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南美土著文化的历史和民俗 - 秘鲁Death / Folk Metal乐队Chaska专访

今天采访到的是一支来秘鲁的Death / Folk Metal乐队Chaska,组建与2002年的Chaska乐队是秘鲁非常有资历的一支老牌乐队,最初取名为Ch'aska,不久之后更名为现在的名字Chaska,由歌手Hueso Raffo组建,2003 - 2007年发行了两张EP专辑,得到秘鲁歌迷的关注,2009年的第一张正式专辑“Pururauca”由秘鲁本土厂牌Mythic Metal Productions发行,这是一张使用了秘鲁传统乐器和Old School South American Thrash Death Metal的作品,并营造出一种萦绕心头的美妙氛围,汹涌澎湃的重金属歌曲让人想起了Old School式的Sepultura并加入了少许欧洲Speed Metal的元素,以令人毛骨悚然的原声音乐开头,然后是整张专辑中一些较好的金属旋律。这张专辑的音色自然、原始,真正捕捉到了Folk和Thrash的风格,听起来并不完全数字化,也不喧宾夺主。听起来就像是现场演奏。也是我听过的最成功融入南美民谣元素的专辑之一。很多乐队都尝试过这种主题,但我还没听到过真正能让我一鸣惊人。2017年乐队发行一张Compilation专辑“Everlasting Night”之后长达六年的时间没有任何新作品发布,直到2023年乐队才发行了最新单曲“Winter Night Heights”,2024年乐队选择在芬兰著名的Inverse Records厂牌发行他们的最新EP专辑“Rites of June”,前不久杂志通过Inverse Records厂牌与乐队的歌手Hueso Raffo取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 H: 代表Hueso Raffo)

Today's interview is with Chaska, a Peruvian Death / Folk Metal band. Formed in 2002, Chaska is one of the oldest bands in Peru, initially named Ch'aska, and then renamed to their current name, Chaska, by singer Hueso Raffo, released two EP's in 2003-2007, and gained the attention of Peruvian fans. After releasing two EPs in 2003-2007, the band gained the attention of Peruvian fans and in 2009 their first official album “Pururauca” was released on the local Peruvian label Mythic Metal Productions. American Thrash Death Metal and creates a haunting and beautiful atmosphere, with surging heavy metal songs reminiscent of Old School style Sepultura with a touch of European Speed Metal, opening with a creepy acoustic track, followed by some of the album's finer Melodic Metal. The album has a natural, raw sound that really captures the Folk and Thrash styles and doesn't sound completely digitized or overbearing. It sounds like it was played live. It's also one of the most successful albums I've heard that incorporates elements of South American Folk. A lot of bands have experimented with this theme, but I haven't heard anything that really stood out to me, and after releasing a compilation album, Everlasting Night, in 2017, the band didn't release anything for six years, and it wasn't until 2023 that the band released their latest single, Winter Night. In 2023 the band released their latest single “Winter Night Heights”, and in 2024 the band chose to release their latest EP “Rites of June” on Finland's prestigious Inverse Records label. The magazine contacted the band's singer Hueso Raffo through Inverse Records for an interview!

(V: for the author H: for Hueso Raffo)

采访对象:Hueso RaffoChaska乐队歌手)


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,也非常感谢你参加这次采访。我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访。首先向所有中国的乐迷朋友们问好。Chaska乐队成立于2002年,在秘鲁是一支非常有实力的乐队。是谁提议组建这支乐队的?Chaska这个名字有什么含义吗?

Hello, brother. Nice to meet you and thank you very much for your participation in this interview. I think this is the first time for your band to be interviewed by China magazine. First of all, I would like to say hello to all China fans and friends. Chaska was founded in 2002, and it is a very qualified band in Peru. Who proposed to form this band? Does the name Chaska mean anything?

H: 你好,我也很高兴见到你。不客气 谢谢 是的这是我们第一次接受中国杂志的采访。借此机会,我们想向中国的朋友们致以特别的问候。可以说我是组建这支乐队的主要推动力。我们乐队名字的意思是:最亮的星或晨星,这个词与金星密切相关。

Hello. Nice to meet you too. You're welcome. Thanks to you. Yes, this is the first time we have been interviewed by a Chinese magazine. We would like to take advantage of this interview to send special greetings to all our friends in China. I could say that I was the main driving force behind the formation of this band. The name of our band means: the brightest star, or the morning star. It's a word closely related to the planet Venus.

V: 你们乐队中只有Hueso Raffo是第一代成员,其他两位成员都已更换。第一代成员为什么退出乐队?新成员如何加入乐队?你对新成员的工作满意吗?

Only Hueso Raffo is the first generation member in your band, and the other two members have changed. Why did the first generation members quit the band? How do new members join the band? Are you satisfied with the work of the new members?

