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食人族的故事 - 芬兰Death Metal / Grindcore乐队Cannibal Accident专访

Writer's picture: Volcano MagazineVolcano Magazine

今天采访到的是来自芬兰的老牌Death Metal / Grindcore乐队Cannibal Accident,2007年由吉他手Kolkka和前鼓手Lenets组建,组建不久之后乐队在2009年发行了第一张正式专辑“Cannibal Accident”,这张专辑发行之后乐队也收到了很多音乐节的邀请参加演出。2016年的第三张专辑“Ritual Paprika”发行也让更多歌迷认识了这支乐队,狂躁、汹涌的旋律是他们作品的主要部分,其中不乏令人血脉喷张的声音。有一些80年代Carcass乐队,完善的Grindcore作品,是我在过去一年里听过的最好的碾压专辑,随后乐队在2021年发行了他们的第四张正式专辑“Nekrokluster”,这张专辑依旧还是一张很经典的作品,2025年乐队将通过Inverse Records厂牌发行他们的最新专辑“Disgust”,在新专辑之际杂志通过Inverse Records厂牌的帮助与Cannibal Accident乐队的歌手Kurwa Doktor取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 K: 代表Kurwa Doktor J: 代表Jondom)

Today's interview is with Finnish Death Metal / Grindcore veterans Cannibal Accident, formed in 2007 by guitarist Kolkka and ex-drummer Lenets, the band released their first album “Cannibal Accident” in 2009. After the release of their first album “Cannibal Accident” in 2009, the band received many invitations to perform at festivals, and in 2016 their third album “Ritual Paprika” was released, which introduced the band to more fans, with manic, raging melodies being the main part of their work, including some blood-curdling songs. Manic, raging melodies are the mainstay of their work, and there's no shortage of blood-curdling sounds. There's some 80's Carcass, perfected grindcore that's some of the best grind I've heard in the past year, and then the band released their fourth official album “Nekrokluster” in 2021, which is still a classic, and the band will be back in 2025 with Inverse. In 2025 the band will release their latest album “Disgust” on Inverse Records, on the occasion of which the magazine contacted Cannibal Accident singer Kurwa Doktor through Inverse Records. On the occasion of the new album, the magazine contacted Cannibal Accident singer Kurwa Doktor through the help of Inverse Records for an interview!

(V: for the author K: for Kurwa Doktor J: for Jondom)

采访对象:Kurwa Doktor / JondomCannibal Accident歌手 / 贝斯手)


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向所有的中国乐迷问好,Cannibal Accident 乐队成立于2007年,是一支历史悠久的乐队,最初是谁发起成立这支乐队的?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time that your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to all the Chinese fans, Cannibal Accident was formed in 2007 and is a band with a long history, who initiated the formation of this band in the first place?

K: 我们的吉他手Kolkka和前鼓手Lenets在2007年 “喝了点酒”之后就有了组建一支Old School Grindcore乐队的想法,从那时起我们就开始了grind/death/d-beat/punk/slam/gore的道路。对了,我们的中国歌迷你们好!如果有的话?

Our guitarist Kolkka and former drummer Lenets got this idea form an old school grindcore band back in 2007 after "some" drinks and since then we have crawled this path of grind/death/d-beat/punk/slam/gore. And oh yes: hello our Chinese fans! If we have any?

V: 你们乐队只剩下P. Kolkka一位原成员,其他成员都被替换了,第一代成员为什么退出乐队?新成员是如何加入乐队的?你对新成员的工作满意吗?

You only have one original member left in the band, P. Kolkka, the rest of the members have been replaced, why did the first generation members quit the band? How did the new members join the band? Are you satisfied with the new member's work?

K: Lenets退出的主要原因是缺乏动力,但他仍然是乐队的亲密朋友和导师。我和另一位主唱Raisio最初是作为首张专辑的临时成员加入的(这支乐队本应只是一个录音室项目,但这个计划很快就“失败”了,哈哈......)Wilkman加入乐队六年,为鼓手宝座带来了更多新鲜的汗水,而我们的第三位贝斯手Jondom已经加入乐队近十年,因此这无疑是CA有史以来最强大的阵容。有了月光会议的启发和精神上的创造力,我们现在几乎拥有了一群最佳的火箭工程师。

Lenets quit mainly because of lack of motivation but he still remains a close friend and mentor of the band. Me and the other vocalist Raisio joined first as session members for the debut album (this band was supposed to be a studio project only, but that plan "failed" quite soon haha...). Wilkman joined six years to bring more fresh sweat on the drum throne and Jondom, our third bass player, has been in the band for almost 10 years, so this is certainly the most solid lineup CA has ever had. With the inspirational moonshine sessions and mental creativity we have pretty much an optimal group of rocket engineers right now.

V: 你能描述一下自己的创作过程吗?你的经历会激励很多现在的年轻音乐家。

Can you describe your creative process? Your experience will inspire a lot of young musicians nowadays.

