今天采访到的是来自西班牙的Grindcore乐队Tibosity,成立于2009年的Tibosity乐队由Roger B., Roger S.和Roger P组建,Infected Flesh, Pesta Porcina和Christ Denied乐队的成员,最初Roger P搬家来到了Roger S的城市并且取得联系,他们在一起创作了11首歌曲之后与Roger B取得联系并给他听了所有的歌曲,Roger B决定加入乐队并且在他个人的录音室录制11首歌曲,同时这11首歌曲也成为了乐队的第一张正式专辑“Sweet Home Carbonara”,这张专辑被捷克的著名厂牌Bizarre Leprous Production发行,2015年西班牙Xtreem Music厂牌发行了他们的第二张正式专辑“Bimbocracia”,随着第二张正式专辑发行,乐队也进入休眠期直到2024年乐队在德国Morbid Generation Records厂牌发行了第三张正式专辑“Altars Of Fatness”,其中新专辑的最后一首歌曲“Everyday Consumation”是翻唱捷克Grindcore乐队Ahumado Granujo的歌曲,由美国的Sevared Records厂牌发行了美国版本,如果你喜欢Groovy类的Grindcore乐队,比如Gutaxal的话,那么Tibosity你一定要不错过,在新专辑发行之际杂志也与乐队取得联系进行了一次采访!
(V: 代表笔者 R: 代表Roger P)
Today's interview is with Spanish grindcore band Tibosity, formed in 2009 by Roger B., Roger S. and Roger P., members of Infected Flesh, Pesta Porcina and Christ Denied, initially Roger P moved to Roger S's city and got in touch with him, after writing 11 songs together they got in touch with Roger B and gave him all the songs to listen to, Roger B decided to join the band and after he had written 11 songs together they got in touch with Roger B and gave him all the songs to listen to. P moved to Roger S's city and got in touch with him, after writing 11 songs together they got in touch with Roger B and listened to all of them, Roger B decided to join the band and recorded the 11 songs in his personal studio, which became the band's first official album “Sweet Home Carbonara”. Home Carbonara”, which was released on the famous Czech label Bizarre Leprous Production, and in 2015 the Spanish label Xtreem Music released their second official album ‘Bimbocracia’. With the release of their second official album, the band went into hibernation until 2024, when they released their third official album “Altars Of Fatness” on Germany's Morbid Generation Records, which featured the final track “Everyday”. The final track on the new album, “Everyday Consumation”, is a cover of a song by Czech grindcore band Ahumado Granujo, which was released on Sevared Records in the U.S. If you like groovy grindcore bands such as Grindcore, you should check out the U.S. version on Sevared Records. If you like groovy grindcore bands like Gutaxal, then Tibosity is a must-see, and the magazine got in touch with the band for an interview on the occasion of the release of the new album!
(V: for the author R: for Roger P)
采访对象:Roger P(Tibosity乐队创始人)
V: 你好兄弟很高兴认识你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你的乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向中国的歌迷问好,Tibosity是哪一年成立的?你是怎么想到这个乐队的? Tibosity这个名字的含义是什么?
Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, what year was Tibosity formed? How did you come up with the idea for the band and what is the meaning of the name Tibosity?
R: 大家好!很高兴我们能回答这个采访!Tibosity成立于2009年,当时我去了Igualada(另一个Rogers S住的城市)我们在一起创作了一些素材。Roger S.和我一边喝着啤酒,吃着零食,一边开始唱歌。几个星期后我们就有了将近11首歌,所以我们决定打电话给Roger B,他有一个录音室,来录制这些歌。我们给他听了所有的作品,那真的很糟糕,他说:“我想我可以在这里做更好的鼓和好的吉他!”他做到了!我们的第一张唱片就是这样诞生的
Hi everybody! It's a pleasure for us to answer this interview! Tibosity was formed in 2009 when I went to Igualada (the city where the other Roger S live) for doing a training season in my studies. Roger S. and me started doing songs while we were drinking lots of beers and eating lots of snacks. In a few weeks we had almost 11 songs so we decided to call Roger B., who had a recording studio, to record it. We showed him the songs and all the stuff, that was really poor, and he said: “I think I can do better drums and good guitar lines here!” And he did it! So that's how our first record came out. Tibosity comes from “Tibòs”, that in catalan means “big piece of wood”, but we use that word to describe big things in general. So it is huge, big, fat, heavy... as the music we make.
V: 你们乐队有三个成员,你们都是第一代成员吗?你曾经换过乐队成员吗?
You have three members in the band, are you all first generation members? Have you ever changed members?
R: 我们是三位创始成员,Roger B., Roger S.和Roger P.,我们永远都在!
