今天采访到的是来自葡萄牙的Caos Soberano乐队,这支乐队依旧是Melkor一个人组建的这支乐队,Melkor组建了大量的风格迥异的乐队,今天采访关于他的乐队是一支Melodic Black / Death Metal风格的乐队,优美的,阴暗的旋律再加上Death Metal的凶狠和毒辣,让这支乐队在众多同类型的乐队当中脱颖而出,今年乐队发行了第一张正式专辑“Ciclos de Traição”,在新专辑发行之际杂志与Melkor取得联系进行了一次专访!
(V: 代表笔者 M: 代表Melkor)
Today's interview was with the Portuguese band Caos Soberano, which was still formed by Melkor alone. Melkor has formed a large number of bands with different styles. Today's interview is about his band, which is a Melodic Black/Death Metal style band. The beautiful, dark melody combined with Death Metal's fierceness and spiciness make this band stand out among many other bands of the same type. This year, the band released their first official album “Ciclos de Traição”, and on the occasion of the release of the new album, the magazine contacted Melkor for an exclusive interview!
(V: represents author M: represents Melkor)

采访对象:Melkor(Caos Soberano乐队创始人)

V: 你好Melkor这是对你新组建的乐队Caos Soberano的采访。这支乐队是在哪一年成立的,它的名字是什么意思?
Hello Melkor, this interview is with your newly formed band Caos Soberano. In which year was this band formed and what does the name mean?
M: Caos Soberano成立于2025年初,源于对世界现状的深深沮丧以及将其转化为激进、发人深省的音乐的愿望。这个名字翻译成Sovereign Chaos,它有双重含义。一方面,它代表了秩序的崩溃,正义和治理的幻觉在腐败、欺骗和背叛的重压下崩溃。另一方面,它意味着混乱本身可以成为一种主权形式,一种抵抗奴役国家并剥夺其身份的压迫制度的力量。我音乐中的主题反映了这一概念:对政治和社会衰败、主权丧失以及当权者操纵人民的残酷批判。但也有一个强烈的反抗信息,拒绝屈服,重获力量,就像为土地和自由而战的卢西塔尼亚战士的精神一样。Caos Soberano不仅仅是一个名字;这是对试图控制和削弱我们的势力宣战。
Caos Soberano was formed in early 2025, born from a deep frustration with the state of the world and a desire to channel that into aggressive, thought-provoking music. The name translates to Sovereign Chaos, and it carries a dual meaning. On one hand, it represents the collapse of order, the illusion of justice and governance crumbling under the weight of corruption, deceit, and betrayal. On the other hand, it signifies the idea that chaos itself can become a form of sovereignty, a force of resistance against the oppressive systems that enslave nations and strip them of their identity. The themes in our music reflect this concept: a brutal critique of political and social decay, the loss of sovereignty, and the manipulation of the people by those in power. But there’s also a strong message of defiance, rejecting submission and reclaiming strength, much like the spirit of the Lusitanian warriors who fought for their land and freedom. Caos Soberano is more than just a name; it’s a declaration of war against the forces that seek to control and weaken us.
V: 这个乐队还是你一个人,所以你可以根据自己的想法创作歌曲。你能介绍一下你的创作过程吗?
This band is still by yourself, so you can create songs according to your own ideas. Can you introduce your creative process?
