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葡萄牙真实犯罪传说 - 葡萄牙Black Metal乐队Vehemence Abyss专访

Writer's picture: Volcano MagazineVolcano Magazine

今天继续采访Melkor组建的Vehemence Abyss乐队,组建于2024年的Vehemence Abyss乐队是一支非常年轻的乐队,组建不久之后Vehemence Abyss发行了两张专辑“Shadows of Sin: Chronicles of Portuguese Serial Crimes”和“Echoes of the Macabre: True Crime Legends”,这两张作品保持着Black Metal作品的原始,阴暗,恐怖的氛围,如同杀人现场一般,Melkor的演唱邪恶,无情给人一种不寒而栗的感觉,与歌曲起到了很好的呼应,这两张专辑Melkor依旧是他自己一个人完成所有的工作,接下来就让我们和Melkor走入他的“犯罪现场”吧!

(V: 代表笔者 M: 代表Melkor)

Today we continue our interview with Melkor's band Vehemence Abyss. Formed in 2024, Vehemence Abyss was a very young band, and shortly after its formation Vehemence Abyss released two albums, “Shadows of Sin: Chronicles of Portuguese Serial Crimes” and “Echoes of the Macabre: True Crime Legends”, both of which remain black metal works. Chronicles of Portuguese Serial Crimes” and ‘Echoes of the Macabre: True Crime Legends’, which maintained the raw, grimy, horrific sound of Black Metal. These two albums maintain the primitive, dark and scary atmosphere of Black Metal works, just like a murder scene, Melkor's singing is evil and merciless, giving people a chilling feeling, which echoes the songs very well, these two albums Melkor still does all the work by himself, let's walk into his “crime scene” with Melkor next! “Let's go to the scene of his crime with Melkor!

(V: for the author M: for Melkor)

采访对象:MelkorVehemence Abyss乐队创始人)


V: Melkor很高兴再次见到你。这次我要采访的是Vehemence Abyss乐队,该乐队成立于哪一年?你是如何想到组建这支乐队的?

Melkor, it's great to meet you again. This time, I'm going to interview you about the band Vehemence Abyss, which was formed in what year? How did you come up with the idea of assembling this band?

M: Vehemence Abyss乐队成立于2024年10月。组建这支乐队的想法源于我想探索Black Metal更原始、更强烈一面的愿望。我一直被金属中更黑暗、更大气的元素所吸引,而在 Vehemence Abyss乐队中,我希望捕捉到这种原始侵略性的精髓并将其与挑战人类经验的深刻生存主题相融合。这种声音旨在传达一种内心骚动和混乱的能量感,我觉得黑金属是表达这种感觉的完美媒介。在这个项目中,我可以完全沉浸在这种强烈的声音中,同时忠实于Black Metal的地下根源。

Vehemence Abyss was formed in October 2024. The idea behind assembling this band stemmed from my desire to explore a more raw and intense side of black metal. I've always been drawn to the darker, more atmospheric elements of metal, and with Vehemence Abyss, I wanted to capture the essence of that primal aggression, mixed with deep existential themes that challenge the human experience. The sound is meant to convey a sense of inner turmoil and chaotic energy, and I felt that black metal was the perfect medium to express that. It’s a project where I could fully immerse myself in this intense sound while staying true to the underground roots of black metal.

V: 2024年你发行了这支乐队的两张专辑。看来你的创作欲望非常强烈。能介绍一下你的创作过程吗?

In 2024, you released two albums by this band. It seems that your creative desire is very strong. Can you introduce your creative process?

M: 是的,2024年我以Vehemence Abyss的名义发行了两张专辑,你说得对,我的创作动力非常强劲。我的创作过程往往很紧张,有时几乎像着了魔一样。它往往始于灵感的火花,无论是来自个人经历、文学作品,甚至是占据我脑海的混乱思绪。一旦有了最初的火花,我就会首先投入到音乐创作中。我通常从吉他开始,弹奏出黑暗、激进的旋律,这些旋律与我想要营造的氛围十分契合。然后,再进行其他结构的创作,包括贝司和鼓。歌曲创作在很大程度上受到我想要唤起的情绪和情感的影响,无论是混乱、绝望还是自省。在Vehemence Abyss的作品中,我真正推动自己深入到声音的原始性中,加入了刺耳的人声和冷酷的氛围,以反映主题的严酷性。一旦作曲准备就绪,我就会投入制作和混音,这时我就会专注于在强度和清晰度之间取得适当的平衡,确保即使是最混乱的时刻,听众也能听得一清二楚。这是一个持续的过程,有时要在数周或数月的构思基础上进行,有时则要从头开始。灵感随时都可能迸发,无论是在深夜还是在一天中特别紧张的时刻,我都会努力随时捕捉灵感。我们的目标是忠实于黑金属的精神,但同时也为其带来一些个人化的新东西。

