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另一个高度 - 瑞典Thrash/Death Metal乐队Sterbhaus专访

Writer's picture: Volcano MagazineVolcano Magazine

今天采访到的是一支来自瑞典的老牌Thrash/Death Metal乐队Sterbhaus,组建与2007年的Sterbhaus乐队最初由Daniel, Niklas和Fredrik组建,组建不久之后乐队发行了两张Demo作品引起了广泛的关注,2012年乐队在瑞典的Killhead Productions厂牌发行了第一张正式专辑“Angels for Breakfast ...and God for Lunch”,这张专辑发行之后得到了更多人的关注和支持,也让他们成为了瑞典一支很重要的乐队,2015年乐队在瑞典的Black Lodge Records厂牌发行了他们的第二张正式专辑“New Level of Malevolence”,这张专辑发行之后也让乐队成为了更多瑞典本土音乐家邀请的乐队,随后乐队在2016 - 2021年发行了EP专辑“Krampusnacht”和一张现场录音专辑“Necrostabbing at Göta Källare - Live in Stockholm”,前不久杂志与乐队的贝斯 / 歌手Marcus取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 M: 代表Marcus)

Today's interview is with Sterbhaus, a veteran Thrash/Death Metal band from Sweden. Formed in 2007, Sterbhaus was originally formed by Daniel, Niklas and Fredrik, and after releasing two demos shortly thereafter the band garnered a lot of attention. In 2012, the band released their first official album on Sweden's Killhead Productions “Angels for Breakfast ... and God for Lunch”. . and God for Lunch”, the album gained more attention and support and made them an important band in Sweden, and in 2015 the band released their second album ‘New Level of Malevolence’ on Sweden's Black Lodge Records. In 2015 the band released their second official album “New Level of Malevolence” on Black Lodge Records in Sweden, which made the band more popular with local musicians, followed by an EP “Krampusnacht” and a live recording “Necrostrosten” in 2016 - 2021. The album “Necrostabbing at Göta Källare - Live in Stockholm” was followed by an EP “Krampusnacht” in 2016 - 2021 and a live recording “Necrostabbing at Göta Källare - Live in Stockholm”, and the magazine contacted the band's bassist/vocalist Marcus for an interview!

(V: for the author M: for Marcus)

采访对象:MarcusSterbhaus乐队贝斯 / 歌手)


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向所有的中国乐迷问好,Sterbhaus乐队成立于2007年,是一支历史悠久的老牌乐队,当初是谁发起成立这支乐队的?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time that your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to all the Chinese fans, Sterbhaus was formed in 2007 and is an old band with a long history, who initiated the formation of this band in the first place?

M: 嗨!是啊,终于能接触到中国的金属爱好者了,这真是太棒了!这真的是第一次,说实话,我也不知道为什么。我想我们之前还没有机会与任何采访者或评论家联系过。让我们改变这种状况,向大家介绍来自瑞典斯德哥尔摩的Sterbhaus。我们是Metal Deluxe乐队,而且我们引以为豪;-) Metal Deluxe是Heavy, Thrash, Death, Black, Progressive Metal,是永恒的(既不复古也不现代)。我们称其为Metal Deluxe,是因为我们无法忍受每次都要把所有这些类型都说出来。哈哈!关于乐队的组建;实际上我并没有参与最初的起步。当时有三个人(Daniel, Niklas和Fredrik)都在20岁左右,他们都想组建一支乐队,演奏类似“At the Gates”的曲目。这三个人在后来的Sterbhaus乐队基础上各自组建了1-3支乐队,我认为他们并没有打算认真做乐队。我当时刚刚认识其中的一些人,所以我被邀请加入乐队担任贝斯手,从那时起,我们就开始了乐队生涯,致力于不断享受美好时光、制作重型音乐并且不把自己看得太严肃。这就是乐队的起源,尽管现在很难相信乐队已经重组了几次,听起来也不像最初的样子了。

Hi! Yeah it's awesome to be able to reach out to the Chinese Metal population finally! It is really the first time and I kind of don't really know why to be honest. I guess we haven't had the chance to connect with any interviewer or reviewer before. So let's change that and introduce you all to Sterbhaus from Stockholm/Sweden. We do Metal Deluxe and we do it proudly ;-) Metal Deluxe is Heavy, Thrash, Death, Black, Progressive Metal that is timeless (neither retro or modern). And we call it Metal Deluxe because we can't stand having to spout out all those genres every time. Haha Regarding the formation; I wasn't actually part of the very first starting steps. It was three guys - (Daniel, Niklas and Fredrik) who were all around the age of 20 and who wanted to have a band playing stuff like "At the Gates". These guys all had like 1-3 bands each on top of what became Sterbhaus and I don't think they were intending to do something very serious with it. I had just gotten to know some of the guys so I was asked to join as bass player and from there on a crusade began which was totally devoted to having a constant good time, making heavy music and not taking ourselves too serious. That's really how it started even though it's hard to believe now that the bands been reformed a couple of times and doesn't really sound like we did in the beginning.