M: 是的,Caos Soberano仍然是一个独奏项目,这让我可以完全控制音乐的方向和声音。对于这张专辑,我的创作过程从鼓开始。我发现节奏是驱动每首曲目强度和流畅性的基础,所以我首先专注于制作鼓的图案。这有助于设定歌曲的能量并为我提供了一个坚实的框架。在建立鼓之后,我转向键盘来奠定旋律结构和氛围层。这个阶段很重要,因为它让我在添加更重的元素之前塑造每首曲目的情绪。一旦旋律和氛围到位,我就开始制作吉他,围绕我已经创造的节奏和旋律来构建它们。接下来是低音,提供了必要的重量和Groove,以补充吉他和鼓。最后,在器乐部分完全发展之后,我把注意力转向了声乐。歌词是专辑概念的核心,精心设计以匹配音乐的强度,其中一些部分需要更激进的方法,而另一些部分则要求更黑暗、更内省的表达方式。创作过程非常流畅,每一步都衔接到下一步,使专辑有机地结合在一起。我的目标是创造一个有凝聚力的作品体系,让人感到强烈、充满情感,并忠于抵抗和反抗的主题。
Yes, Caos Soberano is still a solo project, which allows me to have full control over the direction and sound of the music. For this album, my creative process started with the drums. I find that rhythm is the foundation that drives the intensity and flow of each track, so I focused on crafting the drum patterns first. This helped set the energy of the songs and gave me a solid framework to build upon. After establishing the drums, I moved to the keyboards to lay down the melodic structures and atmospheric layers. This stage was important because it allowed me to shape the mood of each track before adding the heavier elements. Once the melodies and atmospheres were in place, I started working on the guitars, building them around the rhythm and melodies I had already created. The bass came next, providing the necessary weight and groove to complement the guitars and drums. Finally, after the instrumental parts were fully developed, I turned my attention to the vocals. The lyrics, which are central to the concept of the album, were crafted to match the intensity of the music, with some sections requiring a more aggressive approach, while others demanded a darker, more introspective delivery. The creative process was very fluid, with each step feeding into the next, allowing the album to come together organically. My aim was to create a cohesive body of work that felt intense, emotionally charged, and true to the themes of resistance and defiance.
V: 这张专辑还是在你自己的录音室录制的。你能介绍一下录音过程吗?录音过程进展顺利吗?
This album was still recorded in your own studio. Can you introduce the recording process? Is the recording process progressing smoothly?
M: 是的,Caos Soberano – Ciclos de Traição的录音是在我自己的工作室Studios13进行的。我从鼓和键盘开始了这个过程,这让我为每首曲目奠定了情感和节奏的基础。我从制作鼓的图案开始,确保歌曲的动态和强度从一开始就得到了很好的保证。然后,我用键盘勾勒出旋律结构并创建氛围层,这对捕捉主题的深度至关重要。在鼓和键盘就位后,我专注于吉他,围绕既定的旋律和节奏构建它们。接下来是低音,增强了声音的厚重感,同时为整体作品提供了动感和深度。只有在乐器层完成之后,我才开始录制声乐,将交付和措辞与音乐的强度和抒情主题相结合。由于我自己处理所有事情,包括制作、混音和母带制作,这是一个耗时的过程,但它让我能够完全按照自己的意愿塑造声音。有些曲目很顺利地组合在一起,而另一些则需要更多的努力来获得正确的音调和氛围,但最终,我对整张专辑的结果感到满意。它反映了对主权的斗争和对腐败的蔑视,每个元素都服务于更大的概念。
Yes, the recording of Caos Soberano – Ciclos de Traição took place in my own studio, Studios13. I began the process with the drums and keyboards, which allowed me to set the emotional and rhythmic foundations for each track. I started by crafting the drum patterns, ensuring the dynamics and intensity of the songs were well-established from the very beginning. Then, I used the keyboards to sketch out the melodic structures and create the atmospheric layers, which were crucial to capturing the depth of the themes. After the drums and keyboards were in place, I focused on the guitars, building them around the established melodies and rhythms. The bass came next, reinforcing the heaviness of the sound, while providing movement and depth to the overall compositions. Only after the instrumental layers were complete did I dive into the vocal recording, aligning the delivery and phrasing with the intensity of the music and the lyrical themes. Since I handle everything myself, production, mixing, and mastering, it’s a time-consuming process, but it allows me to shape the sound exactly as I want it. Some tracks came together smoothly, while others required more effort to get the right tone and atmosphere, but in the end, I’m happy with how the whole album turned out. It reflects the struggle for sovereignty and the defiance against corruption, with every element serving the larger concept.
V: 这张专辑的Logo和艺术品设计非常漂亮。你是如何设计这个Logo的?这张专辑的艺术灵感是什么?
The logo and artwork design of this album are very beautiful. How did you design this logo? What is the artistic inspiration for this album?
