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连环杀手的崇拜者 - 葡萄牙Thrash Metal乐队Raging Slayer专访

Writer: Volcano MagazineVolcano Magazine

说到世界最著名的Thrash Metal的乐队你会想起哪支乐队?我相信大多数Thrash Metal歌迷一定会说出这个名字Slayer,作为世界知名的Thrash Metal乐队,拥有着数量庞大的歌迷群体,也有很多向Slayer致敬的乐队成立,今天杂志采访到的就是这样一支来自葡萄牙的Thrash Metal乐队,成立于2020年的Raging Slayer乐队从名字上就可以看出来这是一支Slayer乐队的崇拜者组建的,由Slaytanic Speedball Possesser组建,老式的Riff,锋利,快速,让人想来了80年代的Thrash Metal乐队,其中还穿插着一些Solo,鼓手稳定,多变的演奏也给人留下了深刻印象,歌手的演唱也是非常丰富,如果你喜欢80年代的Thrash Metal乐队,那么来自葡萄牙的Raging Slayer一定是你不能错过的乐队,今年乐队也在葡萄牙本土厂牌Selvajaria Records发行了第一张正式专辑“Catatonic Symphony”,在新专辑发行之际杂志通过Selvajaria Records厂牌与乐队的创始人Slaytanic Speedball Possesser取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 S: 代表Slaytanic Speedball Possesser)

Which band comes to mind when it comes to the world's most famous Thrash Metal band? I believe most Thrash Metal fans would definitely say the name Slayer. As a world-renowned Thrash Metal band, it has a large fan base and many bands that pay tribute to Slayer have been formed. Today's magazine interviewed such a Thrash Metal band from Portugal, Raging Slayer, founded in 2020. From the name, it can be seen that this is a fan group of Slayer bands, formed by Slaytanic Speedball Posesser. The old-fashioned Riff is sharp and fast, reminiscent of the Thrash Metal band in the 1980s, with some Solo interspersed. The drummer is stable and the versatile performance also leaves a lasting impression on people. Impressive, the singer's singing is also very rich. If you like the 80s Thrash Metal band, So Raging Slayer from Portugal is definitely a band you can't miss. This year, the band also released their first official album "Catatonic Symphony" on the Portuguese label Selvajaria Records. On the occasion of the release of the new album, the magazine contacted the band's founder Slaytanic Speedball Possessor through Selvajaria Records for an exclusive interview!

(V: represents the author S: represents Slaytanic Speedball Possessor)

采访对象:Slaytanic Speedball PossesserRaging Slayer乐队创始人)


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访。我想这是你第一次接受中国杂志的采访。首先向所有中国歌迷问好。Raging Slayer手是什么时候成立的?你是怎么组建这个乐队的?

Hello brother, nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview. I think this is your first time accepting an interview from a Chinese magazine. First of all, let me say hello to all Chinese fans. When was Raging Slayer founded? How did you form this band?

S: 你好,金属联合兄弟!这不仅是我第一次来中国采访,也是我为这个项目做的第一次采访!

非常高兴,感谢您的支持!Raging Slayer组建于2020年。我花了5年时间才完成这项记录,这是一个非常艰难的过程,但我对最终的结果感到非常高兴和感激!我更像是一个倾听者,而不是一个“音乐家”,所以我的目标是创作我喜欢听的音乐。因为Slayer是我最喜欢的乐队,所以做一个完全崇拜的乐队是有意义的。我觉得有必要听这种“老”声音的“新音乐”,因为Slayer只有5首全长和一张经典时代的EP。

Hello brothers of metal united! Not only the first interview to China, this is the first interview that i´m making for this project! Very glad and thanks for the support! Raging Slayer was born in 2020. It took me 5 years to complete the record, it was a very hard process but i´m very happy and gratefull with the final result! I´m way more of a listener than a "musician", so my goal was to create music that i would love to listen. And because Slayer is my alltime favourite band, it just made sense to do a total worship band. I felt the need to listen to "new music" from this "old" kind of sound, because Slayer just have 5 full lenghts and an EP from the classic era.

V: 你是乐队里唯一的一个,所以你可以根据自己的想法创作歌曲。你能介绍一下你的创作过程吗?

