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自然,科学,情感 - 印度Thrash/Death Metal/Metalcore乐队Eccentric Pendulum转发

今天采访到的是一支来自印度的Thrash/Death Metal/Metalcore乐队Eccentric Pendulum,2008年成立的Eccentric Pendulum乐队其实早在2005年就已经组建了,乐队的风格混合着Thrash/Death Metal/Metalcore等元素,老派和新派金属的混合体,让这支乐队非常新颖和吸引大量的歌迷,在印度当地也是一支口碑非常优秀的乐队,2011年乐队自制发行的第一张正式专辑“Winding the Optics”,就受到广泛的好评,从他们的作品中你可以感受到他们受到了Meshuggah乐队很大影响,还有一些Thrash,Groove,Djent,Melodic Death Metal等元素穿插在他们的歌曲中,可以看出来乐队的风格不仅仅拘束某一种风格,这也让他们的作品更加的怪异,这也正是Eccentric Pendulum乐队的魅力所在之处,令人叫绝的鼓点、奇特的节奏、阴森恐怖的歌声,贝斯的演奏是这张专辑中最大的亮点,键盘上的独奏段落与吉他的穿插以及疯狂的鼓点,都证明了这支乐队在音乐理念和音乐技巧上的成熟。而且这张专辑的制作是非常的出色,每一个乐器都清晰可见,随后乐队发行了多张作品同样都非常经典,深受很多歌迷的喜爱和关注,在经过长达7年的创作之后乐队今年发行了他们的第二张正式专辑“Perspectiva Invertalis”,在新专辑发行之际我也联系到了乐队的成员Arun进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 A: 代表Arun)

Today's interview is with Eccentric Pendulum, a Thrash/Death Metal/Metalcore band from India. Formed in 2008, Eccentric Pendulum was actually formed as early as 2005, and the band's style is a mix of Thrash/Death Metal/Metalcore elements, a mixture of old school and new school metal, making the band very original and appealing to a large number of fans. The band's style is a mix of Thrash/Death Metal/Metalcore, a mixture of old school and new school metal, which makes the band very innovative and attracts a large number of fans, and is also a band with an excellent reputation in India, the band's first official self-produced album ‘Finding the Optics’, released in 2011, has been widely praised. The band's first album ‘Winding the Optics’ was released in 2011, and was very well received. You can feel the influence of Meshuggah in their work, as well as elements of Thrash, Groove, Djent, Melodic Death Metal, etc., interspersed in their songs, and you can tell that the band's style is not only restricted to a certain style, which makes their work even more bizarre, and that is exactly what Eccentric Pendulum's charisma is. Eccentric Pendulum's charisma, screaming drums, strange rhythms, eerie vocals, bass playing is the highlight of the album, solo passages on the keyboards interspersed with guitars, and frantic drumming are all proof of the band's maturity in musical concept and technique. The production on the album was excellent, with every instrument clearly visible, and the band went on to release a number of albums that were equally classic and well received by their fans, and this year the band released their second official album ‘Perspectiva Invertalis’ after seven years of work. ‘On the occasion of the release of the new album, I got in touch with band member Arun for an interview!

(V: for the author A: for Arun)

采访对象:ArunEccentric Pendulum乐队贝斯 / 歌手)


你好Arun很高兴见到你,非常感谢你接受我们的采访,我想这是你的乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向你的中国歌迷问好,偏心钟摆Eccentric Pendulum乐队成立于2008年,是一支历史悠久的乐队,最初是谁发起成立这支乐队的?Eccentric Pendulum这个名字的含义是什么?

Hello Arun nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to your Chinese fans, Eccentric Pendulum was formed in 2008 and is a band with a long history, who initiated the formation of this band in the first place? What is the meaning of the name Eccentric Pendulum?