We are the three original members, Roger B., Roger S. and Roger P., and we will always be!
V: 你能描述一下你的创作过程吗?新专辑的录制过程如何
Can you describe your creative process? How did the recording process for the new album go?
R: 我们不是年轻人,没有很多时间经常见面和训练...我们有工作,家庭,每个月都要付账单,在日常的旋转课程中要吃很多零食...所以当我们决定制作一张新唱片时,我会创作许多歌曲、主要和弦和结构并将其发送给Roger B.,他从那里开始并根据鼓和吉他线做出安排。当歌曲结构完成后,Roger B.将它们发送给我和Roger S.,然后我们做出最后的安排。当歌曲完成时,我们会见面,我们在写歌词和决定如何唱歌、咆哮和其他方面有很多乐趣。
We are not young people with a lot of time to meet and train very often...We have jobs, families, bills to pay every fucking month, tons of snacks to eat during the daily spinning classes... So when we decide to do a new record I compose many songs, the main riffs and the structures, and I send it to Roger B. He takes it from there and makes arrangements along drums and guitar lines. When song structures are completed, Roger B sends them to Roger S. and me, and we do the final arrangements. When the songs are finished, we meet, and we have a lot of fun writing the lyrics and deciding how to sing, growl and fart.
V: 你们乐队的每张专辑在录制效果上都给人留下了深刻的印象,你们在哪个录音室录制专辑?你的专辑是哪个制作人制作的?新专辑的录制进展如何?
Each of your band's albums is very impressive in terms of recording results, what studio did you record the albums in? Which producer produced your albums? How is the recording process of the new album going?
R: Roger B是Tibosity的录音师,我不知道他是怎么做到的,但这太神奇了!!在他的TENTACULAR SOUND工作室录音,混音和制作母带的一切。
Roger B. is the master of the fat sound of Tibosity, I don't know how he does it but it's amazing!!! He records, mixes and masters everything in his TENTACULAR SOUND studio.
V: 你的音乐主题是什么?你为什么选择这个音乐主题?你想通过这个音乐主题表达什么?歌词是谁写的,他的灵感来自什么?
What is the theme of your music about? Why did you choose this musical theme? What do you want to express through this musical theme? Did you write the lyrics, who wrote the lyrics and what inspired them?
R: 总的来说我们谈论健康和食品工业如何欺骗我们。一方面食品公司打着健康、绿色、天然等的旗号,销售不健康的成瘾食品,而人们吃垃圾食品,因为他们认为这对他们的身体有好处。另一方面我们有所有的健康产业出售饮食,锻炼计划,健康治疗等,人们买这些狗屎,因为他们认为这对他们的身体有好处。与此同时我们每天工作很多,我们有债务,我们没有自己的时间,我们的生活完全由同一个系统来解决,这个系统卖给我们健康,我们买健康!…事实上我们从出生起就已经买了……它是可笑的。这些话题听起来像是严肃的事情(它们确实是)但我们总是带着一种幽默感来处理它们。
In general, we talk about how wellness and how the food industry lies to us. On one side, we have the food companies selling unhealthy junkie food with the halo of health, green, natural, etc, and people eating shitty food because they think that this is good for their bodies. And on the other side, we have all the wellness industry selling diets, exercise programs, health treatments, etc, and people buying this shit because they think that they are good for their bodies. Meanwhile, we work a lot every day, we have debts, we don't have time for ourselves, and we live completely addressed by the same system that sells us wellness, and we buy it! ...In fact, we already bought it since we were born... It's hilarious. These topics sound like serious stuff (and they are), but we always approach them with a big sense of humor.
V: 你在Morbid Generation Records、Xtreem Music和Bizarre Leprous Production都发行过专辑,你是如何联系到这些厂牌合作的?你对他们的工作满意吗?
You have released albums on Morbid Generation Records, Xtreem Music and Bizarre Leprous Production, how did you get in touch with these labels to collaborate? Were you satisfied with their work?
R: 通常当我们在做专辑的时候,我们会和唱片公司讨论,我们会探讨日程安排等,然后我们会达成协议。我们从不着急,所以我们有足够的时间和厂牌合作。我们对他们的工作非常满意,看到金属唱片公司发行Goregrind专辑总是一件令人愉快的事情!
Usually, while we are doing the album we talk with labels, we explore schedules, etc, and afterwards we come to an agreement. We never rush, so we have time enough to collaborate with the labels. We are very satisfied with their work, it's always a pleasant to see metal labels releasing goregrind albums!
V: 你们的创作速度很慢,从2015年开始就没有发布过任何新东西,直到今年才发布了第三张正式专辑,是什么原因让你们的创作如此缓慢?
