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病态美学 - 日本Brutal Death Metal, Grindcore/Goregrind乐队Viscera Infest专访

今天采访到的是来自日本的Brutal Death Metal, Grindcore/Goregrind乐队Viscera Infest,1999年16岁的Eizo Asakura对墨西哥Disgorge的热爱组建了这支乐队日本最血腥的乐队,在经过了长时间的磨合之后乐队在2005年发行了他们的第一张Demo作品“Demo Single CD 2005”,虽然这张作品存在一些不足,但是还是展现出他们对于血腥,暴力音乐的热爱,2年之后乐队在日本的著名厂牌Obliteration Records发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“Sarcoidosis”,这张专辑发行之后便收到了日本和其他一些国家的乐评人一致好评,录音效果也要比Demo更加出色,2010年乐队与来自墨西哥的Goregrind乐队Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis发行了一张Spilt专辑,作为两支同样受到墨西哥Disgorge乐队影响的乐队,可想而知这张专辑是一张非常血腥,Sick的作品,2015年乐队的第二张正式专辑“Verrucous Carcinoma”在Obliteration Records发行,这是Viscera Infest最精彩的作品,Viscera Infest演奏墨西哥DisgorgeGoregrind式的的风格,但想象一下它的速度更快、更野蛮。这就是Viscera Infest的声音,这是有史以来最令人麻木的沉重和激烈的Goregrind作品。鼓手Yuya Yukashiji是这张专辑的亮点,因为他的爆发力真是太快了,演奏的速度太快了。这张专辑的制作对于Goregrind来说是非常优秀的的。它很原始,很肮脏,非常适合这种音乐。吉他的声音如此模糊,但你可以听到个别的Riff。吉他和鼓一样疯狂和夸张。充满了有力的节奏和突突声,以及尖锐的俯冲轰炸独奏。这张专辑中的人声低沉而沉重,令人作呕,我也喜欢它在高音尖叫和喉音之间来回切换的方式。在整整30分钟的时间里,它从未放慢速度,坚持原始的能量和激情,2024年乐队也刚刚在Obliteration Records发行了他们的第三张正式专辑“Teratoma”,新专辑更加注重Brutal方面的元素,鼓手Yuya Yakushiji在和老专辑相比放慢了速度,加入了大量慢速的节奏,更加的有活力,除了音乐之外,他们更吸引人的是他们的专辑艺术品,专辑名字,歌曲名字,大量尸体的真实照片,让我想起了捷克的Pathologist乐队2001年发行了Compilation专辑“Re-Regurgitation over Fuckin' Pathological Splatter”令人作呕,Viscera Infest乐队的音乐主题是关于疾病和病理学方面的,所以他们的专辑名字,歌曲名字全部采用了各类十分罕见的疾病名字,这也让更多痴迷于Carcass乐队的歌迷关注了Viscera Infest乐队,前不久Viscera Infest还与FesterDecay乐队一起来到了中国进行了他们的中国巡回演出,在经过黄泉唱片的协调我与Viscera Infest乐队取得联系了进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 E: 代表Eizo Asakura)

