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尸检报告 - 奥地利Brutal Death Metal乐队Monument Of Misanthropy专访

今天采访到的是来自奥地利的Brutal Death Metal乐队Monument Of Misanthropy,2010年由歌手George一个组建了乐队,2012年鼓手Romain Goulon(前Necrophagist)和吉他手Jean-Pierre Battesti加入了乐队并且录制了第一张Demo作品“Bandroom Misanthropy”,2014年乐队自己发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“Anger Mismanagement”,这是一张高质量的作品,诡异,恐怖的氛围前奏之后是最激烈、最愤怒的死亡金属。残酷而暴力,但协调而技术性强。先打动我的是制作;虽然没有过度,但混音清晰,却充满了刺耳的吉他音调。鼓声足够高,可以听到而不会淹没其他乐器的声音,人声在混音中穿插,关于制作的唯一抱怨是你听不到太多的贝斯声,但这对我而言丝毫不会影响体验。同样制作很清晰,但在很多方面都很肮脏和粗糙,这完全符合专辑的氛围,反映了肮脏的艺术作品,这张专辑的歌曲创作非常庞大,每首歌都令人难忘,疯狂的主音吉他下有层次感,完美演绎的人声具有低沉的咆哮声和血腥风格的高音,技术性的鼓声与其他乐器相得益彰,但在混音中占据了自己有趣的空间。每首歌都很棒,从头到尾都毫不留情,从头到尾的疯狂一点一点地吞噬着听众——与此同时严肃的态度和Riff。如果你喜欢Cattle Decapitation和Skinless 等乐队的歌迷请留意这张专辑,他们是那种非常独特的乐队,你本以为他们会在世界各地的音乐节上吸引大批观众,但他们却出奇地地下。在第一张专辑成功发行之后乐队在2021发行了第二张正式专辑“Unterweger”,这张专辑在印度Transcending Obscurity Records厂牌发行,这一张依旧高水准的作品,今年乐队在Transcending Obscurity Records厂牌发行了他们的第三张正式专辑“Vile Postmortem Irrumatio”,新专辑发行之后乐队也开始了他们的新专辑宣传巡回演出之旅,前不久乐队刚刚结束了他们的巡回演出之后,乐队的创始人George也立刻接受了杂志的采访!

(V: 代表笔者 G: 代表George)

采访对象:GeorgeMonument Of Misanthropy乐队歌手)


V: 你好George很高兴认识你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向中国的粉丝们问好,Monument of Misanthropy成立于2010年,是一个14岁的乐队,是谁发起组建这个乐队的?你还记得当时的情景吗?

Hello George nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time that your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all, hello to the Chinese fans, Monument of Misanthropy was formed in 2010 is a 14 year old band, who initiated the formation of this band and what is the reason for your participation? Do you still remember the scene at that time?

G: 大家好,没错这是我们第一次与中国观众对话,能接受你和火山杂志的采访我深感荣幸。 Monument of Misanthropy最初是我自己在2010年成立的一个个人项目。2012年该项目发展成为一个录音室乐队,鼓手Romain Goulon(前 Necrophagist 乐队成员)和吉他手Jean-Pierre Battesti共同组成并发行了Demo“Bandroom Misanthropy”。 随后我们决定录制我们的首张专辑“Anger Mismanagement”,这张专辑是在2014年众筹成功后自行发行的。由于创始成员,尤其是Goulon(当时他的乐队 Necrophagist 处于停摆状态,目前仍处于停摆状态)的知名度,这张专辑的预告片引起了现场媒体的关注。我们甚至在上媒体露面……

Hi everyone, yes it's true this is the first time we're Talking to the Chinese audience, and it's a great honour to be interviewed by you and Volcano Magazine. Well, Monument of Misanthropy was originally founded as a solo project by myself in 2010. In 2012, the project evolved into a studio band with drummer Romain Goulon (ex-Necrophagist) and guitarist Jean-Pierre Battesti, releasing the demo "Bandroom Misanthropy". We then decided to record our debut album "Anger Mismanagement", which was self-released, following a successful crowdfunding campaign in 2014. Due to the level of awareness of the founding members, especially Goulon (whose band Necrophagist was on a hiatus at the time and still is), the teasers for the album found their way into the scene media attention. We were even featured in Blabbermouth... [laughs]

V: 你现在是乐队中唯一剩下的原始成员,其余成员已被替换,原始成员为什么退出乐队?新成员是如何加入乐队的?你对他们的工作满意吗?