You guys have been very slow to create, you've been releasing nothing new since 2015 and you didn't release your third official album until this year, what makes you so slow to create?
R: 正如我之前所说,我们真的很忙……Roger B在Infected Flesh、Confined和Christ Denied中演奏。Roger S.在Bon Braguer和Pesta Porcina演奏。我也在Bon Braguer, Pesta Porcina和Christ Denied以及更多的乐队演奏。我们这样做只是为了好玩,所以我们从不着急。当我们有空闲时间的时候,我们研究Tibosity的东西。在一天结束的时候,我们只不过是一群好朋友,做着我们喜欢的音乐,玩得很开心。你永远不会知道……如果情况有所改变,我们可以花更多的时间在Tibosity上,也许明年我们可以在做一张唱片……
As I told earlier, we are really busy... Roger B. plays in Infected Flesh, Confined and Christ Denied. Roger S. plays in Bon Braguer and Pesta Porcina. I also play in Bon Braguer, Pesta Porcina and Christ Denied, and many more bands. We do that just for fun, so we never rush. We work on Tibosity stuff when we have spare time. At the end of the day, we are nothing but a bunch of good friends doing the music we like and having fun. And you never know... If the situation changes and we can dedicate more time to Tibosity maybe we can do a record for next year…
V: 首先祝贺你们今年发行了第三张正式专辑,我是你们乐队的超级粉丝,我听过你们所有的专辑,我甚至收藏了你们的第一张专辑,你们的作品有很强的Groovy元素,这让它听起来非常有节奏感,让我想起捷克的Gutaxal乐队,但也有一些像Gut,CBT等乐队的片段!非常相似,慢,Sick,新专辑和老专辑相比较有什么变化吗?
First of all congratulations on the release of your third official album this year, I'm a big fan of your band, I've listened to all of your albums, I even have your first album in my collection, you guys have a strong groovy element to your work, which makes it sound very groovy and makes me want to go to Czech bands like GUTALAX, but there are some passages with bands like Gut, CBT and so on! Very similar, slow, Sick, do you have any thoughts on your work? new album compared to the old one?
R: 捷克的Goregrind乐队太棒了!Gore grind工厂!我们喜欢所有这些乐队,这在我们的音乐中很容易看出来。我觉得这张新唱片更快,更Goregrind,但Tibosity带有一些典型的Gore Groovy Fat'n Roll元素
Czech goregrind bands are amazing! The factory of gore grind! We love all these bands and this is easy to see in our music. I think that new record is faster, more grind, but with the gore groovy fat'n roll essence typical from Tibosity.
V: 除了发行新专辑,你们在2024年还会做些什么,你能透露一些吗?
What are you guys working on in 2024 apart from releasing a new album, and can you shed some light on that?
R: 我们想做一些演出,但我们需要找到空闲的日子,这并不容易!我相信我们会在2025年做一些疯狂的Gore演出!
We want to do some shows but we need to find free days for that, and it's not easy! I'm sure we will do some crazy gore steps sessions during 2025!
V: 你们参加过很多音乐节,哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻的印象,你能描述一下当时的气氛吗?将来还有那些音乐节邀请你们参加?
You guys have been to a lot of festivals, what festivals have left a lasting impression on you and can you describe the atmosphere? What other festivals have you been invited to in the near future?
R: 我们制作适合让人想跳舞和燃烧卡路里的音乐。当我们演奏的时候,人们应该跳起来,玩得开心,否则就根本行不通。在节日里有很多人喜欢这种音乐,他们一起跳舞,一起享受,那真是太棒了。Obscene Extreme Festival是我们参加过的最棒的音乐节。
We make music suitable for dancing and burning calories. People shall dance and have fun when we play, if not it doesn't work at all. In festivals there is a lot of people who like this music and they dance and enjoy together, that's really wonderful. Obscene Extreme Festival is the best festival we've ever played.
V: Tibosity是一个非常好的乐队,我会一直关注和支持你的乐队,我也希望通过这次采访,更多的中国粉丝会关注和支持你的乐队,最后你想对你的中国粉丝说些什么?
Tibosity is a very good band, I will always follow and support your band, I also hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will follow and support your band, what would you like to say to your Chinese fans in the end?
R: 我们的音乐来到中国真是不可思议!我们继续这样做是有道理的!!收到来自中国的反馈真是太棒了!非常感谢你的采访,尽情享受,跳舞,玩得开心!!
It's really incredible that our music arrives to China! It makes sense that we continue doing this!!! It is amazing to receive feedback from China!Thank you very much for the interview and just enjoy, dance and have fun!!!
Tibosity - Sweet Home Carbonara(2011)
Tibosity - Bimbocracia(2015)
Tibosity - Altars Of Fatness(2024)