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被抛弃的我们 - 芬兰Heavy Metal乐队STUD专访

Writer's picture: Volcano MagazineVolcano Magazine

今天采访到的是来自芬兰的Heavy Metal乐队STUD,1986年组建的STUD乐队最初由在另外一支名为Distance的乐队成员和几名新成员Pasi Hietanen,Stenda,Kukkonen,Ari Toivanen组建,在组建不久之后乐队发行了单曲“Mä haluun elää / Viimeinen yö”并且由芬兰厂牌Kräk!发行,这首单曲发行之后乐队宣布解散,直到2013年乐队的第一代成员重新相聚在一起并且重新组建了STUD乐队并且发行了第一张正式专辑“Out of the Darkness”,2014 - 2020年期间乐队发行了三张正式专辑,2024年乐队发布了最新的单曲“Castaway”,这首单曲发行也预示着乐队的新专辑即将到来,前不久杂志通过Inverse Records厂牌的帮助与乐队的吉他手Mika Kansikas取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 M: 代表Mika Kansikas)

Today's interview is with Finnish Heavy Metal band STUD, formed in 1986 by members of another band called Distance and a few new members Pasi Hietanen, Stenda, Kukkonen, Ari Toivanen, shortly after the band released the single “Mä haluun elää / Viimeinen yö” and released it on the Finnish label Kräk! “Mä haluun elää / Viimeinen yö” was released on the Finnish label Kräk! After the release of the single the band disbanded, until 2013 when the first generation of the band reunited and reformed STUD and released their first official album. “Out of the Darkness”, the band released three albums between 2014 and 2020, and in 2024 the band released their newest single, ‘Castaway’, which signaled that a new album was on the way. With a new album on the horizon, the magazine got in touch with guitarist Mika Kansikas through Inverse Records for an interview!

(V: for the author M: for Mika Kansikas)

采访对象:Mika KansikasSTUD乐队吉他手)


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访。我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访。首先 向中国的歌迷朋友们问好。STUD乐队成立于1986年,有着悠久的历史。是谁提议组建这支乐队的?你还记得当时的情景吗?STUD这个名字有什么含义吗?

Hello, brother. Nice to meet you and thank you very much for your participation in this interview. I think this is the first time for your band to be interviewed by China magazine. First of all, let's say hello to all the fans and friends in China. STUD band was founded in 1986, and it has a long history. Who proposed to form this band? Do you remember the scene? Does the name STUD mean anything?

M: 大家好!我是芬兰重型摇滚乐队 STUD 的吉他手兼作曲家 Mika Kansikas。非常感谢火山杂志给我这次机会与中国的乐迷和音乐爱好者交流。这是我们第一次接受中国杂志的采访。我很高兴能和大家讨论我们的背景以及我们即将发行的第五张专辑“Under silver sky”。早在1986年STUD成立之初,我们中的一些人就已经在另一支名为Distance的乐队中一起演奏了。我和我们最初的贝斯手Pasi Hietanen。我们认识Stenda,Kukkonen我们三人同意组建一支新乐队。我们说服了Ari Toivanen加入了乐队。我们为新乐队列出了一些很酷的乐队名字,最终选择了 STUD,听起来很酷、很有冲击力。这个词有多种含义,但对我们来说它只是一个醒目的名字。不过我们也注意到,这个名字有时会让人在第一次听到时咧嘴一笑。

Hello! This is Mika Kansikas, a guitar player and a songwriter of Finnish heavy rock band STUD. Thanks so much to Volcano Magazine for the opportunity to talk to the fans and music lovers in China. And yes, it’s the first time for us to be interviewed by China magazine. I’m super excited to discuss our background and tell more about our upcoming 5th album ‘Under silver sky’, that we are so proud of.When STUD was founded back in 1986, some of us were already playing together in another band called Distance. That was myself and our original bass player Pasi Hietanen. We knew Stenda Kukkonen from another local band, and the three of us agreed to form a new band. We had heard about a singer who screams like Gillan, and we were able to convince him, Ari Toivanen, to join the band. We all listed some cool band names for our new band and ultimate chose STUD, which sounded cool and punchy. There are various meanings to the word, but for us it has been just a striking name. However, we have noticed that the name sometimes raises a grin, when heard for the first time.

V: 除了Jari Behm在2018年作为贝斯手加入乐队之外,你们乐队的阵容一直保持不变。第一位贝斯手为什么退出乐队?新的贝斯手是如何加入乐队的?你对他的工作满意吗?

The lineup of your band has remained the same, except that Jari Behm joined the band as a

bass player in 2018. Why did the first bass player quit the band? How did the new bass player join the band? Are you satisfied with his work?

