今天采访到的是来自Melkor组建的另外一支乐队Terra Mortis,组建于2024年的Terra Mortis乐队是一支非常年轻的乐队,今年乐队刚刚在自己的厂牌发布了第一张正式专辑“Siege of Blood”,这是一张充满力量和Old School的作品,将Brutal Death Metal和Thrash完美的结合,Melkor负责了所有歌曲的创作,这张还邀请到了Pedro D-Void为歌曲演奏了一些非常出色的Solo,让这张专辑的氛围感提升了一个档次,同时也让这张专辑更加旋律化,更加的吸引歌迷,在新专辑发行之际,杂志与Melkor取得联系进行了一次专访!
(V: 代表笔者 M: 代表Melkor)
Today's interview is with Terra Mortis, another band formed by Melkor. Formed in 2024, Terra Mortis is a very young band that has just released its first official album on its own label this year, “Siege of Blood”, a powerful and old school work that combines Brutal Death Metal and Thrash. It's a powerful and old-school work that combines Brutal Death Metal and Thrash, with Melkor writing all the songs, and Pedro D-Void playing some great solos to give the album a new level of ambience and a more melodic and appealing sound. The magazine contacted Melkor for an interview on the occasion of the release of the new album, which is more melodic and appealing to the fans!
(V: for the author M: for Melkor)

采访对象:Melkor(Terra Mortis乐队创始人)

V: 你好Melkor我们又见面了,这次我要采访的是你组建的Terra Mortis乐队,这支乐队仍然是你参与的乐队之一,请问这支乐队是哪一年组建的?
Hello Melkor we meet again, this time I'm going to interview you about the band Terra Mortis which you formed, again this band is still one of your involvement, in which year was this band formed?
M: 又见面了!很高兴能和您谈谈Terra Mortis。这个项目成立于2024年12月。我想突破极端声音的界限,将Thrash的侵略性与Death Metal的残酷性融为一体。Terra Mortis译为“死亡之地”,反映了这个项目黑暗、末日的本质。光是名字就为音乐定下了基调,深入探讨了战争、毁灭和人类衰亡等主题。这是一次穿越混沌的旅程,我的目标是捕捉这些主题的原始能量和强度。我负责这个项目的所有创意和技术方面的工作,但我很幸运,Pedro D-Void贡献了一些震撼人心的独奏,为整个音乐增添了更多力量。
Hello again! It’s great to talk about Terra Mortis. The project was formed in December 2024. I wanted to push the boundaries of extreme sound, blending the aggression of thrash with the brutality of death metal. Terra Mortis, which translates to 'Land of Death', reflects the dark, apocalyptic essence of the project. The name alone sets the tone for the music, which delves into themes like war, destruction, and human decay. It’s a journey through chaos, where I aim to capture the raw energy and intensity of these subjects. I handle all the creative and technical aspects of the project, but I’m lucky to have Pedro D-Void contributing some crushing solos, adding even more power to the overall sound.
V: 乐队中只有你一个人,这让歌曲创作变得更容易,你可以按照自己的想法创作歌曲,你能描述一下你的创作过程吗?
You're the only one in the band, which makes it easier when it comes to songwriting, and you can create songs the way you want them to be, can you describe your songwriting process?