V: 你们现在只有Marcus Hammarström是乐队的第一代成员,其他成员都换了,为什么第一代成员退出了乐队?新成员是如何加入乐队的,你对新成员的表现满意吗?

You only have Marcus Hammarström as a first generation member in the band now, all the other members have changed, why did the first generation members quit the band? How did the new members join the band and are you happy with what the new members are doing?

M: 好吧,我猜人们辞职或被解雇的原因各有不同。我们很早就注意到,乐队中存在着某种独特的、非常特别的化学反应和纽带。因此我们中的大多数人很快就想做点正经事,而不是停留在“仅仅”玩乐、唱童谣和被认为是某种“玩笑乐队”上。一开始的作曲家和音乐家都相当出色,但他们都在一个非常简单和狭窄的舒适区内活动,也就是说一旦有些东西演奏起来有点棘手(相信我,最终肯定会很棘手!!),他们就不再觉得有趣了,乐队就需要解决这个问题,这主要意味着最终要交换成员。有些人在音乐上的投入不再是乐队想要的,所以他们自己退出了或者有人有了孩子等等,原因有很多。我认为从2009年主音吉他手Jimmy Ahovalli加入的那一刻起,我和他在音乐创作方面就建立了非常好的关系,因此我们逐渐成为了乐队的核心,我们的音乐品味也开始指引我们前进的方向。Simon(节奏吉他手)也曾在很长一段时间内发挥重要作用,但遗憾的是,我们不得不分道扬镳,因为他实在无法演奏Jimmy和我创作的曲目--这让他压力很大。我之所以说“很遗憾”,是因为他是一个非常棒的人,而且由于他的个性,他对我们的阵容非常重要--尽管他贡献了绝对重要的旋律。但这并不影响我们的感情。至于新成员--好吧,目前还没有一个活跃的阵容。因为我们在2019年就宣布要让乐队解散。最后要做的就是在今年发行专辑。但我们会看看接下来的12个月会发生什么--如果我想组建一个新乐队的话。Jimmy现在是一名演员,所以他已经不再在Sterbhaus演出了。

Well, I guess people quit or were fired for different reasons. We did notice quite early on that there was some sort of unique and very special chemistry and bond in the band. So most of us wanted to do something proper quite soon and not stick to "just" having fun, singing nursery rhymes and being considdered some sort of "joke band". The songwriters and musicians in the beginning were all quite good - but they all moved within a very simple and narrow comfort zone - meaning that as soon as something got a bit tricky to play (and believe me! It sure got tricky eventually!!) they didn't find it fun anymore and the band needed to adress that, and mostly that meant swapping members in the end. Some peoples input musically just wasn't what the band wanted anymore so they quit themselves due to that, or someone got kids etc. Well, there are many reasons. I think that from the moment Jimmy Ahovalli (lead guitar) joined in 2009, he and I bonded extremely well regarding creating music so we gradually became the core of the band and our musical taste started to direct where we were heading. Simon (rhythm guitar) was also crucial for a long time but sadly we had to go seperate ways because he honestly couldn't play the stuff Jimmy and I wrote in the end - and it was stressing him out. I say "sadly" because he's such a terrific dude and very important part for the line-up just due to his personality - even though he contributed absolutely vital riffs. But there was no hard feelings there. Regarding new members - well, there isn't really an active line-up at all at the moment. Because we announced 2019 that we'd put the band to rest. And the last thing to happen would be the release of the album we're releasing this year. But we'll see what happens the next 12 months - If I feel like getting a new line-up or not. Jimmy is an actor now so he has moved on from playing in Sterbhaus

V: 你们乐队的每位成员都是创作极端金属乐的资深音乐家,能介绍一下你们的创作过程吗?我相信你们的创作经验会激励更多的年轻音乐家!

