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黑暗之神 - 墨西哥Melodic Black Metal乐队Infernus Gore专访

今天采访到的是来自墨西哥的Melodic Black Metal乐队Infernus Gore,1996年成立的Infernus Gore,两年之后乐队成员由于时间的问题导致乐队停止了活动,直到2018年乐队才重新组建,20204年发行了第一张正式专辑“False Perceptions”并且在乐队成员Omar Coffe自己的厂牌Shadows Records发行,这是一张非常出色的作品,冰冷、黑暗、美丽的旋律,快速的即兴演奏,鼓点应该是由软件编程的,但是有很多变奏,歌手的演唱也非常邪恶!在新专辑发行之际乐队的成员Omar Coffe与杂志取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 O: 代表Omar Coffe)

Today's interview is with Infernus Gore, a Melodic Black Metal band from Mexico, Infernus Gore was formed in 1996, two years later the band members had problems with time which caused the band to stop its activities, it wasn't until 2018 that the band regrouped, and in 20204 it released its first official album “False Perceptions” and released on band member Omar Coffe's own label, Shadows Records, it's an excellent piece of work, cold, dark, beautiful melodies, fast improvisations, the drums are supposed to be programmed by the software, but there are many variations and the singer's vocals are wicked! On the occasion of the release of the new album band member Omar Coffe got in touch with the magazine for an interview!

(V: for the author O: for Omar Coffe)

采访对象:Omar CoffeInfernus Gore乐队鼓手)


V: 你好Omar Coffe很高兴认识你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向中国粉丝问好,Infernus Gore是哪一年成立的?你是怎么组建乐队的

Hello Omar Coffe nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is your first interview with a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, Infernus Gore was founded in what year? How did you start the band? 

O: 这是我的荣幸,非常感谢你们在你们的杂志上提供这个机会,是的这是我们第一次接受中国杂志的采访,我很荣幸向所有喜欢Death Metal的中国追随者致以问候。Infernus Gore于1996年在墨西哥成立,我们活跃了2年由于时间的原因我们停止了演奏,直到2018年我才开始整理我们当时演奏的一些歌曲并制作了专辑“False Perceptions”,于2024年6月发行

The pleasure is mine and thank you very much for giving this space to your magazine and yes it is our first interview in a Chinese magazine and well it is an honor I send greetings to all the Chinese followers who like death metal. Infernus Gore was founded in 1996 in Mexico, we were active for 2 years and for reasons of time we stopped playing and it was not until 2018 that I began to dust off some songs that we were playing at that time and made the album False Perceptions that came out in June of this year 2024

V: 你是乐队里唯一的一个人,我认为这让写歌变得更容易,因为你可以按照自己的想法创作歌曲,你能描述一下你写歌的过程吗?

You're the only one in the band, I think that makes it easier when it comes to songwriting because you can create the songs the way you want them to be, can you describe your songwriting process?

O: 乐队刚开始的时候,由于时间和家庭的原因,我们只有4个成员,只有我能够坚持这个Infernus Gore项目,我全身心地投入到一些歌曲的创作和音乐的强化中,当然我是一个人做的,因为我是演奏几种乐器,对我来说更容易做到。我唯一拥有的是一个帮我录制声音的好朋友Valac Yohualli。

When the band started we were 4 members due to time and family issues, only I was able to rescue this Infernus Gore project, which I dedicated myself to dusting off some songs and reinforcing the music and of course I did it alone since I play. several instruments and it was easier for me to do it. The only thing I had was a great friend who helped me record the voice, Valac Yohualli.

V: 你的歌在录音效果上很出色,你是在哪个录音室录制这张专辑的?你的专辑是哪个制作人制作的?

Your songs are brilliant in terms of recording results, what studio did you record the album in? Which producer produced your album?

O: 好的,非常感谢,我在家里有一个名为ANYSOUND的家庭录音室,在那里我录制了Infernus Gore的专辑,我自己用我的厂牌SHADOWS RECORDS制作并发行

Ok, thank you very much, well I have a home studio at home called ANYSOUND STUDIO and there I recorded the Infernus Gore album and I produced it myself with my label called SHADOWS RECORDS

V: 黑暗,神秘主义是你的一些音乐主题,你为什么选择它们,你想通过它们表达什么?你写过歌词吗?这些歌词的灵感是什么?

Darkness, Occultism are some of your musical themes, why do you choose them and what do you want to express through them? Do you write any lyrics and what inspires these lyrics?

O: 我喜欢在大自然中捕捉到的黑暗,更喜欢用音乐来表达这些作品的悲伤、忧郁、愤怒、反思等。

I like the darkness captured in nature and even more so, putting these works to music inspires me to express sadness, melancholy, anger, reflection, etc.

