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杀手的故事 - 波兰Brutal Death Metal乐队Mastectomy专访

Writer's picture: Volcano MagazineVolcano Magazine

今天采访到的是一支来自波兰的单人Brutal Death Metal乐队Mastectomy,2009年由Adam Nowak一个人组建,不过乐队在2014年才发行了第一张EP专辑“Brutality Is the Rule”,这张专辑的歌曲也在与Bonesaw Lobotomy / Numbered with the Transgressors / Hate Inclination等乐队在2015年合作的Spilt专辑“Gutted by One Man”中重新录制发表,2017 - 2020年乐队在英国Rotten Music厂牌发行了两张正式专辑,Mastectomy乐队的作品整体受到了美国Putrid Pile的影响,但是还能感受到一些Behemoth或Belphegor等乐队的一些影响,歌曲中大量的节奏变化,每首曲目都经过深思熟虑和精心编排。下调式的旋律简单但非常有效,歌曲在整个专辑中始终保持着趣味性,在动感和冲击力之间保持着良好的平衡。我非常喜欢这里的人声,唯一的成员Adam Novak采用了更粗犷、更有喉音的哼唱方式,而不是通常那种潺潺的咕噜声。所有这些元素都由良好的制作来支撑,所有不同的乐器都清晰地表现出来并疯狂地渗出力量。即使是编排好的鼓点也不会让我感到厌烦,这足以证明这张唱片的质量。将Brutal Death Metal与缠绵的吉他声结合在一起,营造出一种沉重而大气的氛围,这是我在其他同类作品中很少听到的。2024年乐队发行一张EP专辑和单曲,2025年乐队还将发行一张新的Spilt专辑,前不久杂志与乐队的创始人Adam Novak取得联系进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 A: 代表Adam Novak)

Today's interview is with Mastectomy, a one-man Brutal Death Metal band from Poland, formed in 2009 by Adam Nowak alone, but the band only released their first EP “Brutality Is the Rule” in 2014. ”, which was also re-recorded and released on the 2015 Spilt album “Gutted by One Man” with Bonesaw Lobotomy / Numbered with the Transgressors / Hate Inclination, among others. “The band released two official albums in 2017 - 2020 on the UK's Rotten Music label, and Mastectomy's work as a whole is influenced by American Putrid Pile, but with some influences from bands such as Behemoth or Belphegor. The songs have a lot of tempo changes and each track is well thought out and carefully arranged. The downtempo melodies are simple but very effective, and the songs are consistently interesting throughout the album, with a good balance between dynamism and impact. I really like the vocals here, with sole member Adam Novak adopting a grittier, more guttural humming style rather than the usual gurgling grunts. All of these elements are backed up by good production, with all of the different instruments coming through clearly and oozing power like crazy. Even the choreographed drums don't bore me, which is a testament to the quality of this record. Combining Brutal Death Metal with lingering guitars creates a heavy and atmospheric vibe that I've rarely heard on other releases of this kind.With an EP album and single in 2024, and a new Spilt album on the way in 2025, the magazine got in touch with the band's founder, Adam Novak, a while back for an An interview with Adam Novak, the founder of the band!

(V: for the author A: for Adam Novak)

采访对象:Adam NovakMastectomy乐队创始人)


V: 你好兄弟很高兴认识你并且非常感谢你能够参与这次的采访,我想这是你第一次接受来自中国杂志的采访吧,Mastectomy乐队成立于2009年,你是如何组建的这支乐队?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time you have been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, Mastectomy was formed in 2009, how did you form the band?

A: 大家好,早上好!感谢你们对我的作品给予了极高的评价,让我有机会向中国乐迷展示我的音乐!正如你们提到的Mastectomy乐队成立于2009年,由我自己发起,旨在演奏Brutal Death Metal。在与伪演奏家打了多年交道之后,我得出了一个结论:最好由我自己来处理这一切并开始按照我自己的设想和假设来演奏Death Metal噪音,无论是关于音乐本身、歌词还是翻唱。

Hello everyone, Good morning, I would like to thank you for the killer feedback on my work and the opportunity to present my music to Chinese fans!! As you mentioned, Mastectomy was formed in 2009 on my initiative to play brutal death metal. After years of dealing with pseudo-players, I came to the conclusion that it would be best for me to take care of it all myself and start spitting out death metal noise according to my own visions and assumptions, whether it's about the music itself, lyrics or covers.