M: 非常感谢。我对Logo和艺术品的结果非常满意。设计过程与专辑的主题、反叛、主权和抵抗紧密结合。该Logo旨在Caos Soberano的精髓,反映力量和反抗腐败和压迫。它有一种古老的哥特式灵感,元素类似于古代铭文,唤起一种权力和传统的感觉,这与音乐和信息的强度有关。至于专辑的艺术作品,它的设计是为了在视觉上代表一个在腐败领导下的世界的崩溃,同时也代表了重生的可能性。封面展示了世界末日的风景、荒凉的废墟和黑暗的天空,反映了腐朽、背叛和主权斗争的主题。摇摇欲坠的建筑和红色的天空象征着背信弃义的领导人和外部影响造成的破坏,而拱门和散落的遗迹等元素则表明了一种行动的号召,一种摆脱混乱的方法。灵感来自专辑的抒情主题和葡萄牙的历史斗争。我想创造一个视觉宣言,一个抵抗的声明,一个即使面对黑暗,也有救赎和力量的机会的想法。古代废墟与反乌托邦元素的混合反映了历史的周期性,背叛和抵抗是永恒的力量。这件艺术品和音乐一样,承载着反抗精神和对主权未来的希望。
Thank you! I’m very pleased with the outcome of the logo and artwork. The design process was closely aligned with the themes of the album, rebellion, sovereignty, and resistance. The logo was created to capture the essence of Caos Soberano, reflecting strength and defiance against corruption and oppression. It has an older, gothic inspiration, with elements that resemble ancient inscriptions, evoking a sense of power and tradition, which ties in with the intensity of the music and message. As for the album artwork, it was designed to visually represent the collapse of a world under corrupt leadership, but also the possibility of rebirth. The cover shows apocalyptic landscapes, desolate ruins, and dark skies, reflecting themes of decay, betrayal, and the fight for sovereignty. The crumbling structures and red skies symbolize the destruction caused by treacherous leaders and external influences, while elements like the arch and scattered remains suggest a call to action, a way out of the chaos.
The inspiration comes from the lyrical themes of the album and the historical struggles of Portugal. I wanted to create something like a visual manifesto, a statement of resistance and the idea that, even in the face of darkness, there is still a chance for redemption and strength. The mix of ancient ruins with dystopian elements reflects the cyclical nature of history, where betrayal and resistance are constant forces. The artwork, like the music, carries the spirit of defiance and hope for a sovereign future.
V: 这张专辑是否仍以你自己的品牌发行,是否仍以数字格式发行?
Is this album still being released under your own label, and is it still being released in digital format?
M: 是的,这张专辑是以我自己的品牌Supergoat Wreck Whordes/Studios13发行的。就像我的其他项目一样,我继续独立管理所有的发行,这使我能够对音乐的各个方面以及向世界展示的方式保持完全的创造性控制。至于格式,是的Caos Soberano - Ciclos de Traição将以数字格式提供。我一直致力于让世界各地的听众都能欣赏到我的音乐,而数字平台是接触广大观众的完美方式。目前,我还没有计划实体版,但我肯定在探索未来发行的可能性,因为我知道许多粉丝仍然更喜欢实体版。目前,数字版本将捕捉完整的体验,专辑将在所有主要流媒体平台上提供。
Yes, this album is being released under my own label, Supergoat Wreck-Whordes / Studios13. Just like my other projects, I continue to manage all the releases independently, which allows me to maintain complete creative control over every aspect of the music and the way it's presented to the world. As for the format, yes, Caos Soberano - Ciclos de Traição will be available in digital format. I’ve always focused on making my music accessible to listeners worldwide, and digital platforms are the perfect way to reach a broad audience. At this point, I don't have physical copies planned yet, but I’m certainly exploring the possibility for future releases, as I know many fans still prefer a physical format. For now, the digital version will capture the full experience, and the album will be available on all major streaming platforms.

V: 你的音乐主题是什么?你为什么选择这个音乐主题,你想通过这个音乐主题表达什么?你也创作了歌词。是什么启发了这些歌词?
What is the theme of your music about? Why did you choose this music theme, and what do you want to express through this music theme? You also created lyrics. What inspired these lyrics?