Today we are interviewing Viscera Infest, a Brutal Death Metal, Grindcore/Goregrind band from Japan. In 1999, 16-year-old Eizo Asakura formed this band out of his love for Mexican Disgorge. After a long period of running-in, the band released their first demo work "Demo Single CD 2005" in 2005. Although this work has some shortcomings, it still shows their love for bloody and violent music. Two years later, the band was released on the famous Japanese label Obliteration. Records released their first official album "Sarcoidosis", which received unanimous praise from music critics in Japan and some other countries after its release. The recording effect is also better than the demo. In 2010, the band released a Spilt album with the Mexican Goregrind band Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis. As two bands that were also influenced by the Mexican Disgorge band, it is conceivable that this album is a very bloody, Sick work. In 2015, the band's second official album "Verrucous Carcinoma" was released on Obliteration Records. This is Viscera Infest's most exciting work. Viscera Infest plays the Mexican Disgorge Goregrind style, but imagine it is faster and more brutal. This is the sound of Viscera Infest, which is the most numbingly heavy and intense Goregrind work ever. Drummer Yuya Yukashiji is the highlight of this album because his explosive power is so fast and the speed of playing is so fast. The production of this album is excellent for Goregrind. It's raw and dirty, which is perfect for this kind of music. The guitars sound so fuzzy, but you can hear the individual riffs. The guitars are just as frantic and bombastic as the drums. It's full of punchy beats and chugs, as well as sharp dive-bombing solos. The vocals on this album are low and heavy and sickening, and I also like the way it switches back and forth between high-pitched screams and guttural voices. During the full 30 minutes, it never slowed down, insisting on the original energy and passion. In 2024, the band just released their third official album "Teratoma" on Obliteration Records. The new album pays more attention to Brutal elements. Drummer Yuya Yakushiji slowed down the speed compared with the old album, added a lot of slow rhythms, and was more energetic. In addition to music, they are more attractive for their album artwork, album name, song name, and a large number of real photos of corpses, which reminded me of the Czech Pathologist band's Compilation album "Re-Regurgitation over Fuckin' Pathological Splatter" released in 2001. It's disgusting. The theme of Viscera Infest's music is about disease and pathology, so their album name and song name all use various very rare disease names, which also makes more fans obsessed with Carcass pay attention to Viscera Infest. Not long ago, Viscera Infest also came to China with FesterDecay for their China tour. After the coordination of Huangquan Records, I met with Viscera Infest band got in touch for an exclusive interview!

(V: represents the author E: represents Eizo Asakura)

采访对象:Eizo AsakuraViscera Infest乐队吉他 / 歌手


V: 兄弟你好很高兴认识你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,当然中国是你们乐队的老朋友了,再次向你们在中国的粉丝问好,Viscera Infest成立于1999年,是一支历史悠久的日本乐队,当初是谁提出成立这个乐队的?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time that your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, of course China is an old friend of your band, once again I would like to say hello to your fans in China, Viscera Infest was formed in 1999 and is a Japanese band with a long history, who proposed the idea of the band in the first place? Who proposed the formation of this band?

E: 中国是一个伟大的国家,也是我们VISCERA INFEST最喜欢访问过的国家之一,希望再次见到你们,VISCERA INFEST是队长Eizo Asakura16岁(1999年)组建的乐队,今年是我们成立25周年。

China is a great country and one of my favorite countries that VISCERA INFEST has visited. I hope to see you all again. VISCERA INFEST is a band formed by leader Eizo Asakura when he was 16 years old (1999). This year marks the 25th anniversary of our founding.

V: 现在乐队只剩下一位老成员Eizo了,其余两位成员已被替换,为什么第一代成员会退出乐队?新成员是如何加入乐队的,你对他们的工作满意吗?

Now that the band only has one old member, Eizo, and the remaining two members have been replaced, why did the first generation members quit the band? How did the new members join the band and are you happy with their work?

E: 老成员们因为工作和家庭原因离开了,但我们仍然相处融洽一起聚会。我们现在的鼓手Yuya已经和我们在一起大约13年了,是VISCERA INFEST不可或缺的成员。贝斯手Haru已经和我们在一起大约8年了,是一位很棒的成员,所以我们对他很满意。

The old members left due to work and family commitments, but we still get along and party together. Our current drummer Yuya has been with us for about 13 years and is an indispensable member of VISCERA INFEST. Bassist Haru has been with us for about 8 years and is a great member, so we're very happy with him.

V: 你们乐队里都是经验丰富的极端金属乐手,你们通常如何创作歌曲?能描述一下创作过程吗?我相信你们的创作经验会给很多年轻音乐家带来启发

Your band is full of experienced musicians who write extreme metal music, how do you usually write songs? Can you describe the creative process? I'm sure that your experience in songwriting will bring a lot of young musicians

E: 所有歌曲都是我(Eizo Asakura)创作的,他经常和鼓手Yuya在录音室排练。Riff的创作是Death Metal风格。他还考虑了高速和中速部分的平衡。

All songs are written by me(Eizo Asakura), and he always rehearses with drummer Yuya in the studio. The riff work is made in a death metal style. He also considers the balance between high-speed and middle parts.

