今天采访到的是来自芬兰的Garden of Stone乐队,成立于2023年的Garden of Stone乐队是一支非常年轻的乐队,由Kalle Hänninen,Tapio Haverinen,Jere Mäntysalo,Ville Penkari,Jesse Salo五名成员组建,成立之初乐队发行了第一首单曲“Hymn of a Dead Man Pt.1”,深受好评,2024年乐队发行了一张四首歌曲的EP专辑“Tides of Decay”,这张是一张精彩的专辑,优美的旋律加上Heavy Metal的厚重,还有Melodic Death的凶狠,随后乐队发行了四首单曲,2025年乐队在Inverse Records发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“The Grave Mistake”,在新专辑发行之际杂志与乐队的吉他手Jere取得联系进行了一次采访!
(V: 代表笔者 J: 代表Jere)
Today, I interviewed the Garden of Stone Band from Finland. The Garden of Stone Band, founded in 2023, is a very young band composed of five members: Kallehnnen, Tapio Haverinen, Jeremntysalo, Ville Penkari and Jesse Salo. At the beginning of its establishment, the band released its first single "Hymn of a Dead Man Pt. 1", which was well received. In 2024, the band released a four-song EP album "Tides of Decay", which was a wonderful album, with beautiful melody, Heavy Metal and fierce melody. Then the band released four singles. In 2025, the band released their first official album "The Grave Mistake" in Inverse Records. On the occasion of the release of the new album, the magazine got in touch with the guitarist Jere of the band and had an interview!
(V: on behalf of the author J: on behalf of Jere)

采访对象:Jere(Garden of Stone乐队吉他手)