A: 你们好吗?我们是来自印度南部班加罗尔的Eccentric Pendulum乐队,从2005年开始组建,当时有三个朋友决定在地下深处的Daabhas(印度人喜欢的当地餐馆,提供肮脏但非常美味的食物)喝啤酒听金属音乐。我们讨论了几天,然后突然决定带着各自的乐器和想法见面,于是这支乐队就诞生了。当Ashish、Arun和Vibhas第一次见面并一起演奏时,Sepia Drown是我们在录音室或现场演奏的第一首歌。乐队的名字表明我们的时号和变化都很复杂,我们是Old School和New School Metal的混合体,所以我们认为这个名字非常适合这支不断变化的乐队。这支乐队的变化太快了,歌曲、成员,一切都变了,哈哈哈哈。

Hi guys how are you doing? Oh yes very excited to e – meet all the Chinese fans , if there are any haha, we are eccentric pendulum from Bangalore , south india , we have been a band since 2005 I guess, it came about when 3 friends decided to catchup on beers n listen to some metal in the deep underground daabhas (local restaurants that serve dirty yet very tasty food , which Indians love) we ran some discussions for a few days and then suddenly decided to meet with our respective instruments and ideas and thus this band was born , when ashish , arun and vibhas met and jammed for the first time, sepia drown was the first song that we ever played in the studio or live, the name suggests that we have tricky time signatures and changes and we are a mix of old school and new school metal , so we thought the name was quite apt for an ever changing band. Things keep changing in this band so fast , the songs , the members everything hahahaha

V: 从2010年到2015年,你们乐队更换了两位吉他手,前两位吉他手为什么退出乐队?新的吉他手是如何加入乐队的?你对他们的工作满意吗?

Your band changed two guitarists from 2010 - 2015, why did the previous two guitarists quit the band? How did the new guitarists join the band? Were you satisfied with their work?

A: 工作在向每个人招手,他们忙于在欧洲、加拿大等地的工作......,他们选择了生活而不是乐队,两个时间观念很强的混蛋......哈哈,但我想任何人都会这么做的,但他们仍然在录制现场,即使不是在肉体上,也在精神上存在着。2010年加入我们的新吉他手是个神童,名叫Arjun Mulky,19岁就去Wacken Open Air演出,当时乐队其他人都25岁了?我们对加入乐队的人总是非常满意,当有人退出时......他们在加入乐队之前通常都是我们的乐迷,有兴趣就会有帮助,与度也会提高。

Work beckons everyone , they are very busy with working in Europe, Canada etc… , they chose life over the band, two timing bastards…haha but anyone would have done it I guess , yet they are still very much around recording , and present in spirit, if not in the fleshhhhhhh.

The new guitarist that joined us in 2010 was a child prodigy , Arjun Mulky - going to wacken open air to play at the age of 19 , when the rest of the band was 25?not a lotta kids do that, these days. He is a very thorough and a 100percent guy. we are always very happy with the people who join the band, when someone quits… they are all usually fans before they become the band. It helps to have interest. The level of participation increases.

V: 作为一支老牌乐队,你们乐队的每个成员在歌曲创作方面都很有经验,能介绍一下你们的创作过程吗?我相信你们的创作经验会给很多年轻音乐人带来启发!

As a veteran band, each member of your band is very experienced in songwriting, can you describe your creative process? I'm sure your songwriting experience will inspire many young musicians!

A: 我们的创作过程非常简单,我们不会去思考还有哪些地方可以做得更好,我们很乐观,会衡量哪些地方已经做得很好,然后再继续下去,通常歌曲作者会带来3到5个旋律,我们会试着看看如何重复这些旋律并将其放入一个结构中,有一个好的令人难忘的副歌是非常重要的,这是歌迷在现场会捕捉到的参考,他们会在现场期待它,我认为我们的副歌很有力量,这是关键所在。然后其他几首歌即使没有吉他,也会从鼓的想法开始。这也是另一个很好的过程,先写出鼓点,然后在鼓点上加上一些Riff。在这张新专辑中我们采用了一种新的方式,请来了一位外国录音鼓手,他主要听取了我们的意见,同时也有自己的激情和技巧。

We keep it very simple , we don’t ponder about what can be better , we are optimistic and measure what is already good and continue on from there , usually the song writer will come with 3 to 5 riffs and we try to see how to repeat them and put it into a structure , having a good memorable chorus is very important , this is the reference which the fans will catch live and will expect it live, and we have strong choruses I would like to think, this is the key. Then a few other songs start with a drum idea, if not the guitar. This is also another good process, to write the drums first and then to force some riffs on it. With this new album we had a new way of doing things with a foreign session drummer, who had inputs from us mostly and also he had his own ferocity n finesse, Kevin paradise is one hell of a drummer to have on your record.

