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刺耳的噪音 - 西班牙Harsh Noise乐队Paranoised专访

说到最极端的音乐你会想到什么风格?Grindcore?的确Grindcore这种风格属于这个世界上最极端的音乐风格之一,我今天要介绍的这种风格被称之为Harsh Noise,从这种风格的名字上就可以看出来这种风格的极端性,没有任何旋律,只有合成器制作出来的噪音,折磨着你的耳膜,说到这种风格,美国的极端厂牌Fecal-Matter Discorporated绝对是这种风格中名字最响亮的厂牌之一,中国最早能够接触到这种风格就是通过Fecal-Matter Discorporated传播到中国,Rancid Shit Wank,Anal Gorecum Pissflap Slap,Groyxo,Hinyouki,Winters In Osaka,Deche-Charge等此类风格的乐队都在Fecal-Matter Discorporated厂牌发行过专辑,今天我就采访到了一支Harsh Noise风格的乐队Paranoised,来自西班牙的Paranoised组建于2023年是一支非常年轻的乐队,Oscar是这支乐队的唯一成员,2023 - 2024年期间Oscar发行了多张Harsh Noise专辑作品,Paranoised乐队的作品与很多Harsh Noise有很大的区别,很多的Harsh Noise乐队以尖锐,刺耳的噪音为主,给人一种头疼欲裂的感觉,相反Paranoised则是采用更多的元素在自己的作品中,比如音符序列,声波,氛围等元素,这样让Paranoised的作品给人一种“柔和”的感觉,在前不久乐队的唯一成员Oscar与我取得联系进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 O: 代表Oscar)

Grindcore is one of the most extreme music styles in the world, and the style I'm going to introduce today is known as Harsh Noise. The name of this style shows how extreme it is, there is no melody, only synthesiser noise, which will torture your eardrums. It's just synthesised noise that tortures your eardrums, and when it comes to this style, American extreme label Fecal-Matter Discorporated is definitely one of the loudest names in this style, and the earliest access to this style in China was through Fecal-Matter Discorporated, Rancid Shit Wank, Rancid Gorecum Pissflicht, and the other two. Rancid Shit Wank, Anal Gorecum Pissflap Slap, Groyxo, Hinyouki, Winters In Osaka, Deche-Charge, and many more have released albums on Fecal-Matter Discorporated, and today I interviewed a band from Harsh Noise. Paranoised is a very young band from Spain formed in 2023, Oscar is the only member of the band, Oscar released several Harsh Noise albums between 2023 and 2024, Paranoised's work is very different from a lot of Harsh Noise, a lot of the music is different from Harsh Noise, a lot of the music is different from Harsh Noise. Paranoised's work differs from that of many Harsh Noise bands in that many Harsh Noise bands focus on sharp, harsh noises that give a headache, whereas Paranoised uses more elements in their work, such as sequences of notes, sonic waves, and ambience, which gives Paranoised's work a ‘’softer‘’ feel. Oscar, the only member of the band, contacted me for an interview a while ago!

(V: for the author O: for Oscar)



V: 你好Oscar很高兴见到你,非常感谢你接受我们的采访,这应该是你第一次接受中文杂志的采访吧,首先跟中国的粉丝们打个招呼吧,Paranoised是什么时候成立的,Paranoised这个名字的含义是什么?

Hi Oscar it's nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is your first interview with a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, when was Paranoised formed and what is the meaning of the name Paranoised?

O: 嗨,感谢你邀请我来这里,很高兴能接受中国粉丝和社区的采访。我从2023年开始创作 Paranoised,这是一个实验电子噪音项目。我当时正在找一个名字,于是就把偏执和噪音这两个词混在了一起,取名为Paranoised,以反映这个项目的怪异和实验噪音。

Hi, thanks for having me here. It's a pleasure to do the interview for the chinese fans and community. I started Paranoised in 2023. It's a project of experimental electronic noise. I was looking for a name, and I mixed two words, paranoid and noise, into one, Paranoised, to reflect the weird and experimental kind of noise of the project.

V: Paranoised是由你一个人组建的,这让你的创作变得容易,你可以完全按照自己的想法来创作音乐,你能描述一下你的创作过程吗?

Paranoised was formed by you alone, which made it easy in terms of creativity, you were able to create the music exactly the way you wanted to, can you describe your creative process?