M: 事实上,这是一个关于我们的贝斯手的非常奇怪的故事。从最初的阵容到现在,我们的贝斯手已经换了五个人。每一位贝斯手都非常出色,以自己的个人风格为乐队做出了贡献。出于各种原因,他们决定放弃前进。不涉及任何事件。新专辑的贝斯手是Lauri Leno,他是一位非常有才华的年轻球员

Actually, this is a very strange story about our bass players. While the other band members have remained the same from the original lineup, the bass players have changed on all our five albums. Each bass player has been great and contributed to the band with their own personal styles. For various reasons, they have decided to move on. No drama involved. The bass player on the new album is Lauri Leno, who’s super talented young player and did great job on the album.

V: 你们乐队的每位成员都是创作Heavy Metal音乐的资深音乐家。能谈谈你们的创作过程吗?我相信你们的创作经验会激励许多年轻的音乐家。

Every member of your band is an experienced musician who creates heavy metal music. Can

you tell us about your creative process? I believe that your creative experience will inspire many young musicians.

M: 创作过程在相当长的一段时间内是持续不断的。首先我们不想操之过急,这些音乐用来创作歌曲的核心部分。每张专辑从开始到完成都需要2-3年的时间,当音乐和歌曲结构我就会开始创作旋律和歌词。接下来会有一个Demo,这个Demo已经接近最终的歌曲了。但使用了一些虚拟乐器尤其是鼓。在开始实际录音之前、 我们会在排练室反复播放歌曲,共同完成编曲工作。通常我们一次只做一首歌,直到我们有足够的歌曲来制作整张专辑。

The creative process has been constant for quite some time. First of all, we don’t want to rush things. Each album has taken 2-3 years to make from start to finish. It starts with collecting riffs and pieces of music which are used to compose the core of the song. When the music and the structure of the song is in place, I will work on the melody and lyrics. Next there will be a demo, which is already close to the final song, but uses some virtual instruments, especially drums. Before starting the actual recordings, we work on the arrangements together by playing the songs over and over at our rehearsal room. Usually, we work on one song at a time, until we have enough songs for a whole album.

V: 你们的作品在录音方面非常出色,你们在哪个录音室录制了这张专辑?谁为你们制作了专辑?我知道你们的最新专辑即将发行。目前新专辑的录制工作目前进展如何?

Your works are excellent in recording. In which studio did you record the album? Who produced the album for you? I know that your latest album will be released soon. How is the recording of the new album going at present?

M: 谢谢夸奖新专辑已经准备就绪,将于2025年2月7日发行。在录制专辑的过程中,我们创造了一种工作方式,每张新专辑都会对这种工作方式稍作改动和微调。最近我们只在商业录音室录制了鼓和贝斯,人声和其他乐器都是在我们的排练室或我的家庭录音室录制的。我的家庭录音室。我们使用了位于波尔沃的Magnusborg工作室,它距离赫尔辛基约 50 公里,Puke Kataja作为录音室的工程师为我们提供了帮助。Puke帮助我们前两张专辑的混音工作,我则负责了最近三张专辑的混音工作。我还担任了专辑的制作人。在母带制作方面我们使用了Chartmakers的Svante Forsbäck曾与Rammstein和Volbeat等欧洲大型乐队合作。专辑在唱片公司Cranksonic旗下发行。最近我们使用了Inverse Records的 推广。

Thanks for the compliment. The new album is ready, and it will be released February 7th 2025. During the recording of our albums, we have created a way of working, which has only slightly altered and finetuned with each new album. Lately only drums and bass have been recorded in a commercial studio, so to speak. Vocals and other instruments have been recorded either in our rehearsal room or my home studio. We have used Magnusborg studio in Porvoo, which is approx. 50 km from Helsinki, the capital of Finland. Puke Kataja has helped us as an engineer in the studio. While Puke helped us to mix the first two albums, I have mixed the last three albums, with the help of my son Lauri on the latest one. I have also produced the albums. For mastering, we have used Svante Forsbäck of Chartmakers. Svante has worked with some major European bands, such as Rammstein and Volbeat. The albums have been released under the record label Cranksonic. Lately we have used Inverse Records for promotion.

V: 你们的乐队于1989年解散。在此期间你们只发行了一张单曲。是什么原因让你们解散乐队?2013年你们重新组建了乐队。是什么原因让你们重新组建?

Your band was dissolved in 1989. During that period, you only released one single. What made you dissolve the band? In 2013, you re-formed the band. What brought you back together?