Each member of your band is an experienced musician in creating extreme metal, can you describe your creative process? I'm sure your creative experience will inspire more young musicians!

创作过程时有时无。要么是某个人(哈哈--其实主要是我)把一首几乎写好的歌拿过来,我们一起排练、修改、重写。我们也可以一起排练,从头开始写,然后把它带到电脑上,录制不同质量的前期Demo。这是通常的做法。我们经常做的,但很多人没有做的,是在某种程度上把音乐当作一门手艺--这意味着我和Jimmy可以在需要时按需凿出东西。就像“好吧,这部分需要另一个旋律“、”这个旋律需要更好“或”我们需要一个全新的部分"--可以是任何东西,然后我们根据自己的想法和需要进行创作。这很奇怪但我们一直都有这样的共识,即什么需要重写,我们就怎么做。虽然我用六弦琴写了很多东西,但我的吉他弹得并不熟练,所以我通常会哼唱或描述我看到的弹奏方式或声音,他几乎马上就能明白。这真的很酷 所以说,不要一味依赖灵感的迸发是有道理的。如果你对自己的东西有足够的了解,这是一种非常好的有效方法。话虽如此--当然,灵感可能是源源不断的。我每天大部分时间都在思考一切有创意的事情,因此我不断在脑海中改写音乐。我们有一些部分是我在重新排练回来的路上在车里写的,当时有几把吉他在演奏不同的东西,我就尽快把它写下来,带到下一次排练中。总之,我们通常总是先写音乐。然后我写歌词,我们再根据人声重新编写编曲和歌词,因为我们发现我们想演奏的金属乐应该尽可能由人声驱动。当然,在某些情况下,尤其是在即将发行的新专辑中,很多东西都是在录音室里完成的,因为我们几年前就停止了乐队的排练。但这对我们来说是件好事--因为我和吉米在录音室创作的时候,“魔力”通常会发生在追踪的过程中。

It differs a little from time to time. Either someone (haha - mostly me actually) brings an almost finished written song to the table and we rehearse, tweek and rewrite. We can also write stuff from scratch together by rehearsing, and from there we bring it to a PC to record preproduction demos of different qualities. That's the usual way. What we often do but many others don't - is treat music as a craft in a way - Meaning that Jimmy and I can chisel out stuff on demand when needed. It's like: "Ok, this part needs another riff", "this riff needs to be better" or "we need an entire new section" - it can be most anything, and from there we create it based on what we want and need. It is rather weird but we've always had this conenction of what needs to be rewritten and how we do it. I am not that skilled on guitar even though I write a lot of stuff on the six-string, so I usually hum or just describe how I see something being played or how it should sound, and he gets it almost immediatly. It's really cool actually!! So there is something to be said about not just leaning on bursts of inspiration. If you know your stuff well enough that's a terrific and effective way to go. Having said that - of course inspiration is probably constant. I spend a lot of time thinking about everything creative most every hour of every day so I constantly rewrite music in my head. We have parts I have written in my head in the car on my way back from reharsals with several guitars playing different stuff, and I just scribble it down as soon as possible to bring to the next session we have. Anyway, we usually always write the music first. I then write the lyrics and we re-write arrangements and hooks depending on the vocals since we find that the Metal we want to play should be as vocally driven as possible. Of course there are instances - especially on the new/coming album where a lot was created in the studio since we stopped rehearsing years ago as an active band. But that is a quite good thing in our case - because "the magic" usually happens for Jimmy and I while tracking while creating in the studio.

V: 你们所有专辑的录音效果都非常出色,请问你们是在哪家录音棚录制专辑的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?

All of your albums are excellent in terms of recording results, which job did you record your albums at? Which producer produced your albums?