Yes, in 2024, I released two albums under Vehemence Abyss, and you're right, my creative drive is very strong. My creative process tends to be intense, almost like an obsession at times. It often starts with a spark of inspiration, whether from personal experiences, literature, or even the chaotic thoughts that occupy my mind. Once I have that initial spark, I dive into the music first. I usually begin with the guitar, laying down dark and aggressive riffs that feel fitting for the atmosphere I want to create. From there, the rest of the structure follows, including the bass and drums. The songwriting is heavily influenced by the mood and the emotions I want to evoke, whether it's chaos, despair, or introspection. For Vehemence Abyss, I've really pushed myself to go deeper into the rawness of the sound, incorporating harsh vocals and cold atmospheres that reflect the harshness of the themes. Once the composition is ready, I dive into production and mixing, and that’s where I focus on getting the right balance of intensity and clarity, making sure that even the most chaotic moments are still clear to the listener. It’s an ongoing process, sometimes building on ideas for weeks or months, sometimes starting from scratch. Inspiration can strike at any time, and I try to always be ready to capture it, whether it’s in the middle of the night or during a particularly intense moment in my day. The goal is to stay true to the spirit of black metal, but to also bring something personal and new to it.

V: 这张专辑的录音效果还是非常完美的,而且还是自己完成的。能介绍一下录音过程吗?

The recording effect of this album is still very perfect, and it was still completed by yourself. Can you introduce the recording process?

M: 首先,我开始准备录音室。在Vehemence Abyss中,我在自己的工作室Studios13录制了所有内容。从乐器到设备,我都要确保一切准备妥当,这样才能尽可能准确地捕捉声音。我通常先录制吉他部分,因为这是歌曲的基础。我结合使用高品质的插件和实体设备,包括我最喜欢的Neural DSP和ML Sound Lab的一些设备,以获得完美的音色。我花了很多时间来调整音色,确保它既有侵略性,又不失大气,这取决于歌曲的要求。节奏吉他和主奏吉他是分开录制的,这样它们在混音中就有了各自的空间。吉他录制完成后,我就开始录制贝斯。低音部分对声音同样至关重要,它提供了一个厚重、黑暗的基础,支撑起吉他的凌厉。我使用了失真和一些低频处理,使其呈现出厚重、饱和的音效,感觉很适合Vehemence Abyss。然后是人声,这对我来说一直是个挑战。我试图用同样激烈的表演来配合音乐的原始强度。人声通常是多层次的,有尖叫声和咆哮声的混合,有时会有两倍或三倍的声音,以营造出骇人的音效。我还会加入一些微妙的氛围声或口语部分,以突出主题的黑暗和深度。在鼓的演奏方面Jeroen使用他的D型鼓,他将Black Metal风格所要求的力度和精确度表现得淋漓尽致。他的表演让歌曲栩栩如生,增添了一种人性化的感觉,这是程序化鼓所无法比拟的。他的鼓声与我在其他乐器上的工作相结合,创造出了一种强劲有力、充满活力的声音。一切录制完成后,我就开始混音。在这个阶段,我需要花费大量时间来完善所有元素之间的平衡。我的目标是让声音既强烈又清晰,即使所有的声音同时响起,也能听到每件乐器的声音。最后我会对音轨进行母带处理,以确保音轨响亮、有冲击力并具有经过打磨的优势,同时还能保持录音的原始能量。这个过程既耗时又紧张,但当最终产品完成时,一切都是值得的。每一步都是自然而然的,都是为了捕捉最纯粹的音乐精髓。