M: 在上世纪80年代,我们在组建乐队之初用英语演唱,但在录制单曲之前改用了芬兰语。但在1987年左右又改回了英语,单曲是在一家大型芬兰唱片公司旗下录制的,但由于某些原因,我们未能获得新的合约。在80年代末期重型音乐的关注度越来越低,Grunge成为新的旅行,有一段时间我们试图逆流而上,但最终还是在1989年决定解散乐队。我们中的一些人的个人生活也发生了变化,因此兴趣也转移到了别处。

In the 80’s, we started the band by singing in English but switched to Finnish language before recording the single. For a while we used Finnish, but around 1987 switched back to English. The single was recorded under a major Finnish record company, but for some reason we were not able to get a new contract. Towards the end of 80’s heavy music was getting less attention and grunge was the new cool trip. For a while we tried to go against the flow, but ultimately in 1989 we decided to break the band. Some of us had also changes in personal lifes, so there was a shift of interest to elsewhere too.

V: 你们的Logo设计非常特别,既复杂又简单,我很容易记住你们的名字。谁为你们设计的?你们每张专辑的作品也设计得非常精美,这些作品是谁设计的?

Your logo design is very special, complex and simple. I can easily remember your names. Who designed this logo for you? The artworks of each of your albums are also beautifully designed. Who designed these artworks for you?

M: 我们所有专辑的设计工作都由同一位设计师Petri Lampela负责。这样我们就能保持设计风格和质量的一致性。他还设计了乐队的Logo,从第一张专辑开始就一直沿用至今。我们一直在努力聚集一批我们信任的专业人士,无论是设计、录音、母带制作还是推广,我们都在努力汇集一批我们信任并愿意与之合作的专业人士。最近加入我们团队的是一个瑞典人,他为我们制作了很酷的抒情视频。

We have used the same designer, Petri Lampela, for all the design work of our albums. That way we’ve been able to maintain constant style and quality in design. He also designed the band logo, which has been used since the first album. We have tried to gather a group of professionals we trust and are good to work with, would it be design, recording, mastering or promotion. Latest addition to our team has been a Swedish guy, who’s made us cool lyric videos.

V: 你们的音乐主题是什么?为什么选择这样一个音乐主题?你想通过这样一个音乐主题表达什么?你还写了歌词。这些歌词是谁写的?是什么给了他灵感?

What is the theme of your music? Why do you choose such a music theme? What do you want to express through such a music theme? You also wrote the lyrics. Who wrote these lyrics and what inspired him?

M: 我们在写歌方面拥有完全的自由。所以基本上我们可以加入任何我们认为有利于歌曲。不过我们仍然努力保持某种可识别的声音和风格,这种声音和风格在过去几年中也在不断演变,在我们的风格中,我们也希望有一些变化。有些歌曲比较重,慢一些或旋律性更强一些,歌词也是如此。有些歌词也是对我们周围的社会和世界。有些歌词涉及人们正在经历的个人挣扎,歌词由我来写,我通常会根据旋律来创作。很少有歌词先于旋律出现,但有时我也会尝试用一些随意写下的歌词用在新歌中。通常我打算在某首歌曲中使用一个主题,但很多时候,歌词却与最初的想法大相径庭。

We have total freedom in song writing. So basically, we can throw in anything we think that benefits songs. However, we still try to maintain a certain recognizable sound and style, which has also evolved over the years. Within our style we want to also have some variety. Some songs are heavier, some slower or more melodic. The lyrics follow the same idea of variety. Some lyrics are observations of what is going on in society and the world around us. Some of them deal with personal struggles that people are going through. I have written the lyrics, and I usually work against the melody. Very rarely do the lyrics come before the melody, but sometimes I try to use some random lines that I’ve written down to be used in new songs. Often there is a theme that I intend to use in a certain song, but many times the lyrics turn out to be something else than the original idea.

V: 首先祝贺您今年推出的最新作品“Castaway”歌手的嗓音干净清澈,绝对是同类型歌手中的佼佼者。鼓手在这张专辑的录音效果非常清晰,每个细节都听得一清二楚。你对自己的作品有何评价?

First of all, congratulations on the release of your latest work "Castaway" this year. It is a Zhang Fuyou passion, beautiful melody, strong Riff and some wonderful Solo works. The singer's clean and clear voice is definitely one of the best singers of the same type. The drummer's performance is very stable and accurate, and the recording effect of this album is very clear, and every detail can be heard clearly. What do you think of your work?

