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苦难 | 接受 | 释怀 - 意大利Doom Metal乐队Deva Silence专访

Writer: Volcano MagazineVolcano Magazine

今天采访到的是来自意大利的Doom Metal乐队Deva Silence,组建于流行病期间的Deva Silence乐队,由主创人员的名字命名,由于在流行病期间所有的音乐节,演唱会都被迫关闭,很多音乐家和乐队没有了任何的演出机会,处于艰苦时期,Deva Silence在妻子的鼓励下组建了这支乐队,开始创作作品,随后Deva Silence邀请了其他成员加入乐队并且创作发行了最新作品“Moon, Misery And A Country Church”,这张作品结合了沉重的旋律和大气的氛围,给人一种末日来临的感觉,是2025年一张非常精彩的Doom作品,歌手的演唱低沉有力,让这张专辑更加令人难忘,意大利的The triad Rec厂牌也发现了这支优秀乐队的潜力,签约并且为他们发行了“Moon, Misery And A Country Church”,在新专辑发行之际杂志通过厂牌与乐队主创人员Deva Silence取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 D: 代表Deva Silence)

Today's interview is with Italian Doom Metal band Deva Silence. Formed during the epidemic, Deva Silence, named after its creator, was forced to close down all festivals and concerts during the epidemic, leaving many musicians and bands with no chance to perform, and in the midst of a hard time, Deva Silence was encouraged by his wife to form the band and start writing. Encouraged by his wife to form a band and start writing, Deva Silence invited other members to join the band and released their latest work “Moon, Misery And A Country Church”, which combines heavy melodies and atmospheric vibes, giving the band a unique sound. The album combines heavy melodies and atmospheric vibes with an apocalyptic feel, making it a great Doom release for 2025, with the singer's powerful vocals making the album even more memorable, and Italy's The triad Rec label recognized the potential of this great band, signing them and releasing “Moon, Misery And A Country Church” for them. And A Country Church”, on the occasion of the release of the new album, the magazine contacted the band's creator Deva Silence through the label for an interview!

(V: for the author D: for Deva Silence)

采访对象:Deva SilenceDeva Silence乐队创始人)


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次访谈。我想这是您第一次接受中国杂志的采访吧?首先向所有的中国粉丝和朋友们问好。Deva Silence乐队是哪一年成立的?你们是如何组建这支乐队的?

Hello brother, nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview. I think this is your first time accepting an interview from a Chinese magazine, right? First of all, let me say hello to all Chinese fans and friends. In which year was Deva Silence band founded? How did you form this band?

D: 大家好!很高兴能与东方杂志交流,这也是我的第一次,所以我要提前感谢所有想听我音乐的人!让我们直奔主题:以我的名字命名的Deva Silence项目是在COVID大流行期间成立的。当时,许多音乐家都没有机会与自己的乐队一起演出,更不用说参加音乐节之类的活动1了,于是,在妻子的鼓励下,我开始了这个项目。

Hello everyone! It’s a pleasure to talk to an Eastern magazine, and it's my first time, so I want to thank in advance everyone who will be curious to listen to my music! Let’s get to the point: the Deva Silence project, which carries my name, was formed during the COVID pandemic. At that time, many musicians didn’t have the opportunity to play with their bands, let alone at festivals or nightclubs, so, encouraged by my wife, I brought this project to life.

V: 乐队中只有你一个人,因此创作歌曲非常方便,因为你可以按照自己的想法创作音乐。你能介绍一下你的创作过程吗?

You are the only one in the band, so it will be very convenient to create songs because you can create music according to your own ideas. Can you introduce your creative process?

D: 最初是这样的,走的路确实就是你说的那条。我的主要乐器是电贝司,但一次偶然的机会,我在妻子的阁楼上发现了一把漂亮的Stratocaster,于是时隔多年我又重新拾起了吉他,这是我十几岁时经常弹奏的乐器。回到你的问题:对于我的首张专辑,在创作完歌曲后,我的一位老朋友Massimiliano Martell协助我打鼓。Alex Nespoli担任主音吉他手。这两位出色的音乐家为Deva Silence项目的最终身份,你可以在专辑中聆听到。

Initially, it was like that, and the path to follow was indeed the one you described. My main instrument is the electric bass, but by pure chance, I found a beautiful Stratocaster in my wife's attic, and so after many years, I picked up the guitar again, which I used to play around with as a teenager. Returning to your question: for my debut album, after composing the songs, I was assisted on drums by an old friend of mine, Massimiliano Martellotta, with whom I shared past bands and live performances, and on lead guitar by Alex Nespoli. These two fantastic musicians gave the final identity to the Deva Silence project, which you can listen to on the album.