First, I begin by preparing the studio. For Vehemence Abyss, I recorded everything at my own studio, Studios13. I make sure everything is set up properly, from the instruments to the equipment, so I can capture the sound as accurately as possible. I usually start by recording the guitar parts, as that’s the foundation of the songs. I use a combination of high-quality plugins and physical gear, including some of my favorites from Neural DSP and ML Sound Lab, to get the perfect tone. I spend a lot of time tweaking the sound, making sure it feels both aggressive and atmospheric, depending on what the song demands. The rhythm and lead guitars are recorded separately to give them their own space in the mix. Once the guitars are done, I move on to the bass. The bass parts are just as crucial to the sound, providing a thick, dark foundation that supports the harshness of the guitars. I use distortion and some low-end processing to give it that heavy, saturated sound that feels right for Vehemence Abyss. Then comes the vocals, which are always a bit of a challenge for me. I try to match the raw intensity of the music with equally intense performances. The vocals are typically layered, with a mix of screams and growls, sometimes doubled or tripled to create that monstrous sound. I also add some subtle atmospheric vocals or spoken word sections to bring out the darkness and depth of the themes. For the drums, Jeroen played them using his D-Drum, and he nailed the intensity and precision that the black metal style demands. His performance really brought the songs to life, adding a human touch that programmed drums simply can’t replicate. The combination of his drumming and my work on the rest of the instruments created a powerful and dynamic sound. After everything is recorded, I move into mixing. That’s where I spend a lot of time perfecting the balance between all the elements. I aim for an intense yet clear sound, where each instrument can be heard, even when everything is blasting at once. Finally, I master the tracks to make sure they are loud, impactful, and have that polished edge, while still maintaining the raw energy of the recording. The process is time-consuming and intense, but it’s worth it when the final product comes together. Each step feels like a natural progression toward capturing the essence of the music in its purest form.

V: 乐队的Logo设计很精致,专辑封面也很精致。这些作品还是你自己设计的吗?

The band's logo design is exquisite, and the album artwork is also exquisite. Are these artworks still designed by yourself?

M: 感谢你对乐队徽标和专辑封面的称赞!是的,Logo和专辑封面都是我设计的,这是一个充满尝试的过程。一开始,我使用人工智能作为工具来生成一些初步概念。我根据Vehemence Abyss黑暗、混乱和紧张的主题向人工智能输入了特定的提示,从那时起我开始收到一些抽象和令人魂牵梦萦的设计,感觉与乐队的氛围十分吻合。人工智能给了我一个很好的起点,但接下来才是真正的工作:编辑和完善图片。我花了几个小时在Photoshop中调整设计、叠加纹理、处理图像以增加深度和复杂性。我希望图片既能在视觉上与音乐原始、激进的声音相匹配,又能具有超现实和空灵的特质,以反映黑暗的主题。我在对比度、阴影和色彩上下功夫,经常添加闪烁效果和做旧细节,使作品呈现出混乱和衰败的感觉,反映出乐队的精髓。对于Logo,我采用了锐利、简约的风格,但又带有一种潜在的扭曲感。我希望它既容易辨认,又令人不安,抓住乐队名称和概念的精髓。这就是要在简洁和复杂之间取得完美的平衡。最后这个过程是现代工具和传统艺术技巧的结合,我认为它完美地体现了Vehemence Abyss乐队的活力。最终的结果,无论是Logo还是专辑封面,都反映了音乐的混乱和原始力度,同时又保持了深度和神秘感,让乐迷们能够产生共鸣。

Thank you for the compliment on the band's logo and album artwork! Yes, both the logo and the album art were designed by me, and it was a process full of experimentation. It all started with using AI as a tool to generate some initial concepts. I fed it specific prompts based on the dark, chaotic, and intense themes of Vehemence Abyss, and from there, I began to receive abstract and haunting designs that felt right for the atmosphere of the band. The AI gave me a great starting point, but then came the real work: editing and refining the images. I spent hours in Photoshop, tweaking the designs, layering textures, and manipulating the images to add depth and complexity. I wanted something that would visually match the raw, aggressive sound of the music, while also having a surreal and ethereal quality to reflect the dark themes. I played with contrasts, shadows, and colors, often adding glitch effects and distressed details to give the artwork that sense of chaos and decay that mirrors the band's essence. For the logo, I went for something sharp and minimalistic, but with an underlying sense of distortion. I wanted it to be easily recognizable but also unsettling, capturing the essence of the band’s name and concept. It’s all about creating that perfect balance between simplicity and intricacy. In the end, the process was a combination of modern tools and traditional artistic skills, and I think it perfectly represents the energy of Vehemence Abyss. The final result, both in the logo and the album art, reflects the chaotic, raw intensity of the music while maintaining a sense of depth and mystery that fans can connect with.

