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黑暗,折磨,痛苦 - 乌拉圭Death Metal乐队Parasital Existence专访

Updated: 3 days ago

今天采访到的是来自乌拉圭的Death Metal乐队Parasital Existence,成立于2017年的Parasital Existence乐队最初由鼓手Hector和吉他 / 歌手Max组建,Hector和Max参与了很多乐队之后决定组建这支乐队,随后贝斯手Javier加入乐队,2019年乐队发行了他们的第一张EP专辑“Granted Extinction”,这张专辑发行之后便收到了广泛的好评和喜爱,非常精彩的SODM作品,2021年乐队的第一张正式专辑“Endless Torments”,在乌克兰Envenomed Music厂牌发行,2022年乐队和阿根廷的Death / Black Metal乐队合作发行了一张Spilt,由阿根廷Herrecords厂牌发行,前不久乐队的吉他 / 歌手Max与杂志取得联系进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 M: 代表Max)

Today's interview is with Parasital Existence, a Death Metal band from Uruguay. Formed in 2017, Parasital Existence was originally formed by Hector on drums and Max on guitar/vocals, Hector and Max were involved in many bands before deciding to form the band, and were joined by Javier on bass. Javier joined the band and in 2019 the band released their first EP ‘Granted Extinction’, which was met with critical acclaim and love, a brilliant piece of SODM, and in 2021 the band's first official album ‘Endless Torments’, released on the Ukrainian label Envenomed Music, and in 2022 the band teamed up with Argentinean band Death / Black Metal to release Spilt on the Argentinean label Herrecords. The band's guitar / singer Max got in touch with the magazine for an interview!

(V: for the author M: for Max)

采访对象:MaxParasital Existence乐队吉他 / 歌手)


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你联系我接受这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,Parasital Existence成立于 2017 年,当初是谁提议成立这支乐队的?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you so much for contacting me for this interview, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, Parasital Existence was formed in 2017, who proposed the formation of this band in the first place?

M: 你好,我的朋友。这是我们第一次接受中国媒体的采访。 首先感谢你为我们提供这个空间并将我们的音乐传播到贵国。当,也要感谢所有支持地下音乐和当地场景的死亡金属爱好者。

关于答案......我是Parasital Existence乐队的吉他手兼主唱Max,乐队成立于2017年,我们讨论了很久要创建一支OSDM乐队,在那一年我们开始预演一些歌曲,最初的阵容只有鼓手Hector和我在走这支乐队的路。

Hi my friend. for sure its the first interview we made for a chinesse media. First of all, thank you for this space and spread our music to your country. And of course to all death metal

bangers who support the underground and their locals scenes. About the answer...Im Max guitar and vocals of, Parasital Existence. Band was formed in 2017, we talked a lot about to create an OSDM band, and in that year we start to rehersal whit some songs, when the year go pass we change the initial formation. Only the drumer Hector and me follow the path of this band.

V: 你们三名乐队的成员都是乐队的第一代成员,你们互相认识很久了,我相信你们在创作音乐时会很得心应手,因为你们对彼此都很了解,知道对方需要创作什么样的音乐。我相信你们在创作音乐时会很得心应手,因为你们彼此非常了解,知道对方需要创作什么样的音乐,能跟我们说说你们的创作过程吗?

The members of your band Sanming are all first generation members of the band, you've known each other for a long time and I'm sure you'll come in handy when it comes to creating music as you know each other very well and know what kind of music each other needs to create, can you tell us a little bit about your creative process?

M: 不尽然,贝斯手Javier于2019年加入乐队,当然他仍然是我们的主要创作人。我们多年前就认识当地的乐队并在乌拉圭的其他乐队中演出。关于音乐都是我自己创作的。我先写好旋律,然后在排练中修改某些部分或重复其他部分,最后才写歌词。我们总是从音乐开始,然后根据歌曲调整歌词。

Not all, the bass player Javier enter the band in 2019, and still whit us of course. We know from our local scene from years ago, and play in another bands from Uruguay. About the music, we dont have a rule to make our songs, but almost are made by me. I make the riffs, and then in rehearsal we modify some parts or repeat anothers, late came the lyrics. Always start whit the music, lyrics adjust to the song.

V: 你的音乐主题是什么?你为什么选择这样一个音乐主题,你想通过这样一个音乐主题表达什么?你有歌词部分吗?这些歌词是谁写的?

