今天采访到的是来自法国的老牌Death Metal乐队Gurkkhas,成立于1999年的Gurkkhas是一支非常有资历的老牌乐队,最初由Richard和JF组建,Gurkkhas乐队其实是延续了法国一支名为Delayed Action Bomb的乐队并且将风格定义为更加具有侵略性,攻击性的Death Metal风格,在城里不久之后乐队发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“Engraved in Blood, Flesh and Souls”,这张专辑由德国著名的Massacre Records厂牌发行,2001年乐队在的德国的另外一家厂牌Morbid Records(已关闭)发行了他们的第二张正式专辑“A Life of Suffering”,也正是这张专辑让更多中国歌迷了解到这支乐队优秀的乐队,乐队采用了复杂的旋律风格并以此谱写了一组变化多端、颇具说服力的曲目,极具佛罗里达风格。乐队技术精湛,同时将令人毛骨悚然的怒吼、精准的旋律和的鼓声融为一体,迸发出难以抑制的侵略性。2003年突然乐队宣布解散,2023年乐队突然宣布重新组建并且在2024年发行了一张Demo作品,由法国厂牌Great Dane Records发行,这张Demo作品其实是早期两张专辑歌曲的重新录制版本,精选了早期两张专辑的经典歌曲重新发行,在前不久乐队与杂志取得联系进行了一次专访!
(V: 代表笔者 R: 代表Roamin Bellec)
Today's interview is with French Death Metal veterans Gurkkhas, formed in 1999 by Richard and JF, Gurkkhas are a very experienced band, originally formed by Richard and JF, Gurkkhas are actually a continuation of a French band called Delayed Action Bomb and define their style as more aggressive, attacking Death Metal. The Gurkkhas were actually a continuation of a French band called Delayed Action Bomb and defined their style as a more aggressive, attacking Death Metal style, and soon after the band released their first official album “Engraved in Blood, Flesh and Souls” in town, which was released on the famous German label Massacre Records. In 2001 the band released their second official album “A Life of Suffering” on Morbid Records (closed), another German label, which introduced the band to Chinese fans. A Life of Suffering” is the second official album of the band, and it's the album that introduced more and more Chinese fans to this excellent band, which employs complex melodic styles to compose a set of varied and persuasive compositions, with a very Floridian style. The band's technical mastery, combined with chilling roars, melodic precision and drumming, resulted in an irrepressible aggression. 2003 saw the band suddenly disband, and in 2023 the band suddenly reunited and released a demo in 2024 on French label Great Dane Records, which was in fact a reworking of songs from two earlier albums. The demo is actually a re-recorded version of songs from the earlier two albums, a selection of classic songs from the earlier two albums were re-released, and the band got in touch with the magazine for an interview not long ago!
(V: for the author R: for Roamin Bellec)

采访对象:Roamin Bellec(Gurkkhas乐队吉他手)

V: 你好ROMAIN很高兴认识你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你的乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向中国歌迷问好,Gurkkhas乐队成立于1999年,是一支历史悠久的乐队,是谁发起组建的乐队,Gurkkhas乐队这个名字的含义是什么?Gurkkhas这个名字是什么意思?
Hello ROMAIN nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time that your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, Gurkkhas was formed in 1999 and is a band with a long history, who initiated the formation of the band and what is the meaning of the name Gurkkhas? What is the meaning of the name Gurkkhas?
R: 你好.....!的确,这是我们第一次与中国杂志合作,谢谢。我们的阵容是由JF和Richard(前吉他手)于1994年组建的Delayed Action Bomb (DAB) 的延续,然后在1999年转变为更加野蛮、更具侵略性的Gurkkhas。Gurkkhas的意义不亚于英国军队中的这些精锐士兵。当时以战争为主题的团体大多以欧洲历史(维京人......)为参照,很少涉及其他文明。因此这就是令我们着迷的这些勇士的故事。
Hi...! Indeed, this is our first time with a Chinese magazine, thank you. The line-up is a continuation of Delayed Action Bomb (DAB) formed in 1994 by JF and Richard (ex guitar), then it changed to something much more brutal and aggressive that gave Gurkkhas in 1999.
The significance of Gurkhas is not less than these elite soldiers present in the English army. At that time, the groups addressing the subject of war were mostly referring to the history of Europe (Viking,...) but little to other civilizations. So this is the story of these warriors that fascinated us.