M: 第一张专辑"Angels for Breakfast... And God for Lunch... And God for Lunch",我们是在臭名昭著的Abyss工作室与Peter Tägtgrens的哥哥Tommy Tägtgren一起录制的。然后我们请Jonas Kjellgren混音,Jimmy和我一起制作。我记得那是在2011年。这一切都很有效,效果也很好,但我们发现,由于创作过程的需要,乐队非常需要在排练时录音,因此我们投资购买了合适的麦克风来录制鼓声。我的意思是,把东西打包,在录音室里住上几个星期,然后在一切都完成后离开,这样做非常好,但面对现实吧--这样做并不便宜,而且Jimmy和我也觉得,我们之间的创作联系在家里得到了最好的体现。因此我们将大量的录音工作转移到了自己的排练场地,那里或多或少都是一个带睡觉(和喝酒!)空间的工作室,我们不与其他人共享。在接下来的录音中,我们自己录制了所有内容,并让Ronnie Björnström混音和制作母带,而我们则负责制作。对于今年发行的新作品(以及Krampusnacht的混音版),我是唯一的制作人,因为这对我们来说是最好的方式。我想我们注意到,我的经验和愿景是最好的,其他人可以提供他们想要的任何建议和额外的东西,但最终决定权必须只有一个人。否则你就会不假思索地偷工减料,而当专辑面世时,你又会发现各种你本希望以不同方式完成的事情。当然这也可能是一个致命弱点,因为这可能需要更长的时间--新专辑确实如此。但另一方面,这也是我第一次觉得一切都尽善尽美。

For the first album "Angels for Breakfast... And God for Lunch" we recorded at the infamous studio Abyss with Peter Tägtgrens older brother Tommy Tägtgren. We then had Jonas Kjellgren mixing it and Jimmy and I produced it together. I think this was in 2011. That was effective and all and the result was great but we found a huge need for the band to be able to record ourselves during rehearsals due to the creative process, so we invested in proper microphones to record drums. I mean, it's extremely nice to just pack your stuff and live in a studio for weeks at an end and then leave having everything done, but let's face it - that's not a cheap way to go, and Jimmy and I also felt that the creative connection we have was best captured at home. So we moved a lot of the recording to our own rehearsal space which was always more or less a studio with sleeping (and drinking!) space that we shared with no one else. For the coming recordings we recorded everything ourselves and had Ronnie Björnström mix and master it while we produced it. For the new stuff released this year (and for the remixing of Krampusnacht) I am the sole producer because that turned out to be the very best way for us to go. I think we noticed that my experience and vision is best left as it is with the other guys providing whatever suggestions and extra stuff they want - but the final say needs to be with only one person. Otherwise you sort of cut corners without thinking about it and when the album comes out there are all sorts of things you would have wanted done differently. This can ofc also be an Achillies heel as it might take longer time - which it certainly did for the new album. But on the other hand, this is the first time I feel everything is as perfect as it possibly can get.

V: 你们的Logo很美,是谁设计的?你们的专辑封面也很美,是谁设计的?

You have a beautiful logo, who designed your logo, and you have beautiful album artwork, who designed your artwork?

M: 我通常设计标识和商品等。对于“Deth Bü Wolfe”的Logo,我想要一些我觉得自己无法制作的东西,所以我聘请了Imperfect Design公司来制作。有几位艺术家参与了设计工作,其中一些是我根据铅笔画和草图设计的委托作品--比如“Angels...”和 “New Level...”这两张专辑就是委托匈牙利艺术家Gyula Havancsák设计的,他曾为Annihilator、Destruction、Grave Digger等乐队设计过作品。“Krampusnacht"是艺术家Gerald Brom的一幅奇妙画作,我非常欣赏他。我从Elvira Madigan时期就开始与他接触,我猜他主要是因"暗黑破坏神 2"和"暗黑破坏神 4"的画而出名。他的作品终于出现在专辑封套上,这对我来说简直是梦想成真--但这并不是委托作品。现场专辑是我自己做的,“Deth Bü Wolfe”的封面是由Nestor Avalos创作的,我想这就是全部了。

I usually design logos and merch etc. For "Deth Bü Wolfe" logo I wanted something I felt I couldn't produce myself so I hired Imperfect Design to make it. There's been a few artists involved and some are comissioned work made from pencil drawings and designs I sketch up - Like for the two albums "Angels..." and "New Level..." which where comissioned from Hungarian artist Gyula Havancsák who's done the stuff for Annihilator, Destruction, Grave Digger etc. "Krampusnacht" is a fantastic painting by artist Gerald Brom whom I deeply admire. I've been in contact with him since the Elvira Madigan days and he's mostly famous for the Diablo 2 and 4 paintings I guess. Finally having his art on an album sleeve was a dream come true for me - but that wasn't comissioned work. The live album I did myself and the "Deth Bü Wolfe" artwork was done by Nestor Avalos. I guess that sums it up.

V: 战争、死亡、暴力、反宗教、厌世是你音乐的一些主题,你为什么选择这些主题?你想通过这些主题表达什么,这些歌词是谁写的,灵感来自哪里?