M: 作为Terra Mortis乐队的唯一成员,我可以完全按照自己的想法自由创作歌曲。我写歌的过程通常始于一个想法、一种感觉或一个我想探索的概念。对于Terra Mortis而言,这通常是生活中的黑暗面,如战争、混乱和人类的堕落。一旦有了大致的主题,我就会开始构思音乐结构。我通常会先创作一些旋律,重型、激进的快节奏旋律,然后演变成Death Metal部分,再围绕这些旋律展开其他部分的创作。接下来是歌词,歌词与音乐本身同样重要。我希望歌词能反映出音乐的强度,因此我专注于创造生动的、近乎电影般的破坏和冲突场景。不过我还是向Pedro D-Void请教了一些关于项目方向的建议,尤其是关于我应该创作和书写什么的建议。他的意见非常宝贵,帮助我完善了音乐的主题和整体感觉。作曲完成后,我开始进行技术方面的工作,在Studios13进行录音、混音和母带制作。在Terra Mortis中,我非常享受对每个环节的控制,同时我也喜欢与Pedro D-Void合作独奏。
Being the sole member of Terra Mortis definitely gives me the freedom to shape the songs exactly how I envision them. My songwriting process usually starts with an idea, a feeling, or a concept that I want to explore. For Terra Mortis, it’s often the darker aspects of life, like war, chaos, and human decay. Once I have a general theme, I start working on the musical structure. I typically begin with riffs, heavy, aggressive thrash riffs that evolve into death metal sections, and then build the rest of the composition around them. The lyrics come next, and they’re just as important as the music itself. I want the words to reflect the intensity of the sound, so I focus on creating vivid, almost cinematic scenes of destruction and conflict. However, I did reach out to Pedro D-Void for some advice regarding the direction of the project, especially about what I should compose and write about. His input has been invaluable, and he’s helped me refine the themes and overall feel of the music. After the composition is in place, I move to the technical side, recording, mixing, and mastering everything at Studios13. With Terra Mortis, I really enjoy the control I have over every aspect, but I also love collaborating with Pedro D-Void on solos.
V: 这是一张制作精良的专辑,我想这张专辑还是在你自己的工作室录制的?这张专辑的录音过程顺利吗?
It's a well-produced album, I think it's still the recording process that you did yourself at Total Studios, did the recording process go well for you on this album?
M: 谢谢!我很高兴你认为这张专辑的制作很出色。事实上Terra Mortis的录音是在我自己的工作室Studios13完成的,有了自己的空间,我就能完全掌控录音过程,这一点我非常欣赏。这让我可以自由地进行试验和调整,直到我对声音完全满意为止。录音过程总体上很顺利,但也并非没有挑战。和其他项目一样我也有尝试和出错的时候,但随着时间的推移,我已经越来越熟练地捕捉正确的音调并确保乐器在混音中保持良好的状态。我很享受这个过程,因为它能让我真正专注于细节。我对这张专辑的效果非常满意,它准确地反映了我对Terra Mortis所追求的原始、激进和强烈的声音。
Thank you! I'm glad you think the production stands out. Actually, the recording for Terra Mortis was done at my own studio, Studios13, Having my own space allows me to be completely in control of the recording process, which is something I really appreciate. It gives me the freedom to experiment and adjust things until I’m fully satisfied with the sound.
The recording process went well overall, though it wasn’t without its challenges. As with any project, there were moments of trial and error, but over time, I’ve become more skilled at capturing the right tones and ensuring the instruments sit well in the mix. It’s a process I enjoy because it allows me to really hone in on the details. I’m very pleased with how the album turned out, it reflects exactly the raw, aggressive, and intense sound I was aiming for with Terra Mortis.
V: 你的音乐主题是什么?为什么选择这样一个音乐主题,你想通过这样一个音乐主题表达什么?这张专辑的歌词部分也是你写的,这些歌词的灵感来源是什么?
What is the theme of your music about? Why did you choose such a musical theme and what do you want to express through such a musical theme? You also wrote the lyrics part of this album, what inspired these lyrics?