V: 乐队现在只有你是第一代成员, 其他成员都变了,贝斯和鼓是在2000 - 2001年加入乐队的,事实上他们也应该是第一代成员,贝斯和鼓是怎么加入乐队的?你对他们的工作满意吗?我注意到你们乐队里没有吉他手,你会弹吉他吗?
The band is currently down to you as a first generation member, the rest of the members have changed, the bass and drums joined the band in 2000 - 2001, in fact they would have been first generation members as well, how did the bass and drums come to be in the band? Are you happy with their work? I noticed you don't have a guitarist in the band, do you play guitar?
R: 正是JF是最初的创始人,我是以前的贝斯手,一开始还有另一个鼓手Joel,后来被Nico取代,我们现在的鼓手。Richard在2002年突然离开了乐队。他现在不想在演奏了,所以是我弹了Gurkkhas的吉他。
Exactly JF is the original founder, I am the former bass player, there was another drummer at the beginning, Joel, then was replaced by Nico, our current drummer. Richard left the band suddenly in 2002. He didn’t want to take the adventure again today, so it was me who took the guitar in Gurkkhas.
V: 你们都是创作Death Metal音乐经验丰富的音乐家,能描述一下你们的创作过程吗?我相信你的创作经历会激励许多年轻的音乐家!
You are both experienced musicians in creating death metal music, can you describe your creative process? I'm sure your creative experience will inspire many young musicians!
R: 你问我的问题很有意思。JF会想出一个文本,一个主题,然后我想象在他的文本之上的即兴片段,讲述的故事,就像电影一样。Nicolas(他是音乐学院的教授)也很有创造力,经常在即兴排练中表现得最好。然后我们一起安排,写作,布置。我们彼此认识很长时间了,知道其中一个或另一个有能力为廓尔喀人带来最好的东西。我也像其他人一样工作或者几乎是在电脑上工作。
That’s an interesting question you’re asking me. JF will come with a text, a theme, then I imagine the riffs on top of his texts, the story told, like in a movie. Nicolas (who is a professor at the conservatory) is also very creative and it is often in improvised rehearsal that the best spring. Then we all work together the arrangement, writing, setting up. We have known each other for a long time and know that one or the other is capable of bringing what is best to Gurkhas. I also work like everyone else or almost on computers in MAO.
V: 你的专辑在录音方面有了很大的进步,尤其是你今年刚刚发行的Demo,录音非常棒,当然这也和你的年龄有很大的关系,你是在哪个录音室录制这张专辑的?你的专辑是哪个制作人制作的?新的Demo录音过程进展顺利吗?
Your albums have improved dramatically in terms of recording, especially your demo work that you just released this year, the recording is excellent, of course this also has a lot to do with the age as well, which studio did you record the album in? Which producer produced your album? Is the new demo recording process going well?
R: 这两张专辑都是由才华横溢的LB LAB STUDIO的Stephane Buriez和法国Trash Metal乐队LOUDBLAST的创始人制作的。他的两张专辑都做得非常出色。当2024年以最佳重新发行时通过......进行了重新混音,使声音更加现代化他们做得很好。
Both albums were produced by the talented Stephane Buriez of LB LAB STUDIO and founder of the French Trash Metal band LOUDBLAST. He did a remarkable job on both albums. When the best-of 2024 reissue was released, there was a remix to modernize the sound with...... they did a great job.
V: 2003年你们宣布解散,2023年你们宣布重组,你已经离开舞台20年了,当时是什么让你宣布解散的?是什么让你们二十年后又走到了一起?
In 2003 you announced that you were disbanding and in 2023 you announced that you were re-forming, you've been away from the stage for 20 years, what made you announce your disbandment back then? What brought you back together 20 years later?
R: 2022年法国厂牌GREAT DANES RECS联系了我们并为我们提供了最好的重新发行。我们很惊讶,有人,一个厂牌,记得Gurkhas并决定把我们在地堡里埋了20多年的人挖出来。让Gurkhas人重组是很容易的事,事情还没有结束,我们还要再打一场。这是一种极好的驱动力。
In 2022, the French label GREAT DANES RECS contacted us and offered us a best-off reissue. We were surprised that someone, a label, remembered Gurkhas and decided to dig us up after more than 20 years buried in a bunker. Putting Gurkhas back on his feet was a no-brainer, something wasn’t over and we had a rematch to take. It’s an excellent driving force.