V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次面试。我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访。首先向所有的中国粉丝和朋友们问好。Garden of Stone乐队成立于2023年,你是怎么形成的?
Hello brother, nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview. I think this is the first time for your band to be interviewed by China magazine. First of all, let's say hello to all China fans and friends. The Garden of Stone band was founded in 2023. How did you form it?
J: 乐队成立于2023年,当时吉他手Jere mnty Salo和Ville Penkari招募了Jesse Salo为他们的项目演唱和尖叫。不久之后鼓手Tapio Haverinen加入了节奏部分。当贝斯手Kalle Hänninen加入演奏贝斯时,阵容就完整了。
The band was formed in 2023 when guitarists Jere Mäntysalo and Ville Penkari recruited Jesse Salo to sing and scream for their project. Shortly after, drummer Tapio Haverinen joined to anchor the rhythm section. The lineup was completed when bassist Kalle Hänninen stepped in to command the low frequencies.
V: 你们的乐队都是第一代成员,所以写歌会非常方便,因为你们彼此非常熟悉,知道对方想要创作什么样的作品。你能给我们讲讲你的创作过程吗?
Your band are all members of the first generation, so it will be very convenient to write songs, because you are very familiar with each other and know what kind of works the other side wants to create. Can you tell us about your creative process?
J: 通常我们的吉他手Jere会为乐队创作歌曲的试听版本,我们的主唱Jesse会写声乐旋律和伴唱。偶尔Jesse会加入他自己的吉他独奏,Jere和Jesse会一起完善这些独奏。一旦初步框架准备好,我们就会作为乐队练习这首歌并共同开发想法和变化。虽然有些歌曲只需要微调,但其他歌曲需要经过数月的调整,我们才能对最终结果感到满意。
Typically, our guitarist Jere creates song demos for the band, and our singer Jesse writes vocal melodies and screams to accompany them. Occasionally, Jesse brings in his own guitar riffs, which Jere and Jesse refine together. Once the initial framework is ready, we practice the song as a band and collaboratively develop ideas and changes. While some songs require minimal adjustments, others have taken months of tweaking before we were satisfied with the final result.
V: 你们的乐队在录音方面非常出色,你们是在哪个录音室录制专辑的?谁为你们制作了专辑?你们的第一张正式专辑“The Grave Mistake”将于2025年发行。这张专辑的录制过程顺利吗?
Your band is excellent in recording. In which studio did you record the album? Who produced the album for you? Your first official album "The Grave Mistake" will be released in 2025. Is the recording process of this album going smoothly?
J: 这张专辑完全是自制的,没有制作人参与。我们对自己在没有预订录音室时间的情况下处理录音的能力充满信心。人声是在我们的排练空间录制的,而吉他、鼓和贝斯则是在家里分别录制的。这种方法使过程更加顺畅,因为我们不受录音室日程的限制,可以在方便的时候录制。这还允许我们重新回顾和重新录制我们不满意的部分。例如“The Prophet”的桥段在录制鼓和吉他之后还修改了几次——这在传统的录音室环境中是不可行的。
The album is entirely homemade, with no producers involved. We felt confident in our ability to handle the recording ourselves without needing to book studio time. Vocals were recorded in our rehearsal space, while guitars, drums, and bass were recorded separately in our homes. This approach made the process smoother, as we weren’t constrained by studio schedules and could record at our convenience. It also allowed us to revisit and re-record parts we weren’t satisfied with. For instance, the bridge section of "The Prophet" was modified several times, even after recording drums and guitars—something that wouldn’t have been feasible in a traditional studio setting.
V: 你音乐的主题是什么?为什么选择这样的音乐主题?你希望通过这样的音乐主题表达什么?你写了歌词吗?谁写的这些歌词?他的灵感是什么?
What is the theme of your music? Why do you choose such a music theme? What do you want to express through such a music theme? Did you write the lyrics? Who wrote these lyrics? What was his inspiration?
J: 我们的主唱Jesse写了所有的歌词,他在这方面很有天赋。乐队的其他成员很少需要介入协助。专辑在歌词上描绘了一个被战争蹂躏的反乌托邦未来,每首歌都代表了主人公在穿越荒凉的废土时所见证的不同场景。听众被邀请探索人类心理的深处,绝望和疯狂逐渐熄灭了最后的微光,最终拥抱不可避免的空虚。Jesse在2023年底完成了几首歌曲后构思了这个概念,意识到他可以把它们编织成一个连贯的叙事。
Our singer Jesse writes all the lyrics, and he’s naturally talented at it. The rest of the band rarely needs to step in to assist. The album lyrically depicts a dystopian future ravaged by war, with each song representing a different scene witnessed by the protagonist as they traverse a desolate wasteland. The listener is invited to explore the depths of the human psyche as hopelessness, despair, and insanity gradually extinguish the last glimmers of light, culminating in an embrace of the inevitable void. Jesse conceived this concept after we had finished a few songs in late 2023, realizing he could weave them into a cohesive narrative.
V: 你们乐队的第一张专辑“The Grave Mistake”是在你们国家的著名品牌Inverse Records发行的。你们是如何与这个品牌取得联系并合作的?对这个品牌的工作满意吗?
Your band's first album "The Grave Mistake" was released in your country's famous brand Inverse Records. How did you get in touch with this brand to cooperate? Are you satisfied with the work of this brand?
J: 我们通过一个朋友了解到Inverse Records,他的乐队也和他们签约。我们联系了他们,提供了我们的第一首歌"Hymn of a Dead Man, Pt. 1"并和他们达成了协议。我们对Inverse的工作非常满意,因为他们帮助我们的发行在没有唱片公司支持的情况下获得了更多的关注。
We learned about Inverse Records through a friend whose band is also signed to them. We reached out with a mix of our first song, "Hymn of a Dead Man, Pt. 1," and struck a deal with them. We’ve been quite satisfied with Inverse's work, as they’ve helped our releases gain more traction than they would have without a label’s support.