M: 我在Terra Mortis中的音乐主题围绕着围困、鲜血以及人类力量在即将到来的死亡和毁灭面前的崩溃。歌词的概念涉及与优势或外部力量的殊死搏斗,以“围困”为代表,以及在一个崩溃的世界中不断为生存而战。专辑的名字“Siege of Blood”反映了持续抵抗和暴力冲突的理念,其中流淌的鲜血既是牺牲的象征,也是死亡的必然。我之所以选择这个主题,是因为我认为战争和世界末日是每个人都要面对的内心挣扎的有力隐喻,无论是对抗外部力量还是个人恶魔。抵抗和毁灭的主题也与人类不断与黑暗命运抗争,同时又为自己的衰亡创造条件的理念相吻合。歌词的灵感来自多方面,包括历史战役、神话以及苦难和死亡是决定人类生存的力量这一概念本身。Terra Mortis中的围困既是字面的,也是隐喻的。它反映了挣扎和反抗的时刻,无论是对外部敌人的反抗,还是对内部和个人力量的反抗。歌词的灵感来源于无休止的斗争,处于被围困的状态,生存是一场与分崩离析的世界的持久战。我想探索这种血腥和无望的旅程,同时也是一种激烈的抵抗,直到最后一息。
The theme of my music in Terra Mortis revolves around siege, blood, and the collapse of human forces in the face of impending death and destruction. The lyrical concept deals with a desperate battle against superior or external forces, represented by the "siege" and the constant fight for survival in a crumbling world. The album's name, Siege of Blood, reflects the idea of continuous resistance and violent conflict, where the blood spilled is both a symbol of sacrifice and the inevitability of death. I chose this theme because I believe that war and the apocalypse are powerful metaphors for the internal struggles that everyone faces, whether against external forces or personal demons. The theme of resistance and destruction also aligns with the idea that humanity is constantly fighting against a dark fate, while simultaneously creating the conditions for its own downfall. The inspiration for the lyrics comes from various sources, including historical battles, mythology, and the very notion that suffering and death are forces that define human existence. The siege in Terra Mortis is both literal and metaphorical. It reflects moments of struggle and resistance, whether against external enemies or against forces that are internal and personal. The lyrics are fueled by the idea of endless struggle, of being in a state of siege, where survival is a constant battle against a world that is falling apart. I wanted to explore this idea of bloodshed and a hopeless journey, yet at the same time, a fierce resistance until the last breath.
V: 乐队的Logo非常漂亮,是你自己设计的吗?你们刚刚发行的第一张专辑“Siege of Blood”的插图也非常漂亮,但插图看起来非常类似于AI,你是用AI的形式设计的吗?
The band's logo is very nice, or did you design it yourself? The artwork for your just released first album “Siege of Blood” is also very nice, but the artwork looks very AI-heavy, did you use an AI form of design?
M: 是的,我的确使用了AI来设计Logo,但我在细节上下功夫并做了一些调整,使之与我的想法一致。AI提供了一些初步的想法,但它并不总是完全符合我的想法,所以我必须加以改进,添加更多的元素,使它达到我想要的效果。至于“Siege of Blood”的美术设计,我也使用了AI工具,但这同样只是一个起点。我花费了大量的时间和精力来完善作品。我花了大量时间处理细节,以达到我想要的效果。AI是一个基础,但它需要大量的手工改进,以确保捕捉到我为专辑设想的黑暗、紧张的氛围。这是一个非常耗费精力的过程,但结果却反映了我对它的投入和思考。
Yes, I did use AI for the logo design, but I worked on the details and made several adjustments to align it with my vision. The AI provided some initial ideas, but it doesn't always match exactly what I have in mind, so I had to refine and add more elements to get it to where I wanted it to be. As for the artwork for "Siege of Blood," I also incorporated AI tools, but again, it was a starting point. The artwork took an immense amount of time and effort to perfect. I spent a lot of time working on the details to achieve exactly what I wanted. AI served as a foundation, but it required a lot of manual refinement to make sure it captured the dark, intense atmosphere I envisioned for the album. It was a very labor-intensive process, but the result reflects the dedication and thought I put into it.

V: 这张专辑仍在你的Supergoat Wreck Whordes/Studios13厂牌上,我注意到你的厂牌以数字方式发行,你有没有考虑过发行CD或联系其他厂牌发行CD?
The album is still on your label Supergoat Wreck-Whordes / Studios13, I noticed that your label releases it digitally, have you considered releasing it on CD or approaching other labels to release it on CD?