K: 通常是Kolkka或Jondom提出新的歌曲和旋律,然后他们与Wilkman一起进行即兴演奏,之后我再试着想出一些与音乐相匹配的歌词。有时歌词构思和较长的文字也来自Jondom和Kolkka,我们还在专辑中使用过一些客座歌手,他们大多都写了自己的歌词。我真的相信,我们在Keimosabe仪式领域的经验将激励后人!

Usually Kolkka or Jondom come up with new songs and riffs which they jam together with Wilkman and afterwards I try to figure out some lyrics to fit with the music. Sometimes the lyrical ideas and longer texts come from Jondom and Kolkka as well, and we have also used few guest vocalists in our albums and they have mostly written their own lyrics. I really believe that our experience in the field of Keimosabe rituals will inspire the future generations!

J: 我和Kolkka希望吉他和贝司能成为同等重要的乐器,我们在下一张专辑的歌曲中做到了这一点。我的意思是你能真正听到贝司的声音,它真的很突出,有自己的空间。作为一名词曲作者,我努力创造并认为每种乐器都是整首歌曲的一部分。例如只有当我想强调歌曲的某些部分时,吉他和贝司才会演奏相同的旋律。在新的材料中,Kolkka还希望在某些歌曲中加入吉他独奏,这就为整套材料带来了更多的变化。此外我们还使用了两位风格迥异的主唱,我可以坦率地说,我们手中的组合非常独特。

Me and Kolkka had a vision of guitar and bass as equal instruments and we managed to do this in the songs of the coming album. I mean you can actually hear the bass and it really jumps out and has its own space there. As a songwriter, I try to create and think every instrument as an own piece of the whole song. For example guitars and bass are playing same riff only when I’d like to underline certain part of the song. For the new material, Kolkka also wanted guitar solos for certain songs and this brought much more versatile approach to the whole package. On top of this, as we are using two quite different vocalists, and I can honestly say that we have quite unique package in our hands.

V: 你们专辑的录音非常出色,是在哪个录音室录制的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?新专辑的录制过程如何?

The recording of your albums is excellent, what studio did you record the albums in? Which producer produced your album? How is the recording process going for the new album?

K: 新专辑当然已经录制完毕 🙂 鼓是在图尔库的一个小录音棚录制的,吉他和贝司是在乐队成员的家里录制的,人声则是在另一个录音棚录制的,所有的东西都在那里进行了混音和母带处理。我们是自己的制作人。

The new album is of course already recorded 🙂 Drums were recorded a small studio in Turku, guitars and bass the the guys' home and vocals in another studio where everything was also mixed and mastered. We are our own producers.

J: 我以前曾在不同的录音室录制过贝斯部分,这次是在Kolkka家的录音室,吉他也是在那里录制的。对我来说这可能是我录制过的最好的环境。在录音室录音会产生某种紧张感,尤其是在不熟悉的地方。另一方面在家里录音可能太容易了,至少我需要有人督促我更好地完成拍摄,而不仅仅是把歌曲放一遍。

I have recorded bass parts before at home, in different studios and this time at Kolkka's home studio where guitars were also recorded. For me, this was propably the best environment where I have recorded anything. Recording at the studio generates that certain kind of tension specially if the place is not familiar. On the other hand, recording at home can be too easy and at least I need someone to push me little for better takes and not just play songs through.

V: 你们的Logo设计独特,复杂流畅,是谁为你们设计了这个徽标?你们的专辑封面也是以漫画的形式设计的,谁为你们设计了这个专辑封面?

Your logo is uniquely designed and flows in complexity, who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also designed in the form of comics, who designed this album artwork for you?

K: Kolkka设计了最初的标志,我们曾使用不同的艺术家为我们的专辑设计封面,我想从来没有同一个人设计过两次。新专辑封面设计由令人难以置信的Maxime Taccardi设计。

Kolkka has designed the original logo. We have used different artists for the artwork of our releases, I think it's never been a same person twice. The new album cover art is designed by the incredicle Maxime Taccardi.

V: 你们曾与Inverse Records、Time to Kill Records、Metallihelvetti等唱片公司合作发行过专辑。你们是如何与这些唱片公司取得联系并合作的?你对这些厂牌的工作满意吗?

You have released albums with labels such as Inverse Records, Time to Kill Records, Metallihelvetti etc. How did you get in touch with these labels to work together? Are you satisfied with the work of these labels?

K: Metallihelvetti / WOL Records其实只是我们两个想发行CA/Inferia Spilt 7"的朋友并不是一个真正的唱片公司。他们为什么要这么做,只有上帝(死人)知道,但无论如何,这都是一张不错的黑胶唱片。与TTK和Inverse的合约是按照正常程序签订的:我们向全世界(虚拟)发送我们的宣传片,然后选择最佳方案。

Metallihelvetti / WOL Records were actually just our two friends who wanted to release the CA/Inferia split 7" - not a real record label. Why they wanted to do that, only god (dead) knows, but it was a nice piece of vinyl anyway. The deals with TTK and Inverse were signed after a normal process: we sent our promos all over the (virtual) World and chose the best option.