V: 你们乐队的录音都很棒,你们都是在哪个录音室录制专辑的?哪个制作人制作了你们的专辑?新专辑的录制过程顺利吗?你能告诉我们新专辑的录制过程吗?

Your band's recordings are amazing, what studio did you all record your albums at? Which producer produced your albums? Did the recording process for the new album go well? Can you tell us about the recording process of the new album?

E: 自2010年以来,我们一直依靠dot.operation Studio的Takeshi Tsuchiya来制作VISCERA INFEST。他了解VISCERA INFEST的声音并会参考我们的意见,使其听起来尽可能好听。这张第三张专辑的声音比上一张更悦耳,低音也更明显。

We have been relying on Takeshi Tsuchiya of dot.operation Studio for VISCERA INFEST since 2010. He knows the sound of VISCERA INFEST and takes our opinions into account to make it the best sound possible.This third album has a more listenable sound than the previous one. The bass is also more pronounced.

V: 你们出专辑的速度很慢,通常要等很长时间才能出一张新专辑,是什么让你们出专辑的速度这么慢呢?

You guys are slow to release albums, it's usually a long time before you release a new album, what makes you slow to release albums how?

E: VISCERA INFEST 制作歌曲的时间很长,在疫情期间我们制作了第三张专辑的歌曲。

VISCERA INFEST takes a long time to produce songs. During the Corona era, we produced songs for our 3rd album.

V: Pathology, Gore, Disease这是你的音乐主题,为什么选择它?你想通过这个主题表达什么?歌词是你写的吗?灵感是什么?

Pathology, Gore, Disease This is your music theme, why did you choose it? What do you want to express through this theme? Did you write the lyrics, who wrote the lyrics and what inspired them?

E: Eizo Asakura一直都是尸体爱好者,他曾经一边看着自杀的朋友的尸体一边写歌。Eizo还是一名脊椎按摩师,研究过各种学科,包括人体解剖学和生理学。他的歌词以医学术语为中心,他唱的歌都是关于外科手术和手术过程的。

Eizo Asakura has always been a corpse enthusiast, and he used to write songs while looking at the bodies of his friends who committed suicide. Eizo also works as a chiropractor and has studied a variety of subjects, including human anatomy and physiology. His lyrics are centered around medical terms, and he sings about surgical procedures and surgery procedures.

V: 你们乐队曾与Headsplit Records、Sick Sick Sick、Alarma Records、Obliteration Records 等唱片公司合作过。我知道你们的专辑也在中国由黄泉唱片以黑胶唱片的形式重新发行,你们是如何联系到这些唱片公司进行合作的?你们对这些唱片公司的工作满意吗?

Your band has collaborated with labels such as Headsplit Records, Sick Sick Sick, Alarma Records, Obliteration Records and many more etc. I know that your album was also re-released on vinyl on Huang Quan Records in China, how did you get in touch with these labels to collaborate? Are you satisfied with the work of these labels?

E: VISCERA INFEST签约了Obliteration Records,签约方是 Narutoshi Sekine,他是一位值得信赖的老板。我接受了这份工作,因为其他唱片公司也联系过我。非常满意

VISCERA INFEST is signed to Obliteration Records by Narutoshi Sekine. He is a trustworthy owner. I accepted the offer because other labels had approached me. Very satisfied

V: 你的Logo非常独特,谁为你设计的Logo,你的专辑封面都是照片写实的,谁为你设计的封面?

Your logo is very unique, who designed the logo for you, and your album artwork is all photo-realistic, who designed the artwork for you?