V: 这支乐队的音乐主题是什么?你为什么选择这个音乐主题,你想通过这个音乐主题表达什么?您还创作了歌词部分。这些歌词的灵感来源是什么?

What is the music theme of this band about? Why did you choose this music theme, and what do you want to express through this music theme? You also created the lyrics section. What inspired these lyrics?

M: Vehemence Abyss的音乐主题围绕着人类苦难、犯罪和恐怖等黑暗、紧张的叙事展开。我之所以选择这个主题,是因为我一直对人性和历史的阴暗面非常着迷,特别是真实的犯罪、罪恶和扭曲的故事,这些故事塑造了社会对邪恶和正义的理解。我希望音乐能反映出这些深层次的、往往令人不安的主题,通过Black Metal为它们发声。第一张专辑“Shadows of Sin: Chronicles of Portuguese Serial Crimes”的概念由我创造,歌词由Catherine Theodore创作。这张专辑探讨了葡萄牙臭名昭著的连环犯罪的令人不寒而栗的故事,深入剖析了犯罪者的心理特征和他们所造成的破坏。音乐传递了这些真实事件的黑暗气息,将萦绕心头的旋律与混乱、激进的配器融合在一起,营造出一种反映犯罪的残酷性和复杂性的氛围。第二张专辑“Echoes of the Macabre: True Crime Legends”继续探索真实犯罪的黑暗诱惑,但这次更广泛地关注传奇犯罪人物及其对文化和历史的影响。这张专辑的概念再次由我提出,但歌词则由Catia Godinho(Caos)创作。这张专辑采用了一种更具反思性的方式,思考这些罪行在时间长河中的回响以及它们如何继续吸引着公众的想象力。这里的音乐融合了绝望、神秘和阴森恐怖的元素,反映了这些故事令人不安的本质。我之所以选择这个主题,是因为它能让我深入人类心灵最黑暗的角落,探索那些塑造我们对邪恶看法的故事。通过这些专辑,我希望为这些罪行的受害者和遗留问题发声,同时探讨围绕这些罪行的复杂道德问题。我们的目标不仅仅是讲故事,而是创造一种体验,将听众带入这些可怕现实的深处。

The music theme of Vehemence Abyss revolves around dark, intense narratives of human suffering, crime, and the macabre. I chose this theme because I’ve always been fascinated by the darker side of human nature and history—specifically, true crime, sin, and the twisted tales that have shaped society's understanding of evil and justice. I wanted the music to reflect these deep, often disturbing subjects, giving them a voice through black metal. For the first album, Shadows of Sin: Chronicles of Portuguese Serial Crimes, the concept was created by me, and the lyrics were written by Catherine Theodore. This album explores the chilling stories of notorious serial crimes in Portugal, delving into the psychological profiles of the perpetrators and the devastation they caused. The music channels the darkness of these real-life events, blending haunting melodies with chaotic, aggressive instrumentation to create an atmosphere that reflects the brutality and complexity of crime. The second album, Echoes of the Macabre: True Crime Legends, continues exploring the dark allure of true crime, but this time with a broader focus on legendary criminal figures and their impact on culture and history. The concept was again developed by me, but the lyrics were written by Catia Godinho (Caos). This album takes a more reflective approach, contemplating the echoes of these crimes throughout time and how they continue to captivate the public’s imagination. The music here combines elements of despair, mystery, and eerie intensity to reflect the unsettling nature of these stories. I chose this theme because it allows me to delve deep into the darkest corners of the human psyche and explore the stories that shape our perception of evil. Through these albums, I aim to give a voice to the victims and the legacy of these crimes, while also examining the moral complexities that surround them. The goal is not just to tell stories, but to create an experience that pulls the listener into the depths of these macabre realities.

V: 这两张专辑仍由你自己的唱片公司发行吗?

Are these two albums still released under your own label?