V: 乐队只有你一个人,我觉得这在歌曲创作方面很方便,因为你可以按照自己的方式创作,你能描述一下你的创作过程吗?我相信你的写歌经历会激励很多年轻音乐人!

With the band being just you, I think it comes in handy when it comes to songwriting because you get to do it the way you want to, can you describe your songwriting process? I'm sure your songwriting experience will inspire a lot of young musicians!

A: 我写歌的方式是,我一屁股坐在客厅里,喝着咖啡,想出一些旋律,然后把它们录下来,再粘合成整首歌。我使用合适的软件保存我的想法以及节奏和鼓点的骨架。这并不神秘。现在的技术让我们可以在家制作音乐,这非常舒适方便。每个孩子都可以买一把吉他或电子鼓,在家里练习,你不必花费巨资购买基本设备,重要的是意愿和决心。

The way I write songs is that I sit on my ass in the living room, drink coffee and come up with riffs, which I record and then glue into whole songs. I use appropriate software where I save my ideas and the skeleton of rhythms and drum beats. There is no mystery about it. We're at the point where technology allows us to make music at home. It is very comfortable and convenient. Every kid can buy a guitar or electronic drums and practice at home. You don't have to spend a fortune on basic equipment. What counts is willingness and determination.

V: 你的专辑在录制效果方面非常出色,请问是在哪个录音棚录制的?哪位制作人制作了你的专辑?你今年刚刚发行了最新专辑和单曲,这些专辑的录制过程顺利吗?

Your album is excellent in terms of recording results, what studio did you record the album in? Which producer produced your album? You've just released your latest album and single this year, is the recording process going well for these albums?

A: 感谢你对第三张专辑制作的评价!“Devil incarnates in Us"是在卢布恩的Cross Street工作室录制的,卢布恩位于波兹南(波兰西部城市)附近的一个小城市,距离柏林300公里。碰巧的是,我有幸遇到了制作人。 这些人很有才华,也很体贴。一般来说我已经有了一些经验,我已经录制了三张专辑和几张EP。你需要做好充分的准备,这样在录音室里就不会尴尬,也不会像个白痴。

Thank you for your words about the production of the third album! "Devil incarnates in Us" was recorded in the Cross Street studio in Luboń, in a small city neaar Poznań (a city in western Poland), 300 km from Berlin. It just so happens that I had luck to the producers. These guys have talent and consideration. Generally, I already have some experience, I have recorded 3 albums and a few EPs. You need to prepare to session properly, so that there is no embarrassment in the studio and you don't look like an idiot.

V: 谋杀、病理学、连环杀手、反共产主义是你的一些音乐主题,你为什么选择这些音乐主题,你想通过这些音乐主题表达什么?歌词部分也由您来写,这些歌词的灵感来源是什么?

Murder, Pathology, Serial killers, Anti-Communism are some of your musical themes, why did you choose such musical themes and what do you want to express through such musical themes? You also write the lyrics section, what inspired these lyrics?

A: 我写的都是或多或少影响到每个人的真实事情。我对幻象、童话或关于任何事物的歌词都不感兴趣,不幸的是现在的金属乐队都是这样写的。 反宗教、亵渎神明的主题对我来说太老套了。还是留给那些最擅长并多年来一直坚持这一传统的乐队吧。 同样怪诞血腥的文字也只能让你笑一下,我决定要写真实发生过的事情。大多数歌词现在如此,将来也会如此。人们往往对政治不感兴趣,直到政治对他们感兴趣。人们对任何事情都不感兴趣,直到他们开始遭受苦难,一些不公正的事情开始发生在他们身上。然后他们就会开始唱反调。过去是这样,现在是这样,将来也是这样。

I write about real things that affect everyone to a greater or lesser extent. I'm not interested in phantasmagoria, fairy tales or lyrics about anything, which unfortunately appears in the metal bands, nowdays. Anti-religious, blasphemous topics are too hackneyed and for me. Let's leave it to the bands that do it best and have been sticking to this convention for years. Likewise, grotesque gore texts also only make you laugh a little. I decided that I would write about real things that really happened. Most lyrics are and will be like this. People are often not interested in politics until politics becomes interested in them. People don't give a damn about anything until they start suffering and some injustice starts happening to them. Then they start singing differently. It was, is and will be.