War, Death, Violence, Anti-religion, Misanthropy are some of the themes of your music, why did you choose them? What do you want to express through these themes, and what are the lyrics, who wrote these lyrics and what inspired them?

M: 嗯... 其实没那么简单,我同意反宗教在我的歌词中占了很大比重。但人类的愚昧以及将幽默和讽刺作为表达观点的工具也同样重要。如果歌词被认为是暴力的,那可能是因为我使用了特定的阴暗诙谐和幽默工具或者我只是在玩弄文字游戏,旨在描绘人类愚蠢的某些方面需要被摧毁或嘲笑。如果一首歌词是关于战争的,那么可以肯定的是,它将是激烈的反战歌词。我觉得迷恋战争令人厌恶。乐队一开始由另一位作词人作词,他的风格是完全不严肃。这成了乐队的某种形象,所以当他在第一张专辑录制前退出后,我就把这种风格带进了我写的或重写的歌词中--因为我想我认为我们有了一个成功的概念,但我也加入了一些有意义的东西。我只是不会从嘴里吐词。在“Angels...”中,这一点不是很明显,但“New Level...”中的所有歌曲都或多或少带有批评和讽刺意味。我希望人们在真正阅读歌词时能够理解这一点,因为歌曲的主题应该总是显而易见的。不应该有任何“诠释”的空间,因为我觉得那样的东西只是懒惰的写作。在即将发行的专辑"Next Akin to Chaos"中,你会发现歌词经过了明显的调整和磨练,可以说是完美无缺。几乎到了我自己都为能写出这些歌词而感到荣幸的地步!哈哈......如果这能说得通的话。但大家需要明白,这一切都需要花费大量的时间、心血和精力--以及对语言的真正兴趣--因为我确实觉得自己想要完成一些有意义的事情。我为Sterbhaus写过很多歌词,但如果我们把重点放在“Deth Bü Wolfe”这首歌上,它的文字游戏和我试图表达的观点、暗示和含义几乎令人发指地诙谐和聪明,老实说我都怀疑自己为什么要在歌词上花这么多功夫...... 反正大多数人都懒得看歌词,即使看了也不会花心思去想歌词到底在说什么。但我想我别无选择。这首歌讲述的是金属乐,尤其是黑金属乐中的时髦文化。弹奏颤音乐段,在乐队标志上画上五角星徽标,通常就能获得一份我自己可能都会为之疯狂的唱片合约。一件BathoryT恤衫是如何突然成为那些根本不了解它或它的亚文化的人的着装标准的。精英主义者如何只坚持狭隘的表达方式,因为这让他们变得 “真实”,而事实上他们只是变成了单向度的、相当无聊的角色。这是关于伟大事物之后的山寨文化。就像"Watain"和"The Devils Blood"取得突破后发生的事情一样。他们都很出色,但随即就出现了成百上千的苍白模仿者,他们不明白这种表达方式的一半是纯粹的创造力和对原创艺术的铭记--做同样的事,但却更缺乏灵感,这就成了一种闹剧和纯粹的讽刺。我们马上就能在 H&M 买到巴托丽和毒液的衬衫了--如果一个人无法理解这对一种文化的灵魂造成的影响...... 那就根本不了解这种文化。