M: 我们当然为自己的作品感到自豪。回顾我们发行过的所有歌曲,有很多歌曲在作曲、表演和音效方面都令我们非常满意。我们是音乐爱好者,喜欢创作自己的音乐。我相信中国的歌迷们在聆听我们的专辑时一定会发现很多好的东西。每个乐队成员在我们的歌曲中都有足够的闪光点。作为一名吉他手我不会去计算独奏中音符的数量,而是根据歌曲的独奏就像歌曲中的独立作品。我不认为把所有的技巧都用在一首歌里。我们的鼓手 Stenda 也有同样的想法,那就是不要重复同样的鼓点和部分。这种做法让现场演奏歌曲更有趣。

We are certainly proud of our work. Looking back at the whole catalog of songs we’ve released, there are loads of songs that we are really satisfied with in terms of composition, performance and sound. We are music lovers, and we love to create our own music. I’m sure that the fans in China can find lots of good stuff while listening through our albums. Each band member has enough moments to shine in our songs. As a guitar player, I try not to count the number of notes in a solo, but rather play what the song calls for and make the solos like independent compositions within a song. I don’t see any point in throwing all the chops you have into one single song. Our drummer Stenda has the same idea of not to repeat same drum fills and parts over and over. This approach makes playing the songs live much more fun.

V: 作为一支老牌乐队你们参加过很多音乐节。哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻的印象?你能介绍一下当时的现场气氛吗?2025年还会受邀参加哪些音乐节?

As an old band, you have participated in many music festivals. What music festivals left a deep impression on you? What other music festivals will you be invited to attend in 2025?

M: 老实说我们希望以后能多参加音乐节。最难忘的演出是在80年代,当时我们在爱沙尼亚最大的城市进行了巡演。当时爱沙尼亚还没有独立,所以一切都很不同。我们发现那里的人们非常友好热情,观众们对重型音乐充满热情,把我们当成摇滚明星,我们也是如此,2025年我们的计划是在专辑发行后立即开始演出。我们愿意接受任何演出机会。我们愿意接受任何在音乐节或不同场地演出的机会。

To be honest, we’d like to play festivals more in the future. Probably the most memorable performances were in the 80’s, when we had a tour in Estonia’s biggest cities. In that time period Estonia had not yet gained their independence, so everything was very different. We found the people there very friendly and warm, and the audience was really passionate about heavy music and treated us like rock stars, which we were too. For 2025 our plan is to start gigging as soon as the album is released. We are open to any opportunities to play at festivals or different venues.

V: 除了在2025年发行新专辑,你们还有什么新的工作要做?能告诉我们一些信息吗?

Besides releasing new albums in 2025, what new work do you have to do? Can you tell us

some information?

M: 专辑很快就会在二月份发行。在专辑发行之前我们还将推出另一首单曲和一个歌词视频。这首歌叫"Alone",抒情视频非常震撼。是专辑中我最喜欢的歌曲之一。我们投入了大量资金来宣传单曲和专辑。所以我们希望能得到回报并尽可能多地获得现场表演的机会。专辑发行后的第一件事就是举办一场正式的专辑发行演出和派对。我们为这张专辑紧张工作了一段时间,大家都很想看我们的现场表演。所以现场表演是我们 2025 年以后的主要兴趣所在。

The album will be released very soon in February. Before the album release, we will be releasing yet another single and a lyric video. The song is called “Alone”, and the lyric video is very powerful. The song is easily one of my favorites from the album. We have invested a lot to promote the singles and the album, so we hope that it pays off and we will get opportunities to play live as much as possible. The very first thing after the album release is to have a proper album release gig and party. Working intensively for the album for some time, there is lots of interest to see us perform live. There will not be another album for quite some time, so playing live is our primary interest in 2025 onwards.

V: 作为芬兰资格最老、经验最丰富的乐队,STUD 创作了许多精彩的作品。我会一直关注和支持你们的乐队,我也希望通过这次采访有更多的中国歌迷关注和支持你们的乐队。最后你有什么话要对中国的乐迷说吗?

As the most qualified and experienced band in Finland, STUD has created many wonderful works. I will always pay attention to and support your band. I also hope that more China fans will pay attention to and support your band through this interview. Do you have anything to say to China fans at the end?

M: 我们非常感谢每一位来自中国的新乐迷。音乐是世界通用的语言,我们有一整的音乐目录。我们发现世界上任何地方都有喜欢我们音乐的人。我们不会追随现在的流行趋势,而是相信我们自己的硬重型音乐的风格。所以请带着你的朋友一起来吧。继续摇滚!

We really appreciate every new fan from China. Music is a universal language, and we have a whole catalog of music to check out. We have found out that anywhere in the world there are people who like the music we make. We’re not running after whatever is trending now, but rather believe in our own style of hard’n heavy music. So come along and take your friends with you as well. Rock on!


Stud - Out of the Darkness(2013)

Stud - Rust on the Rose(2014)

Stud - Circle of Lies(2017)

Stud - War of Power(2020)

Stud - Castaway(2024)


STUD乐队官方Official website网站:






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