M: 这张专辑的主题围绕着政治和社会的衰败,重点关注腐败领导人对国家的背叛和主权的丧失。我选择这个主题是因为我一直对世界现状和当权者对人民的操纵深感沮丧。当我作曲的时候,已经有了政治动荡,但正是在专辑发行的那一周,政府倒台了,腐败的首相是其中的核心。这个时机感觉几乎是预言性的,非常个人化,因为它与专辑探索的背叛和制度崩溃的主题完美契合。通过这首音乐,我想传达我们许多人在面对这种腐败时所感受到的愤怒和沮丧。歌词表达了蔑视、抵抗和拒绝接受现有制度。这是一个收回我们的东西、我们的自由、我们的尊严和我们的主权的信息。政府的倒台进一步强化了这一信息,表明腐败的权力结构不可避免地注定要崩溃。因此,歌词不仅反映了个人的沮丧,也是每个厌倦了压迫、背叛和剥削人民的人的战斗口号。
The theme of the album revolves around political and social decay, with a focus on the betrayal of the nation by corrupt leaders and the loss of sovereignty. I chose this theme because I’ve always been deeply frustrated with the state of the world and the manipulation of the people by those in power. When I was composing, there was already political unrest, but it was during the week the album was released that the government fell, with the corrupt prime minister at the center of it. This timing felt almost prophetic and deeply personal, as it perfectly aligned with the themes of betrayal and the collapse of the system that the album explores. Through this music, I wanted to channel the anger and frustration that many of us feel when faced with such corruption. The lyrics express defiance, resistance, and a refusal to accept the system as it is. It’s a message of reclaiming what’s ours, our freedom, our dignity, and our sovereignty. The fall of the government provided even more intensity to this message, showing that the corrupt structures of power are inevitably doomed to crumble. The lyrics, therefore, are not just a reflection of personal frustration but also a rallying cry for everyone who is fed up with the oppression, betrayal, and exploitation of the people.
V: 首先祝贺乐队发行首张正式专辑"Ciclos de Traição"。寒冷而黑暗的气氛,寒冷而快速的里夫,再加上Death Metal的凶猛,你的乐队不仅包含了Black和Death Metal的元素,还融入了一些Doom气氛元素。你的专辑最大的特点是歌曲中美丽而激情的独奏表演。你对自己的工作有什么想法吗?
First of all, congratulations on the release of this band's first official album "Ciclos de Traição". The cold and dark atmosphere, cold and fast Riff, coupled with the ferocity of Death Metal, and your band not only contains elements of Black and Death Metal, but also incorporates some Doom atmosphere elements. The biggest feature of your album is the beautiful and passionate solo performances in the songs. Do you have any thoughts on your own work?
M: 非常感谢。我很高兴你喜欢这张专辑。关于这个问题,Ciclos de Traição的音乐反映了我想要探索的主题,无论是音乐上还是抒情上。我的目标是营造一种寒冷黑暗的氛围,这是整体信息的重要组成部分。即兴重复段速度快、攻击性强,因为它们带有Death Metal的强度和凶猛,但我也想给专辑带来沉重和Doon的感觉,让专辑更具深度和对比度。至于Solo它们不是传统意义上的技术,而是更像是旨在唤起情感的旋律。每首独唱都是为了迎合歌曲的情感基调,而不仅仅是展示技术技巧。它们是为了在所有的混乱和侵略中增加感觉,提供一种释放或反思的时刻。重点是创造激情和旋律,帮助传达背叛、反抗和主权的主题,同时为听众提供情感体验。简而言之,我在这张专辑中的工作都是关于平衡的:将原始强度与情感深度相结合并确保从即兴重复段到独奏的每个元素都结合在一起,创造出一种有凝聚力和影响力的体验。
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the album. Regarding the question, the music of Ciclos de Traição is a reflection of the themes I wanted to explore, both musically and lyrically. I aimed for a cold and dark atmosphere, which is an essential part of the overall message. The riffs are fast and aggressive, as they carry that intensity and ferocity of Death Metal, but I also wanted to bring a sense of heaviness and doom, giving the album more depth and contrast.
As for the solos, they’re not technical in the traditional sense, but more like melodies designed to evoke emotion. Each solo was crafted to serve the emotional tone of the song, rather than just showing off technical skills. They’re meant to add feeling, to offer a release or a moment of reflection in the middle of all the chaos and aggression. The focus was on creating something passionate and melodic, helping to carry the themes of betrayal, defiance, and sovereignty, while also offering an emotional experience for the listener. In short, my work on this album was all about balance: blending raw intensity with emotional depth, and ensuring that every element, from the riffs to the solos, came together to create a cohesive and impactful experience.
V: 除了在2025年发行第一张专辑,你还需要做什么?你能和大家分享一些信息吗?
What other work do you need to do besides releasing your first album in 2025? Can you share some information with everyone?