O: 是的,一开始是一个个人项目,也欢迎合作。我已经与Caos Sonoro合作过,这是一位巴西朋友的项目。我尝试用不同的方式制造噪音,包括硬件和软件。我开始使用一种名为“无输入混音”的技术、它包括使用音频混音器制造噪音。你可以通过连接混音器的输入和输出来实现这一点。混音器的输入和输出连接起来。这种连接被称为反馈回路,混音器现在就像一个合成器。利用这种技术,你可以获得非常不同的声音。这是一个非常非线性、非常混乱的过程。

Yes, It started as a solo project, open to collaborations too. I have already collaborated with Caos Sonoro, a project of a friend from Brazil. I try different ways of making noise, with hardware and software. I started with a technique called no input mixing, which consists of using an audio mixer to produce noises. You can achieve that connecting the inputs and outputs of the mixer. These kinds of connections are called feedback loops, and the mixer acts now as a synthesizer. With this technique you can get very different sounds. It's a very non linear and very chaotic process.

V: 你的作品在录音方面非常出色,这张专辑是在哪个录音室录制的?哪位制作人制作了你的专辑?

Your work is excellent in terms of recording, what studio did you record the album in? Which producer produced your album?

O: 我自己制作唱片。我自己制作唱片,也用非常简单直接的方式自己录音,用麦克风从我自制的双扬声器音箱中获取声音。双扬声器箱体发出的声音。我用笔记本电脑录制音轨,音箱的扬声器来自我的一辆旧车。

I produce my own records. And also record myself in a very straight and simple way, using a mic to get the sound from the diy two speaker cabinet I did. I use a laptop to record the tracks, and the speakers of the cabinet are from an old car I had.

V: Paranoised的logo非常新颖,是一个人形的设计形式,你是如何想到设计这样一个logo的?你的专辑封面也非常抽象,是谁为你设计这些作品的?

The Paranoised logo is very original, a humanoid design form, how did you come up with the idea of designing such a logo?Your album artwork is also very abstract, who designed these artworks for you?

O: 你的专辑封面也很抽象,这些作品是谁为你设计的?因此我想到了人形的概念,我觉得它很不错。我使用人工智能来制作项目的作品,包括logo。当我发现将人工智能应用于图像制作时,我对它产生了浓厚的兴趣。而且你还能得到奇特迷人的图像。

So, the word "paranoid" is included in the name of the project due to the weird sounds I make. Therefore, this idea of a humanoid came to my mind. I found It nice. I use artificial intelligence to make the artwork of the project, including the logo. When I discovered the artificial intelligence applied to making images, I got interested in It, and helps me to get ideas and results faster, and you can get weird and fascinating images too.

V: Paranoised 的音乐主题是什么?你想通过这样的音乐主题表达什么?

What is the theme of Paranoised's music about? What do you want to express through such musical themes?

O: 这个项目是关于实验、怪异、离奇、奇怪的声音。不同的、不舒服的、刺激的声音体验。


This project is about experimentation, weird, bizarre, strange noises. Different, uncomfortable and thrilling sonic experiences.

It's abstract, but still I try to produce sensations and a kind of sensible flow with noise.

V: Paranoised 推出了许多以实体专辑形式发行的作品?是你自己发行的,还是唱片公司代为发行的?能介绍一下这些唱片公司吗?

Paranoised has released a number of works which were released on physical albums? Did you release them yourself or did the label release them for you? Can you tell us about the labels?

O: 目前,Paranoised的所有唱片都在Bandcamp上。如果有人需要,我可以制作实体唱片。

At the moment, all the records of Paranoised are just on Bandcamp. I can make physical copies if people ask for them.

V: 首先祝贺你的新作"VII"的发行,Paranoised的风格属于harsh noise,近几年在中国非常流行,也出现了一大批粉丝,你的作品没有任何旋律,只有合成噪音,但和其他一些乐队相比,它是一个很好的例子。你们的作品没有任何旋律,只有合成噪音,但与其他一些刺耳的噪音乐队相比,你们的作品更温和一些,更注重氛围,你怎么看你们的作品?