H: 随着时间的推移,第一代或前成员逐渐离开了乐队,主要是因为个人问题和私生活。至于现在和我在一起的成员,我们通过音乐圈和共同的朋友认识了好几年。他们加入乐队是出于友谊和信任。就我个人而言,我对我们一起为实现乐队目标所做的一切感到非常满意。

The first or former members gradually left the band over time, mostly due to personal issues and their private lives. About the members who are currently with me, we knew each other for several years, through the music scene and friends in common. Their entry into the band was due to friendship and trust. Personally, I am very satisfied with what we are doing together, to achieve our goals as a band.

V: 你们乐队的创作过程是怎样的?能谈谈你们的创作过程吗?

How is the creative process of your band? Can you tell us something about your creative process?

H: 我们通常先写音乐,然后再写歌词。有时音乐是根据心中的概念或歌词创作的。在这两种情况下,几乎都是音乐优先于歌词。通常情况下,我们先制作Demo,然后提交给整个乐队,这样每个成员都可以为自己的乐器添加编曲或提出其他编曲或改动建议。最后在录音室里我们还可以提出其他编曲、修改或建议。

We usually write the music first and then the lyrics. Sometimes the music is created based on a concept or lyrics in mind. In both cases, almost always the music has priority over the lyrics. Usually, we first make demos to present to the whole band, so then each member can add arrangements for their own instrument, or suggest other arrangements or changes. Finally, in the studio, there is also room for other arrangements, changes or suggestions.

V: 你们乐队的每张专辑在录音方面都有明显进步,这当然与时代的变化有很大关系,因为随着时代的变化,录音技术也在不断成熟。你们的作品是在哪个录音室录制的?谁为你制作了专辑?2024年你发行了最新的EP专辑,这张专辑的录制过程顺利吗?

Every album in your band has made obvious progress in recording, which of course has a lot to do with the changes of the times, because with the changes of the times, the recording technology is also maturing. In which studio were your works recorded? Who produced the album for you? In 2024, you released the latest EP album. Did the recording process of this album go smoothly?

H: 过去,我们主要在阿雷基帕和利马等城市的Alto Calibre和Quarter Note录音室录音。我们的专辑通常由我们自己制作。最近为了制作“Rites of June”EP,我们在阿雷基帕的RS Audio 录音室工作,录音过程非常流畅。

In the past, we recorded mainly at Alto Calibre and Quarter Note studios, in cities like Arequipa and Lima. Our albums were usually produced by ourselves. Recently, for the Rites of June EP, we worked at RS Audio studio in Arequipa, where the recording process was really fluid.

V: 你们乐队的Logo设计得非常漂亮。这个Logo是谁为你们设计的?你们的专辑作品都非常精美。谁为你们设计了这些专辑封面?

The logo of your band is beautifully designed. Who designed this logo for you? Your album artworks are all very beautiful. Who designed these album artworks for you?

H: 我们最近的Logo是由我们的鼓手Fabián设计的,他也是一名平面设计师。此外他还为我们的EP"Rites of June"及其单曲设计了封面。例如过去我们曾与阿雷基帕艺术家Diego Rondón合作,他为我们的专辑"Pururauca"设计了所有图案。

Our most recent logo was designed by our drummer Fabián, who is also a graphic designer. Also, he made the artwork for our EP Rites of June and its respective singles. In the past, for example, we worked with Arequipa artist Diego Rondón, who made all the artwork for our album Pururauca.

V: 南美土著文化的历史和民俗这是关于你们乐队的音乐主题。为什么选择这个音乐主题?你想通过这个音乐主题表达什么?歌词还创作了歌词部分,这些歌词是谁写的,他的灵感来自什么?

History and Folklore of South American Native Cultures This is about the music theme of your band. Why did you choose this music theme? What do you want to express through this music theme? You also wrote the lyrics. Who wrote these lyrics and what inspired him?

H: 我们只是想在我们的音乐中加入这些民间传说元素所具有的不同色彩和质感。在某种程度上,我们试图将这些元素与摇滚乐和金属乐所具有的特征和品质融合在一起。歌词一般由我来写,我的灵感可以来自很多方面,也可以朝很多方向发展。

We just wanted to add, to our music, the different colors and textures that these elements of our folklore possess. In a way, we tried to create a certain amalgamation between those elements and the characteristics and qualities that the elements of rock and metal possess. The lyrics were, generally, written by me, whose inspiration can come from many sources and go in many directions.

V: 你的最新EP唱片由芬兰著名厂牌Inverse Records发行。你们是如何与该厂牌取得联系并进行合作的?你对这个厂牌的工作满意吗?

Your latest EP album was released by Inverse Records, a famous brand in Finland. How did you get in touch with this brand for cooperation? Are you satisfied with the work of this brand?

H: 在我们看来,芬兰在世界金属乐界一直是一个非常有趣的国家。芬兰乐队的声音和质量都非常出色。这就是为什么在我们乐队的新时期,能够与Inverse Records这样的唱片公司合作对我们来说非常重要。因此我们给他们寄去了我们的一些材料。Inverse Records非常喜欢我们的音乐提案,于是双方达成了合作协议,我们对这家唱片公司的工作非常满意。

Finland has always seemed to us to be a very interesting country when it comes to the world metal scene. The sound and quality of its bands are outstanding. That's why, for this new time in our band, it seemed very important to us to be able to work with a label like Inverse Records. So, we just sent them some of our material. Inverse Records liked our musical proposal, and so the cooperation deal was made. We are very satisfied with the work of this label.