V: 科学、自然、数学、人类情感是你们乐队的音乐主题,你们为什么选择这些主题?你希望在音乐会主题中表达什么?你们也写歌词,那么歌词是谁写的?灵感来自哪里?

Science, Nature, Mathematics, Human emotions are some of the things about your band's musical themes, why did you choose them? What would you like to hear in a concert theme? You also write the lyrics, who writes the lyrics? Who wrote the lyrics and what inspired them?

A: 我们的歌词经常涉及死亡、沮丧、虚假崇拜和政治等主题。如果实话实说,世界上每张专辑都是一张概念专辑,不管是有意还是无意。概念和歌词主题交织在一起,有时无形,但始终存在。我们的歌词确实有一个固定的概念,它确实简短地谈论了人类的不完美。歌词通常由贝斯手来写,有些歌也是我们的第一主唱写的。

Our lyrics often touch on topics like death, dismay, false worship, and politics. If the truth be told, every album in the world is a concept album, whether intentional or not. The concept and lyrical theme are intertwined, sometimes invisible but always present. Our lyrics do have a set concept , it does talk about human imperfections briefly. Usually the bassist writes the lyrics, some songs were written by our first vocalist too.

V: 你们乐队的Logo非常漂亮,谁为你们设计了Logo,我真的很喜欢你们的专辑封面,它非常原创和不同,谁为你们设计了专辑封面?

Your band's logo is very beautiful, who designed the logo for you, and I really like your album artwork, it's very original and different, who designed the album artwork for you?

A: 徽标Logo是贝斯手的表妹DIVYA设计的,封面设计是一位名叫SAMANTHA的女艺术家完成的,她的名字叫SAM ECTOPLASM,去谷歌搜索一下她吧,你会大吃一惊的...

The logo was designed by the bass player’s cousin sister named DIVYA and the artwork is done by a female artist called SAMANTHA , she goes by the name SAM ECTOPLASM, go ahead , google her and be amazed…

V: 你们所有的专辑都是自己选择发行的,为什么不选择一个正规的唱片公司来发行你们的专辑?你们今年的新专辑是自己发行还是找唱片公司发行?

All of your albums are self-released by choice, why don't you guys choose a regular label to release your albums with? Are you still going to release your new album this year on your own or are you looking for a label to release it for you?

A: 我们的最新专辑是与一家名为Subcontinental Records的印度唱片公司合作发行的。因此我们一直保持独立。我们对与大公司签约的想法持开放态度,即使这意味着我们看不到多少回报,但我们的名字会传播得更广一些:P

We have released our latest album with an Indian label called subcontinental records, good record deals are hard to come by and we have never been offered any deal so far. Hence we have always been independent. We are open to the idea of getting signed in a big way , even if it means we don’t see much returns, our name will spread a little more :P

V: 你们的专辑在录音效果方面非常出色,你们都是在哪个录音室录制的?哪个制作人制作了你们的专辑?

Your albums are excellent in terms of recording results, what studio did you all record your albums in? Which producer produced your albums?

A: 我们都在不同的房间、不同的国家录制过,Kevin Paradis负责打鼓、把我们所有的吉他、贝斯和人声组合在一起,最终成品,他做得非常出色,我们的声音从未如此厚重。

We have all recorded in different rooms, different countries , kevin paradis is the man who put the drums and put all our guitars bass n vocals together as the final product , and he has done an excellent job , we have never sounded chunkier.

V: 2017年发行EP后,你们很长时间没有发行任何作品,直到今年才发行了第二张正式专辑"Perspectiva Invertalis",为什么很长时间没有发行任何新作品?

After the release of your EP in 2017, you didn't release anything for a long time until this year when you released your second official album “Perspectiva Invertalis”, what was the reason for not releasing any new material for a long time?