M: 这张专辑仍在我的厂牌Supergoat Wreck Whordes/Studios13上并且正在以数字方式发行。我曾考虑过将其发布到CD上,但找到合适的标签的过程可能非常具有挑战性。市面上有很多质量很好的乐队,由于这是一个独奏项目并不是所有的唱片公司都愿意在一个人的努力中冒险。他们通常更喜欢有多个成员的乐队,因为这感觉像是一种更稳定的投资。然而我致力于我的愿景,随着时间的推移和坚持,正确的标签或机会将会到来。目前我继续专注于建立粉丝群和发展项目,无论是通过数字发布还是其他途径。
The album is still on my label, Supergoat Wreck-Whordes / Studios13, and it’s being released digitally. I have considered releasing it on CD, but the process of finding the right label can be quite challenging. There are many bands out there with excellent quality, and since this is a solo project, not all labels are willing to take a chance on a one-person endeavor. They often prefer bands with multiple members, as it feels like a more stable investment. However, I’m committed to my vision, and with time and persistence, the right label or opportunity will come. For now, I continue focusing on building the fanbase and growing the project, whether through digital releases or other avenues.
V: 首先恭喜你在2025年发行了第一张官方专辑“Siege of Blood”,整齐的即兴重复段深受90年代Death Metal的影响,穿插着一些很棒的独奏,这让你的作品更加赏心悦目,鼓声是真实的!鼓是真实的,这是你和其他单人乐队最大的区别,让你的歌曲在节奏方面更加逼真,你觉得你的作品怎么样?
First of all, congratulations on the release of your first official album “Siege of Blood” in the year 2025, the neat riffs are very much influenced by the death metal of the 90's, interspersed with some great solos, which makes your work even more pleasing to the ear, the drums are real! The drums are real, which is the biggest difference between you and other one man bands, and makes your songs more realistic in terms of groove, what do you think of your work?
M: 非常感谢你的祝贺!我真的为“Siege of Blood”感到骄傲,听到你喜欢即兴重复段和独奏,这意味着很多。90年代的Death Metal影响绝对是我想要实现的声音的重要组成部分,同时确保音乐仍然感觉新鲜和强烈。至于鼓,它们听起来可能是真实的,但实际上是由我编程的。我花了很多时间完善鼓的图案,我对真正的鼓手能做什么有着深刻的理解。我的目标是让编程的鼓听起来尽可能自然,捕捉现场表演的动态和细微差别。我加入了一些小的缺陷,比如轻微的时间偏移或类似人类的变化,给它们一种自然的Groove。我相信这种方法有助于我的音乐脱颖而出,因为它没有一些有程序鼓的单人乐队可能有的机械感。这是关于在精确度和人类感觉之间找到平衡。我很高兴它能与你产生共鸣,它让我有动力继续推进并完善我的工作。
Thank you so much for the congratulations! I'm really proud of Siege of Blood, and it means a lot to hear that you’re enjoying the riffs and solos. The 90’s death metal influence was definitely a big part of the sound I wanted to achieve, along with making sure the music still feels fresh and intense. As for the drums, they may sound real, but they are actually programmed by me. I’ve spent a lot of time perfecting the drum patterns, and I have a deep understanding of what a real drummer can do. My goal is to make the programmed drums sound as natural as possible, capturing the dynamics and nuances of a live performance. I incorporate small imperfections, like slight timing shifts or human-like variations, to give them that natural groove. I believe this approach helps my music stand out, as it doesn’t have the mechanical feel that some one-man bands with programmed drums might have. It’s about finding that balance between precision and human feel. I’m glad it resonates with you, and it keeps me motivated to push forward and continue refining my work.
V: 除了发行第一张专辑,2025年你还有什么新的工作吗?创作一些新的歌曲?你能向大家透露一些信息吗?
Is there anything new you're working on in 2025 besides releasing your first album? Like working on some new songs, can you reveal some information to people?