You are the only one in the band, so you can create songs according to your own ideas. Can you introduce your creative process?

S: 首先,这是一个孤独的过程,但我喜欢!有时候,有第二个建议会很好,但另一方面,它给了我自由,让我可以按照自己的方式做我想做的事,甚至是最愚蠢的想法。对我来说,最重要的总是吉他即兴重复段!你必须有好的“歌曲”,即使是Thrash Metal或Grindcore。之后,主要重点是构建有趣的鼓型和有趣的歌曲结构。因为鼓是我最喜欢的乐器,我花了大量的时间来完善这些乐器,我脑海中总是有Lombardo, Cavalera, Witchhunter等最伟大的鼓手。最后一件事是,很明显,声音模式和歌词总是最后出现的。对于这些声音模式中的90%,我首先想到的是,它总是有最好的氛围。经过这一切,我喜欢听“整体”专辑和概念,看看一切是否有意义,并做出必要的调整。

First of all, it´s a lonely process, but i like! Sometimes it would be good to have a second advice, but on the other hand it gives me freedom to do what i want and in my own terms, even the silliest ideas. For me the main thing is always the guitar riff! You have to have good "songs", even if it is Thrash Metal or Grindcore. After that, the main focus is to build interesting drum patterns and interesting song structures. And because drums are my favorite instrument, i spend a great amount of time perfecting those, always with the greatest drummers like Lombardo, Cavalera, Witchhunter and so on in my mind. The last thing is, obviously the vocal patterns and the lyrics, which came always at last. For 90% of these vocal patterns, i use the first thing that comes to my mind, it has always the best vibe. After all these, i like to hear the "overall" album and concept to see if everything makes sense and make the necessary adjustments.

V: 你的作品录音效果很好。你的专辑是在哪个录音室录制的?哪位制作人为你制作了这张专辑?

Your works have excellent recording effects. Which studio did you record your album in? Which producer made the album for you?

S: 谢谢!制作人是Paulão,一个很棒的人,一个伟大的制作人,一个了不起的音乐家,对音乐有很好的品味!他有自己的Thrash Metal,叫做Perpetatorör,他们他妈的太棒了!事实上他不仅是这张专辑的混音大师,还录制了所有的吉他即兴重复段和贝斯!我给了他所有的自由,他想出了很棒的贝斯线!如果他愿意,这个人可以在这个世界上的每个乐队演奏!他之前担任制作人的作品包括Filli Nigrantium Infernalium、Namek、Simbiose、Midnight Priest、Ironsword等伟大的葡萄牙乐队!

Thanks a lot! The producer is Paulão, a great guy, a great producer, a great musician and with a very good taste in music! He has his own Thrash Metal called Perpetratör, and they are fucking amazing! As a matter of fact, he only not did the mix and master of the album, but recorded all guitar riffs and the bass! And with the bass i gave him all the freedom and he came up with great basslines! The man could play in every band in this world, if he wanted! He´s previous work as producer includes the greats as Filli Nigrantium Infernalium, Namek, Simbiose, Midnight Priest, Ironsword and so on.. all legendary portuguese bands!

V: 你们乐队的Logo设计非常漂亮。谁为你设计了这个Logo?你的专辑封面设计精美,完美契合了20世纪80年代的设计风格。谁为你设计了这张专辑的艺术品?

Your band's logo design is very beautiful. Who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also beautifully designed, perfectly fitting the design style of the 1980s. Who designed this album artwork for you?

S: 非常感谢我的朋友!是的,我对两者都很满意!这个Logo是由一位名叫Nuno Zuki的伟人和他的Belial Necroarts(@Belial_recroarts)制作的,他很快就理解了这个项目的氛围。他自己也是一位伟大的音乐家,有着伟大的black / death项目,如Summon, Kommando Baphomet, Sepulcros和我个人最喜欢的Hate Propaganda!专辑封面是由一个人(@noise.andllies)设计的并不是专门为唱片制作的。他已经准备好了这件艺术品,我买了下来,因为我很喜欢并认为我将来可以使用。我必须向来自Selvajaria唱片公司的Hugo和Tânia致敬,他们制作了所有的CD布局和封面上的额外效果,结果非常完美!谢谢兄弟们!

