今天采访到的是来自墨西哥的Melodic Death Metal乐队Sabacthani,乐队的名字来源于耶稣基督死在十字架上的最后一句话是 “El(o)i, El(o)i, lama sabachthani?”。翻译过来就是"神啊,神啊,你为什么离弃我?”,组建于1999年的Sabacthani乐队至今已经成立了26年了,2000年的第一张Demo作品“Immense Dark Horizont”,2002年乐队发行的EP专辑“The Reformer”便得到墨西哥歌迷的关注,支持,2006年的"A Rising from Here"和2012年的"Melancholy Rage and Reflection"两张专辑则是乐队非常成功的作品,但是乐队在发行了这两张专辑之后就再也没有任何新的作品发行,直到2020年和2022年乐队才发行了最新的两张专辑,依旧保持着高水准的制作和编排,前不久乐队的吉他手Omar Coffe与杂志取得联系进行了一次专访!
(V: 代表笔者 O: 代表Omar Coffe)
Today's interview is with Sabacthani, a Melodic Death Metal band from Mexico, whose name comes from the fact that Jesus Christ's last words on the cross were “El(o)i, El(o)i, lama sabachthani?”. Translated, this means “God, God, why have you forsaken me?” Formed in 1999, Sabacthani has been around for 26 years now, with their first demo “Immense Dark Horizont” in 2000, and their EP “The Reformer” in 2002. Reformer” in 2002, the band's first demo ‘Immense Dark Horizont’ in 2000, the EP ‘The Reformer’ in 2002, the band's attention and support of Mexican fans, 2006's ‘A Rising from Here’ and 2012's ‘Melancholy Rage and Reflection’ are the band's very successful works, but the band has not released any new material after these two albums, until the band has been in a state of flux. But after those two albums, the band didn't release any new material until 2020 and 2022, when the band released their latest two albums, which were still produced and arranged at a high level, and recently guitarist Omar Coffe got in touch with the magazine for an interview!
(V: for the author O: for Omar Coffe)
采访对象:Omar Coffe(Sabacthani乐队吉他手)
V: 你好Omar Coffe我们又见面了,这次采访你参与的另一支乐队Sabacthani的,这支乐队成立于1999年是一支历史悠久的乐队,是谁提议起Sabacthani这个名字的?
Hello Omar Coffe here we are again, this interview is about another band you are involved in Sabacthani, this band was formed in 1999 and is a band with a long history, who suggested the name Sabacthani?
O: 你们好,非常感谢你们的支持,是的Sabacthani已经有26年的历史了,这个名字是其中一位吉他手的主意,我们决定用拉丁语来命名,这样就不会和英文名字一样了。
Greetings, thank you very much for the support and yes, it is already 26 years of Sabacthani, the name was the idea of one of the guitarists, we decided to put a name in Latin so as not to fall into the same names in English.
V: 你们乐队的所有成员都是第一代成员,你们是如何多年保持原班人马的,这是一件很难得的事情,这让你们很容易写歌,因为你们彼此非常熟悉,可以按照自己的方式写歌,能谈谈你们的写歌过程吗?我相信你们的创作经验会激励很多年轻音乐家!
All the members of your band are first generation members, how do you keep the original line up for many years, it's a rare thing, it makes it easy for you to write songs because you know each other very well and you can write songs the way you want to, can you tell us about your songwriting process? I'm sure your songwriting experience will inspire a lot of young musicians!
O: 很遗憾,乐队的原班人马只有我一个。由于各种原因,我们很难保持一个稳定的阵容,但我们仍在坚持。我学过音乐创作,会演奏多种乐器,这让我更容易创作。我通常会先想象鼓的声音,然后再创作旋律。
Unfortunately, the only original member is me. It is difficult to maintain a stable lineup due to different reasons, but we continue to hold on. I have studies in musical composition and I play several instruments, which makes it easier for me to make the compositions. I usually imagine the drums first, then I compose the melodies. bass and voice now with technology everything is much easier
V: 你们的作品在录音方面有了非常明显的进步,这当然与时代有关,你们都是在哪个录音棚录制专辑的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?新专辑的制作过程顺利吗?
There's been a very noticeable improvement in the recording of your work, which of course has to do with the era, what studio did you all record your albums in? Which producer produced your albums? Did the production process for the new album go well?
O: 我们在M.A.T工作室录制了样带和第一张专辑,由乐队和Miguel Ángeles共同指导。第二张专辑是在Pasamanos工作室录制的,也是乐队和Zeus Freyre共同指导的。第三张和第四张专辑是在我的工作室Anysound Studio录制的,所有的制作都是我自己完成的,这对我来说是一次非常愉快的经历。
We recorded the demos and the first album in the M.A.T studio and directed it between the band and Miguel Ángeles. The second album was recorded studio Pasamanos and we also directed it between the band and Zeus Freyre. The third and fourth album were recorded in my studio, Anysound Studio, and I produced everything myself and it was a very pleasant experience for me to have done everything.
V: 2012年发行了"Melancholy Rage and Reflection"之后,你有8年没有发行新作品,直到2020年才发行了新专辑"Beyond the Dark Sea"。这么长时间没有发行新专辑的原因是什么?
After releasing ‘Melancholy Rage and Reflection’ in 2012, you didn't release any new material for 8 years until 2020, when you released the new album ‘Beyond the Dark Sea. ‘What was the reason for not releasing any new material for so long?