V: 你们的Logo设计很独特,我很喜欢你们的Logo,这个Logo是谁为你们设计的?你的专辑封面设计也很独特,谁为你设计的?
Your logo design is very unique, I really like your logo, who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also very uniquely designed who designed this artwork for you?
R: Logo和艺术设计是由捷克艺术家Jaromir«Deather»制作的。不幸的是他不再设计了。
The logo and artwork were made by a Czech artist named Jaromir «Deather». Unfortunately he no longer works.

V: Gurkkas,尼泊尔勇士,痛苦,苦难是你的一些音乐主题,我很好奇你为什么选择它们,你想通过它们表达什么?你有歌词部分吗,谁写歌词,是什么激发了他们?
The Gurkkas: Nepalese Warriors, Pain, Suffering are some of your musical themes and I'm very curious as to why you chose them and what you want to express through them? Do you have a lyrics section, who writes the lyrics and what inspires them?
R: JF写了所有的歌,它们的主题是战争。之所以选择他们的名字,是因为他们是具有精神、身体、文化、军事等特点的军人。它与Death Metal,凶猛,野蛮和有节奏的一面配合得很好。
JF writes all the songs. They deal with themes like war. Their name was chosen because they are soldiers who have special features, mental, physical, cultural, military, etc. It went well with death metal, the fierce, brutal and rhythmic side.
V: 你曾与Great Dane Records、Morbid Records、Massacre Records等知名唱片公司合作过专辑,你是如何与这些唱片公司取得联系并进行合作的?你对这些厂牌的工作满意吗?
You've released albums with great labels like Great Dane Records, Morbid Records, Massacre Records, how did you get in touch with these labels to collaborate? Are you satisfied with the work of these labels?
R: 他们现在不存在了,但他们当时做得很好,尤其是Morbid它在欧洲是一个重要的厂牌。对Great Danes来说,他们来得正是时候,不知不觉惊醒了野兽。我们对他们与我们的合作和参与感到非常满意,我们认为自己很幸运。
They don’t exist anymore but they did a good job at the time, especially Morbid. It was an important label in Europe. When to Great Danes, they arrived at the perfect time, without knowing it they woke up the beast. We are extremely satisfied with the collaboration and involvement they have with us and consider ourselves lucky.
V: 首先祝贺你们今年发布了最新的demo"A Life of suffing",你们的演奏风格与美国乐队如Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse和Malevolent Creation类似,你们受到了更多美国乐队的影响,但你们的作品也非常接近于Grindcore,你们也受到像Sinister和早期Napalm Death这样的乐队的影响,因为你们采用了一种复杂的旋律风格,带有病态天使的感觉并创造了一套具有非常佛罗里达感觉的多样化和有说服力的曲目。当你开始演奏时,你会进入无情的高速Grindcore领域,在其最激烈的时候,也会感觉像Assück, Hemdale和Drogheda这样的乐队。乐队在风格和演奏上都精通技术,同时融合了令人毛骨悚然的愤怒,精确的旋律和令人敬畏的鼓点,形成了一种不可抑制的侵略。总的来说,你的作品确实是一张非常经典的Grindcore / Death Metal唱片,乐队将侵略性与精湛的演奏结合在一起。新专辑与旧专辑相比有什么变化吗?
First of all, congratulations on the release of your latest demo A Life of Suffering this year, you play in a similar style to American bands such as Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse and Malevolent Creation, which means that they play more grindcore. You are influenced by more American bands, but your work is also very close to grindcore, and you can also feel the influence of bands like Sinister and early Napalm Death, as you adopt a complex melodic style, with a Morbid Angel feel to it, and create a varied and persuasive set of tracks with a very Florida feel. When you start to play, you move into relentless high-speed grindcore territory, which at its most intense also feels like bands like Assück, Hemdale and Drogheda. The bands are technically proficient in both style and playing, while blending creepy fury, precise melody and awesome drumming into an explosion of unquenchable aggression. Taken as a whole, your work is indeed a very classic Grindcore / Death Metal record, with the band blending aggression with virtuoso playing. Has the new album changed in any way compared to the old one?