Thanks a lot my friend! Yeah, i am very pleased with both! The logo was made by a great guy called Nuno Zuki and his Belial Necroarts (@belial_necroarts), and he understood very quickly the vibe of the project. He is a great musician himself as well with great black/death projects as Summon, Kommando Baphomet, Sepulcros and my personal favourite: Hate Propaganda! The album cover was design by a guy (@noise.andllies) and it wasn´t made specifically for the record. He allready had this art and i bought because i liked a lot and thought i could use in the future. I have to give credits and a big props to Hugo and Tânia from Selvajaria Records who made all the CD layout and extra effects on the cover, it came out perfect as fuck! Thanks brothers!

V: 你的音乐主题是什么?你为什么选择这个音乐主题,你想通过这个音乐主题表达什么?你还创建了歌词部分。是什么启发了这些歌词?

What is the theme of your music about? Why did you choose this music theme, and what do you want to express through this music theme? You also created the lyrics section. What inspired these lyrics?

S: 也许这是最难回答的问题,因为我的项目的歌词来自我脑海中的一个地方,即使我也不完全理解它的背景。其中大多数都是个人生死问题。所有的歌词都没有概念,但我相信所有的歌词在某种程度上都是相互联系的。

Probably this is the most difficult thing to answer because the lyrics of my projects came from a place in my mind that even i don´t understand in it´s fully context. Most of them are personal issues of life and death in general. There is no concept through all the lyrics but all the lyrics are somehow connected, i believe.

V: 你即将发行新专辑,该专辑也将在你所在国家的一家厂牌发行。你是如何联系到这个厂牌进行合作的?你对这个厂牌的工作满意吗?

You are about to release your latest album, which will also be released on a label in your country. How did you get in touch with this label to collaborate? Are you satisfied with the job at this brand?

S: Selvajaria来自我的一位好朋友Hugo Rebelo (Mosgo)。我们认识很久了。他在葡萄牙传奇乐队Simbiose演唱。我第一次看到他们的现场表演时,感觉很神奇,我觉得他们的声音、态度和尊重都与我息息相关。我深深地沉浸在Death Metal中(现在仍然如此),但那更直接的声音和姿势让我大吃一惊。所以,对我来说,他是一个非常鼓舞人心的人,对他发布我的唱片来说,这是梦想成真。他对Heavy Metal和Punk充满热情,是我认识的最勤奋的人,所以这对我来说是完美的!我真心希望我们能在未来共同成长!

Selvajaria is from a great friend of mine, Hugo Rebelo (Mosgo). We know each other for a longtime. He sung in a legendary Portuguese Crust band called Simbiose. The first time i saw them live it was magic, i felt very connected with the sound, attitude and respect. I was very deep into Death Metal (and still i am), but that more straighforward sound and posture blew me away. So, to me he is a very inspirational person and to him releasing my record it´s a dream come true. He is very passionate for Heavy Metal and Punk and the most hardwork person i know, so it was perfect for me! I honestly hope we can grow together in the future!

V: 首先祝贺你的新专辑即将发行。你乐队的名字表明你深受Slayer的影响。你能分享一下你对这张专辑的看法吗?

First of all, congratulations on the upcoming release of your new album. Your band's name suggests that you have been deeply influenced by Slayer. Can you share your thoughts on this album?

S: 谢谢你的好话,我的朋友!是的,正如我之前所说,Slayer是我最喜欢的乐队,我想多听听Slayer 80的氛围,你知道吗?因为Slayer只有五首经典的专辑,我听了数百万次,我觉得有必要创作一些我会很乐意听的东西(我也这么做了!)。我并不想成为终极的重击手,我喜欢Divine Intervention, Christ Illusion和其他唱片中的几首Slayer歌曲(Gemini is a blast!),但前五张唱片和EP是另一个层次!但我真的认为Raging Slayer有自己的价值,因为即兴重复段和歌曲都很好,演奏得很好,氛围也很好!很明显,我有偏见,但我的最终目标是创造一张我最喜欢听的唱片,我真的这么做了!所以,我相信一些Oldschool的歌迷会像我作为一个纯粹的听众一样与这张唱片联系起来。