A: 好吧,阵容并不稳定,他们说熟悉会滋生轻蔑,当轻蔑情绪高涨时,生产力就会降为零,这可能随时发生在乐队成员之间,我们腾出空间让所有负面的东西消失,让积极的东西重新出现并占上风。专辑才是最终的胜利。此外新冠疫情以我们从未想象过的方式打击了我们所有人,现场表演的减少意味着所有乐队活动的减少,至少是暂时的,但在2023年,我们带着新的渴望走出了洞穴,那时专辑就完成了。

Well the line up has not been steady , familiarity breeds contempt they say , and when contempt runs high , productivity turns to zero, this could happen between any band members at anytime, we make space for all the negative things to vanish and for the positives to emerge Anew and prevail. The album is what prevails end of the day. Also covid hit us all like we had never imagined, the dip in live shows meant the dip in all band activities, at least temporarily, but in 2023 we came out of caves with new hunger, n that’s when the album got done.

V: 首先祝贺你今年刚刚发行的新专辑“Perspectiva Invertalis”,你的第一张专辑给我留下了深刻的印象,你的作品让我想起了乐队Meshuggah,我相信这支乐队对你影响很大,从你的作品中还可以听到其他元素,比如Melodic Death Metal, Thrash, Djent, Groove等,这让你的作品听起来非常原创,节奏奇怪,人声诡异,这让你成为一个非常不同的乐队,你对自己的作品有什么看法?新专辑与旧专辑相比有什么变化吗?

First of all, congratulations on your new album “Perspectiva Invertalis” which was just released this year, I was very impressed with your first album and your work reminds me of the band Meshuggah, which I'm sure had a deep influence on you, and from your work you also There are other elements to be heard in your work, such as Melodic Death Metal, Thrash, Djent, Groove, etc., which makes your work sound very original, with strange rhythms and eerie vocals, which makes you a very different kind of band, what do you think about your work? Any changes on the new album compared to the old one?

A: 哦,是的,这张专辑有点激进,更偏向Death Metal而不是Alternate Meta或Prog Metal,我们回归了Death Metal的根源,你会在这张专辑中听到old school DM和New School Modern Death Metal的融合,当然没有Deathcore,主要是前Progressive Death/Thrash/Heavy。我们受到Nevermore、Opeth、BTBAM、Tool、Cynic 等的影响……所以你可能会在这里听到一些。

Oh yes , this album is kind of aggressive, more towards death metal than alternate metal or prog metal, we have gone back to our death metal roots and you will l hear a blend of old school DM and new school modern death metal ideas too on this album , sure no deathcore in there , its all mainly progressive death/thrash/heavy metal. We are influenced by nevermore , opeth , BTBAM , tool , cynic etc… so you might hear some of that here

V: 除了发行新专辑,今年你们还准备做哪些新工作?能透露一些信息给大家吗?

What are some of the new things you guys are working on this year besides releasing a new album? Can you reveal some information to everyone?

A: 嗯,这已经筹备好多年了,我想需要几个月的时间才能开始写一些新东西,我们目前正忙于这张专辑的巡演。也许到2025年,我们又会重新开始。

Hmm this has been in the works for many years now , it will take a few months to start writing something new, afresh I guess , we are busy with touring for this album presently.

And may be in 2025 we will go back to the drawing board.

V: 你们乐队参加过哪些音乐节?哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻印象?你们还计划在2024年参加哪些音乐节?

What festivals have you bands been to, and what festivals have impressed you, and what other festivals are you planning on attending in 2024?

A: 2011年和2012年,我们参加了Wacken Open Air 和Swr Metal Fest,欧洲的所有音乐节都非常棒,我们非常期待能回到那里巡演。那里的氛围、声音、接待、酒水都是一流的,只是印度人获得签证有点难。所以我们希望能在2025年去那里,我们想在80,000人面前在Wacken Mainstage上表演,我们想在捷克的Bullet Attack上表演,也许还有派对Sans Open Air、Motocultor、Hellfest,这些是有史以来组织最完善的音乐节之一,能成为其中的一员将是我的荣幸。

We have played in wacken open air and swr metal fest in 2011 n 2012 , all European festivals are really food , and we are really looking fwd to going back there to tour. The atmosphere , sound , hospitality , boozed everything is top notch , just getting the visa is a bit hard for Indians. So we hope to get there in 2025, we would like to play wacken mainstage in front of 80,000 ppl , we would like to play in brutal assault in Czech and probably party sans open air, motocultor, hellfest. These are some of the most well organised fests ever. And it would be an honour to be a part of it.

