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悲观主义的诗歌 - 芬兰Symphonic/Melodic Death Metal乐队Re-Armed专访

Writer's picture: Volcano MagazineVolcano Magazine

今天采访到的是来自芬兰的Symphonic/Melodic Death Metal乐队Re-Armed,组建于2001年的Re-Armed乐队是芬兰一支非常有资历的老牌乐队,最初是一群热爱金属乐的朋友组建的这支乐队,最初乐队演奏快速、激进和技术性金属乐,深受Death Metal和的影响Thrash Metal的影响,2002 - 2008年乐队发行了多张Demo作品,2012年乐队在德国Massacre Records厂牌发行了第一张正式专辑“Worldwide Hypnotize”,深受歌迷的喜爱,随着乐队经验积累,乐队则是改变了风格,开始演奏Symphonic/Melodic Death Metal风格的作品,2016年乐队在芬兰厂牌Saarni Records发行的第三张正式专辑“The Era of Precarity”,这张专辑也让乐队更加有名气,这张专辑充满了热情洋溢的歌曲,充满了旋律和节奏,Re Armed在这里所做的是为现Modern Death Metal声音创造一种更清新的方法。即流畅的制作鼓模式和简短的吉他独奏,这张专辑充满了中东旋律,将令人着迷的大音符与肮脏的小音符混合在一起,创造出既能唤起惊奇感又能唤起恐惧感的险恶重复段,随后乐队发行了多首单曲,2020年发行了第四张正式专辑,2022年发行了最新EP专辑,随着乐队的名气越来越高,乐队也获得了更多的演出机会,乐队曾经为著名的Chimaira和Suffocation等乐队一起巡回演出,2015年乐队还收到邀请来到中国进行巡回演出,今年乐队也即将发行他们的最新作品“What Is Love”在新专辑发行之际杂志与乐队取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 R: 代表Re-Armed)

Today's interview was with the Symphonic/Melodic Death Metal band Re-Armed from Finland. Re-Armed, formed in 2001, is a highly qualified and veteran band in Finland. Originally formed by a group of friends who love metal music, the band played fast, radical, and technical metal music, deeply influenced by Death Metal and Thrash Metal. From 2002 to 2008, the band released multiple demo works, and in 2012, the band released their first official album "Worldwide Hypnotize" on the German Massacre Records label, which was deeply loved by fans. With the accumulation of experience, the band changed their style and began playing Symphonic/Elodic Death Metal style work, the band's third official album "The Era of Precarity" released on Finnish label Saarni Records in 2016, This album has also made the band more famous, filled with passionate songs, melodies, and rhythms. What Re Armed is doing here is creating a fresher approach to the sound of Modern Death Metal. With a smooth drum production mode and short guitar solos, this album is filled with Middle Eastern melodies, blending mesmerizing big notes with dirty little notes to create sinister repetitive segments that evoke both surprise and fear. The band subsequently released multiple singles, their fourth official album in 2020, and their latest EP album in 2022. As the band's fame grew, they also gained more performance opportunities. The band has toured with famous bands such as Chimaira and Suffocation, and received an invitation to tour China in 2015. This year, the band will also release their latest work "What Is Love" on the occasion of the release of their new album. The magazine contacted the band for an exclusive interview!

(V: represents author R: represents Re-Armed)



V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访。我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访。首先向所有中国歌迷问好。Re-Armed成立于2001年,是一支历史悠久的乐队。谁提议组建这个乐队?你还记得当时的情景吗?

Hello brother, it's nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview. I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine. First of all, let's say hello to all Chinese fans. Re-Armed was founded in 2001 and is a long-standing band with a long history. Who proposed the formation of this band? Do you remember the scene back then?