You are now the only original member left in your band, the rest of the members have been replaced, why did the original member quit the band? How did the new member join the band? Are you satisfied with their work?

G: Romain是我们的鼓手,直到Capital Punisher乐队成立,当他更多地参与Benighted乐队时,他被Cedric Malebolgia取代,而Battesti则被Joe Gatsch取代,原因是他的酗酒问题以及巡演现场表演不尽如人意,尤其是在2018年的Brutal Assault Show上。 从那时起阵容经历了许多变化,因为现在很难找到有天赋和勤奋的音乐家,人们对音乐的热情和奉献精神变化很快。许多年轻音乐家认为他们得到了金钱上的一切,他们没有什么可以贡献的。但音乐行业是最艰难的行业之一,没有懒惰的余地。所以这就是为什么我不得不在这个过程中经常更换乐队成员。

Romain was our drummer till Capital Punisher and was replaced by Cedric Malebolgia when he got more involved with Benighted and Battesti was replaced by Joe Gatsch, due to his alcohol problems and disatisfying live Performances on tours and especially at the Brutal Assault Show in 2018.

The line-up underwent many changes since then, becuase it's hard to find gifted AND hard working musicians these days. Peoples' enthusiasm and dedication to music shift quite rapidly. Many Young musicians think they get everything served on a golden plate and they have Nothing to contribute. But Music Industry is one of the toughest and there's no room for laziness. So that's why I had to replace band members quite often along the way unfortunetaly.

V: 你们是如何创作作品的?能描述一下创作过程吗?新专辑的录制过程顺利吗?

How do you all create your work and can you describe the creative process? Is the recording process for the new album going well?

G: 通常我会从我的一位吉他手那里得到一首曲目的完整器乐版本,然后我会研究如何将我的歌词想法融入曲目中。如果必须进行更改,那么通常只是一些小细节或重复某个部分等。但通常我的兄弟们知道如何创作金属曲目,而且通常曲目不需要更改。录音进行得相当顺利,“Vile Postmortem Irrumatio”在8月9日就已发布,这为我们在所有平台上的观众和流媒体数量带来了又一次巨大的提升。所以是的我想这张专辑又迈出了一大步。

Normally I get a finished instrumental version of a track from one of my guitarists and then I look how I can put my lyrical ideas into the track. If chnages have to be done, then it's mostly only small Details or another Repetition of a part etc. But normally my Boys know how to compose a metal track and quite often there are no changes to be done to a track. The recording went down quite easily and "Vile Postmortem Irrumatio" could be released already on August, 9th, creating another massive boost for us in audience and Streaming numbers on all platforms. So yes this Album is a big step up again I Guess.

V: 你们乐队已经发行了三张正式专辑,每一张都录制得非常好,你们在哪个录音室录制了这些专辑?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?

Your band has released three official albums, each of which has been recorded very well, which studio did you record the albums in? Which producer produced your albums?

G: 第一张专辑"Anger Mismanagement"和第一张EP"Capital Punisher"由Christoph Brandes (Iguana Studio) 混音和制作,“Unterweger”由Christian Kohlmannslehner (Kohlekeller Studio) 混音和制作,他还与Aborted和Benighted等乐队合作过。而新专辑"Vile Postmortem Irrumatio"由Jei Doublerice (Doublerice Audio) 混音和制作。所有声乐录音均由Norbert Leitner在维也纳完成,乐器在他们自己的录音室录制。

The first Album "Anger Mismanagement" and the first EP "Capital Punisher" were mixed and mastered by Christoph Brandes (Iguana Studio). "Unterweger" was mixed and mastered by Christian Kohlmannslehner (Kohlekeller Studio) who also worked with bands like Aborted and Benighted. And the new full-length "Vile Postmortem Irrumatio" was mixed and mastered by Jei Doublerice (Doublerice Audio). All vocal Recordings where doen with Norbert Leitner in Vienna. The Instruments were recorded at their own home Studios.