V: Gore, Murder, Butchery, Cannibalism是你的一些音乐主题,你为什么选择它们,你想通过它们表达什么?你们有歌词部分吗?谁来写歌词?

Gore, Murder, Butchery, Cannibalism are some of your musical themes, why did you choose them and what do you want to express through them? Do you have a lyrics section, who writes the lyrics and what is his inspiration?

K: CA的大部分歌词都是我写的,但也有几首是Kolkka、Jondom、我们的前贝斯手Lindén以及客座歌手的作品。在新专辑中我们从根本上摒弃了血腥/变态的主题,而更专注于人类的恐怖、现实生活的残酷以及人类的疯狂与病态,没有比我们周围的世界更残酷的幻想故事了。

I have written most of the lyrics for CA, but there are also several pieces by Kolkka, Jondom, our former bass player Lindén and of course the guest vocalists. With the new album we have radically moved away from the gore/perversion themes and concentrated more on the human horror, real life brutality and the insanity & sickness of mankind. No fantasy tale can be more brutal than the world around us.

V: 首先,祝贺你们乐队的最新专辑“Disgust”于2025年发行,我是你们的忠实粉丝,我听过你们所有的专辑,也收藏了你们的CD,狂躁、汹涌的旋律是他们作品的主流,其中不乏令人血脉喷张的旋律。这就是 80 年代老派 Carcass 的声音。主唱的唱功也给我留下了深刻印象,鼓手的表现也非常出色。新专辑与旧专辑相比有什么变化吗?

Firstly, congratulations on the release of your band's latest album “Disgust” in 2025, I'm a big fan, I've listened to all your albums and have a collection of your CDs, manic, raging melodies are a mainstay of their work, and there's no shortage of blood-curdling melodies. This is the sound of old-school 80's Carcass. I was also impressed with the singer's vocals, and the drummer was fantastic. Has anything changed on the new album compared to the old one?

K: 与我们之前发行的专辑相比,没有太大的变化。作为音乐家和乐队,我们确实进步了,变得更好了。一些新的、前所未闻的细微变化是不和谐的吉他旋律,在整张专辑中随处可见。

There are not so much radical changes compared to our previous releases. As musicians and as a band we have certainly progressed and become better. Some new, unheard-before nuances are the dissonant guitar riffs which can be found here and there throughout the album.

V: 作为一支老牌乐队,你们参加过很多音乐节,哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻印象,能否描述一下音乐节的氛围?

As a veteran band, you've played a lot of festivals, which ones left a lasting impression on you and can you describe the atmosphere, and what other festivals have you been invited to in 2025?

K: 到目前为止,最盛大的可能是2014年的Tuska音乐节,但我认为最棒的演出一直都是在小场地和俱乐部进行的,那里有一群热情的观众在你面前咆哮。比如一个月前在立陶宛考纳斯的演出。太棒了 我们接下来会有一些演出,为新专辑的发行造势,但目前还没有确定的音乐节。

The biggest so far was probably Tuska festival back in 2014 but I think the best shows have always been the ones in the small venues and clubs where you have an intense crowd roaring in your face. For example one month ago in Kaunas, Lithuania. Great shit. We have some shows coming up to boost the release of the new album, but no festivals confirmed so far.

V: Cannibal Accident是一支经典的芬兰乐队,我是你们的忠实歌迷,我会一直支持和关注你们,我很期待你们的新专辑,也希望这次采访能让更多的中国歌迷关注和支持你们的乐队,最后有什么想对中国歌迷说的吗?

Cannibal Accident is a classic Finnish band, I'm a big fan of yours, I'll always support and follow you, I'm looking forward to your new album, and I hope that this interview will bring more Chinese fans to follow and support your band, is there anything you'd like to say to your Chinese fans in the end?

K: 谢谢你们的支持,我们希望有一天能有机会来中国演出。

Thank you for support. We hope to have a chance to play in China one day

Cannibal Accident乐队主要作品:

Cannibal Accident - Cannibal Accident(2009)

Cannibal Accident - Brutalent(2010)

Cannibal Accident - Omnivorous(2012)

Cannibal Accident - Lennu(2013)

Cannibal Accident - Cannibal Accident and the Friends of Flesh(2014)

Cannibal Accident - Ritual Paprika(2016)

Cannibal Accident - Shotgun Selfie(2020)

Cannibal Accident - Nekrokluster(2021)

Cannibal Accident - Disgust(2025)

Cannibal Accident乐队官方Bandcamp网站:

Cannibal Accident乐队官方Deezer网站:

Cannibal Accident乐队官方Facebook网站:

Cannibal Accident乐队官方Instagram网站:

Cannibal Accident乐队官方ReverbNation网站:

Cannibal Accident乐队官方Spotify网站:

Cannibal Accident乐队官方Tidal网站:

Cannibal Accident乐队官方YouTube网站:



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