V: 你的作品有着出色的录音效果。你是在哪家工作室录制的专辑?哪位制作人为你制作了这张专辑?

Your works have excellent recording e(ects. Which studio recorded your album from? Which producer made the album for you?

D: 如今,家庭录音领域已经迈出了重要一步。事实上我们每个人都在家里独立录制了自己的部分:不要忘记,我们当时正处于大流行病时期,不允许离开家。因此,许多音乐家都在家中磨练自己的录音技巧。然后混音和母带制作则委托给了一家外部录音室,我曾与该录音室有过合作,那就是位于拉文纳的Convolution工作室。这张专辑完全由我制作。

Nowadays, an important step has been taken in the field of home recording. In fact, each of us recorded our parts independently and at home: let’s not forget that we were during the pandemic and were not allowed to leave our homes; therefore, many musicians honed their skills in home recording. The mixing and mastering were then entrusted to an external studio with which I had already collaborated, Convolution Studio in Ravenna. The album was entirely produced by me.

V: 你的Logo设计非常简单,但这种设计形式是我个人的最爱。谁为你设计了这个Logo?你的专辑封面设计也很精美。是谁为你们设计的?

Your logo design is very simple, but this design form is my personal favorite. Who designed the logo for you? Your album artwork is also beautifully designed. Who designed this artwork for you?

D: 尽管Logo很简单,而且是在大流行病期间设计的,但它的设计是经过精心雕琢的。我的Logo和专辑封面都是由我的妻子根据我的要求和她的建议制作的。

The design of the logo was carefully crafted, even though it is simple and was created during the pandemic. Both the logo and the artwork for my album were made by my wife, based on my requests and her suggestions, and the result is what you see.

V: 你的音乐主题是关于什么的?你想通过这个音乐主题表达什么?您是否创作过歌词部分?歌词的灵感来源是什么?

What is your music theme about, why did you choose this music theme, and what do you want to express through this music theme? Have you created any lyrics and what inspired these lyrics?

D: 厄运是命运的音乐,是“永恒”的音乐主题,也因为它的声音能让人在精神上进入墓地,在那里永恒的概念具体化了。在我的一生中,无论是在我的一生中,无论是在音乐上还是在其他方面,我一直在想,如果能为后代留下一些我给自己的答案肯定是 “是的”。我想避免只成为 那些认识我的人壁炉架上的一张照片!我在首张专辑中探讨的主题是灵感来自几年前发生在意大利的一起真实犯罪事件。这也是确保所发生的事情不被遗忘的一种方式。

Doom is the music of fate, the "eternal" music, both because of the themes that are generally addressed and also because of the sound that mentally transports you to graveyards, where the concept of eternity materializes. Throughout my life, both musically and otherwise, I have always wondered if leaving something for future generations that could withstand the test of time was the right thing to do, and the answer I gave myself is definitely "yes"! I want to avoid becoming just a photograph on the mantelpiece of those who know me! The theme explored in my debut album is inspired by a true crime event that occurred a few years ago here in Italy. This is also a way to ensure that what happened is not forgotten.

V: 你是如何与意大利厂牌The Triad Rec联系合作的?你之前是否与其他品牌合作发行过专辑?你对这些品牌的工作满意吗?

How did you get in touch with the Italian brand The Triad Rec for cooperation? Have you collaborated with any other labels to release albums before? Are you satisfied with the work of these brands?

D: 我接触The Triad Rec几乎是一个偶然。当我完成我的专辑后开始努力寻找一个能通过采访、评论和电台播放来推广我的作品的唱片公司、我遇到了这些人,他们很喜欢我的音乐提案。于是我们决定合作,直到今天他们都是最棒的!过去我曾与其他乐队和不同的唱片公司合作过,但我没有体验过同样高水平的的效率。

I came into contact with The Triad Rec almost by chance. When I finished my album, I started working to find a label that would promote my work through interviews, reviews, and radio play, and I came across these guys who liked my musical proposal. So we decided to collaborate, and to this day, they are simply the best! In the past, I've worked with other bands and di5erent labels, but I haven't experienced the same level of eiciency.