What is the theme of your music about? Why did you choose such a musical theme and what do you want to express through such a musical theme? Do you have a lyrics section, who wrote these lyrics and what inspired him?

M: 歌词的方向总是一致的,都是你可以在通讯上读到的真实故事,谋杀、绑架、强奸。我在选定的故事中加入一个角色,然后开始写作。虽然没有社会信息,但我们显然在谈论边缘化、吸毒等问题,别忘了我们来自南美,我们不住在住宅区。这里的生活很艰苦,我认为我们在歌词中体现了这一点。但是我们不想创作典型的政治歌曲或者类似的歌曲。例如上个月我的一个朋友可能因为毒品问题被杀了。我写的下一首歌词就会谈到这个问题。很悲伤但这就是我们的现实

The lyrics always run by the same direction, are real stories you can read in the newsletter about, murders, kidnapings, rapes. I put a character in the chosen one, and start to writte.

Dont have a social message, but obviously we are talking about marginality, drugs adiction, dont forget we came from South america, and we dont live in residential subs. Life here its hard and i think we project that in our lyrics. but, we dont want make the tipical Political songs, or something like that. for example, last month a friend of my was killed by drugs issues, probably next lyric i writte talk about that. Sad, but its our reality

V: 你们的Logo设计得很美,是谁为你们设计的?你们的专辑封面设计得也很美,是谁为你们设计的?

Your logo is beautifully designed, who designed the logo for you and your album artwork is beautifully designed, who designed the artwork for you?

M: 谢谢,我们很喜欢,我们选择了一位印尼艺术家来设计Logo以及EP和第一张专辑的封面。 他就是Ardha Lepa,EP封面完全由他创作,表达了一种寄生于世界的生物。专辑则与众不同,Javier(我们的贝斯手)从事纹身工作,他设计了整个插图,但我们选择了Ardha Lepa来制作封面,他为封面赋予了生命或死亡。

Thanks we love it to. We choose an Indonesian artist to make the logo, and the covers from EP and the first album. Ardha Lepa its the guy behind that. The Ep cover was fully created by him and express a creature who parasite the world. About the album was different. Javier (our bass player) works making tatoos, he design the entire ilustration,but we choose Ardha Lepa to put the textures and he give life, or death, to the cover.

V: 你们曾与Artes Negras Productions、Envenomed Music和Herrecords合作发行过专辑,你们是如何与这些唱片公司联系合作的?你对他们的工作满意吗?

You have released albums with Artes Negras Productions, Envenomed Music, and Herrecords, how did you get in touch with these labels to collaborate? Were you satisfied with their work?

M: 是的,我是Artes Negras的幕后推手,我在该厂牌发行了来自乌拉圭地区地下乐队的CD和磁带。EP是为阿根廷的Herrecords发行的。我多年前就认识这个人,我们一起发行过一些唱片。关于第一张专辑是为Envenomed music、Extreme zone、Grinder cirujano和Artes negras制作的,当然是CD版本,后来我们发行了磁带版本。去年巴西一家名为Impaled Records的唱片公司又发行了包括EP在内的专辑。幸运的是我们卖出了所有的拷贝。

Yes. Im the guy behind Artes Negras, whit that label i release in Cd and Tape material from underground band from the region, not only Uruguay. The Ep, was release for Herrecords from argentina I know personaly the guy from years ago, and we make together some releases. About the album, the first issue was made for, Envenomed music, Extreme zone, Grinder cirujano and Artes negras of course, in Cd, late we releases in Tape, and last year a brasilian Label Impaled Records, make a re issue including the Ep to. We are more than satisfy whit this people. fortunely we sold every copy we have.

V: 你们的最新专辑Spilt是在2022年发行的,非常感谢你们为我提供了2021年正式专辑“Endless Torments”的试听, 你们是一支伟大的Old School Death Metal乐队,连续、快速、残酷的打击乐,你们的贝斯非常重,为你们的声音增色不少,主唱的声音非常浑厚低沉,你们觉得自己的作品如何?

Your latest release is a Spilt album in 2022, and I would like to thank you very much for giving me a demo of your official 2021 album ‘Endless Torments’, you are a great Old School Death Metal band, continuous, fast and brutal! You are a great Old School Death Metal band, continuous, fast, brutal riffs, precise, fast percussion, your bass is very heavy and adds to your sound, and the singer's vocals are very thick and low, what do you think of your work?