R: 大家好,我们所有的中国歌迷!我们很荣幸能出现在贵杂志上,我们衷心感谢世界各地Metalheads的支持。顺便说一句我们在2015年在中国进行了长途旅行!Re-Armed最初于2001年在芬兰的Kerava成立。乐队由一群对金属充满热情的朋友创立,多年来阵容不断发展。在早期我们只是一群年轻人,他们想打快速、有侵略性和技术性的金属。当时我们深受Death和Thrash Metal的影响,我们的目标只是创作我们喜欢的音乐。那是一段激动人心的时光——在狭小的排练空间里练习,在地下表演,塑造我们的声音。

Hello to all our Chinese fans! We’re honored to be featured in your magazine, and we truly appreciate the support from metalheads around the world. By the way we have done long tour in China, in 2015! Re-Armed was originally formed in 2001 in Kerava, Finland. The band was started by a group of friends who were passionate about metal, and over the years, the lineup has evolved. Back in the early days, we were just a bunch of young guys who wanted to play fast, aggressive, and technical metal. We were heavily influenced by death and thrash metal at the time, and our goal was simply to create music that we loved. Those were exciting times—practicing in small rehearsal spaces, playing underground shows, and shaping our sound.

V: 你的乐队现在只有歌手Jouni是第一代成员,其他成员都被替换了。为什么第一代成员离开了乐队?新成员是怎么加入乐队的?你对新成员的工作满意吗?

Your band only has singer Jouni as the first-generation member now, and all other members have been replaced. Why did the first-generation members leave the band? How did the new members join the band? Are you satisfied with the new members’ work?

R: 是的,Jouni是最后剩下的原始成员。多年来成员们因个人原因、音乐差异或其他生活承诺而离开。对于已经存在了很长时间的乐队来说,这是一个自然的过程。我们目前的阵容是我们有史以来最强大、最团结的。新成员是通过个人关系和试镜的结合加入的,我们对现在的化学反应感到非常高兴。每个人都为乐队带来了自己的创造力和活力,我们比以往任何时候都更有动力。

Yes, Jouni is the last remaining original member. Over the years, members have left due to personal reasons, musical differences, or other life commitments. It’s a natural process for bands that have been around for a long time. Our current lineup is the strongest and most unified we’ve ever had. The new members joined through a combination of personal connections and auditions, and we couldn’t be happier with the chemistry we have now. Everyone brings their own creativity and energy to the band, and we’re more motivated than ever.

V: 你们乐队的每个成员都是创作极限金属的经验丰富的音乐家。你能介绍一下你的创作过程吗?我相信你的创作经验一定会给更多的年轻音乐家带来灵感!

Each member of your band is an experienced musician in creating extreme metal. Can you introduce your creative process? I believe your creative experience will definitely bring inspiration to more young musicians!

R: 我们的歌曲创作过程通常从吉他即兴重复段或旋律创意开始。从那里我们构建了歌曲的结构,增加了层次,完善了编排。基本上我们三个人贡献所有的想法,然后我们合作塑造最终版本。歌词通常是在乐器大部分完成后写的,所以它们适合歌曲的情绪和氛围。创作过程是自发和精心制作的平衡。我们对年轻音乐家的建议是继续尝试,相信你的直觉,永远不要停止学习。

Our songwriting process usually starts with a guitar riff or a melodic idea. From there, we build the structure of the song, adding layers and refining the arrangements. Basically three of us contribute all the ideas, and then we work collaboratively to shape the final version. Lyrics are often written after the instrumentals are mostly complete, so they fit the mood and atmosphere of the song. The creative process is a balance of spontaneity and careful crafting. Our advice to young musicians is to keep experimenting, trust your instincts, and never stop learning.

V: 你们乐队的每一张专辑在录音方面都很出色。你在哪个录音室录制了专辑?哪位制作人为你制作了这张专辑?你最新单曲的录制过程顺利吗?

Every album of your band is excellent in terms of recording. Which studio did you record your albums in? Which producer made the album for you? Did the recording process of your latest single go smoothly?

R: 非常感谢。多年来,根据专辑的不同,我们在不同的工作室录制过。我们通常自己处理大量的前期制作,这有助于我们在进入录音室之前塑造声音。对于我们的最新版本,我们已经设法自己生产一切,并与了解我们愿景的工程师合作。我们最新单曲的录制过程进展顺利——我们始终致力于在精准度和能量之间取得平衡,以捕捉到最佳的表现。Jouni自己录制和制作他的声音。

Thank you! We’ve recorded in different studios over the years, depending on the album. We usually handle a lot of pre-production ourselves, which helps us shape our sound before entering a studio. For our latest releases, we’ve managed to produce everything on our own and with engineers who understand our vision. The recording process for our latest single went well—we always aim for a balance between precision and energy to capture the best possible performance. Jouni records and produces his vocals on his own.