V: 你的早期专辑是在Rotten Music唱片公司发行的,后来你选择了自己发行专辑,为什么没有继续选择与Rotten Music合作,而是选择了自己发行专辑?你自己拥有一个名为slam4life的厂牌,能给我们介绍一下你自己的厂牌吗?

Your early albums were released on the label Rotten Music, and then you chose to release albums on your own, why didn't you continue to choose to work with Rotten Music and choose to release albums on your own? You own a label yourself called slam4life, can you tell us a little bit about your own label?

A: 你应该问Rotten music的Chris这个问题。这是一个君子协定,他似乎失去了对Mastectomy的兴趣,这不是强迫。如果你想讨论slam4life这是个新话题。更多资料将在我的旗下发布。对我来说,这是今天最好的解决办法。每当别人的钱出现时,音乐、歌词、封面就会受到干扰这是我非常不喜欢的。没有人会对我自己的乐队指手画脚。

You shuld ask this question Chris from Rotten music. It was a gentleman agreement, and it seems he lost interent in Mastectomy. Nothing forced. If you go about slam4life, that's a new topic. Further materials will be published under my banner. For me, it's the best solution for the day. Whenever someone else's money appears, there is interference in the music, lyrics, covers, which I really don't like. No one will dictate what I have on my own band.

V: Mastectomy成立于2009年,但你们的第一张EP"Brutality Is the Rule"是在2014年发行的,是什么原因让你们选择在这么多年后才发行专辑?

Mastectomy was founded in 2009, but your first EP “Brutality Is the Rule” was released in 2014, what made you choose to release an album so many years later?

A: 是的,生活迫使我在5年后发行了专辑。我不得不离开祖国,到国外工作。我能说什么呢?那段时间对我来说很艰难,但每个人迟早都要面对这种情况。这就是生活,有时你不得不做一些你不想做的事情。你需要离开你的激情,做一些其他的事情来支付账单。

Yes, life forced me to release album 5 years later. I had to leave my country and work abroad. What can I say? It was tough time for me, but everyone has to deal with that kind of situations sooner or later. That's the life, sometimes you have to do things that you don't want to do. You need to leave your passion and do something else to pay your bills.

V: 乐队的Logo设计得非常漂亮。这个Logo是谁为你设计的?你的专辑封面也设计得非常独特,漂亮。这个专辑封面是谁为你设计的?

The band's logo is beautifully designedWho designed this logo for you?Your album artwork is also uniquely designed and beautiful.Who designed this album artwork for you?

A: Logo是我的朋友设计的,除了第一张专辑,他已经不再接触封面了。他是一位真正的专业人士,曾为Sabaton等大型乐队制作封面: Sabaton他一眼就能捕捉到我的想法并以图形的形式表现出来。他是真正的专业人士,很难找到像他这样的人。

The logo was created by my friend, who no longer has contact with covers, apart from the first album, made by Damian Augustyniak from Guzik Art. He is a real professional, he made covers for large bands such as: Sabaton. He instantly catches my visions and presents them in graphic form. A true professional, it's hard to find someone like him.

V: 首先,祝贺你的最新单曲“Home-made Torture Rack”发行,我是你的超级粉丝,从你2014年的EP开始我就一直在关注你。这里有大量的节奏变化,每首歌都经过深思熟虑和精心编排。旋律简单但令人难忘,我非常喜欢你们的人声,你们采用了一种更粗犷、更有内涵的哼唱风格,而所有这些元素都得到了良好的制作支持,所有不同的乐器都清晰地表现出来,并疯狂地渗出力量。即使是精心编排的鼓点也不会让我感到厌烦,这足以证明这张唱片的质量。这是一张令人印象深刻的专辑,它出自一位不惧超越残酷死亡金属流派的艺术家之手,并在此基础上做出了自己的特色。我向所有喜欢残酷死亡金属的人推荐这张专辑,同时我也对Mastectomy乐队的未来充满期待。你对自己的作品有什么看法?新专辑与旧专辑相比有什么变化吗?