O: 乐队开始出现内部问题,我们花了长达8年的时间来稳定乐队。在那段时间里我继续进行创作,这也是最后两张专辑问世的原因。
The band began to have alignment problems. It took 8 long years of trying to stabilize the band. During that time, I continued working on the composition and that was the result of these last 2 albums that came out.
V: 存在、自然、战争是你们音乐的主题,你们想通过这样的音乐主题表达什么?你们是否有歌词部分,歌词是谁写的,灵感来自于什么?
Existence, Nature, War is the theme of your music, what do you want to express through such a musical theme? Do you have a lyrics section, who wrote the lyrics and what inspired them?
O: 是的,没错,我的想法是用鼓和贝斯的节奏感来表达力量,用吉他来表达忧郁,用歌声来表达绝望和侵略性,所有这些都是SABACTHANI所要表达的。
Yes, exactly, my idea is to express strength with the rhythmic base of the drums and bass and melancholy with the guitars, despair and aggressiveness with the voices, all of this together is what SABACTHANI expresses.
V: 你们的logo设计的很漂亮是谁为你们设计的这个logo?专辑艺术品设计的也很精美,这些专辑艺术品是谁为你们设计的?
Your logo is beautifully designed, who designed your logo and your album artwork is beautifully designed, who designed your artwork?
O: 我们现在的标志是Ruben Avila设计的,前两张专辑的封面是Eduardo Ruiz设计的,他们都是很好的朋友。
The logo we currently have was designed by Ruben Avila and the covers of the last 2 albums were by Eduardo Ruiz, excellent friends, both of them.
V: 你们曾与Ablaze Productions合作发行过一张专辑,现在签约的厂牌是你们自己的厂牌,你们是如何与Ablaze Productions联系上合作的?你对他们的工作满意吗?
You had an album with Ablaze Productions and are now signed to your own label, how did you get in touch with Ablaze Productions to work together? Were you happy with their work?
O: 如果说上一张专辑“Opues IV Dreams”是我和我的厂牌SHADOWS RECORDS一起制作的,那么ABLAZE则是我们编辑的上一张专辑,实际上我把我的提案寄给了这家厂牌,他们很喜欢并鼓励我发行“Beyond the Dark Sea”这张专辑。
If I produced this last album Opues IV Dreams with my label SHADOWS RECORDS and with ABLAZE we edited the previous album, I actually sent my proposal to the label and they liked it and were encouraged to release the album Beyond the Dark Sea, the truth is that it seems like a very good label to me. experienced and has very good productions
V: 你们的作品给我留下了非常深刻的印象,凶猛、黑暗、快速的节奏,鼓手非常棒,快速、精准的打击给我留下了非常深刻的印象,吉他手的技术也非常出色,歌手凶猛、粗野的声音也是作品中非常好的一部分,你觉得你们的作品如何?
I was very impressed with your work, ferocious, dark, fast riffs, the drummer was fantastic, I was very impressed with the fast, precise strikes, the guitarist's technique was excellent, and the singer's ferocious, brutal voice was a very good part of the work, what did you think of your work?
O: 我认为它非常出色,每当我完成一部作品时,我都会非常钦佩自己的创作。事实上,我喜欢这样,我想这也反映在我创作的音乐中。
I thought it was excellent and every time I finish a composition I greatly admire the creations I have made. The truth is that I like it and I think that is reflected in the music I make.
V: 2025年你们乐队有什么新的工作吗?比如创作、录制一些新歌或者发行一张全新的专辑?能向大家透露一些信息吗?
Are there any new endeavours going on with your band in 2025? Like writing, recording some new songs or releasing a brand new album? Can you reveal some information to everyone?
O: 在2025年我们即将完成下一张专辑的录制,我们还将参加一些音乐节,敬请期待。
If in 2025 we are about to finish recording what will be our next album and we have some festivals where we are going to participate, wait for news
V: 作为一支老牌乐队,我相信你们参加过很多音乐节,有没有哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻的印象,能描述一下当时的气氛吗?2025年还有哪些音乐节邀请你们参加?
As a veteran band, I'm sure you've been to a lot of festivals, are there any festivals that have left a lasting impression on you and can you describe the atmosphere?What other festivals are there in 2025?
O: 是的,事实上我们已经参加了好几个音乐节,我觉得所有的音乐节都让我非常满意,你能从每个人身上学到东西,看到人们喜欢你的音乐,我觉得这是最重要的。
Yes, the truth is that we have participated in several and I think that all of them have left me very satisfied and you learn from everyone, by seeing people enjoy your music, I think that is the most important thing.
V: 你们是一支经典的乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,也希望通过这次采访能有更多的中国歌迷关注和支持你们的乐队,最后有什么想对中国歌迷说的吗?
You are a classic band, I will always support and follow your band, I also hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will pay attention to and support your band, in the end, is there anything you want to say to your Chinese fans?
O: 非常感谢你们对SABACTHANI的支持,感谢你们能抽出时间来听我们的音乐,我们会一如既往地把更多的音乐奉献给我们的听众,向我们所有的中国歌迷问好。
Thank you very much again for the support and I appreciate your time with SABACTHANI and we will always give more and more to our audience. Greetings to all our Chinese fans.
Sabacthani - The Reformer(2002)
Sabacthani - A Rising from Here(2006)
Sabacthani - Melancholy Rage and Reflection(2012)
Sabacthani - Beyond the Dark Sea(2020)
Sabacthani - Opus IV Dreams(2022)