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神的惩罚 - 印度尼西亚Technical / Progressive Death Metal乐队Orbital Element专访

今天采访到的是来自印度尼西亚的Technical / Progressive Death Metal乐队Orbital Element,组建于2011年的Orbital Element是印度尼西亚一支老牌乐队了,但是乐队在组建不久之后就宣布解散,直到2014年才由吉他 / 歌手的Dodik重新组建并且在2017年发行了一张两首歌曲的Demo作品,这张作品虽然只有短短的9分钟,但是充分的展现出乐队的才华,复杂的编曲并且旋律非常的优美,给人留下很深的印象,尤其是吉他部分给人留下了很深的印象,鼓手精准快速的打击,也很出色,2021年乐队在印度尼西亚Eastbreath Records厂牌发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“Celestials Damage”,受到了本土歌迷的关注和支持,在前不久吉他 / 歌手Dodik与我取得联系进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 D: 代表Dodik)

Today's interview is with Indonesian Technical / Progressive Death Metal band Orbital Element. Formed in 2011, Orbital Element is one of Indonesia's oldest bands, but the band disbanded shortly after their formation, only to be reunited by guitarist/vocalist Dodik in 2014 and released a two-song demo in 2017 that, although only nine minutes long, showcases the band's talent. Vocalist Dodik reunited the band in 2014 and released a two-song demo in 2017, which, although only 9 minutes long, showcases the band's talent, with intricate arrangements and melodic melodies that leave a deep impression, especially on the guitar, and the drummer's precise and fast drumming, which is also very impressive. The band released their first official album "Celestials Damage" on Indonesia's Eastbreath Records, which has received a lot of attention and support from local fans, and guitarist/vocalist Dodik got in touch with me for an interview a little while ago!

(V: for the author D: for Dodik)

采访对象:DodikOrbital Element乐队吉他 / 歌手


V: 你好Dodik很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向你们中国的粉丝问好,Orbital Element乐队成立于2011年,是一支历史悠久的老牌乐队,当初是谁提议成立这支乐队的?

Hi Dodik it's nice to meet you and thank you so much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to your fans in China, Orbital Element was formed in 2011 and is a band with a long history of veteran bands, who was the one who proposed to form this band in the first place?

D: 感谢你的回复和对我们Orbital Element乐队的采访,很荣幸能接受来自中国的火山杂志的采访,也向所有中国的朋友们问好,"是朋友不是粉丝"。当然这支乐队已经有很长的历史了,第一个提议成立这支乐队的人就是我自己Dodik Bhre。

Thank you for responding and interviewing our band orbital element, it is an honor to be interviewed by volcano magazine from China, and hello to all friends in China, “friends not fans”. Of course, this band has a long history, and the first person who proposed this band to be formed was myself, Dodik Bhre

V: 你是目前乐队中唯一的第一代成员,其他成员都已更换,第一代成员为什么要退出乐队?新成员是如何加入乐队的,你对他们的工作满意吗?

You are the only first generation member of the band at the moment, all the other members have been replaced, why did the first generation members quit the band? How did the new members join the band and are you happy with their work?

D: 当然,我们的朋友一直忙于乐队以外的事情,所以我认为他们需要被替换。关于新成员,我们联系了我们圈子里的几位朋友,他们都有能力也值得加入这个乐队。到目前为止,我们已经在这个乐队中建立了一个家庭式的圈子,无论是成员还是前成员,所以我们仍然经常保持联系并与他们的妻子和孩子们举行聚会。他们在乐队中的工作如何?到目前为止,我为他们在录音室和舞台上的辛勤工作感到骄傲。

Of course our friends have been busy with matters outside the band, so I think they need to be replaced. Regarding new members, we contacted several friends in our circle who were capable and worthy of joining this band. So far we have created a family bound circle in this band, whether members or ex-members, so we still often keep in touch and hold parties with their wives and childrens. what about their work in this band? So far very proud of their hard work for this band, both in the studio and on stage

V: 你们乐队通常是如何创作歌曲的,能描述一下创作过程吗?你们乐队的录音也非常出色,你们是在哪个录音室录制专辑的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?

How does your band usually write songs, can you describe the process? Your band's recordings are also excellent, what studio did you record the album at? Which producer produced your album?