First of all, congratulations on the release of your latest single “Home-made Torture Rack”, I'm a huge fan of yours, I've been following you since your 2014 EP and what caught my attention was the amount of variation in the songs. There are tons of tempo changes here, and each track is well thought out and orchestrated. The melodies are simple but memorable, and I really like the vocals here, you've adopted a grittier, more guttural humming style, and all of these elements are backed up by good production, with all of the different instruments coming through clearly and oozing power like crazy. Even the choreographed drums don't bore me, which is a testament to the quality of this record. It's an impressive album from an artist who is not afraid to go beyond the boundaries of the brutal death metal genre and make his own specialty out of it. I recommend this album to anyone who enjoys brutal death metal, and I am intrigued by the future of Mastectomy. What do you think about your own work? Has the new album changed from the old one?

A: 我对自己的创作没有任何想法。我不会对自己、我的唱片和吉他演奏进行精神自慰。我只是做自己的事情。我弹琴首先是为了好玩。我很高兴能与和我相似的人分享我的音乐发现。我对自己的工作很认真,但我不会偏执地分析20个小军鼓或踢鼓的声音。 音乐应该从音乐家那里流淌出来,关键是要做你自己,要有连贯性和一致性。在这个舞台上,有很多神话狂、嫉妒者和羡慕者,他们会因为你的巢穴而唾弃你。你不应该理会那些白痴和沮丧的人,而应该做自己的事。

I don't think anything about my creativity. I don't mentally masturbate over myself, my records and guitar playing. I just do my thing. I play for fun first and foremost. I am happy that, I can share my musical discoveries with people similiar to me. I am serious about my work, but I don't get paranoid and analyze 20 snare or kick drum sounds. Music should flow from musician and the key is to being yourself, to be consistent and coherent. There are a lot of mythomaniacs, jealousies and envious people on this stage who spit at you for your nest. You shouldn't give a damn about idiots and frustrated people and do your own thing.

V: 你参加过哪些音乐节,哪些音乐节给你留下了深刻印象,你能否描述一下音乐节的氛围?2025?

What festivals have you been to, what festivals have impressed you and can you describe the atmosphere and what festivals are you planning to attend in 2025?

A: 参加过几次捷克的Obscene Extreme,从组织和乐队水平来说都很不错。作为一支乐队,他们还没有拒绝过任何音乐节。通常说到音乐节波兰的音乐节看起来非常糟糕。 在美国,有很多Brutal Death Metal活动,而在这里很不幸完全失败了。也许有一天会有所改变,也许吧。

Several times at Obscene Extreme in the Czech Republic and it was very decent in terms of organization and the level of bands. As a band, they haven't turned down any festivals yet. Usually, when it comes to festivals, it looks very poor in Poland. In the USA it's a lot of brutal death metal events, here it's a complete failure, unfortunately. Maybe one day it will change. Maybe.

V: 在即将到来的2025年你有什么新的工作要进行吗? 比如创作、录制新歌或发行新专辑,能透露一些信息吗?我非常期待你的新作品!

What new work do you have coming up in the upcoming year 2025? Like writing, recording some new songs or releasing some new albums, can you reveal some information to people? I'm very much looking forward to your new work!

A: 是的,2025年会有很多事情发生,首先是Spilt,年底或一年后会有新专辑,也会有一些演出。 保持联系,关注Mastectomy新闻。感谢你的采访和支持,请继续关注!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes. A lot of things gonna happen in 2025. First, The split and new album at the end or a year. Some gigs will be played too. Keep in touch a pay attention to Mastectomy news. Thank you for an interview and suport. Stay brutal!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mastectomy - Brutality Is the Rule(2014)

Mastectomy - Hell on Earth(2017)

Mastectomy - Worst Kind of Human(2020)

Mastectomy - Supreme Art of Extermination(2021)

Mastectomy - Ku zagładzie(2022)

Mastectomy - Devil Incarnates in Us(2024)

Mastectomy - Blown by Bullet(2024)

Mastectomy - Home-made Torture Rack(2024)







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