Hmm... Actually it's not quite that simple. I agree that anti-religion plays a huge part in my lyrics. But human stupidity and using humour and irony as a tool in delivering a point is equally important. If the lyric is percieved as violent it might be because the tool is a specific dark wit and humour or I'll just fool around with wordplay aiming to portray that some aspect of human folly and stupidity needs to be destroyed or mocked. If a lyric should be about war one can be sure it's gonna be fiercly anti-war. I find war infatuation disgusting. The band started with a different lyricist and his style was to not take anything serious at all. That became some sort of image for the band so when he quit before the first album was recorded I carried some of that into the lyrics I wrote or re-wrote - cause I guess I thought we had a winning concept, but I also inserted something that made some sort of point or had some meaning. I just can't poop words out of my mouth. It wasn't super obvious on "Angels..." but all songs on "New Level..." all have criticism and irony in them in one way or another. I hope it is something one understands if actually reading the lyrics because what the songs are about should always be obvious. There shouldn't be any room for "interpretations" because I find stuff like that just lazy writing. On the coming album "Next Akin to Chaos" you'll find it obvious how the lyrics have been tweeked and honed to what could be viewed as perfection. It's almost at the point that I myself feel honoured to have written them! Haha... if that makes sence. But one needs to understand that this all takes sooo much time, though and effort - and a qenuine interest in language - because I do feel I want to accomplish something meaningful. Well, this can go on forever cause I've written quite a few lyrics for Sterbhaus but if we should focus on "Deth Bü Wolfe" it is almost ridiculously witful and smart in the word play and points I try to make, hints and meanings that I honestly wonder why I bother putting so much effort into lyrics to begin with... Most people won't bother to check out lyrics anyway and if they do they don't spend any real thought on what's actually being said. But I guess I just can't do this any other way. The song is about hipster culture within Metal and especially Black Metal. How strumming tremolo riffs and putting a pentagram in the logo is usually enough to land a record deal I myself would probably kill for. How a Bathory T-shirt suddenly is a dress code adopted by people who don't even get it or the subculture it hailed from. How elitist people only stick to a narrow expression cause it makes them "true" when in fact they just become one dimensional and quite boring characters. It's about copy-cat culture in the wake of something great. Like what happened after Watain and The Devils Blood broke through. They're both brilliant but immediatly there are hundred of pale imitations who doesn't get that half of that kind of expression is pure creativity and mindfullness of ones original art - and by doing the same thing but infinitely more uninspired it becaomes a farse and just plain irony. We're mere moments away from having Bathory and Venom shirts at H&M - and if one can't grasp what that does to the soul of a culture... Then one doesn't really understand the culture at all.

V: 你曾与Killhead Productions、Black Lodge Records等唱片公司合作发行专辑,你是如何与这些唱片公司取得联系并进行合作的?你对这些厂牌的工作满意吗?

You've released albums with labels like Killhead Productions, Black Lodge Records, etc., how did you get in touch with these labels to collaborate? Are you happy with the work of these labels?

M: Killhead其实是我自己的厂牌。哈哈... 好了,现在猫已经从袋子里出来了!不幸的是,我必须拥有它,因为如果没有某种业务来运作,我几乎不可能做一些像样的事情。我在上世纪90年代创办了这家公司,以满足我之前的个人项目 “Elvira Madigan”的需要。在 2001-2008年间Black Lodge是为Elvira Madigan提供授权的唱片公司,事情就这样一直延续了下来--尽管在 Sterbhaus开始录制专辑时情况有些不同,因为我们大多数时候只能使用Sound Pollution的发行渠道,而不能使用任何其他的唱片公司。

Killhead is actually my own label. Haha... Well, now that cat's out of the bag! :-D I simply must have it - unfortunately, because it's practically impossible to do something decent without having some sort of business to run things through. I started it in the 90s to accomodate my previous one man project "Elvira Madigan". Black Lodge was the label who licensed Elvira Madigan between 2001-2008 and things just continued from there - albeit a little bit differently when Sterbhaus started recording albums, as we mostly been forced to only use the distribution of Sound Pollution and not any additional label.

V: 首先祝贺你们今年刚刚发行的最新单曲,你们的作品给我留下了深刻的印象,快速、连续的旋律,凶猛的鼓点,主唱毒辣的嗓音,还有一些 Thrash 的元素,你们对自己的作品有什么看法?新作品与旧作品相比有什么变化吗?

First of all, congratulations on your latest single which was just released this year, I was impressed with your work, fast, continuous riffs, ferocious drums, and the singer's venomous vocals, with some elements of Thrash, what do you think of your work? Have there been any changes in the new work compared to the old?