M: 感谢您的工作,我们喜欢我们的音乐,但我们的脚已经着地,我们做自己喜欢的音乐,我从小就听Death Metal的音乐,我认为这对我在一小时内演奏一个旋律很有帮助,我们的声音就像我们的声音。

Thanks for your work, we like our music, but we have the feets on the ground. We made the music we like. I hear death metal from my childness, i think this help a lot in the hour

to play a riff. we sound like we sound.

V: 2024年你们乐队还有什么新的计划?比如创作、录制一些新歌,能透露一些信息吗?

What else is coming up for your band in 2024? Like writing, recording some new songs, can you reveal some information to people?

M: 我们正在完成第二张专辑的录制,目前只剩下贝斯和人声的录制,我们正准备从阿根廷北部、巴拉圭、智利和巴西进行一次小型巡演。

We are finishing our second album, in this moment only rest record Bass and vocals. then we send to a studio in Brasil, and he make the mixing and mastering. the magic. We are preparing to a little tour from north argentina and Paraguay, chile, and brasil.

V: 你们的乐队参加过哪些音乐节?哪些音乐节给您留下了深刻印象,你能描述一下音乐节的氛围吗?

What festivals has your band played? What festivals have impressed you and can you describe the atmosphere and what festivals are you planning to play in 2024?

M: 我认为我们参加过的最棒的音乐节是去年在巴西圣保罗举办的SEPTEMBRO NEGRO FESTIVAL,我们SODOM、IMMOLATION、SADISTIC INTENT、CANCER、TOM WARRIOR等传奇乐队同台演出4天,下周末我们将前往阿根廷参加另一个音乐节La campana del Infierno,与当地乐队同台演出。但老实说我们不喜欢参加音乐节,因为演出压力很大,另外去看乐队演出会更舒服,我们在演出中会与所有感兴趣的人分享音乐。

The best festival i think we play, was last year in Sao Paulo brasil, SEPTEMBRO NEGRO FESTIVAL, we share stage whit legends like, SODOM, IMMOLATION, SADISTIC INTENT, CANCER, TOM WARRIOR, and many many more 4 days of sikness. next weekend we go to Argentina to play in another festival La campana del Infierno whit regional bands. but honestly we dont like play in festivals. because you have the stress to play, and another issue, its more confortable go to see the bands. we share a lot in the shows whit everyone who its intersted in talk about music whit us.

V: Parasital Existence是一支很棒的乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们,希望能尽快听到你们的新作品。我也希望通过这次采访能让更多的中国乐迷关注和支持你们的乐队,最后你想对中国乐迷说些什么?

Parasital Existence is a great band, I will always support and follow you, and I hope to hear your new work soon, I also hope that through this interview I can get more Chinese fans to pay attention to and support your band, what would you like to say to your Chinese fans in the end?

M: 非常感谢你的时间和给我们的空间,也许美洲乐队在中国的影响力不够,但我们可以改变这种状况。南美有Death Metal, Black metal, Thrash metal等领域的杰出代表。致中国乐迷...... 永远......永远支持你们的本地场景,去看演出,直接向乐队或地下厂牌购买商品。每一次发行、每一场演出的背后,都是许多人的心血,他们并不是为了钱而追随这些音乐,支持杂志,杂志将我们喜欢的音乐传播到世界各地,做你自己......为激情而不是为时尚做音乐!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!所以......希望有机会能在亚洲演出也许在中国谁知道呢!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!来自南美的欢呼声!

Thank you very much my brother for your time and give us the space. Perhaps LATAM bands dont have more difusion there. we can change that. South america have greats exponents from Death Metal, Black metal, Thrash metal. To the chinesse fans...... Always...always support your local scenes, going to shows, buying merch directly to the bands, or the underground labels. behind every release, every show are lot of work made for people who dont follow that for money. Support zines. Zines spread around the world music we like, be your self... and make music for PASSION NOT FOR FASHION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So...hope play in Asia some time, and perhaps in China, who knows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers from South America!

Parasital Existence乐队主要作品:

Parasital Existence - Granted Extinction(2019)

Parasital Existence - Endless Torments(2021)

Vulvacult / Parasital Existence - Parasital Existence / Vulvacult(2022)

Parasital Existence乐队官方Bandcamp网站:

Parasital Existence乐队官方Facebook网站:

Parasital Existence乐队官方Instagram网站:

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