R: 谢谢您,好兄弟!是的,某个地方会有变化。首先是因为Nicolas和我在作曲。从音乐的角度来说,这不是同一条线上的作曲家。我们总是演奏同样的音乐,同样的风格,但组成的本质有点不同。我所能告诉你的是,你所描述的风格没有任何改变,混合了残酷与旋律,一种巨大而无情的氛围。
Thank you, Father! Yes There will be a change somewhere. First because Nicolas and I compose. It’s not the same line-up of composers in musical terms. We always play the same music, the same style, but the essence of the composition is a little different. All I can tell you is that nothing has changed in the style you describe, mixing brutal with melodic, a massive and relentless atmosphere.
V: 你们乐队在2025年还有什么新东西要做?比如创作,录制一些新歌或者发行一张新专辑,你能向大家透露一些信息吗?
What else is new for your band to work on in 2025? Like writing, recording some new songs or releasing a new album, can you shed some light on that?
R: 在重新发行之后,正如我告诉你的那样,我们不想止步于此,决定让乐队重生。当然时间已经过去了,它不得不被放回去,甚至在结构上,你没有和以前一样的生活,但实际上仍然想玩。我们非常幸运,因为人们记得我们并为乐队做出了很多贡献,比如Great Danes或LEEBROSMEAT经纪公司(预订)这些人自发地来到我们这里,因为他们喜欢我们的作品。我们计划在法国和欧洲演出,目前我们正在制作一张新专辑。
After the re-release of the best off as I told you, we did not want to stop there and decided to reborn the band. Of course time has passed since, it had to be put back, even structurally, you don’t have the same life as before, but still want to play in fact. We are very lucky because people remembered us and contribute a lot to the band, like Great Danes or LEEBROSMEAT agency (booking), these guys came to us spontaneously because they love what we do. We are planning dates in France, Europe and we are currently working on a new album.
V: 作为一个经验丰富的乐队,你们参加过音乐节,哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻的印象,你能描述一下气氛吗? 2025年还有那些音乐节邀请你们参加?
As a veteran band, you've been to festivals, what festivals have impressed you and can you describe the atmosphere, and what other festivals have you been invited to in 2025?
R: 最令人印象深刻的节日是HellFest,它将不再有了,它是一个巨大的机器。我们位于法国西部,有像Muscadeth, motorcultor或SahmaÏn这样的音乐节和许多其他当地活动。在2025年我们将在Muscadeth,更多的将很快得到确认。
The most impressive festival of all is the HellFest, which is no longer to be presented, it is a gigantic machine. We are located in the west of France and have festivals of sick like the Muscadeth, the Motocultor or the SahmaÏn and many other local events. In 2025 we will be at the Muscadeth and many more to be confirmed soon.
V: 作为一个经典的老牌乐队,我其实一直在关注你们的乐队,我很喜欢你们早期的官方专辑,2024Demo也很经典,我会一直关注和支持你们的乐队,我也希望通过这次采访,让更多的中国歌迷关注和支持你们的乐队,最后你有什么想对你们的中国歌迷说的吗?
As a classic veteran band, I've actually been following your band, I like your early official albums very much, and the 2024 demo is also very classic, I'll always be following and supporting your band, and I also hope that through this interview, more Chinese fans will pay attention to and support your band, do you have anything you'd like to say to your Chinese fans at the end?
R: 我真诚地感谢你对Gurkhas和我们的粉丝的关注,如果你在那里,谢谢,我们希望有一天能见到你!加入我们吧:Gurkkhas666@gmail.com。保持残暴吧!“你是真正的力量,点燃我们的音乐和激情。你穿的每一件t恤,帽子,配饰都是我们联系和感激的象征。感谢你们参与这次冒险,感谢你们让我们的声音产生共鸣!继续制造噪音!”
I sincerely thank you for the attention you give to Gurkhas and our fans, if you are there thanks we hope to come see you one day! Join us there : Gurkkhas666@gmail.com . Stay brutal ! “ You are the true force that fuels our music and passion. Every t-shirt, cap, accessory you wear is a symbol of our connection and gratitude. Thank you for being a part of this adventure, and for making our sound resonate! Keep making noise! "

Gurkkhas - Engraved in Blood, Flesh and Souls(2000)

Gurkkhas - A Life of Suffering(2001)

Gurkkhas - A Life of Suffering(2024)