D: 我通常会先在吉他专业软件中写下所有关于旋律、鼓点和贝斯的想法,然后再与成员们讨论他们的创意。首先,感谢你对我们录音工作的赞赏,除了鼓的录制,我们的整个录音工作都是在EvhronE工作室完成的,那里也是我们的基地。然后是制作,我们都是自己完成的,我是吉他手,Rizky是贝斯手,Humam是鼓手。

I usually write all the ideas for riffs, drum patterns, and also bass guitar first in the guitar pro application, then I discuss them back to the members with their creativity. First of all, thank you for your appreciation about our recording, we did the whole recording at EvhronE Studio, which is also our basecamp, except for recording the drums. Then the production, we did it with ourself, whether it was me as guitarist, Rizky as bassist, and Humam as drummer

V: Philosophy, Majesty of God, Space是你们乐队音乐的一些主题,你们为什么会选择这些主题?你们想通过这些主题表达什么?你们写歌词吗?谁来写歌词?

Philosophy, Majesty of God, Space are some of the themes of your band's music, why did you choose them? What do you want to express through these themes? Do you write any lyrics, who writes the lyrics and what inspires them?

D: 首先,在我看来,我觉得西方的乐队除了音乐之外,他们肯定会带来一些他们觉得非常邪教的意识形态,比如撒旦和各种各样的,这与我们的信仰和文化是非常相悖的。同时,我从小就接受宗教教育,这也是我所了解并坚持至今的信仰。因此我用极端的音乐来表达所有这些信仰,“古兰经”是我创作歌词的灵感来源。

Firstly, in my opinion I think, that bands from the west, apart from music, they definitely bring ideologies that they feel are very cultish, such as satanic and various kinds, which are very contrary to our beliefs and culture. Meanwhile, since I was a toddler, I have received religious education, and that is the belief that I know and hold to this day. So I express all these beliefs in extreme music and the Al-Quran as my source of inspiration in writing lyrics.

V: 你们的乐队在成立后不久就宣布解散,直到2014年才重聚,是什么原因让你们解散,又是什么原因让你们重聚?

Your band announced that you were breaking up shortly after forming and didn't reunite until 2014, what made you break up and what brought you back together?

D: 我们从来没有宣布过要解散,乐队被迫中断了一段时间,因为鼓手必须回到他的家乡,然后我加入了金属乐队Az-Zalzallah,直到2014年我离开并重新组建了Orbital Element,因为我做音乐的愿望仍然非常强烈并且得到了我圈子里许多朋友的支持。

We never announced that we would break up, the band was forced to go on hiatus for a while because the drummer had to return to his hometown, then I joined the metal band Az-Zalzallah, until I left in 2014 and re-formed orbital element, because the desire to make music was still very strong and supported by many friends in my circle.

V: 你们乐队的Logo非常独特,是谁为你们设计了这个Logo?你们的专辑封面设计也非常精美,是谁为你们设计了这个封面?

Your band's logo is very unique, who designed this logo for you and your album artwork is beautifully designed, who designed this artwork for you?

D: 我们的Logo是由Killharmonic的吉他手Innu设计的,他也是我们第一代的鼓手。美术设计本身是由Ardha Lepa完成的,我们的唱片公司Eastbreath records也提供了协助。

Our logo was done by Innu, the guitarist from Killharmonic, who also happened to be our drummer in the first generation. The artwork itself was done by Ardha Lepa, assisted by our label Eastbreath records.

V: 你们在2017年发行了Demo之后,直到2021年才发行了第一张专辑,为什么会选择在这么多年之后才发行专辑?

You guys didn't release your first album until 2021 after releasing demos in 2017, why did you choose to release an album after so many years?

D: 因为在2017年之前,我们很难找到适合我们音乐类型的鼓手,直到2017年底我们找到了 Humam,当时他还是13岁,直到现在还在加强鼓手在Orbital Element中的地位。在我们找到合适的成员组成后,我们能够创作并最终确定专辑的所有素材,2019年我们进入了录音阶段,2020年我们找到了一家唱片公司,这样我们就能在2021年发行专辑。除此之外在发行Demo之后的几年里,我们还举办了很多音乐会,同时也让当时还是个孩子的鼓手在心理和生理上更加成熟。

Because before 2017, we had difficulty finding a suitable drummer for our music genre, until the end of 2017 we found Humam, who at that time was still 13 years old, and until now is still strengthening the position of drums in the orbital element. And after we found the right composition of members, we were able to create and finalize all the material for the album, and in 2019 we entered the recording stage and in 2020 we got a label so we could release the album in 2021. Apart from that, we also performed a lot of concerts in years after we released the demo while maturing mentally and physically our drummer, who was still a child at that time.

V: 你们曾与印尼的Eastbreath Records合作发行过一张专辑,但我对这家唱片公司并不熟悉,你们是如何与这家唱片公司取得联系并进行合作的?你对他的工作满意吗?