V: 你的Logo设计很精致。谁为你设计了这个Logo?你的专辑封面设计也很漂亮,尤其是最新的单曲封面设计很棒,这让我想起了Carcass乐队的专辑作品。谁为你设计了这些专辑艺术品?

Your logo design is very exquisite. Who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also beautifully designed, especially the latest single artwork is great, it reminds me of the Carcass band's album works. Who designed these album artworks for you?

R: 我们的Logo和艺术品多年来一直在发展,就像我们的音乐一样。我们与不同的平面设计师和艺术家合作,创造出与我们的声音和主题相匹配的视觉效果,但现在我们主要是自己做所有事情。很高兴听到我们的艺术品让你想起了Carcass——我们一直在努力打造一种强烈而有影响力的视觉风格。Carcass仍然是一支出色的乐队!

Our logo and artwork have evolved over the years, just like our music. We have collaborated with different graphic designers and artists to create visuals that match our sound and themes, but these days we mainly do everything on our own. It’s great to hear that our artwork reminds you of Carcass—we always strive for a strong and impactful visual style. And Carcass is still kick ass band!

V: Pessimism, Society——这些都是你的音乐主题。你为什么选择这样的音乐主题?你想通过这首音乐表达什么?谁创作了歌词,是什么激励了他们?

Pessimism, Society—these are your music themes. Why did you choose such a music theme? What do you want to express through this music? Who creates the lyrics, and what inspires them?

R: 我们的歌词经常反映社会、人类斗争和存在主义主题的黑暗面。我们写的是与我们产生共鸣的现实世界问题、情感和想法。歌词融合了个人经历和对世界的观察。我们希望我们的音乐能让人们思考和感受到更深层次的东西。Jouni创作了大部分歌词,从哲学、历史和现代社会问题中汲取灵感。事实上最新专辑"Ignis Aeternum"并没有那么黑暗——它基本上是相反的观点,是对各种形式的生命的颂歌!

Our lyrics often reflect the darker sides of society, human struggles, and existential themes. We write about real-world issues, emotions, and thoughts that resonate with us. The lyrics are a mix of personal experiences and observations about the world. We want our music to make people think and feel something deeper. Jouni writes most of the lyrics, drawing inspiration from philosophy, history, and modern societal issues. And actually the latest album "Ignis Aeternum" wasn't that dark - it was basically opposite point of view, an ode to life in all it forms!

V: 你为什么把你的风格从早期的Death/Thrash Metal风格改为现在的Symphonic/Melodic Death Metal风格?

Why did you change your style from the early Death/Thrash Metal sound to the current Symphonic/Melodic Death Metal style?

R: 作为音乐家,我们自然会随着时间的推移而进化。我们早期的声音更具侵略性和原始性,但随着我们的发展,我们想在音乐中探索更多的旋律、氛围和动态。添加交响乐和旋律元素使我们能够扩展我们的创造力,同时保持我们根源的能量和沉重感。我们不喜欢限制自己——我们希望我们的音乐给人一种新鲜和令人兴奋的感觉。

As musicians, we’ve naturally evolved over time. Our early sound was more aggressive and raw, but as we developed, we wanted to explore more melody, atmosphere, and dynamics in our music. Adding symphonic and melodic elements allowed us to expand our creativity while keeping the energy and heaviness of our roots. We don’t like to limit ourselves—we want our music to feel fresh and exciting.

V: 你已经与许多伟大的唱片公司合作发行专辑,目前你正在与Inverse Records合作。你是如何与这些品牌建立联系和合作的?你对他们的工作满意吗?

You have collaborated with many great labels to release albums, and currently you are working with Inverse Records. How did you establish contact and collaborate with these labels? Are you satisfied with their work?