V: 你们的Logo设计精美,简洁负责,我很容易记住你们乐队的名字,谁为你们设计的这个Logo ?你的专辑封面设计也很漂亮,请问是谁设计的?

Your logo is beautifully designed, responsible in its simplicity and I can easily remember your band name, who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also beautifully designed who designed your artwork?

O: Logo和封面都是我的责任。我也认为创造一个完整的概念对我来说是一件很棒的事情,无论是制作音乐,设计封面标志,然后制作它。

Well, the logo and the cover were my responsibility. I also think that creating a whole concept for me was something great, both making the music and devising the cover logo and then producing it.

V: 你创建并经营了自己的厂牌Shadows Records,你的作品也在自己的厂牌上发行,你是为了发行自己乐队的作品而创立的厂牌吗?你有没有想过发行其他乐队的专辑?

You created and ran your own label, Shadows Records, and your work was released on your own label, did you start the label with the intention of releasing your own band's work? Did you ever think about releasing other bands' albums?

O: 不,我的厂牌是为了传播我们国家的Melodic Death Metal乐队而创建的,因为我有另一个的项目叫做SABACTHANI,乐队演奏的正是Melodic Death Metal,主要的想法是让人们了解更多这种风格的乐队并传播它们。这是我们的主要想法,我们设法发行了3张墨西哥Melodic Death Metal合辑,然后我发行了一张Sabathani专辑并利用它发行了Infernus Gore专辑,直到现在,该公司的目的是发行更多的乐队。

No, my label was created to spread melodic death metal bands from my country since I have another parallel project called SABACTHANI, which precisely the band plays melodic death metal and the main idea was to get to know more bands of the style and spread them. That was the main idea and we managed to release 3 volumes of the Mexican Melodic Death Metal compilation, then I released a Sabathani album and taking advantage of that I released the Infernus Gore album and until now the label is designed to release more bands.

V: 首先祝贺你们今年发行了第一张正式专辑"False Perceptions",这是一张非常出色的作品,冰冷、黑暗、美丽的旋律,快速的即兴演奏,鼓点应该是由软件编程的,但是有很多变奏,你们的歌声是我迄今为止听过的最邪恶的!你对你的工作有什么想法吗?

First of all, congratulations on the release of your first official album ‘False Perceptions’ this year, it's an excellent piece of work, cold, dark, beautiful melodies, fast riffs, the drums are supposed to be programmed by software, but there are a lot of variations, and your vocals are the most sinister I've ever heard so far! do you have any thoughts on your work?

O: 再次感谢,声音是由我的一个朋友Valac Yohualli录制的,声音是邪恶的,令人心碎和野兽。我想这个问题必须由他来回答,但是所有的事情都完美地完成了,重复段和旋律,正是声音赋予了作品所需要的触感

Thank you very much again, the voice was recorded by a friend of mine Valac Yohualli and the voice is sinister, heartbreaking and beastly. I think this question would have to be answered by him but everything was done perfectly with the riffs and melodies and that precisely the voice gives it that touch that was required in the work.

V: 2025年你有什么新工作要做?比如写歌、录新歌或发行新专辑?你能透露一些信息给大家吗?

What new work do you have coming up in 2025? Like writing, recording some new songs or releasing a new album? Can you reveal some information to everyone?

O: 我们已经在做了,我想这就是第一张专辑"False Perceptions"成功的原因,我们希望在2025年中后期发行。

We are already working on it, I think it is the reason that this first album False Perceptions was a success and we hope to produce it in mid or late 2025.

V: 2025年你会参加什么音乐节来宣传你的新专辑吗?你能向大家透露一些有关演出的信息吗?

Are there any festivals you're going to play in 2025 to promote your new album? Can you reveal any information about the performances to the crowd?

O: 我们只是计划把乐队重新组合起来并举办一些演出,我们并没有要求太多。

We are just planning to put the band back together and give some shows since they are not really asking for it.

V: Infernus Gore是一个非常年轻的乐队,但是你们真的是一个非常有前途的乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,我也希望通过这次采访让更多的中国粉丝关注和支持你们的乐队,最后你有什么想对你们的中国粉丝说的吗?

Infernus Gore is a very young band, but you are really a very promising band, I will always support and follow your band, and I hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will pay attention to and support your band, do you have anything you want to say to your Chinese fans in the end?

O: 非常感谢你的支持,感谢你的时间,当然也感谢我们的歌迷,你们听了这张专辑不会后悔的

Thank you very much for the support and thank you for your time and of course to our fans who listen to the album you will not regret it

Infernus Gore主要作品:

Infernus Gore - False Perceptions(2024)

Infernus Gore乐队官方Bandcamp网站:

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