V: 你的作品给我留下了深刻的印象。你结合了70年代的Doom、NWOBHM、Progressive Rock,使你的作品更加与众不同。独特的旋律和你的声音给我留下了独特的印象。你对自己的作品有什么看法?

your work has left a deep impression on me. You have integrated 70s Doom, NWOBHM, Progressive Rock makes your work stand out even more uniquely, with a unique melody and your voice leaving a unique impression on me. What is your opinion on your own work?

D: 感谢你的赞誉和对我作品的欣赏。知道我的音乐能与人们产生共鸣和联系,我总是很有成就感。对我来说,融合Doom、NWOBHM和Progressive Rock等音乐流派是一个自然的选择,因为我喜欢探索不同的声音和氛围。每个元素都有助于创造独特的个人体验。关于我对自己作品的看法,我总是作为一名艺术家,我一直在努力超越自我的极限,不断进步。每首歌都是一次旅程,都是我希望向听众传达的情感。旋律和歌声对我来说是最基本的,因为我希望听众能感受到我的投入和情感。这是一个不断成长和探索的过程。

Thank you for your kind words and for appreciating my work. It is always rewarding to know that my music can resonate and connect with people. For me, the integration of genres like Doom, NWOBHM, and Progressive Rock has been a natural choice, as I love exploring di5erent sounds and atmospheres. Each element contributes to creating a unique and personal experience. Regarding my opinion on my work, I always strive to push beyond my limits and evolve as an artist. Every song is a journey and an expression of emotions that I hope to convey to the listeners. Melody and vocals are fundamental aspects for me, as I want listeners to feel engaged and recognize emotions. It is an ongoing process of growth and discovery, and I am grateful for the support and feedback I receive.

V: 你参加过音乐节或现场表演吗?哪些音乐节或现场表演给你留下了深刻的印象?能否


Have you ever participated in music festivals or live performances? What music festivals or live performances have left a deep impression on you? Can you introduce the atmosphere of the scene at that time? Do you have any new performance information in 2025 that you can introduce to everyone?

D: 我还没有机会在音乐节或音乐会上进行现场表演。但在过去我参加过地区性和全国性的音乐节,给我留下了印象深刻。在那些时刻,现场气氛非常热烈,观众们沸腾着充满活力和联系。看到人们对音乐的反应,感受到自己是更大的一部分,这是一种独特的体验并感受到自己是更伟大事物的一部分,这是一种独特的体验。至于未来,2025年现场音乐会的局面很有可能会打开,我们终于有机会演出。

I haven't had the opportunity to perform live at music festivals or concerts yet, but in the past, I participated in regional and national festivals that left a deep impression on me. The atmosphere during those moments was electric, with the audience buzzing with energy and connection. It's a unique experience to see people react to the music and feel part of something bigger. As for the future, there are good chances that the situation will open up for live concerts in 2025, and we will finally have the opportunity to perform.

V: 2025年你还有那些新的工作要进行?你能与大家分享一些信息吗?

What new jobs do you have to do in 2025? Can you share some information with everyone?

D: 我们正在准备第二部作品。我可以透露,这将是一张迷你专辑,与你们目前听到的相比,声音更加精致。我会给大家留下好奇心--我不会透露其他任何东西!!!

We are preparing our second work. I can reveal that it will be a mini-album with more refined sounds compared to what you have listened to so far. I'll leave you with curiosity—I won't give anything else away!!!

V: Deva Silence 是一支非常独特的乐队。我也希望通过这次采访吸引更多的中国乐迷关注和支持你们的乐队。最后你有什么话要对中国歌迷说吗?

Deva Silence is a very unique band, and I will always support and follow your band. I also hope to attract more Chinese fans to follow and support your band through this interview. Do you have anything to say to your Chinese fans in the end?

D: 非常感谢你们的支持!很高兴知道全世界都有你们的歌迷,包括我们中国的朋友。我们非常感谢你们的支持。音乐有将人们凝聚在一起的力量,而我们希望我们的歌曲能给大家带来欢乐和灵感。请继续关注我们与他人分享我们的音乐。我们期待与你在未来的现场见面!

Thank you so much for your support! It's amazing to know that there are fans all over the world, including our friends in China. We want to tell all our Chinese fans that we deeply appreciate your support. Music has the power to bring people together, and we hope our songs can bring joy and inspiration. Keep following us and sharing our music with others. We look forward to meeting you live in the future!

Deva Silence乐队主要作品:

Deva Silence - Moon, Misery And A Country Church(2025)

Deva Silence乐队官方Facebook网站:

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Deva Silence乐队官方YouTube网站:



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