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深夜屠夫 - 日本Death Metal/Goregrind乐队Butcher ABC专访

今天再次采访到的是一支来自日本的Death Metal/Goregrind乐队Butcher ABC,作为日本最有资历的一支老牌乐队,他们早在1994年就已经组建了,是日本非常优秀的乐队,经过长时间的磨合和创作乐队在2002年才发行了他们的第一张Demo作品,这张专辑发行之后便收到了日本国内的关注,嘈杂疯狂的Riff,疯狂打击乐,而且这张Demo是两名鼓手,非常少见并且四名成员有三名都是歌手,随后乐队改变了风格加入了更多的Death Metal成分,表现出他们对于Old School的喜爱和致敬,随即乐队发行了大量的作品,每一张作品都深受好评,也让Butcher ABC乐队收到了不同国家的好评和关注,变成了一支国际知名的乐队,不仅仅受邀参加日本国内的一些重要音乐节演出的邀请同时也受到了很多国际知名音乐节的邀请,Butcher ABC乐队的创始人Butcher Analtoshit不仅仅是一名优秀的音乐家同时他还创办了日本最知名的Obliteration Records厂牌,不仅仅发行了Butcher ABC乐队的大量作品,同事还为很多日本的优秀乐队和国际知名乐队发行了专辑,比如大家熟知的Viscera Infest,Fecundation,Mortify,Clotted Symmetric Sexual Organ,Corpsefucking Art,Dead,Cock and Ball Torture,Decomposing Serenity,墨西哥Disgorge,General Surgery,FesterDecay,Impetigo,Nunslaughter,Pulmonary Fibrosis,Squash Bowels等优秀乐队发行专辑,前不久杂志通过国内优秀厂牌黄泉唱片的主理人GUT协助与Butcher ABC乐队取得联系进行了一次专访,再次感谢黄泉唱片的帮助!

(V: 代表笔者 B: 代表Butcher Analtoshit)

Today's interview is with Japanese Death Metal/Goregrind band Butcher ABC, one of the most experienced bands in Japan, they formed in 1994 and are one of the best bands in Japan, after a long period of time the band released their first demo in 2002, which received a lot of attention in Japan after its release. The album received a lot of attention in Japan after its release, with noisy and crazy riffs, crazy percussion, and two drummers, which is very rare, and three of the four members are singers. The band then changed their style and added more Death Metal to show their love and homage to Old School, and then released a lot of works, each of which was very well received. Each release was very well received and Butcher ABC received critical acclaim and attention from many different countries, becoming an internationally renowned band that was not only invited to perform at some of the most important festivals in Japan, but also at many international festivals, where the founder of Butcher ABC, Butcher Analtoshit, was not only a great musician, but also a very good musician, as well. The founder of Butcher ABC, Butcher Analtoshit, is not only a great musician but also the founder of Japan's most famous label, Obliteration Records, which not only releases a large amount of Butcher ABC's work, but also releases albums for many of Japan's best bands and international bands such as Viscera Infest, Fecundation, Mortify, Clotted Symphony and many others. Mortify, Clotted Symmetric Sexual Organ, Corpsefucking Art, Dead, Cock and Ball Torture, Decomposing Serenity, Mexican Disgorge, General Surgery. FesterDecay, Impetigo, Nunslaughter, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Squash Bowels and other great bands to release albums, not long ago the magazine through the excellent domestic label Yellow Springs Records, the main manager of the GUT assisted in contact with the Butcher ABC band for an interview, thanks again! Thanks again for the help of Huangquan Records!

(V: for the author B: for Butcher Analtoshit)

采访对象:Butcher AnaltoshitButcher ABC乐队吉他 / 歌手)


V: 你好Butcher Analtoshit很高兴见到你,非常感谢你接受我们的采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向中国的乐迷们问好,Butcher ABC乐队成立于1994年,是一支历史悠久的老牌乐队,你们当初是如何组建这支乐队的?Butcher ABC这个名字对你们有什么意义吗?

Hello Butcher Analtoshit nice to meet you and thank you very much for this interview, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, Butcher ABC was formed in 1994 and is a band with a long history of veteran bands, how did you form this band in the first place? Does the name Butcher ABC mean anything to you?