M: 是的,"Shadows of Sin: Chronicles of Portuguese Serial Crimes"和"Echoes of the Macabre: True Crime Legends"都是在我自己的厂牌Supergoat Wreck-Whordes / Studios13下发行的,这个厂牌让我能够完全控制自己的音乐和发行方式。通过使用自己的厂牌,我可以在自己想要的时间、以自己想要的方式发行专辑,而不必依赖任何外部唱片公司或他们的时间表。作为一名艺术家,这种独立性对我来说至关重要,因为我可以根据音乐的感觉和时机来做决定,而不是像与传统唱片公司合作那样受制于人。诚然,这些专辑目前都是数字发行,但作为一个仍在建立知名度和获得认可的艺术家,我认为从数字格式开始是很重要的。数字发行的唱片更容易被更多的听众所接受,也让我可以不受实体发行的限制,自由地向全球推广自己的作品。一旦我建立了更强大的粉丝团并获得了更高的知名度,我计划探索实体发行,但目前,专注于数字平台有助于我专注于音乐、我作为艺术家的成长以及我与听众之间的联系。

Yes, both Shadows of Sin: Chronicles of Portuguese Serial Crimes and Echoes of the Macabre: True Crime Legends were released under my own label, Supergoat Wreck-Whordes / Studios13. This label allows me to have complete control over my music and how it's released. By using my own label, I can release albums when I want and how I want, without being dependent on any external record label or their schedules. This independence is crucial for me as an artist, because I can make decisions based on what feels right for the music and the timing, rather than being bound by the constraints that often come with working with a traditional label. It’s true that these albums are digital releases for now, but as an artist who is still building a name and gaining recognition, I believe it's important to start with digital formats. Digital releases are more accessible to a wider audience and give me the freedom to reach people globally without the limitations of physical distribution. Once I've established a stronger fanbase and secured more visibility, I plan to explore physical releases, but for now, focusing on digital platforms helps me focus on the music, my growth as an artist, and my connection with listeners.

V: 首先祝贺你在2024年发行了两张正式专辑。冷峻阴暗的氛围给人一种恐怖的气氛,优美的旋律让所有歌迷很容易记住你的作品。你的演唱邪恶而无情。ni1如何看待自己的作品?

First of all, congratulations on the release of two official albums in 2024. The cold and dark atmosphere gives people a terrifying atmosphere, and the beautiful melody makes it easy for all fans to remember your works. Your singing is evil and ruthless. What do you think of your own works?

M: 谢谢你的赞誉!我真心感谢大家对我专辑氛围和旋律的认可。当我聆听自己的作品时,我感到一种满足感,同时也不断渴望更进一步,探索更黑暗、更激烈的领域。"Shadows of Sin: Chronicles of Portuguese Serial Crimes"和"Echoes of the Macabre: True Crime Legends"都是在一种非常特殊的氛围下创作的,这种氛围能唤起恐惧、阴谋和令人不安的黑暗感。旋律是对这种原始强烈氛围的一种平衡,在混乱中提供了美的瞬间,因此听到歌迷们能够记住并与之产生共鸣,我真的很欣慰。至于我的歌声,我的目标是体现我所探索的主题中邪恶和无情的能量。我希望我的歌声能反映出故事中的愤怒、绝望和黑暗,因此我尽可能地让自己的表演充满激情。通过音乐来表达这些情绪对我来说有某种宣泄的作用,我想这一点会在歌声中体现出来。我一直在评估自己的作品--既为取得的成就感到自豪,也意识到自己还有成长的空间。每张专辑都是向前迈进的一步,虽然我对自己创造的氛围和声音感到满意,但我一直在寻求发展和完善自己的方法。归根结底,我希望我的音乐能给人留下深刻印象并与那些喜欢这种黑暗、强烈能量的人产生共鸣。

Thank you for the kind words! I truly appreciate the recognition of the atmosphere and melodies in my albums. When I listen to my own works, I feel a sense of satisfaction, but also a constant desire to push further, to explore even darker and more intense realms. Shadows of Sin: Chronicles of Portuguese Serial Crimes and Echoes of the Macabre: True Crime Legends were both created with a very specific atmosphere in mind, one that evokes fear, intrigue, and a haunting sense of darkness. The melodies serve as a balance to that raw intensity, offering moments of beauty within the chaos, so it’s really gratifying to hear that fans are able to remember and connect with them. As for my singing, I aim to embody the evil and ruthless energy of the themes I’m exploring. I want my voice to reflect the anger, despair, and darkness of the stories being told, so I push myself to perform with as much intensity as possible. There’s a certain catharsis for me in expressing these emotions through music, and I think that comes through in the vocals. I’m constantly evaluating my work-both proud of what I’ve achieved and aware that there’s always room for growth. Each album is a step forward, and while I’m happy with the atmosphere and the sound I've created, I’m always looking to evolve and refine my approach. Ultimately, I want my music to make a lasting impression and to resonate with people who are drawn to this kind of dark, intense energy.