V: 你们乐队的Logo很棒,是谁设计的?我很喜欢你们的专辑封面,尤其是新专辑的封面,谁为你们设计的?

Your band's logo is great, who designed it for you and I love your album artwork especially the new album artwork, who designed the album artwork for you?

G: 我们的乐队Logo由Antonio Jimenez(Brutal Disorder Logos – 墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉)设计。新Logo由Arpad Korenci(德国)设计,最新专辑封面由Andriy Tkalenko(Daemorph Art)精心设计。

Our band logo was designed by Antonio Jimenez (Brutal Disorder Logos – Guadalajara, Mexico). The new emlblem logo was created by Arpad Korenci (Germany). The latest Album artwork was masterfully created by Andriy Tkalenko (Daemorph Art).

V: 第一张专辑是独立发行的,另外两张则由Transcending Obscurity Records发行,这是一家很棒的厂牌,你们是如何联系到这家厂牌并与他们合作的?你们对他们的作品满意吗?

The band released all but the first album on their own and the other two on Transcending Obscurity Records, which is a great label, how did you get in touch with the label to work together? How did you get in touch with the label to work with them? Were you satisfied with their work?

G: 我的一位吉他手联系了唱片公司老板Kunal,他似乎对我们的作品印象深刻。因此找到一份可行的协议并不是什么大问题,我们很快就与他们签订了2张专辑的唱片协议。我对 Transcending Obscurity Records非常满意,因为他们在制作出色的黑胶唱片和数字包装CD方面投入了大量精力。“Unterweger”也有一个木棺材形状的盒装版本,CD和黑胶唱片封面制作精美,带有金属闪亮镶嵌物,创造了某种全息效果。一件与音乐艺术相得益彰的艺术品。

One of my guitarists got in touch with the label owner Kunal, and he seemed to be massively impressed by our work. So it was not much of a big deal to find a working Agreement and we soon after signed a 2 Albums record deal with them. I am extremly happy with Transcending Obscurity Records, because they are putting a lot of effort into creating great Vinyls and digi-pack CDs. The "Unterweger" got also a wooden-coffin shaped box Edition, and the CD and Vinyl covers are wonderfully crafted with metallic Shining inlays creating some sort of holographc effects. An artwork that does the Musical artwork justice.

V: 厌世、仇恨、动物权利、连环杀手是你音乐中的一些主题,其中动物权利是比较少见的主题,你为什么选择它?你想通过这些主题表达什么?你也写歌词,谁写的歌词,是什么启发了这些歌词?

Misanthropy, Hatred, Animal rights, Serial killers are some of your musical themes, of which Animal rights is a rare one, why did you choose it? What do you want to express through these themes? You also write the lyrics, who writes the lyrics? Who wrote the lyrics and what inspired them?

G: 我一直在写歌词,我认为和每个人一样,这些年来你们也在进化和改变。动物权利在21世纪初期是一个非常重要的话题,素食主义。幸运的是当时素食主义还没有像现在这样被接受和普及。但动物权利的主题也总是被包裹在连环杀手的故事中。例如“Vegan Homicie” 就是关于一个杀手对虐待动物的人做的事情和他对动物做的事情一样。所以杀戮狂欢的主题一直是Monument Of Misanthropy的一部分。

I've been writing all the lyrics, and as every human I think you evolve and Change over the years. Animal Rights have been a very important topic in the early 2000s, being vegan.At that time being vegan was not that accepted and widespread as it is now thankfully. But also the animal Rights theme was Always wrapped into a Serial Killer Story. "Vegan Homicie" for example is about a killer who does the same things to an animal abuser, that he did to animals. So the killing-spree Topic was Always part of Monument Of Misanthropy.