M: 谢谢!哦,哇...这张专辑花了很长时间才制作完成,现在第一首单曲已经发布,我希望这能解释一下为什么花了这么长时间。能把它拿出来真是太好了。我的意思是,为未来的事情花费如此多的时间最终可能会变得非常拖沓。我对整件事感到非常高兴。这一次没有任何时间限制,因为我们不再是活跃的乐队(所以没有巡演或演出等待专辑发行),这使我能够完全按照我的想法制作这张专辑,从最小的细节开始,让整张专辑完全如我所想。你知道,让想法沉淀,以不同的方式发挥创造力,确保我所想象的是最终出现在磁带上的东西。我制作每首歌的座右铭是歌曲为王,如果我在听完后立即不想再次听它,那么我就失败了。我不会贬低之前的版本,但这次一切都井井有条。而且一切都达到了11级。吉他的声音在完美的平衡下听起来要好得多,既不过于完美地演奏每件事,同时又注意细节,完善音调、态度和表现。如果太完美,就会变得没有灵魂,不会真正让你发疯或兴奋。对于快速和充满活力的音乐来说,这是非常重要的。主唱是我做过的最好的,完美的混合了音调、清晰度和性。我之前没有像这样唱过歌,这让我很烦恼——因为内心深处我知道我想唱,但当时我认为它需要以某种方式听起来才能适合Sterbhaus。现在我知道我当时错了,这次的结果让我非常满意。贝斯也是如此。现在我知道“Deth Bü Wolfe”不像专辑中的其他许多歌曲那样是由贝斯驱动的渐进式歌曲,所以也许它没有达到预期。但我非常肯定,一旦整张专辑发行,大多数人会扬起一两个眉毛。我的确认为这是第一张专辑。自从我在2001年为埃尔维拉·马迪根制作了"Witches"专辑以来,这是我个人感到自豪和敬畏的第一张专辑——我的意思是,我可以自己把它当作“粉丝”来听。

Thanks! Oh wow... This album took forever to make and now that the first single is released I hope it sheds some light on just "why" it took so long. It's an enormous relief to have it out. I mean spending so much time working for something in the future can be a total drag eventually. I'm ridiculously happy with this whole thing. There was no time restraints at all this time since we aren't an active band anymore (so there are no tours or shows waiting for an album release) and that just made it possible for me to produce this as I wanted it completely down to the smallest detail and make the whole album exactly as I imagined it. You know; let ideas sink in, be creative in different ways and just make sure that what I imagined was what ended up on tape. I've produced each song with the motto "The song is the king" and with an approach that if I didn't immediatly want to listen to it again once having just heard it - I had failed. I'm not gonna bash previous releases but everthing fell into place this time. And everything is turned up to 11. The guitars all sound so much better with a perfect balance of not playing everything too perfectly but at the same time taking care of details and perfecting tone, attitude and performance. If it's too perfect it becomes soulless and doesn't really make you wanna go nuts or bananas. For "fast" and energetic music that's quite important. The vocals are the best I ever did with the perfect mix of tone, clarity and aggression. It's bothered me quite a lot that I didn't do vocals like this earlier - because deep within I know I wanted to, but it was a case of thinking it needed to sound in a certain way to fit Sterbhaus. Now I know I was wrong back then and I'm immensly happy with the result this time. The same goes for the bass. Now I know "Deth Bü Wolfe" isn't a bass driven progressive song like many others on the album, so maybe it doesn't come across. But I'm pretty sure most people will raise an eyebrow or two once the full album is out I do think it's the first album since I made Elvira Madigan "Witches" in 2001 that I am personally proud and in awe of - I mean, I can listen to it myself as a "fan"

V: 作为一支老牌乐队,你们参加过很多音乐节,哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻印象,能描述一下当时的气氛吗?2025年你们还受邀参加哪些音乐节?你们在2021年还发行了一张现场专辑,是在音乐节上录制的吗?

As a veteran band, you've played a lot of festivals, which ones left a lasting impression on you and can you describe the atmosphere, and what other festivals have you been invited to in 2025? You also released a live album in 2021, which was recorded at that festival?

M: 关于2025年或2026年我们受邀参加了哪些音乐节和巡演,我真的无法评论,因为目前还没有现场演出的阵容。如果这张专辑能得到唱片公司、推广方等的重视,如果它能引起某种反响或产生影响,那就能促使我组建新的阵容,并在之后预订演出。否则--哇,有太多的回忆和印象...... 但我想,2012年的摇滚哈尔茨应该算得上是一次辉煌的经历。这是我们的第一场演出,也是迄今为止规模最大的一场演出,演出结束后的几天里,我们与观众、工作人员和乐队一起度过,感觉棒极了。我们与Vader和Melechesh一起进行的第一次巡演也是一次神奇的经历。所有乐队之间的化学反应都是一流的,我记得Melechesh的Ashmedi说过:“不是所有的巡演都这么好......这次巡演非常特别”。这次巡演非常特别"--在加入Shining并在欧洲和美国进行了几次巡演之后,我发现这句话一点也不假,因为我也曾参加过一些不尽如人意的巡演。

I can't really comment on what festivals and tours we've been invited to for 2025 or 2026 because there is no live line up atm. There's been a few offers and if the album gets taken care of properly by labels, promotors etc and if it stirs some sort of reaction or makes an impact - that's an incentive for me to get a new line-up and book stuff after that. Otherwise - wow, there are so many memories and impressions... But I guess Rock Harz in 2012 would count as a stellar experience. Our first and even to date largest show and we spent the days after hanging out with the crowd, crew and bands and it was just terrific. The first tour we did with Vader and Melechesh was also just plain magic. The chemistry between all bands was top notch and I remember Ashmedi of Melechesh saying "not all runs are this good... This tour is very special" - something I found to be true after joining Shining and doing several tours in Europe and USA being part of the odd run that wasn't all that dandy.