V: 首先祝贺你们乐队去年发行的最新作品。在发表评论之前我想说的是,传统乐器和古老的南美Death metal的混合,在唱片的某些地方创造了迷人的听觉和令人难忘的优美氛围。你们的作品让人联想到古老的Sepultura,又有一点欧洲Speed Metal的味道,有自己的特点。NI1如何看待自己的作品?新专辑和旧专辑之间有什么变化吗?

First of all, congratulations on your band's latest work released last year. Before this comment, let me say that traditional musical instruments and the mixture of old South American have and death metal have created a charming hearing and an unforgettable beautiful atmosphere at some points in the record. Your works are reminiscent of the ancient Sepultura, with a little European speed metal, and have their own characteristics. What do you think of your works? Is there any change between the new album and the old one?

H: 谢谢,我们对迄今为止完成的所有作品都非常满意。每张专辑对我们的成长和学习都非常重要。在我们最近的作品--EP“Rites of June”中,我们只是想在音乐上做得更精致一些,在某种程度上更成熟一些。正如我之前所说,我们认为时间和经验赋予了我们新的工具,使我们能够在尊重我们一贯风格的基础上实现这一目标。

Thank you. We are very satisfied with all the works we have done to date. Each one of them was very important for our growth and learning over time. In our most recent work, the EP Rites of June, we just wanted to achieve a musical approach that was a little more elaborate and, in some way, more mature. Since, as I said before, we think that time and experience have given us new tools to be able to achieve it, but respecting the style that has always characterized us.

V: 你们乐队在2017年之后就没有再发行新作品,直到2023年才发行了最新作品。是什么原因让你们长时间没有发行新作品?

Your band didn't release any new works after 2017, and didn't release the latest works until 2023. What made you not release any new works for a long time?

H: 我们在阵容、成员的离开和变动方面遇到了一些问题。此外我们也曾多次尝试录制我们的作品,但随着时间的推移,这些作品并没有实现或者在其他情况下没有达到我们的预期。

We had some problems regarding our line-ups, departures and changes of members. As well as several attempts to record our material, which did not materialize over time, or in other cases did not meet our expectations.

V: 作为一支优秀的乐队,你们参加过哪些音乐节,哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻的印象?能谈谈当时的气氛吗?2025年你们还会参加哪些音乐节?

As an excellent band, which music festivals have you participated in and which ones have left a deep impression on you? Can you tell us about the atmosphere at that time? What other music festivals are you going to attend in 2025?

H: 我们参加过大大小小不同类型的音乐节,尤其是在秘鲁和一些邻国与不同的国内外乐队合作。我们能够从每一次音乐节中学到东西,因为每次演出都能学到新东西,这让我们积累了经验。2025年由于我们的EP“Rites of June”的发行,我们仍在努力协调以便能够尽可能多地演出。

We have participated in festivals of different kinds, big and small, especially in Peru and in some neighboring countries, with various bands, both national and international. We have been able to learn from each of these festivals, since you always learn something new at each show, which has allowed us to gain experience. In 2025, we are still coordinating to be able to play as much as possible, thanks to the support of our EP Rites of June.

V: 你们乐队在2025年有哪些工作要做,比如创作、录制新歌或发行新专辑?能告诉我们一些信息吗?

What work does your band have to do in 2025, such as writing, recording some new songs or releasing a new album? Can you tell us some information?

H: 我们可能会在2025年发行一些新材料,我们已经准备好了。但是首先我们需要对其进行长期分析并与反转唱片公司的人员进行讨论。

We will probably be able to release some new material this 2025. We are ready for that. But, first we need to analyze it, over time, and surely discuss it with the people at Inverse Records.

V: 你们是一支经典乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,我也希望通过这次采访能有更多的中国歌迷关注和支持你们的乐队。最后你有什么话要对中国歌迷说吗?

You are a classic band. I will always support and pay attention to your band. I also hope that through this interview, more China fans will pay attention to and support your band. Do you have anything to say to China fans at the end?

H: 非常感谢。在过去的几年里秘鲁和中国之间的距离越来越短。我们只想说能通过你们与中国歌迷交流,我们感到非常高兴。我们希望通过音乐和金属,这种友谊的纽带能够更加牢固并长久地保持下去。

Thank you very much. Over the last few years, the distances between Peru and China have become shorter and shorter. We just want to add that it is very gratifying for us to communicate with our Chinese fans through you. And we hope that this bond of friendship will become stronger and last over time, thanks to music and metal.


Chaska - Ch'aska(2003)

Chaska - Bicolour Cannibalism / Tuta Ch'aska(2007)

Chaska - Pururauca(2009)

Chaska - Rites of June(2024)








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