V: 首先祝贺你们最新专辑"Vile Postmortem Irrumatio"的发行,你们是我最喜欢的奥地利乐队,你们乐队的特点是氛围感很强,让人感到不安和恐惧,你们的专辑是我听过的最刺耳、最愤怒的Death Metal之一。残酷而暴力,技术熟练,协调性非常好,混音清晰,充满了刺耳的吉他音色,鼓声足够高,可以听到而不会淹没其他乐器,人声穿透混音,这张专辑有大量的歌曲创作。每首歌都令人难忘,在疯狂的主音吉他下面分层,完美的低音咆哮和血腥风格的高音,以及技术鼓声与其他乐器相匹配,在混音中占据了自己有趣的空间。每首歌都很棒,从头到尾都充满无尽的狂热,让听众有点沉浸其中,同时保持严肃和即兴。

First of all, congratulations on the release of your latest album “Vile Postmortem Irrumatio”, you are my favorite Austrian band of all time, and your band is characterized by a great sense of ambience, a feeling of unease and horror, and your album is one of the most piercing and furious death metal I have ever heard. of death metal I've ever heard. Brutal and violent, technically proficient and very well coordinated, the mix is clear and full of harsh guitar tones, the drums are high enough to be heard without drowning out the other instruments, the vocals penetrate the mix, and there is a huge amount of songwriting on this album. Each song is memorable, layered underneath crazy lead guitars, perfecting bass growls and goregrind style highs, as well as technical drumming to match the rest of the instrumentation, taking up its own interesting space in the mix. Every song is great, an endless frenzy from start to finish that engulfs the listener a little bit, all the while staying serious and improvising.

G: 非常感谢,我的朋友!这就是我们继续前进的原因——拥有像你这样的人,能够融入整个故事,能够深入我们试图讲述的故事。

MANY THX my friend! This is why we Keep going - to have People like you, who can get into the whole Story and are able to dive into the stroy we are trying to tell.

V: 你们即将开始新专辑的宣传和巡演,你们对这次巡演有什么期待?你们也参加过很多音乐节,哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻印象,能描述一下那里的氛围吗?

You guys are about to embark on the promotion and touring of your new album, what are you looking forward to on this new tour? You've also been to a lot of festivals, what festivals have impressed you and can you describe the atmosphere?

G: 我们最期待的就是能够在粉丝面前现场演奏新歌。演奏一些新歌总是一件非常愉快的事情,而且我们自己也会觉得整套表演更有趣。你必须考虑到在两张专辑之间相当长的一段时间里你演奏的歌曲或多或少是相同的。所以每一次改变都是很受欢迎的,如果观众喜欢,对音乐家来说没有什么比这更令人愉快的了,音乐节本身就是一个不同的世界。结识各种伟大的音乐家和音乐界人士。在其他大乐队中当你站在某个金属之神旁边时,你也会回到某种粉丝模式。 我们希望在2025年再次参加一些很棒的夏季音乐节,而且我们的新预订代理机构The Flaming Arts看起来很有希望。

Most of all we are Looking Forward to be able to Play the new Songs live in front of our fans. It's Always a big pleasure to Play some new stuff, and making the whole set also more entertaing for ourselves. You have to consider you're playing more or less the same Songs for quite some time between the Albums. So every Change in it is quite welcome and if the crowd likes it, there's Nothing more enjoyable for a musician. Festivals are a different world on ist own. Meeting all Kinds of great musicians and People from the Music biz. Among the other big bands you also get back into some Kind of fan-Boy mode yourself, when you're Standing next to some metal god. We hope to be on some awesome summer Festivals again in 2025, and it's Looking promosing with our new booking agnecy The Flaming Arts.

V: 除了发行新专辑和巡演之外,你们在2024年还有什么计划吗?你能向大家透露一些信息吗?