V: 你们乐队的Logo设计非常简单,但这个设计形式是我个人最喜欢的,因为我很容易就能记住你们的名字。谁为你们设计了这个Logo?你们的专辑封面设计也很漂亮。谁为你们设计了这些封面?
The logo design of your band is very simple, but this design form is my personal favorite, because I can easily remember your names. Who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also beautifully designed. Who designed these artworks for you?
J: 谢谢!我们的标志和所有封面都是由Jere的女朋友Noora Khouya设计的。她绝对很有才华,我们对她的设计非常满意!
Thank you! Both our logo and all our covers have been designed by Noora Khouya, Jere's girlfriend. She is definitely very talented, and we are very satisfied with her designs!
V: 首先恭喜你的乐队即将发行"The Grave Mistake"。你的作品给我留下了深刻的印象。优美的旋律,精彩的独奏,快速的Riff联系以及一些Heavy Metal元素使你的作品更加悦耳,歌手的演唱也非常精彩。你对你的作品有什么看法?
First of all, congratulations on the upcoming release of "The Grave Mistake" by your band. Your works have left a deep impression on me. Beautiful melody, wonderful Solo, quick contact with Riff, and some elements of Heavy Metal make your works more pleasant to listen to, and the singer's singing is also very wonderful. What do you think of your works?
J: 谢谢,很高兴听到你喜欢我们的音乐!我们尽量不局限于任何特定的流派;相反我们创造任何在当时感觉正确的东西。“The Grave Mistake”的歌曲是在一年左右的时间里写成的,所以这些歌曲包含了我们的词曲作者在一年中所感受到的不同情感。我们有像“Day of Discord”这样的歌曲,基本上属于Death Metal,但像“Daydream”和“Observer”这样的歌曲更多地受到干净而忧郁的音调的推动,受Metal的影响较小。这种类型的流派多样性使我们的音乐保持新鲜有趣,我们相信这是我们的一大优势。
Thank you, glad to hear you enjoy our music! We try not to conform to any specific genres; instead, we create whatever feels right at the time. The songs for "The Grave Mistake" were written in a year or so, so the songs encapsulate different emotions our songwriters felt throughout the year. We have songs like "Day of Discord" which are basically death metal, but songs like "Daydream" and "Observer" are driven more by clean and melancholic tones, with lesser influences from metal. This type of genre diversity keeps our music fresh and interesting, which we believe is one of our strengths.
V: 你的乐队参加过哪些现场演出?哪些现场演出给你留下了深刻的印象?你能告诉我们当时现场的气氛吗?2025年有哪些新的演出可以参加?
What live performances did your band take part in? What live performances left a deep impression on you? Can you tell us something about the atmosphere at that time? What new performances are there to attend in 2025?
J: 我们已经进行了大约一年的现场演出,在2024年我们总共演出了17场演出!作为一个新乐队,我们优先考虑尽可能多地进行现场演出以与观众建立联系。我们已经预订了2025年初的3场演出并不断寻找更多机会。我们最难忘的表演之一是在Emergenza乐队比赛中,我们进入了地区决赛,为200-300名观众表演。如此规模的观众带来的能量是我们迫不及待想要再次体验的东西!
We’ve been playing live shows for about a year now, and in 2024, we performed a total of 17 shows! As a newer band, we’ve made it a priority to play live as much as possible to connect with audiences. We already have three shows booked for early 2025 and are constantly looking for more opportunities. One of our most memorable performances was at the Emergenza band contest, where we reached the regional finals and played for an audience of 200-300 people. The energy from a crowd that size is something we can’t wait to experience again!
V: 除了2025年发行新专辑,你还有哪些新的工作要进行?比如写作、录制新歌或其他工作吗?你能告诉我们一些信息吗?
Besides releasing new albums in 2025, what other work do you have to do, such as writing, recording some new songs or other work? Can you tell us some information?
J: 我们已经在计划2025年发布新单曲。目前我们作为乐队正在排练和打磨大约五首歌曲。创作新音乐是我们真正享受的事情——感觉不像工作。虽然录音需要努力,但创作过程总是有回报的。粉丝们绝对可以期待Garden of Stone在2025年发布更多作品!
We’re already planning to release new singles in 2025. Currently, we’re rehearsing and refining about five songs as a band. Writing new music is something we genuinely enjoy—it doesn’t feel like work. While recording does require effort, the creative process is always rewarding. Fans can definitely expect more releases from Garden of Stone in 2025!
V: Garden of Stone是一个非常年轻的乐队,但也是一个非常有前途的乐队。我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队。我也希望通过这次采访让更多的人关注和支持你们的乐队。最后你们对中国乐迷有什么话要说吗?
Garden of Stone is a very young band, but it is a very promising band. I will always support and pay attention to your band. I also hope that more people will pay attention to and support your band through this interview. Do you have anything to say to China fans at the end?
J: 谢谢!我们希望中国观众能够欣赏我们的音乐,因为我们也很想将我们的音乐扩展到亚洲!干杯!
Thank you! We hope the Chinese audience checks out our music, as we’re eager to expand our music to Asia as well! Cheers!

Garden of Stone乐队主要作品:
Garden of Stone - Tides of Decay(2024)

Garden of Stone - The Grave Mistake(2025)

Garden of Stone乐队官方Facebook网站:https://www.facebook.com/gardenofstonetre/
Garden of Stone乐队官方Instagram网站:https://www.instagram.com/garden_of_stone_official/
Garden of Stone乐队官方Spotify网站:https://open.spotify.com/artist/4Uzh6lpoeLmunRcvE4vJxK?si=XKljp-fnQI-6L3QjFQDo6Q&nd=1&dlsi=4ef944a8bb504900