R: 在我们的职业生涯中,我们与各种唱片公司合作过,Inverse Records一直是一个很好的合作伙伴。我们通过网络与他们联系,发送Demo并证明我们对音乐的奉献精神。到目前为止,我们对合作感到满意。他们帮助我们进行分销和推广,这使我们能够专注于创作音乐和播放节目。而且我们没有合适的时间表,这对我们来说很合适。

We’ve worked with various labels throughout our career, and Inverse Records has been a good partner. We connected with them through networking, sending demos, and proving our dedication to the music. So far, we’re happy with the collaboration. They help us with distribution and promotion, which allows us to focus on creating music and playing shows. And we don't have thight time schedules, which suits to us fine.

V: 你最近的作品令人印象深刻!旋律、氛围和声乐表现都非常出色。你对自己的工作有什么看法?

Your latest work is very impressive! The melodies, atmosphere, and vocal delivery are outstanding. What is your opinion on your own work?

R: 非常感谢。我们在音乐的每一个细节上都付出了很多努力,我们为我们所取得的成就感到自豪。我们总是试图在每次发布时进一步推动自己。这部最新作品代表了我们现在的状态——在音乐和情感上。我们希望它能像与我们一样与我们的听众产生共鸣。当谈到翻唱曲目"What Is Love"时,我们再次加入了标志性的EDM热门歌曲。

Thank you! We put a lot of effort into every detail of our music, and we’re proud of what we’ve achieved. We always try to push ourselves further with each release. This latest work represents where we are right now—musically and emotionally. We hope it resonates with our listeners as much as it does with us. And when it comes to cover track "What Is Love", it's iconic EDM hit that we just spiced again.

V: 作为一支优秀的乐队,你们参加了许多音乐节。哪些音乐节给你留下了深刻的印象?2025年有什么节日你会参加吗?

As an excellent band, you have participated in many music festivals. Which music festivals have left a deep impression on you? Are there any festivals in 2025 that you will be playing at?

R: 我们在一些中国节日Neurodic Death Fest和其他各种欧洲金属节上都有过精彩的经历。现场观众的能量很特别,我们喜欢在舞台上与粉丝联系。2025年我们计划将重点放在完成新专辑上。2025-2026年计划有更多的现场表演和节日演出。我们将在某个时候公布细节——敬请关注!

We’ve had amazing experiences at festivals like some Chinese festivals, Neurodic Death Fest and various other European metal festivals. The energy of a live crowd is something special, and we love connecting with fans on stage. For 2025, we are planning to put focus on to get finished newalbum. More live shows and festival appearances are planned for 2025-2026. We’ll announce details at some point—stay tuned!

V: 你刚刚发布了2025年的新音乐。这是否意味着新专辑即将推出?你的乐队2025年有什么计划?

You have just released new music in 2025. Does this mean a new album is coming? What plans does your band have for 2025?

R: 是的!我们正在完成新的材料,粉丝们可以期待今年有更多的音乐。虽然我们还不能透露所有细节,但我们对接下来会发生什么感到兴奋。2026年我们计划进行更多的巡演,2025年的重点将更多地放在发布新音乐上并与全球粉丝建立联系。

Yes! We are finishing new material, and fans can expect more music this year. While we can’t reveal all the details yet, we’re excited about what’s coming next.

In 2026, we plan to tour more, 2025 focus will be more on releasing new music, and connect with our fans worldwide.

V: Re-Armed是一支经典的老乐队,我会永远支持你。我也希望更多的中国歌迷能发现你的音乐。你对中国球迷有什么要说的吗?

Re-Armed is a classic old band, and I will always support you. I also hope more Chinese fans will discover your music. Do you have anything to say to Chinese fans?

R: 感谢你的支持,这对我们来说意味着整个世界!致我们所有的中国粉丝:我们感谢您对金属的热情,我们希望有一天能在展会上见到您——希望再次在中国!继续支持重音乐,保持坚强。Stay Re-Armed!

Thank you for your support—it means the world to us! To all our Chinese fans: We appreciate your passion for metal, and we hope to see you at a show someday - hopefully again in China! Keep supporting heavy music, and stay strong. Stay Re-Armed!


Re-Armed - Worldwide Hypnotize(2012)

Re-Armed - Rottendam(2014)

Re-Armed - Total Lack of Communication(2015)

Re-Armed - The Era of Precarity(2016)

Re-Armed - Ignis Aeternum(2020)

Re-Armed - XX(2022)

Re-Armed - What Is Love(2025)














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