You've released an album with Indonesia's Eastbreath Records, but I'm not familiar with the label, how did you get in touch with the label to collaborate? Were you satisfied with his work?

D: 你可以在上查看Eastbreath唱片公司发行的唱片,那么我们该如何与他们取得联系呢?原因很简单,那就是他们优先考虑全世界的Technical Death Metal流派,尤其是在印度尼西亚。到目前为止我们非常感谢他们以CD的形式在全球范围内推广和发行我们的乐队。我们希望在国内外的音乐会营销方面,我们的乐队能再次被优先考虑。

You can check out releases from the eastbreath label here, so how can we get in touch with them? for a simple reason, namely, they prioritize the technical death metal genre throughout the world, especially in Indonesia. So far we appreciate both the marketing and distribution of our band throughout the world in CD form. We hope to be prioritized again in terms of marketing bands for concerts both domestically and abroad.

V: 你们是一支优秀的Technical/Progressive Death Metal乐队,复杂的编曲和高超的演奏技术给我留下了深刻的印象,尤其是你们的吉他演奏非常出色,主唱的演唱风格也很老派,鼓手的表现也很稳定,你对你们的作品有什么看法?

You guys are a great Technical/Progressive Death Metal band, I'm impressed by the complex arrangements and highly technical playing, especially your guitar playing is really outstanding, the singer sings in an old school style and the drummer is very consistent, what do you think of your work?

D: 事实上,我们将自己的乐队定义为Technical Death Metal,但如果有人定义了Technical Death Metal以外的元素,我们会非常开放,也非常感谢大家的赞赏和解读,再次感谢。

In fact, we define our band as technical death metal, but If anyone defines elements other than technical death metal, we are very open and very grateful for appreciation and interpretation of that. Thanks again.

V: 你们乐队在2024年有什么新的计划吗?比如创作、录制一些新材料?能向大家透露一些信息吗?

Is there anything new your band is working on for 2024? Like writing, recording some new material? Can you reveal some information to everyone?

D: 当然,我们正在准备一张新专辑,而在这一系列新专辑中,我们首先要做的就是开始为新专辑制作Demo。我们已经招募了两名新成员,一名贝斯手和一名才华横溢的吉他手,他还很年轻,是美国GOC吉他的品牌大使,他拥有一把令人惊叹的8弦吉他

Of course we are preparing a new album, and in this series of new albums we are starting the process by starting to work on the demo for the new album. We have recruited 2 new members, a bassist and also a talented guitarist who is still very young, the brand ambassador of GOC guitar USA, he is armed with an amazing 8 string guitar

V: 你们都去过哪些现场演出,哪些给你们留下了很深的印象,能描述一下现场的气氛吗?你们在2024年还会有什么样的新演出?

What live shows have you guys been to and which ones have left a lasting impression on you, can you describe the atmosphere and what new shows do you have coming up in 2024?

D: 自2014年以来,我们举办了很多现场音乐会,但印象最深的是为来自德国的Defeated Sanity乐队担任开场嘉宾。2024年,我们仍在努力与当地的EO合作,我们对受邀参加全国各地各种音乐会的可能性持开放态度,也许中国可以通过火山杂志邀请我们?哈哈...

Previously, we had done a lot of live concerts since 2014, but what really sticks out in our minds is when we were the opener for the band Defeated Sanity from Germany. For 2024 we are still working on collaborating with local EOs and we are open to the possibility of being invited to various concerts throughout the country, maybe China can invite us through Volcano Magazine? Haha…

V: Orbital Element是一支非常优秀的乐队,我会一直关注和支持你们的乐队,也希望通过这次采访让更多的人了解、认识和关注你们的乐队,在采访的最后,你们想对中国的歌迷说些什么?

Orbital Element is a very good band, I will always follow and support your band, and I hope that through this interview more people will know, recognize, and pay attention to your band, what would you like to say to your Chinese fans at the end of this interview?

D: 就像我们之前说过的,我们非常感谢中国的朋友们对Orbital Element的欣赏,希望我们能找到在中国举办现场演出的机会,也感谢在中国工作/学习的印尼公民们,"kanggo dulur-dulurku ojo lali sholat"。

As we previously said, we are very grateful to our friends in China who have appreciated Orbital Element, hopefully we will find a way to be able to hold a live show in China, and to Indonesian citizens who are working/studying in China, “kanggo dulur-dulurku ojo lali sholat”

Orbital Element乐队主要作品:

Orbital Element - Celestials Damage(2021)

Orbital Element乐队官方Bandcamp网站:

Orbital Element乐队官方Facebook网站:

Orbital Element乐队官方Instagram网站:

Orbital Element乐队官方YouTube网站:

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