B: 您好,感谢您邀请我们采访,这是两三次接受中国媒体的采访,不过这只是乐迷杂志,不是杂志。好吧,乐队成立之初只是“DIY录音乐队”,只是为了好玩,那是在1994年,当时我在一个叫Clotted Symmetric Sexual Organ(CSSO)的乐队里演奏。大约在2001年,CSSO解散了,然后我就和CSSO的成员组成了BUTCHER ABC进行演出。“ABC"的意思是原子生化。乐队的概念是“Butchers in Post-Apocalyptic era”。你一定要看看这两部电影:“德州电锯杀人狂”和“疯狂的麦克斯 2”。然后你就会明白我想说什么了。

Hello. Thanks for interview. This is 2 or 3 times, interview by Chinese media. But its fanzine, not magazine anyway. Well, the beginning of band was only "DIY recording band" just for fun in 1994. At that time, I played in band called Clotted Symmetric Sexual Organ (CSSO). Around 2001, CSSO Split up, then I formed BUTCHER ABC with CSSO members to play shows. "ABC" means Atomic Bio Chemical. The band concept is "Butchers in Post-Apocalyptic era". You must check this two movies, "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" mix "Mad Max 2". Then you will get what I want to say.

V: 你们乐队现在只有你是第一代成员,其他原成员都退出了乐队,你们最后一次更换成员是在 2023年,第一代成员退出乐队的原因是什么?新成员是如何加入乐队的?你对他们的工作满意吗?

You're the only one in your band who is a first generation member now, all the other original members have quit the band, you last changed members in 2023, what was the reason for the first generation members to quit the band? How did the new members join the band? Are you happy with their work?

B: 不是退出,是我的决定 解雇了他们或者是他们不能参加巡演之类的,我有很多成员的问题。发行第一张专辑“North of Hell”后,我们在两年内进行了巡演并在2020年爆发了病毒大流行,我们无法参加任何演出,所以我决定解散。大流行结束后Ash(100 Years War 的鼓手)邀请我们在2023年进行澳大利亚巡演。但你知道,我们解散了,鼓手也没了。但Ash对我说:"我可以和BUTCHER ABC一起打鼓。他的话让我很感动,于是我决定重聚。所有成员都是很好的鼓手,所以我很高兴能和他们一起演奏。

Not quit, it kind of "fired" them by my decision or they couldn't do tour or so. I had a lots of member issue. After released our first album "North of Hell", we did tour in 2 years and covid pandemic outbreak in 2020. We could play any shows, so I decided to split up. After pandemic over, Ash (drummer of 100 Years War) offered us Australian tour in 2023. But you know, we split up and no drummer. But Ash said me "I can play drums with BUTCHER ABC". His word push my back and I decided to reunion. All members are good players. so I'm so happy to play with them.

V: 你们乐队的每个成员都是创作极端金属乐的资深音乐家,你能描述一下你们的创作过程吗?我相信你的创作经验会激励更多的年轻音乐家。

Each member of your band is an experienced musician in creating extreme metal, can you see to describe your creative process? I'm sure your creative experience will inspire more young musicians.

B: 我是个老家伙,没有任何创作歌曲的技术。我是说我没有任何录音设备,没有鼓机,电脑里也没有录音软件。我只是在脑子里构思歌曲的旋律和结构,进入排练室后我会向鼓手解释一切,我还会做很多 Jamming(即兴演奏)然后把歌曲编排好,让鼓手演奏,这种方式很老派,但它能营造出很好的乐队氛围。

I'm old guy. No any technically things for compose songs. I mean I don't have any recording stuffs, no drum machine, no recording application in my computer. Just making riffs and song structure in my brain. And enter rehearsal studio, I explain all to drummer. Jamming alot and arranged song for fit to play. Pretty old school way. But its make good "band" vibe.

V: 你们乐队的音乐主题是Gore和Butchery,为什么选择这个音乐主题?你们想通过这个主题表达什么?你们有歌词部分吗?谁来写歌词?

Your band's musical theme is about Gore, Butchery, why did you choose this musical theme? What do you want to express through this theme? Do you have a lyrics section, who writes the lyrics and what inspires them?