V: 你们今年发行了一首新单曲,这是否预示着新专辑即将发行?你们今年有哪些新的工作可以透露给大家?

You guys released a new single this year, is this a sign of a new album coming soon? What are some of the new things you guys are working on this year that you can reveal some information to people?

M: 我们在2025年有很多计划!如今写出好音乐、录制音乐、发行音乐并进行巡演已经不是一件简单的事情了。我已经为2025年的计划忙碌了好几个月(差不多好几年)。我不会透露我的计划,但是......一定会很棒的!2025年不是中国的蛇年吗?那么,对于世界金属之首来说,2025年将是斯特鲍斯之年!新的完整专辑名为“Next Akin to Chaos”,但目前尚未确定发行日期。

We have tons planned for 2025! These days it's not just about writing great music, recording it, releasing it and goin on tour. You have to take care of social media, promote, reach out, have content, videos etc and I've been busy for months (almost years) preparing for 2025. I'm not gonna spill the beans on what's in store but yeah... it's gonna be great! Isn't 2025 "the year of the snake" for the Chinese? Well.. for the Metal Head of the world - 2025 will be the year of Sterbhaus! The new full album is called "Next Akin to Chaos" but atm there isn't a fixed release date.

V: 你们是一支经典的老牌乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,也希望通过这次采访能有更多的中国乐迷关注和支持你们的乐队,最后有什么想对中国乐迷说的吗?

You guys are a classic old band, I will always support and pay attention to your band, I also hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will pay attention to and support your band, do you have anything you want to say to your Chinese fans at the end?

M: 哇哦 非常感谢!听到你们的热情,我心里暖暖的:-) 是的,当然!我希望中国的金属乐迷能发现Sterbhaus多年来所做的所有有趣而酷的事情--因为这简直就是一座宝库!- 就像那些奇怪的视频和其他东西一样,我希望你们都能喜欢这些东西,让当地的推广人和媒体把我们带到你们的国家。我要透露一件我以前从未在采访中提到过的事--"英雄"(我最喜欢的电影之一)大火的时候,我和世界上其他人一样,非常喜欢中国电影、表情包等。我买了很多进口的中国电影,我甚至还有一个内容丰富的粤语学习群,我开始学习但后来放弃了--因为我发现我没有人可以和我说粤语 :-D。如果有一天我来到中国,我会像专业人士一样说这四个词: 狗“、”猫“、”马 “和 ”飞机“(......还是”大象"?) 祝你们一切顺利,希望中国的金属之门能为像Sterbhaus这样的乐队敞开。

Wow! Thanks so much! Hearing that kind of devotion makes me warm in the belly :-) Yeah, absolutely! I hope Chinese Metal fans will discover all the fun and cool stuff Sterbhaus has done for many years - because it's a treasure trove! - Like the weird videos and stuff, and I hope you'll all enjoy it to bother local promotors and press to bring us over to your country. I'm gonna reveal something I don't think I ever mentioned in an interview before - but much like the rest of the world I was really into Chinese movies, expressions etc during the days when films like "Hero" (one all time fav movie for me) hit it big. I bought tons of import Chinese movies and I even have an extensive Cantonese language corps which I started but gave up on - cause I found I had no one to speak Cantonese with :-D. If I ever come to China I will say these four words like a total pro: "Dog", "Cat", "Horse" and "Plane" (...or was it "Elephant"?). Keep well and I hope the gates of Metal are open in China for bands like Sterbhaus.


Sterbhaus - Angels for Breakfast ...and God for Lunch(2012)

Sterbhaus - New Level of Malevolence(2015)

Sterbhaus - Krampusnacht(2016)

Sterbhaus - Necrostabbing at Göta Källare - Live in Stockholm(2021)



Sterbhaus乐队官方Official website网站:









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