E: VISCERA INFEST 的标志是由日本Death Metal乐队DISCONFORMITY(Okada Keisuke)设计的。我请他来画,他画出了最棒的Logo,我很感激。わ

The logo of VISCERA INFEST was drawn by Japanese death metal DISCONFORMITY (Okada Keisuke). I asked him to draw it and he made the best sick logo. I'm grateful.わ

V: 首先恭喜你们最新专辑“Teratoma”的发布,这也是你们的第三张正式专辑,你们就是Goregrind风格的代名词,你们是世界上最粗犷和原始的乐队,尤其是你们的鼓手实在是太优秀了,当然新专辑和老专辑相比还是有些变化的!当然新专辑和老专辑相比还是有些变化的,你们之前的作品更加Goregrind为主,但是新专辑增加了更多的Brutal Death Metal属和一些Punk,歌曲创作紧凑,令人难忘,动感十足,比以往更加充满活力。乐队成功地平衡了他们之前的超快风格,他们的音乐不仅仅是狂野的爆破。这张专辑上的Riff简直是疯狂的。大量的俯冲炸弹和疯狂的颤音对于Viscera Infests来说依然是重武器。但是就像我之前说的,这张专辑上的精湛工艺更加精致和充满活力。这张专辑比以往更多地使用了慢节奏和中速节奏。这张专辑也更多地使用了厚重的静音和“groovy riff”。令人讨厌的砰砰声和极快的捏合和声仍然被使用。但它更加平衡,而不是只关注速度。这不一定是乐队以前的特色。但看到乐队变得更紧密,让每首歌都脱颖而出,让每首歌都有呼吸,这很酷。尤其是歌曲在一定程度上变得更长之后。我甚至可以说,有时会很令人兴奋。乐队设法让他们声音中残酷的死亡方面更加突出。而且效果很好。这张专辑的制作令人难以置信。像其他两张Viscera Infest专辑一样,这张专辑包含丰富的吉他音色。它是原始的、电锯般的、单一的,它不像之前的专辑那么直截了当。但它仍然足够丰满和响亮,以至于每个旋律听起来都很野蛮。低音也相对频繁。还有那些鼓。再一次,它听起来令人毛骨悚然。小军鼓恰到好处,底鼓很棒,钹听起来很棒。一切都沉浸在这堵模糊的噪音墙中。原始而透明。我注意到这张唱片包含的氛围比以往任何时候都多。这张专辑使用了很多样本​​和键盘。这里使用了大量很棒的人声效果和烟火。所有这些结合在一起,形成了这张令人作呕的混乱怪物专辑。这张专辑的人声部分恰到好处。乐队的和声比以往任何时候都多。背景人声的音域更高、更粗犷。另一方面,主唱和吉他手的声音很低。他们低沉、刻薄的声音一直在你耳边回荡。当然,你已经是模仿墨西哥 Disgorge 最佳作品的同一支乐队了!因为我知道他们是你的偶像,所以我不知道这样阐述你的作品是否正确,你对自己的作品有什么看法吗?

First of all, congratulations on the release of your latest album “Teratoma”, which is also your third official album, you are synonymous with the goregrind style, you are the world's most rugged and primitive known, especially your drummer is really excellent, of course, the new album and the old album compared to some changes! Of course, the new album is a bit of a change from the old one, your previous work was more goregrind oriented, but the new album adds more Brutal Death Metal and some punk, the songwriting is tight, memorable, dynamic and more energized than ever. The band has managed to balance their previous ultra-fast style. Their music is more than just blasting brutal. The riffs on this album are simply insane. Lots of dive bombs and crazy tremolos are still heavy weapons for Viscera Infests. However, as I said before, the crack craftsmanship on this album is much more refined and energized. There is more use of slow and mid-tempo rhythms here than ever before. There is also more use of chunky hand muted “chugs” and “groovy riffage” here. The obnoxious thuds and extremely fast pinch harmonies are still used as well. But it's much more balanced, rather than being all about speed. This wasn't necessarily a feature of the band before. But it's cool to see the band becoming tighter, letting each song stand out and letting each song breathe. Especially since the songs have become longer to a certain extent. I'd even go as far as to say that it gets exciting at times. The band managed to make the brutal death aspect of their sound stand out even more. And it works very well. The production on this album is incredible. Like the other two Viscera Infest albums, this one contains meaty guitar tones. It's raw, chainsaw-like, and one-dimensional (but in a good way). It's not as straight-ahead as the previous albums. But it's still meaty enough and loud enough that every melody sounds brutal. The bass is also relatively frequent. And those drums. Once again, it sounds creepy. The snare is spot on, the kick drum is killer, and the cymbals sound great. Everything is immersed in this fuzzy wall of noise. Raw and transparent. I've noticed that this record contains more ambience than ever before. This album uses a lot of samples along with keyboards. There are tons of great vocal effects and pyrotechnics used here. All of this comes together into this sickening monster of mush that is this album. The vocal parts on this album are spot on. The band has more backing vocals than ever before. The backing vocals have a higher and grittier range. The lead singer and guitarist, on the other hand, has a ridiculously low voice. They have a low, mean voice that keeps echoing in your ears. Of course you are already the same band that imitated the best of Mexican Disgorge! Since I know they are your idols, I don't know if this is the right way to elaborate on your work, do you have any opinion on your own work?

