项目一直在向前发展。

The band is currently composed of 5 members: two guitarists (Luca and Skizzo), a bassist (Antonio), a singer (Lorenzo), and a drummer (Davide). Yes, in the past, there have been several lineup changes: some people left, and others we were forced to part ways with, but the project has always moved forward.

V: 你能介绍一下你的创作过程吗?

Can you introduce your creative process?

A: 我们都会想出适合自己类型的想法。它从一个基础开始,像一个Riff或鼓的律动,然后每个成员加入他们的乐器贡献。

We all come up with ideas that fit well with our genre. It starts with a foundation, like a riff or a drum groove, and then each member adds their instrumental contribution.

V: 你们乐队的专辑录制得很好。你是在哪个录音棚录的?谁为你制作的专辑?

Your band's album is excellent in recording. Which studio did you record it? Who produced the album for you?

A: 它是由SebLazar在他的工作室制作的。是的,他在录音方面做得很好!

It was produced by SebLazar at his studio. And yes, he did a great job with the recordings!

V: 你们的Logo设计很独特,很简单,但是这种设计形式是我最喜欢的形式,因为我很容易记住你们乐队的名字。谁为你设计的这个Logo?你的专辑封面是我最喜欢的,非常漂亮。谁为你设计了这些艺术品?

Your logo design is unique and very simple, but this design form is my favorite form, because I can easily remember the name of your band. Who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is my favorite and very beautiful. Who designed these artworks for you?

A: 我们的Logo是由Enzo Starita设计的。他创造了一个极简主义的Logo,代表远日点的概念,他还为我们的第一张EP“Far From the Sun”画了封面。

Our logo was designed by Enzo Starita. He created a minimalistic logo that represents the concept of aphelion, and he also worked on the artwork for our first EP, Far From The Sun.

V: 你已经发行了三张专辑,这三张专辑是哪个厂牌发行的?你们是如何联系到这些厂牌合作的?你对这些厂牌的工作满意吗?

You have released three albums. Which brand released these three albums? How did you get in touch with these brands to cooperate? Are you satisfied with the work of these brands?

A: 我们的第一张EP名为“Far From The Sun”,完全是自己制作的并在主要的流媒体平台上以数字方式发行:Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, SoundCloud等

Our first EP, titled Far From The Sun, was entirely self-produced and distributed digitally on major streaming platforms: Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, SoundCloud, etc.

V: 你们乐队的音乐主题是什么?为什么选择这样的音乐主题?你想通过这样一个音乐主题表达什么?你还写了歌词。这些歌词是谁写的,又是什么给了他灵感? 

What is the theme of your band's music? Why do you choose such a music theme? What do you want to express through such a musical theme? You also wrote the lyrics. Who wrote these lyrics and what inspired him?

A: 我们的音乐灵感来自于日常生活中的困境,这是献给所有面对他们的人的。歌词大部分是我们的Lorenzo写的,但也有一些是Luca写的。

Our music is inspired by the difficult situations that occur in daily life. It is dedicated to all those who face them. The lyrics are mostly written by our Lorenzo, but some are also written by Luca.

V: 你的风格是Melodic Heavy Metal,你的作品给我留下了很深的印象。尖锐的Riff和优美的旋律令人难忘。而且你的作品深受80年代的影响,歌手的演唱非常出色,非常有穿透力。你觉得你的作品怎么样?

Your style is Melodic Heavy Metal, and your works have left a deep impression on me. The sharp Riff and beautiful melody are unforgettable. Moreover, your works are deeply influenced by the 80s, and the singer's singing is excellent and penetrating. What do you think of your works?

A: 首先感谢你的溢美之词和赞美,但我们相信我们还有很多工作和实验,永远不会停止。

First of all, thank you for the kind words and compliments, but we believe that we still have a lot to work on and experiment with, without ever stopping.

V: 2024年即将结束,2025年即将开始。你们乐队在新的一年里有什么新作品吗?比如创作和录制一些新歌,你能告诉我们一些信息吗?

2024 is coming to an end and 2025 is about to begin. Is there any new work for your band in the new year? For example, writing and recording some new songs, can you tell us some information?

A: 在新的一年里,我们计划发行另一张EP,我们正在制作一张概念专辑,将在不久的将来发行。

For the new year, we plan to release another EP, and we are working on a concept album that will be released in the near future.

V: 你的乐队参加了那些音乐节,其中一些给你留下了深刻的印象。你能告诉我们一些当时的大气情况吗?2025年你还会被邀请参加哪些音乐节?

Your band participated in those music festivals, and some of them left a deep impression on you. Can you tell us something about the atmosphere at that time? What other music festivals will you be invited to attend in 2025?

A: 我们参加了各种各样的节日和现场表演,最后一次我们在(Valle Caudina Metal Fest IV)表演,当我们看到我们的音乐被欣赏时,我们的肾上腺素飙升。2025年,我们正在组织自己参加新的活动。

We have participated in various festivals and live shows, and the last one we performed at (Valle Caudina Metal Fest IV) pumped us up with adrenaline as we saw that our music was appreciated. For 2025, we are organizing ourselves to take part in new events.

V: 你们是一支优秀的意大利乐队。我会一直关注和支持你们的乐队。我也希望通过这次采访,让更多的中国歌迷关注和支持你们的乐队。最后你有什么想对你的中国粉丝和朋友说的吗?

You are an excellent Italian band. I will always pay attention to and support your band. I also hope that through this interview, more China fans will pay attention to and support your band. Do you have anything to say to your fans and friends in China at the end?

A: 谢谢你给我们这个机会,我们希望有一天能来你们国家演出!再见,朋友们!

Thank you for this opportunity, and we hope to come and perform in your country one day! See you soon, friends!


Aphelion - Far From The Sun(2024)

Aphelion - Mirror Of Lies(2024)

Aphelion - Scapegoat(2024)


Aphelion乐队官方Tik Tok网站:





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