Is there anything else you guys are working on in 2024 other than releasing a new album and new touring efforts? Can you shed some light on that?

G: 作为乐队你总是有自己想做的事情。如果我们有足够的资金支持,也许我们会为“Vile Postmortem Irrumatio”拍摄另一个音乐视频。也许我们会开始一些众筹网活动,因为专业的音乐视频需要巨额资金……

Well as a band you Always have something in your head you wanna do. Maybe we will be Shooting another Music Video for “Vile Postmortem Irrumatio”, if we have enough financial support. Maybe we will be starting some Kickstarter Campaign, because a professional Music Video has enourmous expenses...

V: 我以前对贵国的乐队和音乐圈了解一点,但我想通过你更多地了解奥地利的重金属圈,你能向中国粉丝介绍一下贵国的厂牌圈吗?

I used to know a little bit about your country's bands and scene, but I'd like to get to know more about the Austrian metal scene through you, can you introduce your country's label scene to the Chinese fans?

G: 我认为奥地利有不少家喻户晓的乐队,比如Belphegor、Pungent Stench甚至我的第一支乐队Miasma也是90年代早期第一波Death Metal乐队之一。除了这些大牌乐队之外,还有一些小乐队来来去去,但都没有真正长盛不衰,无法脱颖而出。也许Mastic Sc​​um也经受住了时间的考验。

I think Austria has quite a few bands that everyone knows like Belphegor, Pungent Stench and Maybe even my first band Miasma was among the first wave of death metal bands in th early 90s. Beside those big names there are some smaller Acts that come and go, but never really had the longevity and sustainability to stick out of the masses. Maybe Mastic Scum has also stood the test of time throughout the years.

V: Monument of Misanthropy是一支经典乐队,我一直是你们乐队的忠实粉丝,我会一直支持和追随你们的乐队,希望通过这次采访更多的中国粉丝能够了解、认可和关注你们的乐队,最后你有什么想对中国粉丝说的吗?

Monument of Misanthropy is a classic band, I've always been a big fan of your band, I'll always support and follow your band, and I hope that through this interview, more Chinese fans will know, recognize, and pay attention to your band, do you have anything you'd like to say to your Chinese fans in the end?

G: 我的朋友,火山杂志,能够通过你与众多中国金属乐迷交谈,我感到非常荣幸,我非常感谢你为这个美丽的国家提供如此大的支持者。我知道一些很棒的金属乐队已经在中国举办过一些演出,我希望有一天我们也能这样做。从奥地利维也纳向你们所有人致以热烈的拥抱,尤其是我的采访者你!继续疯狂,尽情摇头吧!:-)

It is really a big honour to being able to talk to the many Chinese metalheads through you my friend of Volcano Magazine, and I appreciate it very much to have such a big supporter in you for your wonderful Country.I know some awesome metal bands have been able to Play some Shows in China, and I hope that soem day we will be able to do the same too. Big hugs from Vienna, Austria to all of you and especially to you my interviewer! Keep it brutal and bang your heads! :-)

Monument Of Misanthropy乐队主要作品:

Monument of Misanthropy - Anger Mismanagement(2014)

Monument of Misanthropy - Capital Punisher(2017)

Monument of Misanthropy - Unterweger(2021)

Monument of Misanthropy - Vile Postmortem Irrumatio(2024)

Monument Of Misanthropy乐队官方Bandcamp网站:

Monument Of Misanthropy乐队官方Deezer网站:

Monument Of Misanthropy乐队官方Facebook网站:

Monument Of Misanthropy乐队官方Myspace网站:

Monument Of Misanthropy乐队官方ReverbNation 1网站

Monument Of Misanthropy乐队官方ReverbNation 2网站:

Monument Of Misanthropy乐队官方Spotify网站:

Monument Of Misanthropy乐队官方Tidal网站:

Monument Of Misanthropy乐队官方Twitter网站:

Monument Of Misanthropy乐队官方YouTube网站:

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