V: 你有计划在2025年发行新专辑吗?能和大家分享一些信息吗?

Do you have any plans to release a new album in 2025? Can you share some information with everyone?

M: 是的,我确实有计划在2025年发行一张新专辑!有趣的是,我最近刚和Cátia Godinho(Caos)讨论过这个问题。我已经开始考虑专辑的方向并准备把一些歌词的初步想法发给她。她将再次撰写歌词,就像她为“Echoes of the Macabre: True Crime Legends”所做的那样。我们的合作非常愉快,我很高兴看到这个新项目将把我们带向何方。我还就鼓手的问题联系了Jeroen。一旦我们准备好了一切,我就会把材料发给他,然后根据他的空闲时间,由他来录制鼓声。录音过程将与我们之前的专辑类似,但会有一个全新的视角和方向。我现在还不能说太多,但我肯定希望突破界限,探索更黑暗、更复杂的主题。请继续关注一切进展,了解更多细节!

Yes, I do have plans to release a new album in 2025! Interestingly, I was just discussing this with Cátia Godinho (Caos) recently. I’ve already started thinking about the direction for the album, and I’m preparing to send her some initial ideas for the lyrics. She’ll be writing the lyrics again, as she did for Echoes of the Macabre: True Crime Legends. We’ve got a strong collaboration, and I’m excited to see where this new project will take us. I’ve also reached out to Jeroen regarding the drumming. Once we have everything ready, I’ll send him the materials, and depending on his availability, he’ll record the drums. The recording process will be similar to what we did for the previous albums, but with a fresh perspective and a new direction. I can’t say too much yet, but I’m definitely looking to push the boundaries and explore even darker and more intricate themes. Stay tuned for more details as everything progresses!

V: 虽然Vehemence Abyss是一支非常年轻的乐队,但我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队。我也希望通过这次采访,能有更多的中国Black Metal歌迷关注和支持你们的作品。最后有什么想对中国的乐迷朋友们说的吗?

Although Vehemence Abyss is a very young band, I will always support and follow your band. I also hope that through this interview, more Chinese black metal fans can pay attention to and support your works. Do you have anything you want to say to Chinese fans and friends in the end?

M: 非常感谢你们的赞美和支持!这对我来说意义重大,尤其是知道包括中国在内的世界各地的人们都在发现和欣赏Vehemence Abyss的音乐。Black Metal以其强大而独特的方式将人们跨越国界联系在一起,我很荣幸知道我的作品能引起世界各地乐迷的共鸣。对于中国的乐迷和朋友们我想说,谢谢你们接受了我们音乐中的黑暗和强烈。你们的支持给了我力量,让我能够继续前进,创作出更加激情、原始的音乐。我希望Vehemence Abyss能像我一样,为你们提供一个宣泄情感的出口。我承诺将继续创作能与你们的灵魂对话的音乐,我希望我们今后能有更多的联系,无论是通过更多的音乐、现场表演还是其他方式。继续拥抱黑暗,我们深渊再见!

Thank you so much for your kind words and support! It means a lot to me, especially knowing that people from all over the world, including China, are discovering and appreciating the music of Vehemence Abyss. Black metal has such a powerful and unique way of connecting people across borders, and I’m honored to know that my work is resonating with fans from different parts of the world. To the Chinese fans and friends, I want to say thank you for embracing the darkness and intensity of our music. Your support gives me the strength to continue pushing forward and creating even more passionate, raw music. I hope that Vehemence Abyss can offer you an outlet for your emotions, just as it does for me. I promise to keep creating music that speaks to your souls, and I hope we can connect more in the future, whether through more music, live shows, or any other way. Keep embracing the darkness, and I’ll see you in the abyss!

Vehemence Abyss乐队主要作品:

Vehemence Abyss - Shadows of Sin: Chronicles of Portuguese Serial Crimes(2024)

Vehemence Abyss - Echoes of the Macabre: True Crime Legends(2024)

Vehemence Abyss乐队官方Deezer网站:

Vehemence Abyss乐队官方Spotify网站:



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