M: 除了推广Ciclos de Trainção,我2025年的重点是为我的职业生涯打下坚实的基础。我们的目标是建立一个稳固的品牌,吸引追随者并建立一个长期支持我的忠实粉丝群。以下是我为实现这一目标所做的努力:
-未来发行:2025年不仅是关于Ciclos de Traição的,也是关于新音乐的。我已经在为未来的项目构思想法,这些项目将进一步推动我的声音,保持新鲜感。发布新材料将有助于保持第一张专辑的势头,确保我与观众保持联系,吸引新的听众。
In addition to promoting Ciclos de Traição, my focus for 2025 is on building a strong foundation for my career. The goal is to establish a solid name, attract followers, and create a loyal fanbase that will support me in the long run. Here’s what I’m working on to make that happen:
- Building a Fanbase: The core of my plan is to connect with people who truly resonate with the music I create. Whether through social media engagement, collaborations, or sharing content, my primary focus is on fostering a strong community around Caos Soberano and my other projects. It’s all about creating a space where fans can find meaning in the music and feel part of something larger.
- Collaboration and Networking: I’m actively looking for opportunities to collaborate with other musicians and artists, whether in metal or other genres. By working with others, I can push my creativity further, and it helps me reach different audiences. Networking with fellow artists, producers, and labels will be key to expanding my reach and building lasting professional relationships that can help elevate my music.
- Future Releases: 2025 will not only be about Ciclos de Traição but also about new music. I’m already working on ideas for future projects that will push my sound even further and keep things fresh. Releasing new material will help maintain the momentum from this first album, ensuring that I keep connecting with my audience and drawing in new listeners.
- Merchandising: Beyond music, I’ll be expanding into merchandise like shirts, posters, and other items related to my projects. This will help create a stronger bond between the music and the fans, while also supporting the continued production of new material. Merchandise is a great way to offer fans something tangible and exclusive while also funding future work.
- Ultimately, my main goal in 2025 is to establish myself more solidly in the music world. It’s about building a fanbase that’s passionate about the music and the themes I’m exploring. With consistent releases, collaborations, and fan engagement, I’m confident I’ll create a lasting impact and solidify my career for years to come.
V: Caos Soberano虽然是一支很年轻的乐队,但他们是一支非常成熟的乐队。我会一直关注你的乐队,我希望通过这次采访吸引更多的粉丝关注你。最后你有什么想对你的中国粉丝说的吗?
Although Caos Soberano is a very young band, they are a very mature band. I will always pay attention to your band, and I hope to attract more fans to follow you through this interview. Do you have anything you want to say to your Chinese fans in the end?
M: 非常感谢你的赞誉和支持!这真的意味着很多,尤其是考虑到曹的新作品Caos Soberano。我真的很感激有像你这样的粉丝认识到音乐背后的努力和激情。对于中国的所有歌迷,我想说:“Obrigado”感谢你们的支持和对音乐的信任。尽管Caos Soberano才刚刚开始,但看到音乐如何将人们跨越国界和文化联系在一起,真是太神奇了。我承诺将继续创作音乐,讲述我们许多人都能感受到的斗争、反抗和对主权的追求。我希望你能继续追随这段旅程,分享音乐,成为乐队成长的一部分。让我们一起不断挑战极限,谁知道呢——也许有一天我们会有机会见面。在那之前,继续支持音乐,继续拥抱混乱。保持坚强,保持反抗!
Thank you so much for the kind words and support! It truly means a lot, especially considering how new Caos Soberano is. I’m really grateful to have fans like you who recognize the effort and passion behind the music. To all the fans in China, I want to say: "Obrigado" for your support and for believing in the music. Even though Caos Soberano is just getting started, it’s amazing to see how music can bring people together across borders and cultures. I promise to keep creating music that speaks to the struggles, the defiance, and the search for sovereignty that so many of us can relate to. I hope that you will continue to follow the journey, share the music, and be part of the growth of the band. Let’s keep pushing the limits together, and who knows - maybe one day we’ll have the chance to meet in person. Until then, keep supporting the music, and keep embracing the chaos. Stay strong and stay defiant!

Caos Soberano乐队主要作品:
Caos Soberano - Ciclos de Traição(2025)

Caos Soberano乐队官方Bandcamp网站:https://studios13.bandcamp.com/album/ciclos-de-trai-o
Caos Soberano乐队官方Facebook网站:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61573527864825