B: 一开始我喜欢恐怖/SF电影,所以我的歌词也是这样。此外我还翻唱了Carcass和Slayer的歌词,在2011年3月11日的塔斯纳米灾难和福岛核电站爆炸之后,我的歌词变得更加政治化。新歌 “Maggots in your brain”的歌词是关于日本腐败政客的。

In the begining, I was into Horror / SF movies, so that's why my lyrics about like that. Also rip of Carcass and Slayer lyrics. After Tusnami disaster and Fukushima nuclear plant explosion in 11th March 2011, my lyrics changed into more politic. New song, "Maggots in your brain" lyric about Japanese corrupt politicians.

V: 你们乐队的Logo设计精美,简约中不失复杂,是谁为你们设计了这个Logo?你们的专辑封面也非常独特,是谁为你们设计了所有的封面?

Your band's logo is beautifully designed and complex in its simplicity, who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also very unique, who designed all the artwork for you?

B: 我设计了Logo,字体是从Carcass Logo上抄袭来的。这是Photoshop的杰作。美术设计方面,我找了一些好的艺术家、“North..."由Alexandros Piromallis设计。此外我们还与Mark Riddick、Vince Locke、Ragnar Persson等人合作,美术设计对于描述我们的音乐风格非常重要。

I designed logo, font rip off from Carcass logo. Its a Photoshop stuffs. For artworks, I ordered good artists, "North..." artwork by Alexandros Piromallis. Also we worked with Mark Riddick, Vince Locke, Ragnar Persson etc. Artwork is very important for describe our music style.

V: 你们的乐队成立于1994年,但直到2002年才发行了第一张专辑,你们似乎在1996年就解散了,直到2000年才重新组建,是什么原因导致你们解散?又是什么导致你们重新组建乐队?

Your band was formed in 1994 but your first release was only in 2002, you seem to have disbanded in 1996 and only reformed in 2000, what made you disband? What caused you to break up and what caused you to reform the band?

B: 没有我们在1994年录了一些东西,当时我们只发给了朋友和一些唱片公司,但没有正式发行。2004年我们与墨西哥Gore Grind乐队Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis合作发行了一张 CD。正如我之前说过的BUTCHER ABC 一开始是一支有趣的乐队。

No. We have some recording stuffs in 1994. At that time, we sent to only friends and some labels. But not released in officially. It was released on CD, split with Mexican Gore Grind band Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis in 2004. As I told you before, begining of BUTCHER ABC was "fun band".

V: 你创立了自己的厂牌Obliteration Records,你自己乐队的大部分作品都在你的厂牌下发行,你还签下了很多日本和其他国家的乐队发行专辑,可以说你是目前日本最好的厂牌之一,你是如何创立这个厂牌的?Obliteration Records目前的情况如何?

You started your own label called Obliteration Records, and most of your own bands' work is released under your own label, and you've signed a lot of Japanese and other bands to release albums, so it's safe to say that you're one of the best labels in Japan right now, how did you start this label? How is Obliteration Records doing at the moment?

B: 在创立我的厂牌之前,我在1992-1995年出版了名为“Circle of the Grind”的粉丝杂志。出版杂志并开始发行后,我开始从事更专业的工作,于是就有了Obliteration Records。1993年发行的第一张唱片是瑞典Brutal Death Metal乐队Deranged的 7 英寸唱片。起初由于没有太多预算来经营唱片公司,我发行了很多磁带。

Before start my label, I published fanzine called "Circle of the Grind" in 1992-1995. Published zine and start distribution, it was changed to more professional working, so obliteration records happened. First release was Swedish brutal death metal band, Deranged 7inch in 1993. In the beginning, no much budget for running label, I released a lot of tape stuffs.

V: 首先祝贺你们今年刚刚发行了最新单曲“Maggots in Your Brain”,你们的风格是向Old School Death Metal和Grindcore致敬,你们的风格让我想起了Bolt Thrower、Coffins、Exhumed、Terrorizer、Divine Eve,甚至是瑞典老牌Crust Death Metal乐队Comecon的第一张专辑。Thrower, Coffins, Exhumed, Terrorizer, Divine Eve, Comecon和其他一些专辑中的中速变化效果都很好。甚至还有一些death/rock,如Sanctum或Stormcrow,你的歌声低沉有力,所有歌曲都充满了动力和疯狂,让听众在歌曲之间没有太多喘息的时间。新专辑与旧专辑相比有什么变化吗?