First of all, congratulations on the release of your latest work "VII", Paranoised's style belongs to the harsh noise, which has become very popular in China in recent years, and a large number of fans have appeared, and your work does not have any melody, but only synthesised noise, but compared to some other bands, it's a good example. Your work doesn't have any melody, just synthesised noise, but compared to some other harsh noise bands, your work is a bit more gentle and focuses more on ambience, what do you think of your work?

O: 谢谢您的赞誉。我很感激。是的,我的作品 Paranoised 也有一些刺耳噪音的元素,但它不仅仅是刺耳噪音。它还包括你提到的氛围元素和声波景观。还有一些音符序列。这个项目并不专注于一种特定的噪音风格,而是愿意探索和尝试不同的噪音制作方式。

Thanks for your kind words. I appreciate It. Yes, my project Paranoised has some elements of harsh noise too, but It's not only about harsh noise. It includes also ambient elements as you mention, and sonic landscapes. There are also some sequences of notes. The project is not focused on one particular style of noise, but It's open to explore and experiment with different ways of making noise.

V: 2024年你还有什么其他的计划吗?比如创作、录制更多作品或发布更多作品,你能透露一些信息吗?

Is there anything else you're working on for 2024? Like writing, recording more work or releasing more work, can you reveal some information to people

O: 是的。很快我就会发行上一张专辑"VII"的副歌。它也将有10首曲目。它是通过一个移动应用程序完成的。与另一位艺术家的合作也将很快发布,我也会不断尝试新的东西。

Yes. I have still material to release. Soon I will release the b side of the last released album, "VII". It will have also ten tracks. It has been done with a mobile app. One collaboration with another artist will be released soon as well, and I keep trying new things too.

V: Paranoised 受到了那些乐队的影响。

Paranoised are influenced by those bands.

O: 当我制作曲目时,我不会去想其他艺术家是怎么做的。我会开始演奏和尝试,看看自己是否喜欢、当然,有些影响可能存在,但我并没有意识到。我记得我听过Whitehouse和Merzbow的音乐,我喜欢他们、于是我开始思考如何获得我所听到的一些声音。当我还去看了Corporal abuse和Driellya的现场表演。我也喜欢Caos Sonoro和其他噪音艺术家的声音。我尝试在制作音乐时,我尽量随心所欲,忘掉一切。影响可能会有,但更多的我认为是无意识的。当然,我非常欢迎这些影响。

When I make the tracks, I don't tend to think on what other artists do. I start playing and trying things and see If I like them, but of course, some influences can be there, but I am not aware of them. I remember that I listened to Whitehouse and Merzbow, and I liked them. And started to think about how to get some of the sounds I listened. I also got curious when

I went to a live show of Corporal abuse and Driellya. And I like the sounds of Caos Sonoro and other harsh noise artists too. I try to be spontaneous and forget everything when I make the tracks. Influences can come but more in an unconscious way, I think. And they are more than welcome, of course.

V: 就像我说的,这种harsh noise风格是近几年才在中国流行起来的,我相信你的采访会吸引更多的乐迷来关注和支持它,我也希望通过这次采访能有更多的乐迷了解和关注你们的乐队,在采访的最后你有什么想对中国的乐迷说的吗?

Like I said, this style of harsh noise has only become popular in China in recent years, I believe your interview will attract more fans to pay attention to it and support it, and I also hope that through this interview, more fans will get to know and pay attention to your band, do you have anything you would like to say to your Chinese fans at the end of this interview?

O: 再次感谢你们邀请我来这里。我很高兴能谈谈我所做的事情,也很高兴有这个机会与中国歌迷和社区见面。感谢你们的到来,也许有一天,我们会在某个地方相遇。祝你好运

Thanks again for having me here. I am very happy to talk about what I do, and to have this opportunity to meet the chinese fans and community. Thanks for being there, maybe one day, we meet each other somewhere. Best wishes.


Paranoised - VII(2024)

Paranoised - VI​/​b(2024)

Paranoised - V(2024)

Paranoised - V​/​b(2024)

Paranoised - VI(2024)

Paranoised - IV II(2023)

Paranoised - IV(2023)

Paranoised - Orden Sangriento(2023)

Paranoised - Sick episodes(2023)

Paranoised - III(2023)

Paranoised - Vol. II(2023)

Paranoised - Vol. I(2023)

Paranoised -Trial(2023)


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