M: 是的,2025年已经成为紧张的一年!除了Terra Mortis,我还在做其他几个项目。其中之一是Necroflagelo的首张专辑,我对此感到非常兴奋。这张专辑正逐渐成为我一直在研究的主题的真实反映:混乱、破坏和人类生存中最黑暗的方面。这是Black/Thrash/Death Metal,有很多能量和侵略性,所以这将是一个强有力的声明。我还在继续开发Necro算法,并为该项目创作新歌。作品中有一些合作将为Necro Algorithm带来新的动力,我真的在推动我在音乐和概念上可以通过这个项目实现的界限。它将比以前更黑暗、更沉重,所以期待一些真正探索人与机器之间冲突的东西。此外我还有一些Black Metal、Death Metal和Doom Metal项目正在进行中。我一直在努力探索这些流派中的新声音,将它们与我自己独特的风格融为一体。这些项目实际上是为了拓展我的音乐视野,以不同的方式表达痛苦、毁灭和人类状况的主题。2025年肯定会有很多新材料,有更多的音乐、更多的故事和更多的声音探索。我迫不及待地想与大家分享!
Yes, 2025 is already shaping up to be an intense year! Besides Terra Mortis, I'm working on several other projects. One of them is the debut album of Necroflagelo, which I’m really excited about. The album is shaping up to be a true reflection of the themes I’ve been working on: chaos, destruction, and the darkest aspects of human existence. It's black/thrash/death metal, with a lot of energy and aggression, so it’s going to be a powerful statement. I’m also continuing to develop Necro Algorithm and working on new songs for that project. There are a few collaborations in the works that will bring new dynamics to Necro Algorithm, and I’m really pushing the boundaries of what I can achieve musically and conceptually with that project. It’s going to be darker and heavier than before, so expect something that really explores the conflict between man and machine. Additionally, I’ve got a few more black metal, death metal, and doom metal projects on the way. I’m always striving to explore new sounds within these genres, blending them with my own unique touch. These projects are really about expanding my musical horizons and expressing themes of suffering, destruction, and the human condition in different ways. 2025 is definitely going to be a year of a lot of new material, with more music, more storytelling, and more sonic exploration. I can’t wait to share it with everyone!
V: Terra Mortis的专辑是我今年听过的最好的专辑之一,我会一直支持和关注你的乐队,我希望这次采访能让中国歌迷更多地关注和支持你的乐队。在采访结束时,你有什么想对中国歌迷说的吗?
Terra Mortis' album is one of the best I've heard this year, I'll always support and follow your band, and I hope that this interview will bring more attention and support to your band from Chinese fans, is there anything you'd like to say to your Chinese fans at the end of this interview?
M: 非常感谢您的赞誉和支持!“Siege of Blood”引起了你的共鸣,这对我来说意义重大。对于我的中国粉丝,我想对你们的支持表示最深切的感谢。令人惊讶的是,我的音乐正在吸引来自世界各地的听众,我们通过音乐分享的联系是我真正珍视的。我承诺,我将继续创作突破界限的音乐,深入探讨我所关心的黑暗、残酷和发人深省的主题。你的支持是我不断前进和创造更多的动力。请留意Terra Mortis和我未来所有其他项目的更多内容,还有更多内容正在进行中,我希望你能继续和我一起参与这段旅程。谢谢你相信音乐!\m/
Thank you so much for your kind words and support! It means a lot to me that Siege of Blood is resonating with you. To my Chinese fans, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your support. It’s amazing to know that my music is reaching listeners from all over the world, and the connection we share through the music is something I truly value. I promise that I’ll continue to create music that pushes boundaries and dives deep into the dark, brutal, and thought-provoking themes I care about. Your support is what drives me to keep moving forward and creating more. Keep an eye out for more from Terra Mortis and all my other projects in the future, there’s plenty more on the way, and I hope you’ll continue to be part of this journey with me. Thank you for believing in the music! \m/

Terra Mortis乐队主要作品:
Terra Mortis - Siege of Blood(2025)