Thanks for the kind words my friend! Yeah, as i said before Slayer is my alltime favourite band and i wanted to hear more of that Slayer 80´s vibe you know? Because Slayer has only five classic albuns and i heard them millions of times, i felt the need to create something i deeply would listen joyfully (and i do!). I´m not trying to be the ultimate trve thrasher, i love Divine Intervention, Christ Illusion and a couple of Slayer songs here and there of the other records (Gemini is a blast!), but the first five records and the EP are on another level! But i honestly think Raging Slayer has their own value because the riffs and the songs are very good, well played and with the right vibe! Obviously i´m biased, but my ultimate goal was to create a record that i would listen like the greatests, and i honestly do! So, i believe some of the Oldschool Trashers will connect with the record as i did as a pure listener.

V: 今年除了发行新专辑,你还有什么工作要做?你能和大家分享一些信息吗?

What other work do you have to do besides releasing a new album this year? Can you share some information with everyone?

S: 不多,真的。我有一个Split 7的想法,但了解我,可能需要很长时间才能发布它。主要重点是推广这张唱片"Catatonic Symphony",因为我们相信它在这个时代有很大的潜力。老实说,我看不出喜欢80年代氛围的Thrasher人怎么会不喜欢这张唱片,即使这不是什么新鲜事,但即兴重复段就在那里,没有填充物,只有杀手!

Not much, really. I have an idea for a Split 7´´, but knowing me, probably it would take a long time to release it.. The main focus is to promote this record "Catatonic Symphony", because we believe that has a lot of potential in these times. With all honesty, i can´t see how Thrashers who like the 80s vibe would not like this record, even if it is nothing new, but the riffs are there and no fillers, just killers!

V: 除了Slayer之外,还有哪些乐队对你产生了影响?

What other bands besides Slayer have influenced you?

S: 大量的乐队:odom, Sepultura, Sadus, Recipients of Death, Tankard, Morbid Saint, Overkill, Kreator, Invocator, Megadeth, Devastation, Deathrow, Darkness, Ratos de Porão等等,数不胜数...我也喜欢很多新的东西,很棒的乐队:Evoke(挪威)、Inculter(瑞典)、Antichrist(瑞典)、Hellbringer(澳大利亚)、Division Speed(德国)、Ripper(智利)、Mayhemic(智利)、Insane(瑞典)、Insane(意大利)等等。我非常喜欢你们国家的乐队Ancestor,太棒了!

A great amount of them: Sodom, Sepultura, Sadus, Recipients of Death, Tankard, Morbid Saint, Overkill, Kreator, Invocator, Megadeth, Devastation, Deathrow, Darkness, Ratos de Porão and so on, on and on... I like a lot of the newer stuff as well, great fucking bands: Evoke (Nor), Inculter (Swe), Antichrist (Swe), Hellbringer (Austrl), Division Speed (Ger), Ripper (Chile), Mayhemic (Chile), Insane (Swe), Insane (Italia) and so on as well.. I like a lot your band Ancestor, what a great banger!

V: Raging Slaye是一个非常年轻的乐队,但它是一个优秀的乐队。我将永远支持和追随你的乐队。我也希望通过这次采访吸引更多的中国粉丝关注和支持你。最后你想对你的中国粉丝说什么?

Raging Slayer is a very young band, but it is an excellent one. I will always support and follow your band. I also hope to attract more Chinese fans to follow and support you through this interview What do you want to say to your Chinese fans in the end?

S: 非常感谢朋友们的赞美之词和机会!忠于自己,对每个人保持和平与爱,用Thrash、Speed、Heavy、Death、Grindcore、Crust、Doom、Black、Industrial、Rock以及介于两者之间的一切来播放立体声(或单声道!ahahah)!




Thanks a lot for the kind words and for the oportunity my friends! Stay true to yourself, peace and love to everyone and blast the stereo (or mono! ahahah) with Thrash, Speed, Heavy, Death, Grindcore, Crust, Doom, Black, Industrial, Rock and everything in between!


Big cheers from Portugal,

Slaytanic Speedball Possessor

Raging Slaye乐队主要作品:

Raging Slayer - Catatonic Symphony(2025)

Raging Slayer乐队官方Bandcamp网站:

Raging Slayer乐队官方Facebook网站:

Raging Slayer乐队官方Instagram网站:



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