First of all, congratulations on the release of your latest single “Maggots in Your Brain” just this year, your style is a tribute to Old School Death Metal and Grindcore and your style reminds me of “Bolt”, “Thrower”, Coffins, Exhumed, Terrorizer, Divine Eve and even the first album of the old Swedish crust death metal band Comecon. Thrower, Coffins, Exhumed, Terrorizer, Divine Eve, Comecon and a few others, with some mid-tempo changes to great effect. You even have some death/rock bands like Sanctum or Stormcrow where the vocals are low and powerful and all the songs are full of drive and insanity, leaving the listener without much time to breathe between songs. Has the new album changed at all compared to the old one?

B: 你知道我已经老了,我年轻的时候Old School Death Metal并不Old School,它在当时是非常新的音乐。30多年过去了,现在它被称为Old School,但对我来说这种感觉有点奇怪。对我来说Death Metal一直都是新鲜的音乐。我现在还在听Earache早期发行的作品、Pungent Stench、Carnage以及许多80年代末/90年代初发行的试听带。总之我对新歌和新专辑的歌曲结构和口味没有太大的改变。我的感觉就像,我还生活在90年代初,哈哈哈。

You know, I'm old guy. I was young "Old school Death Metal" is not "old school", it was very new music at that time. Over 30 years past, now its called "old school" but for me, that called bit weird feeling. Death Metal is fresh music all the time for me. I'm still listen to early Earache released stuffs, Pungent Stench, Carnage and lots of demo tapes released in late 80s / early 90's. anyway, my song structure, taste is not much changed in new songs or new album. My feelings like, I'm still living in early 90's, ha ha ha.

V: 你们在2024年还有什么新的工作,比如创作、录制一些新歌或者参加更多的演出,你可以透露给大家一些信息吗?

What other new work do you guys have going on in 2024, like writing, recording some new songs or any other new work that you can reveal to people?

B: 2024年我们在当地做了很多演出,没有太多练习和录音,但我们会尝试在2025年进行欧洲巡演。

In 2024, we did lots of local shows, not much practice or recordings but we try to do European tour in 2025.

V: 你们的乐队参加过很多音乐节,哪些音乐节给你留下了深刻印象?你们也发行过一些现场专辑,哪些专辑是你们参加过的音乐节的现场专辑?

Your band has played tons of festivals, which ones have impressed you and can you describe the atmosphere? You have also released some live albums, which live albums are from those festivals you attended?

B: Obscene Extreme 音乐节是最棒的!那里有很多朋友、好朋友和好乐队。我已经去过五次了。OEF是真正的世界上最好的地下音乐节。我喜欢现场专辑。录音室的唱片都是制作出来的。现场更真实、更原始。我们已经发行了两张现场专辑,一张是OEF afterparty,另一张是 2019 Helsinki Deathfest。

Obscene Extreme fest is the best!! There are many friends, good people, good bands. I have been there 5 times. OEF is true and best underground fest in the world. I like Live albums. Studio recordings is kind of production stuffs. Live is more real and raw. We have released 2 live albums, one is OEF afterparty, another is Helsinki Deathfest 2019.

V: Butcher ABC是一支很棒的乐队,我是你们的忠实粉丝,我听过很多你们的作品,我希望能尽快听到你们的新作品,我也希望通过这次采访能有更多的中国乐迷关注支持你们的乐队,在采访的最后你们有什么想对中国乐迷说的吗?

Butcher ABC is a great band, I'm a big fan of yours, I've listened to a lot of your work and I hope to hear your new work soon, I also hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will pay attention to support your band, do you have anything you'd like to say to your Chinese fans at the end of this interview?

B: 谢谢你邀请我们进行采访。到目前为止我们还没有在中国演出过,希望有一天我们能在中国演出。如果你对我们感兴趣,可以看看我们的歌。感谢您的阅读。


Thanks for interview. We have no shows in China so far, hopefully we want to play there in someday. If you're interesting with us, check our songs. Thanks for reading.


Butcher ABC乐队主要作品:

Butcher ABC - Butchered at Birth Day(2003)

Butcher ABC - Butchered Feast of Being(2006)

Butcher ABC - Road to Hell - Live 7 Inch EP(2014)

Butcher ABC - North of Hell(2017)

Butcher ABC - Maggots in Your Brain(2024)

Butcher ABC乐队官方Bandcamp网站:

Butcher ABC乐队官方Blog网站:

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Butcher ABC乐队官方Homepage网站:

Butcher ABC乐队官方Spotify网站:

Butcher ABC乐队官方Twitter网站:

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