V: 印度有很多乐队,我对贵国也了解一些,但我认为很多中国乐迷对贵国的重金属音乐不太了解,您能给我们介绍一下贵国的重金属音乐吗?有没有什么乐队或音乐节可以推荐给中国乐迷?

There are a lot of bands in India and I know a little bit about your country, but I think a lot of Chinese fans don't know much about the metal scene in your country, can you tell us a little bit about the metal scene in your country? Are there any bands or festivals that you can recommend to Chinese fans?

A: 是的,这里有不少乐队和音乐流派,grindcore, brutal death, math core, avant jazz, drum n bass等等,你能说出它们的名字吗?没错,这里的人群非常多元化,班加罗尔有很多演出。你可能要留意印度东北部的乐队。NANGSAN、PLAGUE THROAT、OBLIRETATING OBLIVION、THIRD SOVEREIGN,南部有MORAL COLLAPSE、ESCHERS KNOT、MORAL PUTREFACTION、ANTT、XREPEATX、AMORPHIA等等……Bangalore Open Air, Aggressive Tendencies, Scar Fest, Slaughter Fest都是很受欢迎的演出。

Yes there are quite a few bands and genres here, grindcore, brutal death, math core, avant jazz, drum n bass etc too , you name it? You got it, it’s a very eclectic crowd here and there are many shows that happen in Bangalore. You might want to watch out for the north eastern bands of india. NANGSAN, PLAGUE THROAT, OBLIRETATING OBLIVION, THIRD SOVEREIGN, in the south MORAL COLLAPSE, ESCHERS KNOT, MORAL PUTREFACTION, ANTT, XREPEATX, AMORPHIA etc…Bangalore open air, aggressive tendencies, scar fest, slaughter fest are popular gigs to go to.

V: Eccentric Pendulum是一支非常迷人和独特的乐队,我会一直关注和支持你们的乐队,我也希望通过这次采访更多的中国粉丝能够了解、关注和支持你们的乐队。最后你有什么想对中国粉丝说的吗?

Eccentric Pendulum is a very charming and unique band. I will always follow and support your band. I also hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will know, follow and support your band. In the end, do you have anything you want to say to Chinese fans?

A: 继续喝那些辛辣的满洲汤和满洲人吧,你们在旋转辛辣的Metal或Grindcore或其他什么东西的时候,你们通常会旋转并放松自己 + 感谢你们影响了印度的印度中餐。继续保持\M/保留那个红色灯泡

Keep having those spicy manchow soups n manchurians guys, while you are spinning that spicy metal or grindcore or whatever it is, that you usually spin n loose your shit on + thanks for influencing the indo Chinese cuisine in India. Keep it \M/ keep that red bulb

Eccentric Pendulum乐队主要作品:

Eccentric Pendulum - The Sculptor of Negative Emotions(2009)

Eccentric Pendulum - Winding the Optics(2011)

Eccentric Pendulum - Tellurian Concepts(2017)

Eccentric Pendulum - Perspectiva Invertalis(2024)

Eccentric Pendulum乐队官方Bandcamp网站:

Eccentric Pendulum乐队官方Facebook网站:

Eccentric Pendulum乐队官方Myspace网站:

Eccentric Pendulum乐队官方NH7网站:

Eccentric Pendulum乐队官方Official website网站:

Eccentric Pendulum乐队官方ReverbNation网站:

Eccentric Pendulum乐队官方SoundCloud网站:

Eccentric Pendulum乐队官方Spotify网站:

Eccentric Pendulum乐队官方Twitter网站:

Eccentric Pendulum乐队官方YouTube网站:

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