E: 这次我把重点放在了专辑"Teratoma"中除了Blast Beats以外的部分,还思考了节奏、歌曲的发展等细节。虽然还不能说100%满意,但希望大家可以听听。

This time, I focused on the parts of the album Teratoma other than the blast beats, and I thought about the details such as the rhythm and the development of the songs. I can't say I'm 100% satisfied with it yet, but I hope everyone will listen to it.

V: 你们参加过很多音乐节,也去过很多国家演出,有哪些音乐节或城市给你们留下了深刻的印象,我知道你们刚刚结束了在中国的演出,你们对这次在中国的演出有什么想法吗?你们还想再来中国吗?你们刚刚在澳大利亚结束了一场演出,感觉怎么样?

You guys have played a lot of festivals and traveled to a lot of countries to perform, what festivals or cities have left a lasting impression on you, and I know that you guys just finished playing in China, do you have any thoughts about this performance in China? Would you like to come to China again? You've also just finished a show in Australia, how did it go?

E: 这是我们第一次在中国巡演,但粉丝们非常热情,VISCERA INFEST也越来越喜欢中国了。那里的食物很美味,我们想再去一次。澳大利亚也是一个很棒的国家,在巡游船上的现场表演特别令人难忘,袋鼠很可爱也很美味。

It was our first time touring China, but the fans were so kind and VISCERA INFEST has grown to love China even more. The food was delicious and we want to go back again. Australia is also a great country, and the live performance on a cruiser was particularly memorable. The kangaroos were cute and delicious.

V: 2024年你们乐队还有那些新的工作要进行吗?可以透露给大家吗?

What are some of the new things you have coming up for your band in 2024 that you can reveal to people?

E: 我们计划明年3月在英国巡演,而且我们还收到了其他邀请。我们已经发行了一张专辑,我们将专注于现场表演。

We have a UK tour scheduled for March next year, and we've been getting other offers. We've released an album, and we'll be focusing on live shows.

V: Viscera Infest是一支非常棒的乐队,我是你们的忠实粉丝,我的收藏里有你们的大部分 CD,我会继续支持你们。最后你有什么想对中国粉丝说的吗?

Viscera Infest is a great, sick band, I'm a big fan of yours, I have most of your CDs in my collection and I will continue to support the band, is there anything you'd like to say to your Chinese fans in closing?

E: 很高兴三月能见到大家,VISCERA INFEST热爱中国,我们期待再次见到我们的中国粉丝,谢谢大家。

I was happy to see everyone in March. VISCERA INFEST loves China. We look forward to seeing our Chinese fans again. Thank you everyone.

Viscera Infest乐队主要作品:

Viscera Infest - Sarcoidosis(2007)

Viscera Infest - Verrucous Carcinoma(2015)

Viscera Infest - Teratoma(2024)

Viscera Infest乐队官方Facebook网站:

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Viscera Infest乐队官方Website网站:

Viscera Infest乐队官方YouTube网站:

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